Posted on 10/07/2009 10:22:43 PM PDT by mondoreb
"In fact, I have been unable to find information about any NAMBLA conference which Harry Hay didnt attend."
--From ZombieTime, Memo to Kevin Jennings: Your reputation is on the line
The Media Matters "Smear"
Poor Media Matters, the Left's "watch dog" that acts like an attack dog.
The Left political group has labeled information that emerged about Jennings and his praise of NAMBLA promoter Harry Hay (whom Jennings said "inspired me") as a "smear".
From Smear: Kevin Jennings Praised A Member Of NAMBLA:
The conservative smear machine, still attempting to damage progressives by drawing shady guilt-by-association connections, is trying to link Kevin Jennings, the head of the Department of Education's Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools, to the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). It's no surprise that upon examining the facts, no such connection exists.
Smear: Kevin Jennings Praised A Member Of NAMBLA TRUTH Harry Hay Was NEVER A Member Of NAMBLA
One wonders how Media Matters obtained this information, as NAMBLA, understandably, doesn't make its membership publicly available.
Photojournalist Zombie, at ZombieTime, has more than a few pictures--and plenty of documentation--that MM may want to check before committing anymore to this fight.
Zombie: "I dont know what it takes to be considered in NAMBLA or a NAMBLA member, but someone who makes appearances at and gives speeches at every known NAMBLA conference, and who speaks out publicly in NAMBLAs defense, and who writes blurbs for NAMBLA books, would seem to be a likely candidate."
Zombie also hints that there is much more to come if Jennings doesn't publicly disavow NAMBLA.
How does Media Matters handle the Jennings affair?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Hay sure hangs around NAMBLA a lot for a “non member.”
And for his Jennings’s next trick:
“Kondoms for Kindergarteners: How to Embrace the Rainbow Concept at a Young Age”
These people make me sick
Next target: Boy Scouts of America.
Once again there is the implication that “guilt by association” is a smear. OK. We must find a way to make them state the rules because they keep changing them. Association seems to matter when they talk about Sarah Palin’s ghost writer. They can’t have it both ways any more.
Even the faggots are consternated at Hay.
Hay: “I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”
People have said stuff like “Doesn’t the White House vet these people!?!?”
Of course they’re vetted. 0bama wants to be surrounded by thugs, perverts, racists and communists. He’s just hoping no one finds out or if they’re found out, that no one will care.
Obama also said to look at who he associates with.
I think I am going to explode if I see any more of what has crawled into this invitation.
Zombietime rocks! Good work zombietime!
Real citizen journalism.
"Progressives" is what communist sex perverts are calling themselves these days.
Immediately. No jail, no fines, no probation. Just executed.
As part of a lawsuit against NAMBLA, I spent hours and hours combing through the internal “business” files of NAMBLA trying to find information useful for the suit.
Yes, the original meeting minutes, financial records, emails, membership records, etc., including the magazines and other items that left no doubt that the goal of NAMBLA was always to encourage and embolden their members in their quest to rape boys.
It was odd to see just how “normal” these people pretended to be - other then the subject matter of their club, the records were just like any other groups would be (imagine similar records for a national beekeepers club).
While I have no recall of the names of the creeps, it is clear that at very good people do have all of these records that document who was involved in NAMBLA’s activities and mission.
If Hay was involved, there is almost certainly documentation that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
In fact, I would guess that some of that evidence might even be on the internet, either currently or on the wayback machine’s archives.
Wasn’t Obama mentored by a creepy ephebophile in Hawaii?
Doesn’t that beg the question of whether that mentoring included sexual “mentoring”?
Isn’t there an allegation that Obama had a homosexual affair with some Chicago loser?
Is it silly to wonder if Obama is bi-sexual?
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