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Profile in treason: Anh Cao (Call, e-mail, fax info)

Posted on 11/07/2009 8:28:39 PM PST by markomalley

Contact information: Washington, D.C. Office:

2113 Rayburn House Office Building,

District of Columbia 20515-1802

Phone: (202) 225-6636


(202) 225-1988

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Phone: (504) 483-2325

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New Orleans Office:

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New Orleans, Louisiana 70119

Phone: (504) 483-2325
Fax: (504) 483-7944

web contact form

It would be appropriate to let him know how much we appreciate his vote. Not for the value of the vote, but because he gave the Dhims cover to say that it was "bipartisan."

TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: 111th; cao; josephcao; louisiana; neworleans; obamacare; rino; traitor
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To: Cringing Negativism Network

He did this to get re-elected, plain and simple. He had said he could not vote for the bill if it had abortion in it and it would be the end of his career, but he had to save his soul or something like that. So it was “taken” out and he voted yes to save his political career.

Shame on him.

I just knew he was the one republican that voted for it and how brave of him to wait until after they had 218.

81 posted on 11/07/2009 11:11:43 PM PST by nomifyle
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To: USAFJeeper

If we had the Ny23 vote and maybe this would been close Cao would have voted against it.

It is rather silly to blame Cao for it.

This is a lesson for those who backed third party candidates.

82 posted on 11/07/2009 11:13:44 PM PST by GregH
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To: mwl8787
We didn't get 39. We didn't get a Damn thing.

Those 39 got a wink from Pelosi and voted a meaningless "no" knowing already that the bill would pass and that their "No" would keep their jobs and fool people like you.

People still don't see the threat yet? It is called the democrat party, not RINOS , Not the GOP not even Islam yet.The imminent threat to our freedom, our prosperity and way of life has since at least the early 1900's always been the democrat party and the mainstream Democrat media and the rest of the democrats/liberals/Marxists.

Maybe you all don't know politics or understand that the party withe the Majority gets to run the House, elect the speaker of the House and decide what bills get to be voted etc.

So even if you have some RINOS in the GOP , if you still have a majority of congressmen registered as Republicans then Republicans run the House,elect the speaker, and not have bill like this socialist monstrosity of a bill come to a vote on sat night behind the American peoples ‘s back.

This Bill Passed ONLY because the Democrats have such a large majority in the House.

This bill would have NEVER passed the House in the Republican controlled House. So those "conservatives" who bashed Republicans and depressed Republican voter turnout can now be happy?

Republican controlled Congress: 1994- 2006
1. NO Government run Health-care Bill passed nor would it pass ever in a Republican controlled House so why again was the GOP so bad again?
2. NO Cap and trade bill passed.
3. No Amnesty for illegals bill passed.
4. No fairness doctrine.
5. No Net Neutrality

Democrat controlled Congress: 2007 - present
1. Government Run Health-care passed the House and will become law.
2. Cap and trade will become law
3. Amnesty for illegals will pass
4.Fairness doctrine will pass
5. Net Neutrality will pass (government will be able to censor the internet)

You say “But but , Gingrich did this and other individual who calls himself a Republican did that so I'm staying home, not donating to the GOP,and I will bash Republicans and so depress voter turnout and support for Republicans all because not every single Republican in the GOP thinks exactly like I do on some issues”.

83 posted on 11/07/2009 11:15:21 PM PST by rurgan (Sarah Palin:"Big government is the problem, not the solution" Me:socialism doesn't work)
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To: Frantzie

Actually Dede opposed the public option.

The blame of Ny23 rest solely on the third party candidate and those who backed him.

84 posted on 11/07/2009 11:16:21 PM PST by GregH
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To: nomifyle

NR was tweeting that the WH was on the phone with Cao all day.

What a traitor, are there no Republicans that can be trusted?

Are they all moles for the DNC?

85 posted on 11/07/2009 11:35:27 PM PST by roses of sharon (Call the NFL and welcome their new Commissioner, Al Sharpton.)
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To: Frantzie

“If we had NY-23 and did not have this clown - it probably would not have passed.”

That’s not the case at all. If Pelosi didn’t know early today that she had the votes she needed for the bill to pass, there would not have been a vote. It would have been delayed till she could buy off the requisite 218, however she would get them.

Her agreement to allow abortion amendment was to buy Democrat votes. She promised they could put up the amendment and, if it passed, the pro-life Democrats agreed to vote for the major bill. Nancy didn’t give a rat’s patootie about giving up the abortion amendment. If it came down to it SHE would have voted for it, or at least made damned sure the abortion amendment had enough votes to pass*, to hold on to those 8-10 pro-life Dems, in order to win the ‘bigger, better’ issue, the bill itself.

Why do you think Boehner kept asking the Dem leaders for a guarantee that the abortion amendment would be in the final bill? Because he knows it will get knocked out or watered down in conference. But in the meanwhile, allowing it to pass bought off 8-10 Dems who would have voted against the main bill.

If you watched the voting, 39 Blue Dogs were ‘allowed’ to vote against the bill because she had all she needed for it to pass. That allows the Blue Dogs to go home and say “I voted against it.” She didn’t care if she got only 218, so long as it passed. If she didn’t have Cao and Owens, 2 of those Blue Dogs wouldn’t have been allowed to vote against it. And, in the same way that she ‘allowed’ 39 Blue Dogs to vote against it, once the die was cast, and the Dems had their 218 votes, the Republican leadership ‘allowed’ Cao to vote for it.

86 posted on 11/07/2009 11:42:16 PM PST by EDINVA
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To: roses of sharon; GregH; All
roses of sharon,
still bashing republicans?

Not happy yet that Democrats passing government health-care that a house controlled by Republicans never passed and never would have.

Democrats are the threat . The evil of these Marxist , Godless, vermin has no bounds.

Now do we see how evil and a threat Democrats are? On a Saturday
Night , behind the American people's back They satanically,
stealthily , slid this bill/knife into the American people's back
to destroy our freedom and ability to make a living.

This Bill Passed ONLY because the Democrats have such a large
majority in the House.

This bill would have NEVER passed the House in the Republican
controlled House. So those “conservatives” who bashed Republicans
and depressed Republican voter turnout can now be happy?

I agree with Gregh.

Do you conservatives who bash Republicans all the time
realize that even if Dede and Cao are liberals, that if you have more
registered R's than D's that Repblicans get to elect the speaker ,
decide what bills to put to a vote etc?

87 posted on 11/07/2009 11:47:24 PM PST by rurgan (Sarah Palin:"Big government is the problem, not the solution" Me:socialism doesn't work)
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To: markomalley

I’m sure his parents are thrilled they risked their lives to bring him to the “land of the free”.

88 posted on 11/07/2009 11:48:50 PM PST by Republic of Texas (Socialism Always Fails)
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To: GregH
The blame of Ny23 rest solely on the third party candidate

You are correct. In the NY-23 contest the GOP candidate was the third party candidate, and people, like Gingrich who backed the Republican 3rd party candidate are responsible for this. That is no reason to let a covert Viet Cong like Cao off the hook.

89 posted on 11/07/2009 11:51:20 PM PST by Lucius Cornelius Sulla (a wild-eyed, exclusionist, birther religio-beast -- Daily Kos)
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To: rurgan
No need to waste all that on me...I am a Republican, always will be. (imo, RG could have beat Hussein senseless in 08)

But to me, there are too many Democrat moles posing as Republicans, and too many Republicans who are very weak in fighting the Dems and their media. Over the years they have been beaten down by the MSM, and we need to demand more strenght from them.

I want ruthless SOB Republicans to run and kick commie arse.

90 posted on 11/07/2009 11:54:18 PM PST by roses of sharon (Call the NFL and welcome their new Commissioner, Al Sharpton.)
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To: roses of sharon

“But to me, there are too many Democrat moles posing as Republicans”

No there aren’t. There are Hardly any Repbublican left in Congress at all.

RINOs nor the Gop are the threat.The threat is Democrats : the DNC, the media, liberals/democrats/marxists.

91 posted on 11/07/2009 11:59:44 PM PST by rurgan (Sarah Palin:"Big government is the problem, not the solution" Me:socialism doesn't work)
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To: rurgan

No real Republican would have voted for this bill, and no real Republican would endorse a Democrat for office.

Sorry, but they must battle the Dems too...just like you demand (and rightly so) that we do.

If they do endorse and vote for Dems, or vote for this crap, then they will hear about it.

92 posted on 11/08/2009 12:10:35 AM PST by roses of sharon (Call the NFL and welcome their new Commissioner, Al Sharpton.)
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To: markomalley

93 posted on 11/08/2009 12:20:07 AM PST by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: Nateman

Re deporting the SOB to Viet Nam.

That’s what I wrote him, among other things. How dare he. I also asked him how much Pelosi promised him in exchange for his ‘vote.’

94 posted on 11/08/2009 12:23:15 AM PST by CaliforniaCon
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To: Lucius Cornelius Sulla

‘and people, like Gingrich who backed the Republican 3rd party candidate are responsible for this’

Actually the Republican candidate was leading in the polls until Palin decide to interfere and endorse the third party candidate.

The blame for the loss rests on Palin and the rest of the crowd which went for the third pary route, they will not be forgotten by the Republican primary voters.

95 posted on 11/08/2009 12:29:21 AM PST by GregH
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To: GregH; All

Actually the Republican candidate was leading in the polls until Palin decide to interfere and endorse the third party candidate.

Catch a clue, dude. The “republican” candidate in NY-23 was as Liberal, if not MORE Liberal, than the Democrat candidate she later endorsed. Scozzafava was NOT a “Moderate”. Scozzafava was NOT a RINO. Scozzafava was a freakin’ LIBERAL. She even discussed switching parties while she ran her campaign if she were elected.

Gingrich talked about getting more “R”s in Congress to try to rebuild the majority. Why build a "coalition" with people who say they're in your party, but wouldn't vote with the party's ideology? I'd MUCH rather support a Democrat that votes as a Conservative, than a Republican who votes as a Liberal !

Seriously, how do you think Scozzafava would have voted had she won NY-23 and was swore in immediately to vote on the ObamaCare Bill on Saturday?

The SAME as Cao !!! So instead of ONE Republican defector, there would be two!

96 posted on 11/08/2009 1:04:25 AM PST by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: GregH
Actually Dede opposed the public option.

The blame of Ny23 rest solely on the third party candidate and those who backed him.

Delusional. You should consider going back to DailyKos where the Dede lovers dwell.

97 posted on 11/08/2009 1:19:59 AM PST by SolidWood (Sarah Palin: "Only dead fish go with the flow!")
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To: markomalley

Cao escapes communist Vietnam to help America left...
What a head scratcher???


Anh “Joseph” Cao was born in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam. His father, an officer with the South Vietnamese Army, was imprisoned by the Communists.

At the age of eight, Joseph escaped to America with two of his siblings. He learned English, thrived in school, and earned a physics degree from Baylor University before he began studying for the priesthood.


Cao just stab Bobby Jindal in the back!


In 2007, Governor Jindal appointed Joseph Cao to help ensure fair voting as a member of the Board of Elections for Orleans Parish. He was also elected to lead the Louisiana Republican Party both on the parish and state levels. And earlier this year Joseph Cao was elected delegate to the Republican National Convention.

98 posted on 11/08/2009 1:29:32 AM PST by restornu (A humble people of the Lord is stronger than the all wicked warriors of the World)
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To: GregH

“Actually Dede opposed the public option.”

Sure, the candidate (Dede) who was endorsed by the Daily Kos as being the most liberal of the 3 candidates would have voted against the public option. She had signed a pledge to oppose the public option only after she was selected as the gop candidate, prior to that time she had voiced her support for 0bamacare. Given the fact that she turned around and endorsed 0wens, tells you a lot about how she would have voted, instead of having just one repub voting in favor, we would have had 2.

99 posted on 11/08/2009 1:38:30 AM PST by euram
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“Treason” is a little over the top, don’t you think?

What do you call a turn coat?

This man is a snake why did he not show his colors when Snow voted

Big puzzle why did he do it?

100 posted on 11/08/2009 1:39:23 AM PST by restornu (A humble people of the Lord is stronger than the all wicked warriors of the World)
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