Maybe it’s Tiger Woods that is failing Buddhism. :-)
Bump - and I agree!
Why? Do people invariably get better as they get older? Do countries improve with age?
2) The vast majority of the population has no memory of their prior lives.
The vast majority of the population cannot remember being infants.
3) Though there are some who claim to recall past lives, the Bible reveals that demons have existed for millennia. These demons are able to place thoughts in a persons mind in order to deceive.
Point conceded. They Bible allows one class of entities that are capable of going from body to body.
4) If were all being recycled, where are all the new babies coming from?
Body theatans branching out on their own. Other planets. Demons from Hell. Like a tsunami the vast fund of spirits are piling up on the shores of Armageddon. Author assumes that reincarnation is instant, that there can't be a between lives time.
5) India is the cradle of Reincarnation, yet India is one of the worlds most woeful nations. Though the people are intelligent and natural resources abound, cows and rats eat their fill while humans starve. City streets are awash with filth, lined with starving beggars, and suffering is everywhere. With thousands of years to perfect Reincarnation, and countless gurus and holy men, why isnt India the shining star of human progress and spiritual evolution?
Why indeed? Shall we blame The Fall?
6) Gandhi stated that Reincarnation is a burden too great to bear.
We all have our cross
7) To break free from Reincarnation, one must live a harmless life. You cant even kill a microbe. Yet our immune system kills millions each day. This means there is no hope of ever escaping the wheel of Karma.
Every religion has a rigged game. For example the human race was damned to eternal suffering because people who were ignorant of good and evil did the one thing that gave them the knowledge of good and evil.
8) If you see a beggar wallowing in the gutter dont you dare help him! He is working off bad Karma. If you help him now, he will just have to come back in another lifetime to work off the bad karma all over again. This is why India had no hospitals or charitable institutions until the coming of Christian missionaries. The truth is Reincarnation offers no hope, provides no answers, and contradicts our God-given conscience. It is a demonically inspired philosophy intended to keep its adherents slaves to sin and death.
No one helps the beggars? Why are they not all dead of starvation? Worst case, one helps beggars to attone for their own sins, and to build up credit it the First National Bank of Karma
Stupid post. You might look into the differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.
And if Christianity is the perfect path, why is the world getting more evil as you declare.
Yeah, besides that, Buddah is dead - Jesus is alive!
“This is why India had no hospitals or charitable institutions until the coming of Christian missionaries.”
Patently false.
Emperor Ashoka, among his other deeds, was known for setting up hospitals and rest-houses all over India. This was circa 250 BC.
She told me on our second date that our souls keep getting recycled and recycled and recycled until we get it right.
Then I asked her, "What is 'IT' and 'WHO' decides when we get 'IT' right?"
Never was a third date.
Only Jesus can help him.
"Renunciation, if one is capable of it, creates the inner peace and poise necessary to achieve real lasting rellults, even material results, untainted by ugly means. For the exceptional practitioner of self-denial a special prize is in store. The yogi's highest recompense is to become so firmly united with God after death that he need never again return to the status of migrating mortal man. Several times in his life Gandhi expressed the hope not to be born anew."
-- from: GANDHI -- His Life and Message for the World. by Louis Fischer
Gandhi never gave in to hopelessness, even during the worst of times in his struggles. He raised a non-violent army of Satyagrahas which drove the British out of India. He tried to reconcile hatred between Hindus and Muslims, denounced the caste system, and took a vow to dress like the poorest in India until all could afford better attire! He definitely believed in reincarnation, and saw the Gita not as literal history, but as an allegory wherein man (the disciple Arjuna) struggles to free his soul from past desires and regain his rightful kingdom, the same kingdom of God which Jesus said is "within you".
Today India is a net food exporter, and is economically better off than many latin American countries. It is the world's largest representative democracy.
I am going to suggest that you do a little research on reincarnation and Buddhism before you embarrass yourself any further. Many of your statements about Buddhism and reincarantion show a great oblivion. A little due diligence can go a long ways. Most of your generalizations about reincarantion show a lack of worldliness and education.
Someone’s confused. What you’re attributing to Buddhism are much more a part of Hinduism. Kinda like blaming Catholicism for alleged* flaws of Mormonism.
(* - I said “alleged”.)
Species extinction. Spotted owls got it right, so they're moving up to third-world humans.
“To break free from Reincarnation, one must live a harmless life. You cant even kill a microbe. Yet our immune system kills millions each day. This means there is no hope of ever escaping the wheel of Karma”
o.k. this one made me laugh... Did you make this up? If not where did you read about the microbe?
People make their lives better how they do. I personally do not think that criticizing a man’s religion is helpful. You don’t have to be Christian to be good.
And on the thread about his full apology text, where none of the commenters seems to be supportive and forgiving at all of Tiger, or even took his apology as sincere, I wonder how “good” those Christian commenters were.
I am willing to give the guy a break. It’s not easy to change your entire self-view and world-view. Bravo for Tiger for trying. I hope he succeeds.
With their extreme over population, maybe there is something to that reincarnation stuff....
Did Woods say anything in his speech regarding Buddhism?