Posted on 04/12/2009 12:17:22 AM PDT by Cincinna
PRESIDENT Nicolas Sarkozy ordered the rescue mission off the Somali coast that ended in tragedy when a young French yachtsman was killed as commandos stormed a vessel being held by pirates, releasing his wife and three-year-old son.
For the first time yesterday, details emerged of an extraordinary rescue operation piloted from the Elysée Palace. It involved three French warships, a German frigate and the airdrop of dozens of French commandos some 400 miles off the African coast.
After two successful armed assaults to save citizens from yachts in the same waters last year, Sarkozys luck appears to have run out. Florent Lemaçon, a 28-year-old computer programmer from Brittany, was shot dead as his wife, their son and two friends were rescued from their yacht.
The drama, in which two pirates were killed and three taken prisoner, is certain to raise questions about the muscular approach adopted by Sarko, the omnipresident who relishes the role of commander-in-chief. It may also give pause to Americas military, which was threatening action yesterday against pirates holding a US captain who had thwarted their efforts to hijack his container ship.
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Please read this exciting story to see how a real, strong, and determined political leader deals with a crisis requiring fast, swift, and sure action.
Obama diddles, has pizza parties. and distracts attention with talk about the “first puppy” while the Captain of a ship flying the American flag is being held hostage by pirates.
Piracy is an act of War!
Thank God little three year old Colin was rescued.
Our prayers go out to the families.
A shame, but they all could have ended up dead, instead of just one. I say good for Sarkozy, as our own president is such a indecisive wuss that our people will just suffer until they’re dead or someone else takes action on their behalf.
Nice cover for 0’s waffling, Times.
So sorry, but they’re getting no prayers from me.
Lord! What a family of hippy-dippy airhead twits! I’m guessing it’s wishful thinking on the part of the writer that this incident is somehow going to change Sarko’s approach to the pirate problem.
Judging from the responses on the UK Telegraph site. Nobody is holding the demise of the oh-so-enlightened Monsieur Lemacon against the French President.
Thanks for posting. The leftist hand-wringing aside, it is reassuring to know that there are still adults in this world.
The French can be pretty narsty when they want to be.
NewsCorp is the US MSM. It's their duty to serve the Dark Lord
I have a feeling a couple of Freepers would prefer Sarko to be our president instead of the muslim in the White House.
All captured pirates should be made to walk the plank.
Quite literally, a quasi balanced, pivoted plank should be fastened amidships, and with the ship underway, each pirate, hands bound, be marched in turn out the plank until the plank tips, sending each pirate to Davey Jones’ Locker.
This should be the standard practice of all civilized nations and would have a salutory effect on the frequency of piracy.
And now we have the uncomfortable spectacle of the French making us look like punks.
All captured pirates should be made to walk the plank.
Quite literally, a quasi balanced, pivoted plank should be fastened amidships, and with the ship underway, each pirate, hands bound, be marched in turn out the plank until the plank tips, sending each pirate to Davey Jones’ Locker.
This should be the standard practice of all civilized nations and would have a salutory effect on the frequency of piracy.
Just a COUPLE?!!!
There should be an international bounty on the pirates, if the reward was right I would call up a few friends of mine and we would make us up a civilian mercenary vessel.
Sad times when France has more balls than the US of A.
Sad indeed that the leaders of the Free World are now Sarko and Bibi.
It is embarassing,but elections do count.
They elected strong, determined, experienced leaders. We elected His Barackness, the man from nowhere. No history, no family, no roots, no experience. And a weakling pseudo-intellectual who doesn’t even know that “Austrian” is not a language.
Not much choice but to go in, from where I stand. Good on Sarkozy and good on the French commandos.
To bowdlerize a comment I saw elsewhere,
"Those French Commandos are making us look like Wagyu-eating surrender monkeys..."
Lay the election of Obama at the feet of democrats - all of them.
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