These guys are born liars, and will coordinate their stories. But as happens many times criminals will through a buddy under the bus to save their on skin.
The Chicago crime syndicate moves to DC.
Somebody’s going to wind up dead before this is all over. It’s the Chicago way.
Ha! A not-so-subtle threat. Make a sweet deal with me, or the Messiah takes a torpedo. You wouldn’t want to be the man who ruined the Messiah’s coronation, would you?
Why everyone is not wailing in laughter is beyond me.
Why can’t Blago’s lawyer subpoena them himself?
If Diogenes were transported to modern day Chicago, could he find a honest man?/Just Asking - seoul62......
Yikes....when the grocery stores open after Christmas there will be a lineup in the Orville Redenbacher isle hundreds of Freepers long.
End result: NO ONE did ANYTHING wrong.
Sure did’nt take long for the smell from the sewer to start following “The One”.
Blago’s life expectancy is getting shorter.
Why was Blago arrested on a complaint rather than being indicted by a Grand Jury? I read it was to protect the integrity of the selection process for Obama’s replacement. Is an indictment forthcoming?