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Michael Jackson is dead [Updated]
LA Times ^
| 6.25.09
Posted on 06/25/2009 2:45:23 PM PDT by libh8er
Edited on 06/25/2009 3:27:55 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
[Updated at 3:15 p.m.: Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times.]
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: demerol; hesdeadjim; homicide; jacko; jackson; kingofpop; legend; maninthemirror; michael; michaeljackson; mj; music; nananaheyheygoodbye; obituary; pedophile; perverts; thegreatest
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To: libh8er
I wonder who will get his kids ,since debbie gave up all parental rights to them....
To: libh8er
maybe the children he diddled can sleep better tonight...
posted on
06/25/2009 4:28:52 PM PDT
("an armed society is a polite society" Robert A. Heinlein)
To: dfwgator
posted on
06/25/2009 4:29:23 PM PDT
To: pillut48
You have a BEAUTIFUL family. Don’t let the few troublemakers here get you down! ;)
posted on
06/25/2009 4:29:26 PM PDT
("Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?" -Mark Lowry)
To: MikefromOhio
Jackson was a rapist and a pedophile. Poster #8 is spot-on.
posted on
06/25/2009 4:29:36 PM PDT
(Obama's supporters: a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise)
To: retrokitten
Those damn Kauri Cliffs again!
For the love of Pete, stop filming there people!
To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
Those damn Kauri Cliffs again! For the love of Pete, stop filming there people! ROTFLMAO!
To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
To: pillut48
posted on
06/25/2009 4:30:49 PM PDT
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
To: mquinn
Jackson was a rapist and a pedophile. Poster #8 is spot-on.
Who are we to judge him for his actions? Last time I checked, and maybe things have changed since Sunday, but that's not OUR job.
Especially at a time like this....maybe YOU'RE God. Although that's not a chance I would take.
It's very easy to judge a person from afar FROM YOUR KEYBOARD. Who are YOU to judge what was in his heart or where his soul was intended to go? Very high-minded of you to speak for God.
To: top 2 toe red
posted on
06/25/2009 4:32:12 PM PDT
null and void
(We are now in day 157 of our national holiday from reality.)
Comment #672 Removed by Moderator
Comment #673 Removed by Moderator
Comment #674 Removed by Moderator
To: retrokitten
To: Jrabbit
MJ is very important. Al Sharpton is sad and has found a reason to have a presser!
posted on
06/25/2009 4:33:46 PM PDT
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: libh8er
Sucks to be him in the afterlife, in line right behind Farrah and having to defend his sins to St. Peter just after she passes on through the Pearly Gates.
posted on
06/25/2009 4:34:28 PM PDT
Virginia Ridgerunner
(Sarah Palin is a smart missile aimed at the heart of the left!)
To: al baby
Try not to laugh that is funny AL Baby LOL!
Only in America right LOLOLOL!
You are baddd
posted on
06/25/2009 4:35:05 PM PDT
("We are Freepers, all your media belong to us, resistence is futile")
To: combat_boots
Cardiac arrest just means his heart stopped beating.
Considering he was probably deeply in debt and his comeback tour rehearsals were reportedly not going well, it could be due to accidental or deliberate overdose.
May our omniscient God have mercy on his soul.
posted on
06/25/2009 4:35:08 PM PDT
To: hoopdedoo
I didn’t post the rumor. I asked for a source.
posted on
06/25/2009 4:35:10 PM PDT
(Shut up voices, or I'll poke you with a Q-Tip again.)
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