1 posted on
10/26/2009 7:51:05 AM PDT by
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To: Scythian
"How Can Glenn Beck Be Right on So Much and Yet Still Believe the book of Mormon?" Who ever asks this question understands nothing about faith. Having read the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament I really can't say which is more bizarre to the non-believer.
To: Scythian
Mormans on the whole are good people. I remember decades ago when there was a huge nation-wide battle against the ERA led by Phyllis Schafly, I worked the hustings in my Illinois county. We got the most volunteers from Morman women. They were also active in pro-life, pro-family causes whenever needed. They were educated and dependable.
That being said, Beck chooses to occasionally interject Mormanizing into his radio and TV shows, making him fair game for pot shots. He's unwise to do so, but then, if I was his advisor, I'd be making big bucks, LOL.
I have never heard Rush airing his religious denomination, if any, in the over-twenty years I've been a consistant listener. Smart man.
Stick a cork in it, Glenn. We love ya, man.
112 posted on
10/26/2009 8:24:48 AM PDT by
(Bill O'Reilly: 9/8/09: "Communism is not a threat to us anymore"-10/20/09: "Obama is not a Marxist")
To: Scythian
I think his religion is none of your damned business! [And, for the record, NO, I am NOT a Mormon!}
115 posted on
10/26/2009 8:25:41 AM PDT by
top 2 toe red
(Not supporting a corrupt, Marxist, Socialist President makes me a racist?!? Then a racist I am!!!)
To: Scythian
Think of it this way:
You are in court. A man who happens to be Mormon is a witness on your behalf to some central fact in your case.
Opposing counsel asks how anyone who believes in the Book of Mormon can be taken seriously as a witness.
Do you object?
There’s your answer.
122 posted on
10/26/2009 8:27:59 AM PDT by
Larry Lucido
(This tagline excerpted. To read more, click on MyOverratedBlog.com)
To: Scythian
What difference does it make? If he believed in the Tora, does that make him wrong also? How about the King James version of the Bible, or the Catholic Bible. It’s what’s in a persons mind and heart that counts, not what we believe.
123 posted on
10/26/2009 8:28:10 AM PDT by
To: Scythian
It’s such a character flaw to publicly proclaim one’s “accuracy” with respect to the afterlife. Annoying, arrogant, and primitive...
125 posted on
10/26/2009 8:29:41 AM PDT by
(Go Longhorns)
To: Scythian
126 posted on
10/26/2009 8:30:22 AM PDT by
To: Scythian
When Beck's Mormon views start to cloud his political acumen (as BO's Black Liberation Theology clouds his), then I'll start caring about this.
This ad hominem doesn't change the facts that Beck communicates, day by day.
127 posted on
10/26/2009 8:30:42 AM PDT by
(...just a typical cracker, clinging to my Constitutional rights...)
To: Scythian
If the religion he chooses helps make him a better person then the choice is a good one and it is no body’s business but his.
To: Scythian
By the way, are you Protestant? Catholic? Eastern or Roman? Dispensationalist? Pre-trib? Post-trib? Young earth creationist? Old earth creationist? Calvinist? Arminian?
Atheist? Hindu? Buddhist? Bahai? Unitarian? Zoroastrian?
No matter what you believe, you believe something that someone else believes is idiocy.
So, there you are.
130 posted on
10/26/2009 8:32:06 AM PDT by
Larry Lucido
(This tagline excerpted. To read more, click on MyOverratedBlog.com)
To: Scythian
Without reading every reply, Beck bluntly said he became a Mormon so he could have sex with the "hot chick" who became his wife. She wouldn't sleep with him unless they were married and she wouldn't marry him unless he converted. I don't think he belonged to any religion at that point, and he probably realized he needed to get straightened out. From his perspective he no doubt thought he was killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
I have no idea what his view are on the BOM. He may think "I don't know if this is actual, historical truth or not, but I like everything I see in the church, etc."
If you read the BOM and go by that alone, you will find little that differs from Christianity. I'll bet most, if not all, what you find objectionable in the LDS religion can not be found in the BOM. In fact, it may be contradicted by the BOM.
I've often accused LDS missionairies of playing a "bait-and-switch" game, because they push the BOM to get you into the LDS church. Often, it's not until long after you've been baptized into the LDS Church, that you learn about more "advanced" teachings of theirs. They would say it is "milk before meat".
Anyway, you don't know exactly how Beck felt about the LDS Church when he married his wife or what he actually believes now since he doesn't really talk about it in public.
I'm sure if you exposed all of your beliefs to us, some could find fault in them.
133 posted on
10/26/2009 8:33:19 AM PDT by
To: Scythian
You do not have the right to mock Beck's religion or his devotion to that religion. That's his business and none of your.
May I point out that without the Light of Faith The Holy Bible, both NT and OT look like a bunch of pretty ridiculous fairy tales?
134 posted on
10/26/2009 8:33:19 AM PDT by
( I miss Ronald Reagan!)
To: Scythian
The Founding Fathers had a wide and eclectic set of religious (or not) views. They agreed that allowing for those differences was of prime importance (First Amendment) and focused on the business of humans in their politics.
Glenn Beck is not trying to convert anyone afaik - he is focused on exposing corruption and preventing the collapse of the Republic. You should too.
136 posted on
10/26/2009 8:36:25 AM PDT by
(It's a Republic, if you can keep it.)
To: Scythian
I see the effort to discredit the man is still underway.
137 posted on
10/26/2009 8:36:57 AM PDT by
To: Scythian
Its called faith - clearly you have none.
139 posted on
10/26/2009 8:37:10 AM PDT by
( I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum)
To: Scythian
When a religious person ridules someone elses beliefs:
149 posted on
10/26/2009 8:43:34 AM PDT by
(Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.)
To: Scythian
Many people agree with you.
Actually Beck is a Catholic who was baptized Catholic and is no longer practicing the Catholic faith.
Pray for him.
151 posted on
10/26/2009 8:45:17 AM PDT by
("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
To: Scythian
How Can Glenn Beck Be Right on So Much and Yet Still Believe the book of Mormon? Because spiritual discernment is different than rational evaluation.
157 posted on
10/26/2009 8:48:49 AM PDT by
To: Scythian
Yes, I have wondered the same thing. It especially creeps me out at the beginning of the program when he says, “follow me.”
158 posted on
10/26/2009 8:49:00 AM PDT by
(Why does Professor Presbury's wolfhound, Roy, endeavour to bite him?)
To: Scythian
Who cares what his religious beliefs are, he’s not pushing them on me. Besides, you should be focusing on more important and relevant aspects of his life, like which direction he has his toilet paper unroll from.
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