Do these guys SERIOUSLY want an uprising in this nation?
Never in my relatively short life could I have thought that congress would have even considered such moves to shuffle a unpopular bill into law!
Yes. "In confusion there is profit."
Why else would they want a "slaughter option", on top of every other abomination they've heaped upon America?
The nation is overrun with vile criminal elements (imported and/or internally cultivated) thanks to laws (read: Congress) that solicit and reward lawlessness.
The nation is weighed down further with a homegrown and generational dependent class, thanks to laws (read: Congress) that encourage slavery and class warfare.
The American People are oppressed further by the thieving government's insatiable appetite for unearned revenue, thanks to laws (read: Congress) that facilitate and demand wealth transfer from us to them.
Confident of its grasp on power, Congess sees fit to use its iron fist to force Americans into the shackles of Obamacare. Death panels await those who won't bow down to worship.
Envision a scene out of the movie Ben Hur:
"Ramming speed!"
Congress will have its reward. The two-horns (houses) of this false profit may pretend to be harmless little nubs, but the DC demonhouse speaks as a dragon - crafty and deceptive, like its master. "It's for the children" and all that. (Notice how they always speak in positive prognostications for the future, expecting us to believe in lies.)
Destination for false prophet (and the beast and the dragon that Congess serves): lake of fire burning with brimstone.
“Do these guys SERIOUSLY want an uprising in this nation?”
Not really. They think you will just shut up and take it.
“Do these guys SERIOUSLY want an uprising in this nation?”
Not really. They think you will just shut up and take it. Or maybe you will yell a lot and protest and they will still get away with it.