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Thursday, April 06, 2006


You have here a man whom many follow, many fear and many refuse to cross no matter what. He has body guards , many different homes and collects money from many people. Always thinking someone is watching him , always thinking that federal agents are going to bring down his empire , and in great fear of being attacked or someone crossing him. No it is not John Gotti, it is Mubarak Ali shah Gilani a religious figure that we all know very well here. I will attempt to describe the way the Jamaat is run and give some tips on the lingo. Below you will see the titles according to rank.

Khalifa(reps or successors to the Sheikh)
Allamah(one whom is well taught in islam)
Maulana( religious teacher)
Ni’eeb(one who is the khalifa’s right hand man)
Ameer( literally a mayor)
nazim(a novice, a trainee one who is on his way up the ranks)

Now you have a hand full of of khalifas, not many Ni’eebs but you have ameers and nazims all over the place. The Khalifas are the ones who usually talk to the Sheikh directly, then pass on the words of wisdom to the others.

Khalifa Atiq A-Shahid is like the ambassador to Gilani.(islamberg,ny)
Khalifa Husaain Abdallah owns 786 security in brooklyn resides in islamberg ny.
Khalifa Khalil Dunston gilani calls him “ his friend” owner of Vtechpro resides in red house, ahmadabad Va.
Khalifa Ali Abdul-Rashid semi-retired resides in islamville s.c
Khalifa Hussein ibn Abu bakr the 2nd, Younger man called K2, resided in NY.
Khalifa Muhammad Jamal nicknamed the executioner or Khalifa MJ who vanished into thin air when Idris mussawir aka Edward flinton got caught.
and finally we have Khalifa Atif we all know him as Steven paster.
Now we have the top ranking men that I know of, I am sure it changes regularly.

Other “ important men are/were Hasib Abdul-Haqq islamberg ny, marriage counciler , also a gopher to Gilani.
Muhammad Ali ahmadabad Va(red house) one of very few whites within the jamaat , spent just about 5 yrs in pakistan married to Khalifa Khalils daughter. property in red house Va is under his name.
Jamaal Johnston resides in Meherrin Va owner of white hawk security, Son of a once Ni’eeb named Musa who also resides in Va. Mother was once a teacher in the farmville area school district.

posted by fuqra_hater # 11:28 AM 0 comments links to this post
Wednesday, April 05, 2006


In 1999 I was asked from a high ranking “official” if I was interested in visiting our Murshid Kamil( perfect guide). I was like YES, WHEN CAN I LEAVE? I soon started to prepare for a trip to a place unknown to me. So in mid 99 I was on a plane with some other members of the jamaat. We landed in lahore pakistan about 3:30am lahore time. We were quickly brought thru the airport via “special guards” later I found out they were the pakistani intel who were close to the Sheikh. We Arrived in a place called Mian Mir village, a grand village with shrines and many people very loyal to the Sheikh.

We walked into the home and a welcoming committee were there, and in the middle was the grand Sheikh, he gave us the muslim greeting of salaamu alaikum(Peace be on you), then He said, Welcome home children. We all had tears in our eyes and we lined up kissed his ring out of respect and then we were treated to a massive layout for breakfast. After that we rested. So then the journey began...
I met many dignitaries from the pakistani military and ISI, political CPs pen pal Khalid khawaja was there helping us,LOL(just kidding CP), we did various religious studies, from Quran memorization to islamic law to mystic sufi studies as well. We visited the schools that the Sheikh had.

We then went into the mountains for extensive studies in the sufi way, We met one white man named Javed, formerly named Atif, formerly named STEPHEN PASTER. The missing fingers the keen look in his eyes , I knew right away who it was when some of the elders greeted him by saying hey nubbs, I guess that comes from the missing fingers from the bomb that went off too early(doesnt sound like an expert bomb maker to me). He stayed around for about 30 min then went off to somewhere unknown. Have not seen him since. All the while we were escorted by armed men with klashnikovs and automatic pistols from russia. A town we went to called Peshawar was like gun city, any kind u wanted u could have, even the banned jewish founded uzi was available.

We got much repsect as american followers of the Pir of pirs. Gun training was on the military bases and also by mujahideen trainees, we met muslims from ireland, england, bosnia, russia and other european countries.the religious training was more extensive than the jihad training, we learned ancient martial arts , we also engaged in some form of ancient wrestling, that reminded me of sumo wrestling. the Sheikh had about3 cell phones, the would ring all the time and constantly he wa moving, he always has gaurds with him and always spending the 30% money on guests and his vehicles. tailored clothing was his style, young african american women as his wives and land cruiser as his choice of ride, I guess if you are a man of God such as he, then u must ride in style. He had servants in his homes, as many pakistanis do, they cooked , cleaned and brought flowers for us and fresh rose pedals when we took showers.

One particular time we were at the shrine of Mian mir Qadri, a sufi saint revered by Muslims and sikhs, and one pakistani spoke to us in urdu and we didnt understand it at that time so the Sheikh said something back to him, then the man said in perfect english to us, “ do u have any money for me” we were all laughing, this guy spoke perfect english and he is a beggar, then it was scary because they found him dead about 6 hrs later, stating he was a mossad agent and his cover was blown. Hmmm how special, a pakistani mossad agent.
After these months we were told that our time with our Sheikh has expired and we will be leaving in 7 days, The last week of our trip we went out and got to shop for our families, we lived and ate like Kings. after landing back in new yorks jfk airport my thoughts were 100% different about all I heard about the Sheikh. I was hurt, confused, felt lied to taken advantage of and angry.

This is the begining of the end for me within the realm of Gilanism. I am being general but if need be I can name times, places, names and description of my life within this group. I challenge any member of this group to call me on anything I am saying. The truth should be told, God is the absolute truth. Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad spoke truth, why do these people who claim to love and honor these great men lie upon them and worse, they lie on God Almighty. sounds like the only people they are fooling are themselves.

posted by fuqra_hater # 9:13 AM 2 comments links to this post
Tuesday, April 04, 2006


In 1996 I was already living on the village, everything was fine only because I was a newcomer and they all had their “lets welcome the new guy “ faces on, day to day living was fine. Although one particular family always had “ higher-archy” going to the home, so I inquired about this home, why is everyone always going to UmmSiraj(mother of Siraj). I was told by my dear wife, not to ask because it will cause an uglyness u never seen before, I had no idea what was to come. One day outside helping cultivate the village we recieved an urgent call from the mayor of the village that their was a security meeting and it was mandatory for us to show up. So after the evening prayers we went to the meeting, right away the mayor said, Ummsirajs husband was caught in islamville south carolina and he is lying on us the MOA.
Ok, who is Ummsirajs husband? EDWARD FLINTON. The guy who killed rashad khalifa in Arizona.Now I know why the higher-archy was always going to her home. UmmSiraj was sitting not to far from me and she said, My husband is not a rat, He did not tell on anyone, then a verbal arguement between the poor old woman and the mayor. After the arguements the mayor continued, we will be raided, and blood may be shed because of this.
Then Ummsiraj whom is a bit crippled and her 2 teenage children had to be removed from the village that very night, the orders came directly from the sheikh. We had to move her all night long in the rain. She was crying and her children were hungry and cold. After that Ummsiraj was disunited from the group, we could not talk to her nor give her a ride or greet her or her children. It was hard because she did so much cooking and knititng for the young kids on the villages, and now she was ousted because of something I believe she did not know anything about, women r not included in many of the “ missions” that the men know and do.
After that we as the members of the MOA started being on guard 24/7. Asking if someone comes up here, when can we shoot, yes we were all trigger happy, this is what is taught. Now Ummsiraj has since left the jamaat as well, distanced herself from them and still waiting for her husband to get released.
Sheikh Gilani has always said he never met or knew Eddie, but his faithful wife exposed pics that say otherwise, has a letter written by Gilani to her and the elders stating “ DONT LET THIS BROTHER GET CAUGHT”. Because he is weak and will tell, and they were right, he sung like a parrot.
Now I got stories from Edwards family, the gilani followers and statements from eddie himself from letters in his own handwriting. My conclusion is this: Edward admitted thathe drew up the plans to kill this dude named khalifa but never admitted to killing him, either way it is wrong and he should pay as he is.
The brainwashing of the Sheikh is real, I know I speak from being on the inside and hating certain factions of govt at that time and hating indians , hindus especially just because of the things I heard. I feel for many of the innocent women and children, I am not saying all because one of the higher women is involved in alot of scandal. I DEFEND NO ONE WHO COMMITS A CRIME. I DO NOT STICK UP FOR A MUSLIM SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE A MUSLIM.
So many stories and all are sad, many involve the women getting left behind and the children suffering. I pray that these innocent people who are looking for guidance get away from the Sheikh as I have done, when you have children growing up thinking that a old man in pakistan can see what you are doing here in America just by closing his eyes and chanting some mystical words, then I believe these childrens hearts will be dead before they even have a chance to blossom.
May God save the people from Sheikh Gilani and his calamity upon this earth.

posted by fuqra_hater # 3:50 PM 2 comments links to this post
Monday, April 03, 2006

In chapter 5 of the Sheikhs upcoming biography he states and I quote “ They will protect it so they are not lead by extremists Salafis and Wahhabis who have their own agenda which has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is the religion of peace and does not condone violence. It does not allow suicide in any form at all.”
If you goto there main website for knowledge they are the ones who speak ill if suicide, murder, ubl, and other extremism. The salafis quote the Quran and authentic sayings of the prophet Muhammad, they do not just blurb anything that pops into their head. The salafis speak out against sufis, jihadis, mystics and others who make perverted statements on islam, The only reason he is considered a Sheikh is because of his age, he never had no degree in islamic law from any University , he says he is taught by a family member of the prophet Muhammad named Ali.
This man has been dead for over 1300 years. In the Quran it states that we can marry people of the book(ahlee kitab) meaning jews and christians, Sheikh Gilani states that christians are our brethern, but he tells his followers just dont marry them, they worship 3 gods not 1.
I myself am engaged to a christian woman and my scholars say , He is only doing what is allowed by the Quran. So I find so many hypocritical statements. How do we know truth from falsehood? Next up... inside the meeting about EDWARD FLINTONS CAPTURE !

posted by fuqra_hater # 1:29 PM 3 comments links to this post
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Thank you for the warm invite. The muslim community is a large one in the usa, 95% disregard the sufi way as corrupt teachings so it was not hard to find one that teaches real Islam. I tried to contact other outlets of media such as the local nbc station and CNN, neither of them were interested.
I spent many yrs living within the gated compound with my family, I used to frequent Red house va just about every day, I was a security gaurd for the fuqra on certain villages and was asked numerous times by “ felons” to buy guns for them so they can “ protect” their families.The children within these walls are the true victims here. One particular family was seperated by the father because he was not working and refused govt aid.
The color of these poor children was a brownish grey, they were malnourished to the point where the state stepped in. Sadly enough the Man to this day is not working and the children are back in the home with no electricity and no running water.
Many within the compounds speak ill of the govt and feel that if they see a verizon van or a car broke down along side the village that it is the FBI, CIA or ATF. Now my question was always if you did nothing wrong why in the world would u care who is watching you, but then the rebuttal is we r followers of Sheikh Gilani, dont u get it they want all muslims dead.
This is the mentality of many of the people. Many never met Gilani and the ones who have go thru certain studies when arriving in pakistan. You dont get to “ just hang out” when u r there. Many will try to discredit me , maybe even the Sheikh himself but He is not above the law. The big beard, the flowing clothing, and the knowledge of arabic does not make u a muslim, I never heard Gilani condemn terrorism and i was his follower for 9 yrs.
Some even committed crimes in the big cities to get money then use the money for a ticket to learn from him and become religious. They say they invite all walks of life to the shrine in islamville in south carolina, but when outsiders come, they are whispered about, I wonder who they work for, make sure they dont plant any devices, are there wires underneath their clothing? These questions are asked. I dont think a pious people would be so quick to make strong assumptions upon another person trying to gain a higher spiritual level. Again I thank you for this welcome and I hope these posts will “ Shed some light” on the fuqra the group that they claim, never exsisted.

posted by fuqra_hater # 4:56 PM 2 comments links to this post
Friday, March 31, 2006

Glad to see others are learning what I lived for 9 yrs. I am still muslim but no longer part of or have any affiliation with Sheikh Mubarak Ali shah Gilani. I despise his teachings and his wicked ways, they r brain washed into believing that HE visits them spiritually, while all the while he is in pakistan.
His followers give up 30% of their earnings to him as he says “ its for the sake of God, so give. Indeed if u have ever seen his houses in pakistan you would know where all that 30% money is going. He owns land cruisers, mercedes, huge houses in many cities and virtually owns villages. The followers in pakistan do everything but worship him. He puts bugs in their ears, “if they r not sufis, they r spies.”
I got accused of being a spy , the reason? I had a full time job and wanted to goto college.
Many do not have proper electricity, septic tanks and majority of the “older” followers do not work. Many young ones really dont care about the Sheikh and his future plans, many in philly and nyc still run drugs, weapons and many I mean MANY have HIV.
I know of 2 people who died of it , who r buried in the red house village.
Sheikh Gilani himself suffers from diabetes and other things, He has a huge boil on his leg that he says is just a test from God, It may be a test but thats why God gave us medication to treat it.
He also tells his followers not to own tv’s or listen to music, but in pakistan He has huge tv’s in his “ private rooms” that no one can go into. But who would dare question him, he will say: How dare you question the spark of light that came from God.
His followers love this man so much that my ex-wife told me” I love my sheikh more that I love u, and she never met him,so I knew it was time for me to get the hell away from these brainwashed, radical lying gun running people who call themselves “ good citizens”.

1,663 posted on 04/27/2010 10:15:34 PM PDT by MestaMachine ( SUPPORT RINO FREE AMERICA)
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Gilani "speaks"

Exposing Roots of Terrorism In U.S.

You just have to read this for yourself. It is beyond insane...and way too long for me to post. But if you want to know what evil is, THIS is it.

1,664 posted on 04/27/2010 10:58:44 PM PDT by MestaMachine ( SUPPORT RINO FREE AMERICA)
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To: MestaMachine

In a nutshell:

Jamaat ul-Fuqra is an Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence. ... Fuqra members have purchased isolated rural compounds in North America ...

1,666 posted on 04/28/2010 5:45:33 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (Weakening McCain strengthens our borders, weakens guest worker aka amnesty)
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To: MestaMachine
...but when outsiders come, they are whispered about, I wonder who they work for, make sure they dont plant any devices, are there wires underneath their clothing? These questions are asked.

THAT was a knock-your-socks off post. Thanks MM. Educational to say the very least.

PA cleric - Allah used Iceland volcano to punish infidels

A Palestinian Authority cleric informed his television congregants in Hamas terrorist-controlled Gaza that the active volcano in Iceland was Divinely ignited to punish “infidels and polytheists with fear and terror.”

The female face of France - banned beneath the burqa

Snip: All across Europe, government leaders are deciding whether to fine, restrict, or ban the wearing of the Islamic veil. France’s Prime Minister Sarkozy wants a full ban—one that will also apply to Muslim tourists.

Man's worst friend?

Snips: President Obama won the unstinting support Monday of one of the world's most prominent leaders. And he is not going to be happy about it.

....the name of this enthusiastic admirer: His Excellency Brother Leader Moammar Gaddafi, Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. His 40 years on the world stage have included such highlights as the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

And now he is professing Obama love. "I really endorse and support the policies that he has adopted so far," Brother Leader said Monday afternoon in a video teleconference arranged by the World Affairs Councils of America. Gaddafi referred affectionately to the president as "our son Barack Obama," helpfully translating Obama's name from the Arabic: "Barakah -- blessing."

Speaking through an interpreter, the colonel continued: "He is from Africa, from an African descent."

"He comes from, originally from a Muslim family, maybe even of an Arab origin. . . .

1,672 posted on 04/28/2010 6:49:23 PM PDT by MamaDearest
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