Posted on 06/25/2009 2:45:23 PM PDT by libh8er
Edited on 06/25/2009 3:27:55 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
There are Walter Cronkite rumors that he is in failing health, but spokes folks are refuting them so far....
I simply reported the link. Since I’m not in NZ at this moment, I can’t vouch for the accuracy. But if it’s on the web, it must be true...right?
The Jeff Goldblum story is a fake...
Known hoax site.
Fakeawish - ‘best prank site on the net’ - multiple hoax embedded tags.
Sigh. Now is the time for this...
I am amazed at the things people will say online that they wouldn’t have the balls to say in person because being online makes you are “real man.”
Grow up.
Jeff died? Yur kidding?
Monster talent. The remake of “The Fly” was awesome.
“He is white from the neck up and halfway up his forearms. All the rest is black as the ace of spades.
He destroyed himself with hydroquinone. Hydroquinone immersions purged the black from his face and hands but not from his heart. He never got over the fact he was a blackman”
Wow. Can you prove all that? Did you see him naked, by chance?
That link/site is taking too long to load....
Which is why it is a good idea to check more than one source.
That's incredible. Thanks for the report.
Re; J Goldblum—I don’t buy it. Earlier, wiki has an entry that said, “he died falling down.” That entry has Vanished.
I understand your point, but c'mon... what do you honestly expect? The media circus hasn't even seriously spun up yet. It's gonna get radioactive before long.
The conspiracy theories haven't even started yet. Stay tuned! :-)
My thoughts exactly.
Actually, I found it on another website ( that had the story and link.
There are always disrespectful jerks like you to make everyone else feel better about themselves.
Overloaded I suppose.
That would be good to know if only I knew what you were talking about. generation now has its Elvis...
I hope you are finally at Peace were the first concert I went to when I was 4...and the greatest entertainer to ever live. Period.
When he was young. He was an even bigger star in the 1980s with his massive-selling solo albums, parodies by Weird Al Yankovic, and suing Pepsi for the little accident during the taping of a commercial.
How long before Obama gets in on the action, you know the camera hound will want to be front and centre claiming Jackson as “a great friend”
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