It may very well go to 20,000.
But what good is the ranking of the Dow if it is based on dollars that are worthless?
I'd rather have the Dow at 2000 but with a strong US dollar.
Aside from that, I think the powers-that-be (the Federal Reserve and Goldman-Sachs and JPMorgan and the other controlling institutions), are trying to push the Dow to 10,000 to lure as many suckers back into the market as possible before they dump it and walk away with nice profits.
What we're seeing is a classic pump-and-dump.
I really feel for the middle class, who are putting tax-deferred income into 401Ks and who have already lost half of the value of what they considered their private retirement.
I thought the government would rape those assets by either taking an early tax on them or simply stealing half and rolling it over to Social Security.
I never dreamed that the communists/collectivists were so hateful of the middle class and their economic independence that they would simply manipulate the economy so that half the value of 401Ks would simply disappear, to be of no good to anyone.
You missed the ride. The big pump and dump already happened and many already lost half of their 401k’s.
Right. There is a tiny bit of gristle left on the Little Peoples' carcass, and they are determined to get it.
I get frantic pushy high pressure calls all the time from "Wealth Management" places....actually just boiler room operations touting their in-house junk. If they even suspect you have anything left in your 401 (k), they are on you like Velcro.
Another thing.
Never even read any "Advice" Fidelity publishes when you see it on Yahoo Finance. What does anyone EXPECT them to say, except, "NO!!! Leave it in, so we can take it to the track a few more times!!!"
“Aside from that, I think the powers-that-be (the Federal Reserve and Goldman-Sachs and JPMorgan and the other controlling institutions), are trying to push the Dow to 10,000 to lure as many suckers back into the market as possible before they dump it and walk away with nice profits.”
Thank you. Saved me a little typing.
“I’d rather have the Dow at 2000 but with a strong US dollar.”
Wouldn’t we all!!
Near the Eastern entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina is an operational water powered mill where you can buy “water ground” corn meal and grits. It was restored as a historic example but there is a poster inside detailing the original construction in the late 1800s. The whole thing was built in 90 days by hand labor at a total cost of...$600. That is not a typo. It is mostly built of yellow poplar wood. That same number of dollars today would buy a VERY small pile of poplar boards. To reproduce the mill from scratch would cost millions if it could be done at all. By the time the Dow returns to 14000 a McDonald’s happy meal may cost more than the original cost of construction of that magnificent mill.