To: mquinn
Jackson was a rapist and a pedophile. Poster #8 is spot-on.
Who are we to judge him for his actions? Last time I checked, and maybe things have changed since Sunday, but that's not OUR job.
Especially at a time like this....maybe YOU'RE God. Although that's not a chance I would take.
It's very easy to judge a person from afar FROM YOUR KEYBOARD. Who are YOU to judge what was in his heart or where his soul was intended to go? Very high-minded of you to speak for God.
To: MikefromOhio
That needed to be said. Thanks for the courage to do so. I’m sickened by the majority of comments on this thread and embarassed for those who don’t have the human decency to refrain from turning a tragedy into a spectacle.
719 posted on
06/25/2009 4:42:05 PM PDT by
(Integrity, Character, Leadership, and Loyalty matter - Be an example, no matter the cost.)
To: MikefromOhio
Who am I to judge a pedophile?
Are you sure you’re in the right forum, mikey?
1,674 posted on
06/26/2009 10:41:34 AM PDT by
(Obama's supporters: a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson