Will bread return to 20? Bet on it...
That’s why insiders are selling/buying at a 31/1 ratio.
because of very high inflation, yea
NASDAQ still about 1/2 of its all time high from almost 10 years ago.
I’ll hang on to my day job for now, thank you.
It may very well go to 20,000.
But what good is the ranking of the Dow if it is based on dollars that are worthless?
I'd rather have the Dow at 2000 but with a strong US dollar.
Aside from that, I think the powers-that-be (the Federal Reserve and Goldman-Sachs and JPMorgan and the other controlling institutions), are trying to push the Dow to 10,000 to lure as many suckers back into the market as possible before they dump it and walk away with nice profits.
What we're seeing is a classic pump-and-dump.
I really feel for the middle class, who are putting tax-deferred income into 401Ks and who have already lost half of the value of what they considered their private retirement.
I thought the government would rape those assets by either taking an early tax on them or simply stealing half and rolling it over to Social Security.
I never dreamed that the communists/collectivists were so hateful of the middle class and their economic independence that they would simply manipulate the economy so that half the value of 401Ks would simply disappear, to be of no good to anyone.
The GOOD NEWS = The DOW just hit 14,000!
The BAD NEWS = A cup of coffee costs $18 (in US $$$)
When? 3009?
What a flaming shill idiot! Trying to suck Joe Public in for the pump and dump. “Come on in suckers, we need someone to sell to...”
Holiday spending will be another indicator....
Sure it will. But first it will drop to 1000. That’s when I will build a lot of wealth.
What? I think it will be 140,000. Once Obamaflation gets going.
Time to sell the house, pull the kids out of college and check the sofa for loose change! Stock market here I come! And remember, what happens on Wall Street doesn’t stay on Wall Street! Seriously, I actually just pulled most of my money out of the stock market. I’m thinking about invest in a sure thing: Llama farms!
Just ask the Germans!
Mr. Markham should be ashamed of himself.
The dollar amount of my home loan will not increase, but I am planning on being able to pay it off with inflated dollars here soon.
“The signs are abundant, if you know where to look”
Yep...why not try looking at the lack of jobs and the GROWING debt.
(This author needs a quick course in macroeconomics.)
I'm actually considering betting the DJIA to drop to the 8500-9000 range by the end of 2009, mostly because of fears of runaway inflation and the cost of Obama-supported legislation.