Posted on 03/12/2009 10:18:30 AM PDT by euram
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.
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Seems to me that since the vast majority of Americnas have never served (and wouldn’t even think of it because they are “victimized” and “entitled” (and have been molded into cowards)), even if the people did know about it, most would not care. So long as they are getting theirs, right? No need to stand in harm’s way; that’s what Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines are for. And those people represent less than one percent of Americans, even if you only count legit Americans (legal immigrants who came from Europe between the 17th - 20th centuries).
Only a TRAITOR and ANTI-AMERICAN would actually implement a law enforcing this. Doing this to our veterans who defend us and liberate others living under oppression would be an OBAMANATION!
Pray to God this never comes to pass.
You know what? When is this guy ever going to stop. Every single day it is something else. Is he just throwing stuff out to keep us confused or what is going on?
If, and that is a really big IF, Shinseki had ANY honor in him, he would have RESIGNED ON THE SPOT when this plan was put forth by that Barak Hussein Obastard!
That's the big fat point.
The part about Rummy wasn’t in that story. Sorry for the mislead. It was in another article I read.
Good luck with that! PATHETIC P.O.S.!
The book would not have to mention specifics such as health care or veterans when the book is about manipulating what you want at the time, above any moral or ethical considerations. That as a organizer you must look at how you will achieve results and how many people will back you on your efforts.
Obama wants to make Americans raw, so raw they will beg for government to do anything.
Rules for Radicals; The organizer "must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression.
To achieve that result he needs all the tax dollars he can get his hands on and control. Obama only has to look at how many liberals fought against the war and voted for him because he said he would end Iraq immediately. The same people who spit on our returning Viet Nam soldiers and invited Jane Fonda to sit at their table while soldiers were being tortured because of her voice, will now help Obama win anything against the military or war. Cut Veterans budget and use it for his agenda. The ends justifies the means, remember? In other words, scare anyone who is thinking about joining the military that Obama is not on their side. Let them know they are on their own if they get hurt as he destroys the military and it's funding.
Rules for radicals; third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means"
Obama's war is revenge on America and everything we stand for. Our military men and women have given us freedom. Obama wants that taken away.
Rules for radical; "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," Rahm Emanuel
You can bet veterans needing health care will be raw and many have little income to spare for Obama's agenda. There will also be outrage and hostility from those of us who feel our military deserve everything and more we can give them. Obama will then use that as a crisis.
Maybe the 5 billion dollar volunteer program Obama is creating will now induct retired physicians and voo doo healers and M.O will recruit them?
From spending a lot of time in the VA hospital last year I spent time in the waiting rooms and I met so many great people. What amazed me the most, not one said they would not go back if they were able. The effects of agent orange are horrendous. No legs,diabetes, kidney dialysis, blind, they would go back if they could.
What I think Obama is trying to do is get rid of government funded healthcare and place it all in one big plan. If Obama places medicare, medicaid and VA together, funds it together, he can then say he fixed healthcare. He will take the 2.4 trillion for his marxist agenda knowing few realize how much money the government pays now for these healthcare programs, and he will then raise taxes and say it is for healthcare for all.; Obama says he is committed to preserving a health care system in which government, employers and individuals share responsibility. Many Americans may not realize the government already picks up nearly half the nation's $2.4 trillion health care bill, through programs including Medicare and Medicaid.
Obama does nothing transparently.
Must be still angry at USA for us kicking the ippons asses in WW2. I do not think this monkey will play for the organ grinder in the noi fruit suit.
This will not pass the house or senate. Just another way to get back at Disabled Veterans, who served their country.
Obumo and his appointees are all brain dead limousine commie liberals.
Shiniky was a sub-standard GGO, who in reality is anti-American. I am sure the POS enjoys his way over performance retired Army pay check.
This fool should be ashamed of himself for supporting any manic idea, as this.
Train For War-Hope For Peace,
The sleeper cell of one continues his attack on America.
The lack of immediate denial means that the O & Co. can't pretend that this was never on the table.
This guy is literally constructing his own suite in Hell.
I wonder if this is going to be the last straw for some people now...
Ohhhhhh...Noooooo...not another Weasely!
The previous head of the VA, James Peak was very very very dedicated to the vets!
He would do surprise visits to VA clinics and vet centers to just talk to vets in the waiting room to ask how things could be better at the VA. He also pumped in new services and staffs for PTSD,way more mental health services, launched the VA National suicide Hotline with VA suicide Prevention coordinators across the nation! In one year...2007 he added 3500 new mental health providers to the VA!
so sorry to see him go!!
“At the time, a White House spokesman would neither confirm nor deny the option was being considered” more of that transperancy we keep hearing about. Now wonder he got the greeting he did at Lejune just the other day. There is a great comparison video on youtube of President George W. Bush greeted by the USMC and obama.
Of course not, are you stupid??!! We can’t let them have weapons, some one could get hurt! Jeez, what are you thinking? Besides, everyone likes us now, so we won’t need any more weapons! It is unicorn milk and rainbow stew for EVERYONE!!!
Not only free health care.. Prisoners can get sex change operations on our dime!
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