If they do this, they are simply begging for a violent revolt. With this action, they will be declaring open war upon the citizens of this country. If they do this, our military is OBLIGATED to forcibly remove them from power as treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution.
I’ve been saying for months that what has been happening in the USA is a actually a bloodless coup d’etat and our “government” is nothing more than a hostile, totalitarian thugocracy. Reading this latest plan of theirs merely proves me right.
Never going to happen. Make absolutely no mistake: if/when the big totalitarian takeover becomes official, the military will side with the government.
our government is nothing more than a hostile, totalitarian thugocracy. Reading this latest plan of theirs merely proves me right.
What else could come out of Chicago politics?
There isn’t enough secret service and police to protect these tyrants from the American people if they pass this bill. As individual families begin to see the financial impact, family members sicken and die because of inadequate care, you will see organized violence against the people responsible for this bill’s passage. The American people have told Congress their will on this matter and they ignore it at their peril. I am not advocating violence,I just won’t be surprised when it starts.
Filing this in ...
THUG-O-CRAT hit list [shocking links and headlines]
[Anyone here want to try my once-a-day ping list? One million dollars a ping (don’t worry — just tax money). Money-back guarantee after we flee to some unnamed island with Geihtner, Rezko, Hugh Rodham, Pelosi, Cold Cash Jefferson, Rangel, and Reid. ACORN leaders and two dozen Obama tax cheats provide the prostitutes. Don’t worry about birth control; all babies that survive abortions will be killed. Goldman Sachs and Fannie/FReddie show us how to stimulate ourselves, while Gorelick and Kevin Johnson sing a duet. At the pool: Massa, Deadfish, and Barney Frank are required to wear swimming trunks. Bill Ayers wows us with fireworks. Soros and Petrobras bring refreshments. Rev. Jackson is kitchen supervisor — promises not to spit. Yes, it’s a ton of fun ‘ping party’, and I rarely torture you more than once a day.]
George Washington: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a terrible master.”