I WAS hungry....heckuva way to lose weight.
I can totally relate.
After raising 3 kids, my wife is going to nursing school so after she graduates she can.....Wait a minute, what the ——,
Most of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouth and this is nothing more than the Kennedy Mafia trying to run our government. Most of all, Obama is the puppet of the Kennedy's and Soros.
Everyone always wanted to blame Soros, but I've been in the same room with Teddy Kennedy and all he did was rant about how important the Courts were over and over again.
Teddy was obsessed with power then and he'll haunt us from his grave because of his obsession for power. Teddy is truly his father's son.
Except that Caroline has the glamour, the name, and the money so, no, she's not just like normal people.
I’ve been thinking about getting a job when the kids start high school- God knows we could use the money
But I’d settle for starting as a Lt Governor, an Undersecretary of Defense, or maybe being appointed to a Congressional House seat
Perhaps the qualifications are comparable (Kennedy's might even be a tad better), but he ran for office in an election. I really don't think House and Senate seats should be subject to appointment, except on a very short-term basis, just long enough to hold a special election. And state law should preclude anyone appointed to fill a seat temporarily from running in the special election.
As for Kennedy's "fundraising experience", it may or may not have been meaningful. Judging by her media interviews, she certainly doesn't seem to have developed polished presentation skills. And it's entirely possible that her fundraising activities consisted of calling up her rich friends and saying "I'll donate $X to your charity if you donate $X to mine". And that's exactly the sort of "fundraising" we do NOT want Senators to be engaging in.
And what books did she write? Unless they were serious, substantive non-fiction (not "What it was like to grow up as a Kennedy"), and actually researched and written by her rather than a ghostwriter, they don't count.
So far as I can tell, she is best compared to women who never entered the world employment at all before raising a family and doing a bit of volunteer work for a few decades, and her desire to enter it now is better characterized as a "late entry" than as a "re-entry".
The only honest thing that AP-Obama said.
They can't even get her name right:
Caroline Kennedy
Correctly, it's Frau Schlossberg, the granddaughter of Nazi collaborator Joe Kennedy.
This whole Caroline issue is really stupid. What happened to Nita Lowy, the woman who has worked her way up through NY politics and wanted to run for Senator, but got a visit from Hillary and decided not to?
I suppose that is better than being a model for rear-entry women.
Yeah, all of you multi-millionaire women, here is how you get back into the job market.
I'm going to have my wife look into this.
Ping for later
BS. The ‘re-entry’ women I know couldn’t just say they wanted a certain job when they were ready to go back to work or switch careers. Sometimes they had to go back to school, sometimes they had to take an entry level job in order to get a foot in the door, sometimes they had to volunteer to build up a network of contacts.
I hate to play the race card here, because I’m sure Caroline Kennedy does NOT resonate with most white women, but only a middle class white woman would compare herself to a rich white woman who never had to do a thing in her life and say, ‘hey, she’s just like me!’ Dim women are just so...dim.
I never thought of the US Senate as a re-entry position. Maybe I could give it a shot after working 5 years before marriage and kids in mortgage loans at a couple of Savings and Loans! I’ve only been out of the job market for 30 years, but hey, I’ve been Class Mom, PTA President, on the School Board of our kids’ Catholic School, and on the Parish Council. I’m just as qualified at Caroline, right? ;o)
Pffft! Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis actually held a job -- something Caroline has yet to do.
I hate “re-entry” women. They decide not to get a job, then decide they want to work clogging up the market and preventing young adults from getting a position from which they can pursue a career.
I can’t count the amount of times I went searching for a position as a receptionist and always saw this huge housefrau already there, merrily typing away as I’m told I don’t have enough previous experience.
Flame away, but it just burns.
Re-entry? What the hell did she ever do in the first place?