I’m thinking, and it could be incorrect, that what states that pass legislation like this are trying to do is set up a Constitutional showdown with congress.
For too long congress has overstepped its Constitutional bounds and the states have rolled over and over again (thank the idiots who gave us the 17th amendment for this). Now states are begining to feel their oats. The direct conflict with these state laws and those involving intrastate guns could reset the bounds on congress.
I think a lot of this legislation at the state level is setting up a grand Constitutional show-down - as it should. I don’t buy the argument that it won’t do any good. It will show the FEDS that there is massive resistance at the state level and a state is willing to spit in their faces — and I don’t think OK will be the only state to do this as more and more people will scream at the state level when this mess starts affecting their care. The state officials will hear it first...
In January 2011, we will have a Republican Governor after eight years of doofus thanks to an Indy who ran. Mary Fallin will have served four years in Congress and served as our great Lt Governor before that.
With Mary elected, our legislature will have a friend in the Governor’s Mansion for the first time since Republicans took over both Houses and Oklahoma will be on the move.