Mugabe, Obama, Chavez:
The “Financial Leaders” of Our Time?
The one party system is alive and well and living in Washington, DC.
I fear for the union. This stimulus plan will only bring closer the insolvency of America. Once Federal pensions, Medicare, and Social Security are bankrupt there will be little glue holding the county together. Police, firefighters, garbage workers, water system workers may quit because there is no money to pay them. Who would want to stay in the Union with civil unrest just to pay high taxes and suffer hyperinflation caused by the inflationary actions of the government in the past? Better to amputate the diseased limbs (basically the East and West coasts) to let the more viable sections of the old Union survive and foster liberty for those who appreciate its benefits.
Obama had visions of himself as Lincoln and he may yet get to realize what Lincolns presidency was like,
“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.”
—Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Kercheval, 12 July 1816