I’ve been thinking that Hillary is too quiet and has been plotting her revenge. I make a bet that she will force a primary against Zero in 2012 after resigning in feigned indignation as SOS.
..great minds...
No question Hillary will make a move againt zero in 2010. His numbers are tanking so she could have a good chance to unseat him.
There are still a few wildcards out there and The Clintons are one of them. Their legacy, if defined today, would range from mediocre (in eyes of Dems) to criminal for many others. This will motivate them bcz even they will look in the mirror at some point and see what Obama has done to them...the ultimate insult:
They have been marginalized
Somebody should begin a process now to provide some 'MAJOR IN$ENTIVE$ ' to Hill to run 3rd party in 2012...after another meat-grinder campaign against zero in the primaries.
That's if we make it that long without something unspeakable happening...