Oy! Why don’t they just bring a bunch of AK-47s into Congress and then have their vote? (For everyone’s own good of course). ;-)
Making it up as you go.
....funny how they will scrutinize ways to skirt the Constitution, but will not read a bill before voting for it.
Congress has gone rogue!
[In the Slaughter Solution, the rule would declare that the House “deems” the Senate version of Obamacare to have been passed by the House. House members would still have to vote on whether to accept the rule, but they would then be able to say they only voted for a rule, not for the bill itself.]
Go ahead, Rats. Make it even easier for the USSC to overturn this unpopular bill.
“House Democratic leaders”—Satan’s spawn.
“Pro-Choice Slaughter Begins Abortion Bloodbath in Congress”
Fascism...isn’t it just grand?
“Pro-Choice Slaughter: Abortion Bloodbath in Congress”
I can see a Democrat running for office now. Sure I voted on accepting that rule but I didn’t vote on the healthcare bill. What sleezes.... The Constitution says you have to vote on legislation as a yea or nea and it has to be recorded. Cast your votes you snivelling slimes and live with your vote!!
New every morning.... Just when I think I’ve heard it all - they come up with a new “scheme” - they really, really think we are stupid!!!
I’ve been keeping up with politics and the process since Reagan . . . this has got to be one of the nuttiest things I have ever heard. They have lost their ever lovin’ flippin’ minds over this health care bill.
Every day reading here and watching Fox, I am sickened with every new turn they take.
Slaughter is the operative word.
If they do this, they are simply begging for a violent revolt. With this action, they will be declaring open war upon the citizens of this country. If they do this, our military is OBLIGATED to forcibly remove them from power as treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution.
I’ve been saying for months that what has been happening in the USA is a actually a bloodless coup d’etat and our “government” is nothing more than a hostile, totalitarian thugocracy. Reading this latest plan of theirs merely proves me right.
Do these guys SERIOUSLY want an uprising in this nation?
Never in my relatively short life could I have thought that congress would have even considered such moves to shuffle a unpopular bill into law!
Slaughter is an appropriate word.
So much for the “up or down vote” Bammy been whining about all week.
Rotten to the core. Every last one of them.