If, otoh, our criticisms are substantive and policy based, we will differentiate ourselves from the Left, and build a groundwork for a return to power.
It's as simple as that. Yes, there are Obama trolls, but most conservatives don't want go running around calling Bambi a Muslim.
Agree 100% Chris.
And the hairy guys in pink thongs in parades in SF (The Demo-graphic) that helped elect BO are "hinged"?
I am appalled at this thread and the poster who started it.
Lately FR is full of people who remind me of the taliban in their vitrioll and just meanness.
They would like to see this country fall, the economy tank rather than see Obama have any success.
Call me what anyone likes but that is what I see and I am sticking to it.
If YOU and others want to believe a Whitey-hating, Muslim-Marxist Empty-Suit like Ubama became "President Elect" simply on the virtues of "HOPE and CHANGE," then I'm afraid you must have just missed Santa coming down your chiminey...But then again there's always Easter.
Right Chris...Nothing at all to see hear - move along. WE'RE the ones who are nuts.
“If we start screaming about Birth Certificates and Black Helicopters, we are going to look unhinged”
Barack Obama is unlikely to be a US citizen. If you can’t see that, I think you have a blind spot, as many people do. The idea that we should ignore the apparent truth if it disturbs some people is not one that I support. We do have an obligation to support our arguments with facts.
As for censoring and banning people, in general I’m opposed to it ( except for obscenity, threats, etc ). Let the Obama trolls make their best arguments, and then let’s refute those arguments, as we have. That’s more persuasive than presenting a monolithic opinion, where everyone agrees with everone else.
Of course this website is the private property of Jim Robinson, and he can do what he wants with it. The rest of us are Jim’s guests.
People like you are the problem when real constitutional issues are at hand.
So, please stop looking like you are unhinged from conservatism.
Why is the man refusing to present his birth certificate to assure Americans he is lawfully eligible to be President? A few months back I would have agreed with you now because of his continued refusal something is definitely not right. It makes any sane American THINK he is either NOT a US Citizen or he is not a natural born citizen. If both of these thoughts are incorrect then why oh why for his refusal to present that BC?
Keeping with the spirit of policy based criticism, I will give credit where credit is due if O does the right thing/s (which I seriously doubt). Remember Rush Limbaugh himself said a few weeks ago that he would be O’s biggest champion if he cut taxes, etc (which again he seriously doubted)
Right on the money
There will be many things to criticize the President Elect on policy wise and why his policies are terrible for this nation
Lets focus on that, as opposed to fringe things such as “is he a Muslim” or “where was he born?”
If we stay on the offensive on policy issues we will differentiate ourselves from the lunatic left in this country and marginalize them
The key thing is FOCUS. FOCUS on what matters, the dangerous economic policies that the President Elect plans to put forward and his naive foreign policy, not silly stuff like birth certificates
Well said. The Clinton experience should have taught us that one must be serious and substantive to have any chance at bringing about political change.
If we start screaming about Birth Certificates
I believe our Founding Fathers would agree that the common citizen has a right to ask the president elect to produce a valid birth certificate, passports, draft registration, and college admission records.
Yeah that whole CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT thing is like so late 1800's.
/s for the socialist impaired.
Why pretend our current gov even knows what the CONSTITUTION "IS"TM BillyJeff or cares to uphold it anymore?
And of course we have the endless idiots who haven’t researched the COLB issue but like to follow the republican leadership like the sheep they are and not support those who have researched the issue.
And what really takes the cake is these same RINO supporters want their important issues like the 2nd amendment supported by others while ignoring the constitutional issues of COLB.
end sarcasm
screw helping Obama in any way what so ever.
Conservatives should fight every leftist issue with dead lock.
Purge the party of all RINO’S and FR.
“but most conservatives don’t want go running around calling Bambi a Muslim”
He’s a Kenysn Muslim!!!!
since he failed to attend church services on Christmas....we cannot call him a Christian. so what is he?