1 posted on
12/06/2008 11:06:46 AM PST by
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To: Flavius
coming to our streets soon, thanks to illegal immigration and open borders
To: Flavius
Almost looks as if they shot one of their own unintentionally.
3 posted on
12/06/2008 11:13:10 AM PST by
(I'm really happy I wasn't aborted)
To: Flavius
5 posted on
12/06/2008 11:14:13 AM PST by
To: Flavius
Sweet Jesus, that made me nauseous. Absolutely brutal.
7 posted on
12/06/2008 11:17:38 AM PST by
(We care a lot)
To: Flavius
And remember - Mexico is a gun banner's wet dream. Their citizens can not legally own a weapon or even posses ammo.
8 posted on
12/06/2008 11:19:01 AM PST by
(My common ground with terrorists - they want to die for islam and we want to kill them)
To: Flavius
Monsters. Anybody wanna stand up for drug use now? Four innocent people just got wasted for a recreational habit in the States and in Europe.
12 posted on
12/06/2008 11:26:13 AM PST by
(Not My President)
To: Flavius
I wished I had not watched. I will always remember this epsiode. It makes me ill and scared as all get out. They had no chance. None. Unless they had automatic weapons to shoot back and even then probably had no time to react.
15 posted on
12/06/2008 11:34:30 AM PST by
To: Flavius
One must wonder how many LA Slimes employees are drug users.
They portray and present what they are responsible for.
19 posted on
12/06/2008 11:40:00 AM PST by
(A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
To: Flavius
And it blows my mind that people don’t think evil exists. God will have his turn with this animals.
To: Flavius
Nice, shooting women in the back.
I’m guessing it’s illegal for law abiding citizens to own guns?
To: Flavius
First reaction from a lib,
"all the more reasons to ban weapons.
Oh they are already banned in Mexico?
Those evil capitals making money at the costs of the innocent."
26 posted on
12/06/2008 11:57:04 AM PST by
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric cartman voice* 'I love you guys')
To: Flavius
“Lying dead that afternoon of March 14, 2007, were an off-duty police commander and his wife,”
Hit job. The others were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
35 posted on
12/06/2008 12:15:17 PM PST by
headstamp 2
(Been here before)
To: Flavius
camera angle 2, he leaves a pretty big stain on the floor, I doubt he made it
stupid idiot shot his own fellow terrorist
36 posted on
12/06/2008 12:15:38 PM PST by
(We have sown the wind, but we will reap the whirlwind. NObama. Not my president.)
To: Flavius
I used to work for a company that sent us to Monterrey occasionally to upgrade our test systems. It’s actually a nice town. Thankfully I don’t work for them any more. I would probably refuse to go there again after seeing this.
To: Flavius
"About 4000 have died in Mexico's drug war this year - about as many deaths as U.S. forces gave suffered in the Iraq War since it began in 2003."Horrific incident.
Some liberals who are against the efforts of those America military heroes who choose to defend their country (whining about bringing them home, i.e., cutting & running so the US loses the war) are the same anti-American loudmouths who support illegal immigration. Just more 'Rat voters, ignorant of what made this country great, while at the same time flooding America with their culture.
To: Flavius
If anyone would like to see what the main stream media ignores in Mexico: www.m3report.wordpress.com If link fails, search ‘m3 report’; its free with no obligation.
47 posted on
12/06/2008 1:16:27 PM PST by
Res Nullius
(Sometimes you have to kill a chicken to teach the monkey a lesson)
To: Flavius; MNDude; BellStar; bayouranger; stan_sipple; time4good; Guenevere; mugsaway; CSM; ...
If you want on, or off this S. Texas/Mexico ping list, please FReepMail me.
48 posted on
12/06/2008 1:20:13 PM PST by
(ObamaNation - beyond your expectations.)
To: Flavius; SwinneySwitch; tennteacher; lonewacko_dot_com; radar101; ruination; gubamyster; Czar; ...
52 posted on
12/06/2008 4:03:48 PM PST by
(Free - Ramos and Compean)
To: Flavius
Yet leaders of our own country would want us unarmed.
56 posted on
12/06/2008 6:43:52 PM PST by
("Noli nothis permittere te terere.")
To: Flavius
Such wanton bloodlust. The worst part was they showed no mercy, they sprayed anything that moved, and some that didn’t. The worst one however, to me, was the security guard, that man kept shooting him at almost point blank range with his AK variant. Then while his corpse lay on the floor, he pulled his pistol and let another round into him. Barbarians.
57 posted on
12/06/2008 7:02:52 PM PST by
( The stain of freedom, he's washed it out... whoÂ’s rocking the cradle? I have no doubt...)
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