ALL CONSERVATIVES up north need now to get out of the north east and some of those northern states and move south.
we need to make an area where we increase the electoral count and have a real power base where only conservatives get elected and note I never said republicans move here just conservatives
Guess you can add Iowa to your tag.
Manc, I’m all set to move, but my mom lives in the area (the only reason I am here was to help her and my dad before he passed away) and I don’t think she will move.
I’m thinking TN or Kentucky, or maybe my birth state of Missouri. I like hills and forests and all I need for work is a fast internet connection.
Word of warning: Even most conservatives from the Northeast or upper Midwest are not exactly big on aggressive Christianity. Most of the evangelical/pentecostal congregrations up here are rather small and/or dominated by blacks or hispanics. As for the RCC, well, there influence has waned considerably since Vat II, and the descendants of Catholic immigrants tend be be increasingly secularized.