Posted on 04/12/2009 6:25:24 PM PDT by Steelfish
Vegetable gardens growing in popularity
By Debbie Arrington
At her modest south Sacramento home, Yemanya Napue tore up her backyard lawn to plant an extensive vegetable garden. In the front yard, she squeezed blueberries, herbs and fruit trees into a flower garden to create an edible landscape.
Napue shared that bounty last year with her neighbors and ended up feeding 43 families. Now, she's planting much larger community gardens, including one on what used to be the lawn of the neighborhood church.
"I've always worked in gardens all my life," said Napue, 52. "This is something I can do, and it's better for you, too. People got to eat."
While Napue's effort is extraordinary, she's not the only backyard or front yard farmer. A mix of bad economics and a desire for good food is driving a new boom in home vegetable gardening.
In a mass movement reminiscent of the 1940s victory gardens, families throughout the region are trying to grow their own food to save money and eat better. The trend has neighbor helping neighbor and communities coming together over cabbages and beans.
Suddenly, growing vegetables is all the rage, with first lady Michelle Obama taking over a portion of the White House's South Lawn for summer crops.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It has nothing to do with her. Sales of seeds and guns WAY up even before she stepped foot in the WH.
True. Between the economy and food poisoning risks, people are thinking of making better use of their soil and have been doing it for several months, at least.
Vegetable Gardens Growing In Popularity [Michelle Obama Effect?]
Ah grow up..
Peoplehave been planting gardens since the beginning of time. And they always surge in popularity during poor economic times...
[Michelle Obama Effect?]
You must be kidding with that title. People are losing their jobs, food prices are going up. The stupid token White House vegetable has nothing to do with this trend. Survival does.
Michelle Obama???
Yep, everybody is afraid we will starve under her husband’s watch.
I would call it “the China effect.” During communism, the only place the people could get food was the little garden which they tended themselves. There was nothing in the stores, at least that they could afford. And they had no incentive to work because they did not get paid what they produced. Their garden was the only thing that really belonged to them.
And so it is the same under the Obamanation.
I doubt it has much to do with her but I think it’s a great idea and I hope more do it. I intend to make mine bigger this year. Space is not a problem. Ambition is.
I doubt it has much to do with her but I think it’s a great idea and I hope more do it. I intend to make mine bigger this year. Space is not a problem. Ambition is.
Seriously, I bet by May that the Obamas abandon the garden until ceremonial harvest and leave its care and watering to the White House groundskeepers.
Moving out of an apartment to a house JUST so I can start growing my own food.
In three years my daughter graduates from HS and then it’s off to 160 acres in central Nevada where I can live off the land and off the grid.
Getting away from THE MAN. Since DumbO, it’s not just for hippies any more.
Given how the first photo op presented a reenactment of ‘Green Acres’ of sorts, these people living in the White House are play actors.
I am guessing the servants are out tending that garden for the ‘Queen’ because gardening requires full time attention, if one really plans on actually harvesting food for consumption. And there is no time to garden if you are always on tour or vacationing away from the garden.
Suddenly, I think that I have witnessed the biggest ass in this country if this writer thinks that growing a vegetable garden is someway remotely related to Ms Obama, who btw only recently began to feel good about her country! The Sacramento Bee is in serious need of objective writers........
was planning mine long before she did...LOL It’s a money thing. I like to eat an can no long afford to without some free food...Hey maybe Obama can fly me in a pizza...
Congratulations. And more of us may find ourselves “off the grid” voluntarily or involuntarily. Best to be prepared while we can. Near Highway 50?
If she doesn't get an experienced gardener to keep an eye on that White House Green Acres patch, everything's going to shrivel and die . . . if it comes up at all.
For FReepers who garden and are smokers, here’s a tip.
Save your butts.
Get a big plastic jug that holds about a gallon of water. Fill it near full, and toss our butts in.
After a day or so, strain it out and save the liquid part.
Nicotine is deadly to insects, that’s why the tobacco plant makes it. This is a quite strong insecticide, and does a pretty good job of repelling moles and gophers as well.
A teaspoon of the stuff will kill you OR your pets!
Also, since tobacco is somewhat related to the nightshade family of plants, it’s recommended you don’t use this very heavily around potatoes or tomatoes.
I want to emphasize again USE CAUTION!
oh, look.....y’all are planting gardens and are imitating MO.......LOL
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