Now we know why the anti-Palinism. She ruffled their poor little feathers. Screw them. Invite Mitt next time.
She confirmed that she will be speaking to CPAC in person, Keene says. Then her office said she was going to be there, they were just working out the logistics. Then all of a sudden she couldnt be there. At the last minute she was going to do a videotape. We dont usually do that, but we said OK. Then it turned out they couldnt get the videotape done, they couldnt figure out how to do it or something. And so she just didnt come. Now that was our instance, and it also happened to a number of other groups.
Now we know why the anti-Palinism. She ruffled their poor little feathers. Screw them. Invite Mitt next time.”
And in the resignation and interviews that followed, she explained that there were alot of these appearances she couldn’t do because of the threat of more ethic complaints. Dave Keene-Latest Inductee to the International Criminal Gang of Bass-turds
Yup, we're at the heart of it.
This is just about the most unprofessional thing I've ever seen out of the so-called conservative establishment. If Keene truly meant to offer constructive criticism, he would have said this to Gov. Palin in private. Instead, he makes a pathetic attempt to kneecap her in public.
What a disgrace. Ronald Reagan, who put this operation on the map with some of his greatest speeches, would be ashamed of what has become of CPAC.
And screw socialized medicine MitCare Romney, too, and his MittBots and the horses they rode in on!
“Now we know why the anti-Palinism. She ruffled their poor little feathers. Screw them. Invite Mitt next time.”
OR....maybe she realized who they were and decided she didn’t have time...I do that a lot...