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Possibility of Bio-Terrorism in Swine Flu Outbreak
April 25, 2007
| freedomfighter1013
Posted on 04/25/2009 5:51:39 AM PDT by FreedomFighter1013
In a discussion this morning with a cell biologist and medical doctor working at Johns Hopkins, my friend thought this 4-part flu combination is highly unusual and looks like it could be man-made. Especially because it has an avian strain. My doctor friend (he's Taiwanese) explained that in Asia, it's common for a avian-swine-human flu to happen naturally, but this virus first showed up in Mexico, where pigs and ducks are not usually raised together. Also, recombination of more than 2-different flu viruses is extremely rare. I'm just repeating what he said as an expert in the field. He says the CDC needs to explain if there is a possibility that we are under a bio-weapon attack.
From CDC via Wikipedia: Anne Schuchat, director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that the American cases were found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses -- North American swine influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza A virus subtype H1N1, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe. For two cases a complete genome sequence had been obtained. She said that the virus was resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, but susceptible to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).[22][23][24] Preliminary genetic characterization found that the hemagglutinin (HA) gene was similar to that of swine flu viruses present in U.S. pigs since 1999, but the neuraminidase (NA) and matrix protein (M) genes resembled versions present in European swine flu isolates. Viruses with this genetic makeup had not previously been found to be circulating in humans or pigs, but there is no formal national surveillance system to determine what viruses are circulating in pigs in the U.S.[25] The seasonal influenza strain H1N1 vaccine is thought to be unlikely to provide protection.[26]
TOPICS: Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bioterrorism; chat; flu; mexican; mexicanflu; notbreakingnews; outbreak; speculation; swine; swineflu; tm; virus
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To: Sherman Logan
It just means that Japan must have sourced the antiviral in question from Red China.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:21:31 AM PDT
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: kittymyrib
no, she will say it is Canada.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:22:09 AM PDT
To: SE Mom
I have a feeling fears of a pandemic are being greatly exaggerated to get our attention off the egregious activity being done to us by our Leftist Government and nationalized financial institutions that are hell bent on robbing us of our Liberties and our money. May 1st the Communist holiday will have the streets full of illegals protesting for instant citizenship and communism for the USA, the country they are attempting to steal. That should be our single focus. May 1st protest demands
"We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)," Rodriguez said. "That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1."
Only one problem many of these protesters could be infected with the Swine flu and it will spread like wildfire among them!
posted on
04/25/2009 8:25:35 AM PDT
(Buy Gold/lead and head for the hills please God give us another chance!)
To: verity
“Have you placed a call to Jack Bauer yet?”
Don’t you know Jack is sick????
posted on
04/25/2009 8:25:56 AM PDT
To: YellowRoseofTx
They reported this morning, not this, but they have NO plan to close the border. They're far too busy investigating religious, gun loving, constitution abiding, America loving, right wing extremists (i.e. the majority of the population).
posted on
04/25/2009 8:27:08 AM PDT
(What did Obama's Teleprompter know, and when did it know it...)
To: FreedomFighter1013
Sounds like a previous season of “24.”
To: Sherman Logan
But, because influenza is airborne it spreads more efficiently, i.e., it is highly contagious. Also, the terrorists (man-made disaster agents) could vaccinate their people before hand. Just thinking....
posted on
04/25/2009 8:27:58 AM PDT
(Obama is Weakening America for Partisan Gain: Change, Big-Time)
To: FreedomFighter1013
Hey, Messyco, do you still think terrorists are only a threat to the gringos, hmmm?
To: TornadoAlley3
Tamiflu was prescribed for our sons a couple of months ago when they had the flu. One of the side effects is possible psychotropic reactions. We didn't give it to them for that reason.
People with the flu, particularly children and adolescents, may be at an increased risk of self injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. From the manufacturer's site....
posted on
04/25/2009 8:30:34 AM PDT
(It's going to get a lot worse now that the anchor babies are voting!)
To: HospiceNurse
I think you are thinking about Theraflu.
Theraflu is just a bunch of OTC drugs that mask sysmptoms. Tamiflu is an anti-viral.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:31:54 AM PDT
Drill Thrawl
(Taxation with representation ain't so hot either.)
To: RaceBannon
I just had that conversation with a friend 5 minutes ago about our next terrorist attack. It will be blamed on us, not the Muslims The MSM and educational system have had eight years to brainwash the population that 9-11 and other such punishments were (or will be) visited upon us because of our past and continuing oppressive hegemonic racist behavior.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:33:53 AM PDT
(What did Obama's Teleprompter know, and when did it know it...)
To: RaceBannon
I just had that conversation with a friend 5 minutes ago about our next terrorist attack. It will be blamed on us, not the Muslims The Democrats, MSM, and educational system have had eight years to brainwash the population that 9-11 and other such punishments were (or will be) visited upon us because of our past and continuing oppressive hegemonic racist behavior.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:34:29 AM PDT
(What did Obama's Teleprompter know, and when did it know it...)
To: HospiceNurse
But if you are a big pharmaceutical company with huge stores of tamiflu you need to get rid of and make some profit, why, how convenient
posted on
04/25/2009 8:38:30 AM PDT
1000 silverlings
(Everything that deceives also enchants: Plato)
To: 1000 silverlings
M.O.O.N. that spells SCARY.
To: FreedomFighter1013
FYI, I have a friend who has a doctorate in biochemistry. She was fairly high up in the team that sequenced the human genome.
She says that bioweapons are several orders of magnitude lower than nukes in the resources required to develop them, both as far as physical plant and finances. The primary resource is intellectual, not physical.
Give her $10M, 10000 SF of working space, a few competent assistants and she could develop an efficient bio-weapon in a few months. The scary part is that the “cost of entry” is going down all the time.
posted on
04/25/2009 8:40:47 AM PDT
Sherman Logan
(Everyone has a right to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.)
To: M0sby
"Dont you know Jack is sick????"
We are so screwed.;-)
posted on
04/25/2009 8:42:16 AM PDT
("Lord, what fools we mortals be!")
To: FreedomFighter1013
posted on
04/25/2009 8:45:49 AM PDT
(~Never go down with a loaded gun~)
To: FreedomFighter1013
This has gotta be 0bama’s fault . . .
posted on
04/25/2009 8:46:52 AM PDT
(Democrats are like Slinkies... Not good for anything, but it's fun pushing 'em down the stairs.)
To: desertsolitaire
google Baxter shipped live virus to 18 countries
posted on
04/25/2009 8:50:40 AM PDT
1000 silverlings
(Everything that deceives also enchants: Plato)
To: desertsolitaire
posted on
04/25/2009 8:54:38 AM PDT
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