Posted on 08/16/2009 5:03:02 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
Zero complains about the pull the plug comments. The problem is grandma won’t be able to get the plug in the first place.
There is one body and one Spiritjust as you were called to one HOPE when you were called... Eph 4:4
Upon arriving at the Wu Town Hall in downtown Portland it was obvious that the Union Mobsters were dutifully doing their $40/hr jobs. There were 87 seats available and since I only got there an hour early those seats were covered w/union astroturf. That was fine since that is what was expected and so I came to film the DNC activities outside and the obvious choreography that was taking place to expose it, which is what I did. To think that in the most liberal city in Oregon could only attract 2-300 libs says how forced they are to support DeathCare. I had gone down there w/a question to ax, but figured I wouldnt get that opportunity due to union thugs and was right.
My question was: Congressman Wu, since your side is continually vilifying the Insurance Industry why should us Patriots turn over our Doctors and Hospitals to a massively corrupt congress?? He would have given the usual Texas two step how we had to do something even if it is wrong since the crisis is so bad. Even if I got in and axed my question, then I wouldnt have gotten nearly what I got on my camera outside.
The primary talking points that are being spread by the obots is that the insurance company is a villain and needs to be destroyed for our own good. They were all chanting that since you would call a fire dept if your house burned down why wouldnt you call the gummit if your body had a catastrophe? Isnt your body more important than your house?
This is another one of their famous apples/oranges arguments that the Left Wing Extremists are famous. First you wouldnt send in a gummit IRS agent to come in and do your heart surgery, you would have a heart surgeon do it. They want us to all go to gummit hospitals that would be the equivalent of VA doctors and care, which are continually falling apart. The bigger difference is that you carry Fire Insurance from an Insurance Company to pay the bills for your catastrophe. The gummit program for physical disaster insurance is FEMA and that is not who you want taking care of your bills. The obots want to put America in the New Orleans Dome during Katrina.
This also proves our argument that insurance companies are far more efficient than a corrupt gummit. For these companies to earn a profit they need to make themselves as efficient as possible. They have been specializing in their business since Ben Franklin and this gummit monstrosity that cant run anything believes they can just come in and do what these companies do. These companies live on 1-2% profit margins or in the case of HMOs are non profits. There isnt enough margin for this sluggish behemoth to fit.
Gummit has no motivation to become more efficient or streamlined. Just the opposite, the unions want as many workers doing make work as possible to swell their Union Boss funds. The employees are paid the same no matter how much they produce or dont. Then once they belong to a union there is no possible way to thin the herd. This will become a bigger and bigger tumor to the point of killing our healthcare system. Not only will the payments and work become slower the service from the District of Corruption will deteriorate to the point of absolute frustration for doctors and hospitals just like Medicare/Caid. Thousands of Doctors have opted out of Medicare now, so we can look for that to snowball under RationCare. Then who you going to replace those lost experienced specialists, Pelosi?
Very shortly after the congress takes over our Doctors and Hospitals there will be the politicizing and corrupting of this industry. We will see NEA type organizations move into the hospitals and the gummit will completely politicize them. We will see freezers full of cash being shoved into city officials and congressmen as the graft is spread around. There will be favors and nepotism throughout this industry as it becomes more and more like the Chicago machine. We will see more and more of our ReaperCare $$ being used for bribes and kickbacks to grease the wheels of gummit Deathcare. We are going to go from the best healthcare in the world to a rundown corrupt Turd World cash machine.
The question America has to ax itself is, is there anything the gummit has proved it can do better than private industry? The only times the gummit has shown itself to be efficient is when they privatize services and let the invisible hand of profit do its magic. There is no incentive for the gummit to be efficient then you throw in the massive inefficiencies of graft and corruption throughout the District of Corruption you know what this boondoggle will look like in very short time. Course then it will be too late, as we dread using it.
At a time when we are suffering the worst economy since FDR we cant afford to turn our hospitals over to this corrupt and inefficient gummit. This will surely push us off the cliff that may drop us into the 2nd Great Depression. The answer is to take the shackles off the Healthcare industry and allow it to use Free Market forces to become more efficient. Rather than throwing it into the Rat hole, it needs to be given fresh air to truly become the dynamic force that it can become. Let the Free Market do what it has always done and cure this cancer. Our Choices are the Free Market or a Corrupt Congress.
Pray for America and The Tea Partiers
Obie is still an idiot.
I bet right now, in newsrooms all over NY and DC (also Atlanta), Leftwing editors are saying, “Oh, wonderful! Let's make the hurricanes our top stories! Devote everything to them. We must get Healthcare and the town halls off the news cycle!”
I’m glad that a very strong-looking guy is wearing that fantastic tee-shirt. It says everything!
Imagine how powerful Saracuda would be if she wasn’t a “quitter”. She is now the most powerful Repub in the Country.
Pray for America and Gov Palin
Shelby stating as much, that people are satisfied with their current arrangements.
Kent Conrad talking about non-profit "Co-ops"
Wallace: Under ObamaCare, by 2016, 9 million people will lose their current coverage.
Making the very important point that insurance costs not the same in all states, some very inexpensive and good coverage.
I got a letter from Medicare, stating that I did not owe the doctor for an office visit because the paperwork had not been filed correctly.
I too had a problem.
Seems OK now..
FWIW, the Kos kids posted a screen shot of a White House web page where you could type in someone’s email address, saying you thought they’d like to receive the article or info on something or other (I’m not sure which) posted. Didn’t confirm it myself. Probably is abusive given that it’s a government site and the government is supposed to save requests like that. Even if it weren’t on its own abusive, using those emails for direct email correspondence, such as from Axelrod, would be. And of course the un-volunteered email addresses could have come from another source completely—though the WH could use this for a cover explanation if they did.
Our NHS in Britain leaves much to be desired but at least they prioritise babies and children above all as quite rightly they are seen as our future.
In an ideal world all would be treated equally but even in the best possible environment choices have to be made and IMHO it should not be ever that babies and children are low priorities.
AARP - For killing grandma and grandpa
AARP - Against competition in medicine (eg. buying
medical insurance across state lines)
I sent that picture to my grandson. Since he is in boot camp, he does not see what is going on in our great country.
All true which is why we need to keep trying to stop them in the early stages, which is being done across the country.
I hope everyone realized your post is exactly what the Dems are planning to do.
She is odd. That’s why we love her. She came on the scene last fall like a breath of fresh air and has been antagonizing our opponents ever since. Can you imagine a McCain or a McConnel making the waves she has? Odd indeed.
Well, that statement of his proves that
1. He is a liar
2. He doesn’t know beans about Medicare.
Just to be sure I’m not missing something, you’re loosely using ‘tweet’ to refer to her Facebook postings, aren’t you? Or is she sending tweets again?
I liked the sign at an earlier meeting - “Grandma got run over by Obamacare”.
How would it be a Federal crime or have I missed something? Has it ever been said that you could not pay for a procedure?
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