Two points of contention. Point one is that I’m 48; so I have a few more miles left on the ol’ chassis.
Requiring you to get a vaccination not only saves your life (or reduces the odds of you getting ill); but also saves the lives of anyone around you, whom you may infect.
If I have HIV, and I have a car accident, I place at risk not only the passengers in my car, but the car I hit (depending upon how bloody things get). I also place at risk all emergency response personnel, doctors and nurses, ambulance workers - thus one shot could potentially save scores of lives, as each of these could potentially infect others. Just like the manditory diseases we already are required by law to vaccinate against.
I would argue that the vaccination as marketed reduces SOME of the odds of exposure, but may actually increase the risk of the other parts of exposure because of the FALSE illusion that one is protected from the cancer when in fact one is only protected from PART of the precursor infections. Further, by giving the false sense of security, it might even encourage risky behavior that could be averted by better education and information instead of the vaccine. Also, those who become infected from the strains that are not prevented may be less likely to get the regular screenings that could save their lives because they were duped by the "one less" campaign into thinking they have nothing to worry about. Making the vaccination avaialable to those who deem it to be beneficial is perfectly fine, but don't lie about what the vaccine is (the ads still refer to Gardasil as a vaccination against cervical cancer even though that characterization is a blatant lie) and leave the decision up to the individual based on the best information that can be provided.
Point one is that Im 48; so I have a few more miles left on the ol chassis.
What if the hypothetical HIV vaccine in your example features a 1/2 of 1% chance that it will make your genitals shrivel up and fall off - never to function in the old chassis again? And what if in addition to that there is another 1/2 of 1% chance tha it will cause your heart to suddenly stop beating for several minutes. Would you prefer to have the CHOICE (in your post you said you would choose to take the vaccine) based on your own assessment of the risks and benefits, or would you prefer that the government mandate that you must take it?