Posted on 03/04/2010 12:22:42 PM PST by jdfromny
And no, Im not talking about basketballs or baseballs or golf balls. You know what Im talking about excuse the language, but we need to be blunt. And you know that its the question that will hang over the Republican Party from now until November as it tries to persuade the base let alone the American electorate that it can provide a real alternative to the current crop of big government corruptocrats in power in Washington. So: Does the GOP have enough balls to fight the Left or doesnt it? You know about my doubts. Youve heard my warning about McCain Regression Syndrome. Now, I want you to read every word of what Andy McCarthy has to say about the GOP leaderships abandonment of Jim Bunning and what it says about the lack of Republican fortitude in the war against the permanent, ever-growing Nanny State. Andy speaks the truth. Hard truths. And fiscal conservatives/Tea Party activists need to shout them from the rooftops. Ive invoked Phyllis Schlafly many times over the past year in urging the GOP to provide true choices instead of echoes. Actions speak louder than words. So, alas, does feckless inaction:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If the GOP doesn’t find any, they best be looking for a new job. We can just turn their jobs over to the Navy Seals. I guarantee you they will get the job done.
No they don’t.
“Unanimous consent” should never happen with this bunch in charge. But it happens VERY FREQUENTLY
Oust them all!
Yeah. We've got Palin and Bachmann who, between them, have more than most of their male counterparts combined.
When has the GOP ever had BALLS?
When Reagan was President.
My checkbook stays closed to the RNC until this question is answered.
Answer of the Day: No!
just look at all the support the GOP gave Jim Bunning.
Well, I know Collins and Snowe definitely do not...
If we are not successful in forcing the GOP to abandon the bed it's made to sleep with the Democratic Party and begin to once again to represent conservative principles, the only other alternative I see as a last resort is revolution.
The way they caved on the Bunning matter showed their true colors.
They are all talk. They SAY they want to cut spending... but that is all they will ever do is TALK about it in general terms, they will NEVER actually cut anything because when they actually propose to cut something specific all the freeloaders come out in force against them and the media falls in line with the endless list of sob stories, and they cave.
It is already too late, the minute everyone was allowed to vote it was just a matter of time before it was over. Democracy never works, only a Republic can survive, where voting is a privilege not a right.
They don’t call the GOP and the associated party thereto “rinos” for nothing.
They need this guy!
/obscure reference to "The State"
It’s coming. The political process has died in this country.
“The way they caved on the Bunning matter showed their true colors.”
Even worse, that was a “teachable moment” for the idiots...had they all marched out and explained why he was doing what he did...they are a bunch of pansies...
Refreshing answer. I was expecting to see some more tripe about a "third party." I like your solution a lot better!
Michelle Malkin just gets more energized and focused.
As far as any $$$ to the GOP or RNC until they choose to behave with principle and courage?
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