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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...

With a hattip to Rush ( His idea during the Clinton plague upon America ) I am starting a file on “The One,” mostly starting from the election date.

Older stuff- links, quotes, quips, and sometimes pointed graphics can be found by scrolling back from these two posts:

-Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research--

-Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning--

There is some good material in those posts that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions that everyone ought to be asking, and probably will once the “new” wears off, and we are stuck with four ( more likely eight, since 95% of the news & entertainment media are in his pocket ) years of a typical corrupt Chicago Political Machine Politician trying to jerk the whole country in one direction and then the next.

You've all heard the saying,

”People get the kind of government they want...
...and deserve?”

Well, America, you are about to “get it, good & hard...”

Don't say you weren't warned- we tried to tell you...

We did everything we could, and our state went for the Old Guy & the Naughty Librarian, but too many other voters were made stupid by the TV and public schools for it to matter.

We're in a Hell of a mess, and the worst thing is, "we"- the collective we, not you & I-- got us here.

Is Obama really the Abyss...

staring back at us?

I like to make points with humorous graphics- this one sums it up as well as any:


Then, in a nutshell, "everything I see going bad with all this hopi- changi- stuff The One is peddling-- forced labor, censorship, spin, and pure mean-spirited rudness:

Email of the day

Atlas readers rock! I am blown away by the overwhelming response to this post  (and this one) to get involved to take back our country from the Soros, socialists, and the self proclaimed messiah - oy. More than one email brought a tear to my eye but I wanted to share this one with you.

If this best represents who we are, what we want and where we are going, there is no way we can lose. Greatness is in the house. I am proud to count you as my friends. Prouder still to stand with you and fight this great fight.

I want to lead a county.

I was born in Cuba, and know the language of Communism, Obama speaks it well.  My grandfather's family had to flee Lebanon because of the Muslims to Cuba. We fled Cuba because of Castro.

This is the best country in the whole wide world.  I was a child when I left Cuba with the clothe on my back, we left my parent's sister and I, left behind everything. 

America is Worth fighting for and Freedom is worth defending.  I do not want my children to grow up in oppression, nor do I wish exile upon them.

Please allow me to help, again, Id like to lead a county.

My name is Ingrid and Im in Miami, in Miami Dade County

May the Light always shine upon America,


UPDATE: In case there was any doubt as to what the victorious zombies have in mind. Check out this comment (left in the comment section) . Can you say rude awakening?

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged!  Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites.  We will confiscate your firearms.  In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways.  We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice.  We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up!  Prepare for the dung heap of history!

It sounds insane (which it is) but I believe the writer is quite serious.

| | Comments (21)

"We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice".....

Heh heh heh....I am sure you are serious, but that is funny!

Values of social Mao? Stalin? Lenin? Ho-chi Min? Pol Pot? Which of these butchers of social justice did you have in mind?"

That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

Innocents Betrayed is a must see video produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms (scroll down to see links to view the Introduction to Innocents Betrayed)

Now consider Obama's 'civilian defense force' which he intends to fund and equip as well as our standing military coupled with his promise to revisit the second amendment (repeal concealed carry privilege) and then compound this injury with Ayers' inspired youth corps.

Learn from the Slicksters


Obamessiah has a new site up as President-elect soliciting ideas form the proletariat.
Let's hope it doesn't become the hub for the hate whitey and Jew boy Obamavomit that his last site was.

Surf the site. Take note. Keep your eye on the The Obama National Service Plan- the page is empty (how apropos) but that piques my interest.

President Obama To Bring Back Slavery

Just in case anyone think Mr. Obama is not serious about this, bear in mind that his new Chief of Staff wrote a book demanding this very thing: The Plan: Big Ideas for America: Rahm Emanuel, Bruce Reed: Books;sr=1-1

Don’t forget they want a Gestapo/KKK civilian force the size of the pentagon to keep everybody inline and things running smoothly.

“Suddenly, all mention of “required” has been disappeared. ”

SOME THOUGHTS ON OBAMA'S mandatory volunteerism plan. Plus, reader Nancy Anne Potts writes:

Looks like the site is true to it's title - it changes!

During the time when I was looking at the blog you linked to concerned mandatory community service the page saying "require community service" changed to goal for community service. The new wording is:

"..... Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

I found the the cached page on Google it has the original "required" wording.

Looks like they caught their "mistake". Now will the real plan please step forward -- goal or required. (Although the way government sets goals, they often wind up looking like requirements so maybe the two aren't all that different.)

Ugh! I see card check made the economy page too. He may be the president elect but I don't have to like his plans!

Not until the second term. Then that will be made mandatory, too . . . .

Meanwhile, Robert Bidinotto comments: "Anyone recall what the Soviets used to do to history books?" The Obama folks have a history of airbrushing.

IF YOU VOTED FOR MCCAIN, you're a racist. Just in case nobody had bothered to tell you.

President-Elect D’oh-bama’s Gaffe #1: Sorry, Nancy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 7, 2008 07:30 PM

And so it begins.

Or rather, continues.

President-elect D’oh-bama apologizes (vid here in case you missed it):

More of the incessant symbolism bullshit from teh Obama Campaign


I believe the idea is to give the impression he’s already on the job. It strikes me as bad advice and an ego that knows no limits

President-Elect Douchebag Mocks Nancy Reagan


Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...
Gag alert:

President-elect Barack Obama's First Press Conference - Complete Video 11/7/08

Obama Mocks Nancy Reagan in 1st Press Conference

It's  classless to mock a frail, elderly woman. (Note he was not kind in his revelation about his own "typical white person" grandmother, either.)

It's even worse to mock the widow of a great former president. Whatever you think of her, she deserves respect.

Especially classless was mocking Nancy Reagan on stage, before hundreds of reporters and television cameras, knowing the "joke" would be heard by millions. This wasn't some private remark that got picked up by a live mike.

What the hell is the “Office of the President-Elect?”

In Fort Worth, Obama's election prompts run on guns and ammunition

Get 'em while you can-- from my files:

Sitting in committee, just waiting for The One:

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007

On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

From "", the official transition website. Agenda tab and then select "urban policy" and go down to "Crime Control".

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

There will be no one left to protect you
Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans. Americans will have not seen such arbitrary power used against them since the days of the Civil War when Lincoln put the Constitution in the bottom drawer of his desk and set about arresting anyone who opposed his policies...

VIDEO of Obama calling for a Secret Police Force: CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE??

QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT civilian national security force.

“Just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded.” So the astute observer and deep thinker might reflect for a minute and be compelled to pose several questions (although the MSM won’t)...


Kindly note the quote, from our new First Lady, err, female black Bigot...

Obama's plan to disarm America (video, in his own words)


Michelle Malkin: New national anthem: "My president is black"


Is Obama "Your President"?

Friday, November 07, 2008 3:01:30 PM · 57 of 180
backhoe to brownsfan
Hmmmm... this one is very difficult. I was in the military, and we were taught we salute the uniform, not the man. So I respect the office, not the man. However, I am adopting a wait and see. If Obama governs as if he cares about America, even if we disagree, I can accept that. If Obama governs as I expect, like a Manchurian candidate who is bent on America’s deconstruction, that is when he will disqualify himself as being my president.

Liberal activists have long legislative wish list

National Organization for Women. "Since 1994, we've been losing over and over on legislation related to equality and fair treatment for women."
The gay-rights movement also campaigned vigorously for Obama.
NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America want Obama and Congress to move aggressively...
An array of other advocacy groups are stepping forward with their priorities for the new Congress.

Guess Who's Getting the Nuclear Football in January?

BO is doing away with our nukes, the officer assigned to carry the nuclear football will instead be carrying the teleprompter.

Angelou: Now I Won't Have To Apologize For My Country When Abroad

Democratic RevolutionWith all that being said, we are looking at potentially 9.2 million fraudulent votes...
This wasn't an election. It was peaceful Socialist revolution. Perhaps we should refer to President Obama as "His Fraudulency". But not too loudly...
- Hugh Farnham

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

Yes we can--draft your @ss

You know, I warn, and I warn, and I warn, and I warn, but nobody listens.

OMG you won't believe what is written on Obama's new website: "America Serves"

Democrats talk of a ‘permanent progressive majority’

Libs Suddenly Find Themselves Defending the Flag It wasn't that long ago that the American Left was burning and crapping on the flag.
Suddenly, all of that has changed.

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

 From my files- note the date:

Bend over, America:

Paid for with 'everybody else's' money...

1,152 posted on Saturday, February 09, 2008

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

And folks should be sure to check out this thread....

Obama’s Chief of Staff Pick Took Campaign Contributions from Wall Street

And check out the info at

I hope someone sends these Emanuel links off to Limbaugh.


The Coup: a position paper

Cut Obama some slack, wait and listen

President Bush could not even claim his victory for weeks in the 2000 elections because of democRAT attempts to steal the election.

He has been insulted and degraded like no other president in memory.

I, for one, will not cut this poser or his comrades ANY slack...

Obama-Supporting Teacher Bullies Student (video)

"White guilt gave us black Jesus"


Required re-education: Reagan's 1964 speech to the Republican Convention

I’ve already ordered my ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Ron Paul’ bumper sticker. I’ll probably get a ‘Sarah-cuda’ one as well.

After the appropriate time has passed ( after Duh1 takes office and starts clowning around... ) I'm going to make this:

"Don't blame Me
I voted for Sarah"

Possibilities I'm entertaining in the interim?

"Where's mah Free Gas?"

"I want my mortgage paid!"

The new battle line?

choice versus control.


Mike Gallagher: Mourning In America

Change... Obama Announces Creation Of His Marxist Youth Corps (Heil Comrade Obama!)


Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales Well, duh!

I tried for months to wake people up- now, they will get "the kind of government they want, and deserve..."

Of course, we don't deserve it, but when just enough voters have been made stupid by the TV and public "education," what can you expect?

I dug in to the grocery money ( neither of us have a job... ) and renewed my membership in the NRA, GOA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. If we'd had more to spare, I'd have rejoined JPFO and the Second Amendment Sisters, too.

Keep these handy...

Gun Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn

Do Unto Obama As Liberals Did Unto Bush

Coal stocks plummet. Average 15%, many over 30% since Tuesday Gee, wonder why?

Kate, this is important and you should listen to it. It's about Obama's cult of personality and it is short.

From the blogs- and, always, read the Anchoress:

Bush, Obama, & Ghosts of Hate - UPDATED

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

I would love nothing better than to be able to stop writing about “left” and “right.” I wish we had a better vocabulary to describe our distinctions, because these words are limiting and off-putting. I am determined, with the merciful conclusion of this abusively long election season, to work diligently at spending less time entertaining these distinctions. But for today, I think it is only fair to note a very important and glaring difference between “left and right” - and in so doing - consider how we may, finally, stop needing to indulge in what is tedious.

Victor Davis Hanson
says Let’s not imitate the left in our opposition. I agree.

It has been wonderful - really beyond wonderful - to consider how differently most of the right has reacted to their defeat than the left did in 2000 and 2004. In the two previous elections, the left responded by calling the other half of the country “stupid,” “morons,” and “Nazis” - Jane Smiley called them “unteachably ignorant” - they indulged in high drama, sniffling “apologies” to the globe, and denunciations of their fellow countrymen as “lying between repugnant and reptile in the dictionary.”

And oh, yeah (eyeroll) George W. Bush was not “their” president.

While you’ll see a few disgruntled extremists on the right say foolish, even ignorant things - and many throwing daggers at the sickening double-standards of the press - they’re not indulging in that sort of dehumanizing (and very adolescent) hate of their fellow countrymen or the president-elect. The reports they’re filing read very differently than those following the Bush wins. They read as grown-up, tolerant, open-minded discourses, not tantrums. There is a willingness to be hopeful, even in defeat.

And there is a determined respectfulness being offered to the winners - people who could not manage maturity and respectfulness in their defeat and who, sadly, are not always managing it in their victory, either.

I’m hopeful that the left - if it takes the time to actually condescend to notice how well it is being treated by the vanquished - might consider that self-indulgent defamation is the lesser way; that such a consideration may inspire introspection, and perhaps the smallest bit of regret for some of their appalling excesses toward the right and toward the American President who did not return hate in-kind.

I’m hopeful. I’m an optimist. I KNOW that the folks on the right - for all of their faults, and both sides certainly have faults - want America to be successful and strong and exceptional and free. I’m hopeful that hugely empowered left will discover that - beyond the feel-goodism of “free social programs” which are never free -they actually, really do want all of those things, too. That they’ll look back on the last 8 years and realize, finally, that their enemy was never George W. Bush. Bush, the guy who never dehumanized them, was only trying serve those corny ideals.

And then, miraculously, we may actually have unity.

Some similar thinking from my girl crush, Donna Brazile:

“The one mistake that we continue to make is that we label people. We say you’re conservatives, liberal, progressive, right wing, left wing. I think people just want to spend one day being Americans. They want to come together around a common purpose, common values.”

I wondered the other day if the catharsis of this election might open up “a vein of generosity” (or at least decency) from the left as concerns President Bush. I have not seen it yet, but I’m going to be optimistic and keep looking.

But maybe it’s enough just to see a little appreciation from the right, to start. Like this, for instance:

I link, therefore, I Err has a little mini-round-up of appreciation for George W. Bush. You’ll want to read it all.

From Alppuccino at Protein Wisdom:

At 10:40, President Bush will keep his streak alive by telling everyone how much he loves America. Just as he always has. And he’ll show everyone how much he loves America by preparing Obama as best he can for the next 4 years.

Read it all; it’s doubtful that Obama’s team will come into the White House finding O’s missing from their keyboards, any rude messages greeting them. And that is how it should be in America, a respectful transition.

Michael Gerson:

Many liberals refuse to concede Bush’s humanity, much less his achievements.

But that humanity is precisely what I will remember. I have seen President Bush show more loyalty than he has been given, more generosity than he has received. I have seen his buoyancy under the weight of malice and his forgiveness of faithless friends. Again and again, I have seen the natural tug of his pride swiftly overcome by a deeper decency — a decency that is privately engaging and publicly consequential.

[In 2005]…the White House senior staff overwhelmingly opposed a new initiative to fight malaria in Africa for reasons of cost and ideology…In the crucial policy meeting, one person supported it: the president of the United States, shutting off debate with a moral certitude that others have criticized. I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women’s advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government — or about President Bush.

Jeffery Scott Shapiro:

[The treatment of President Bush] from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have…Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty — a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.

Until we fix, within ourselves, our enthrallment with hate for others, simply because they hold differing views, we’ll never pull it together. In 2006 we watched a right-wing blogger be called less than human by a left-wing reader. We’ve seen President Bush being referred to as “the chimp” and “the monkey” by the wits who insisted that ideology trumped having a decent respect for another’s humanity. I wrote about that a little here:

Thus, George W. Bush is “Chimpy McHitler.” Hillary Clinton is “a pig in a pantsuit.” Barack Obama is “O-Bambi.” Cindy McCain, who has exhibited some courage and laudable compassion in her life, is reduced to a “pill-popping beer-frau,” and so forth. From there it is smooth sailing down an ever-descending river of hatred, until we are incapable of seeing anything good in the “other,” both because we have willfully hardened our hearts, and because our hate — especially when it is supported by a group of like minds — feels safe and inviolable.

With that in mind, you’ll want to read this excellent piece over at Conversion Diary, wherein Jenifer ponders pictures from a Nazi-era photo album and wonders, how such common-variety people managed to support and enable such profound evil.

One thing that stands out in all these examples is that the victims of the widespread evil were categorized as something less than human…not only that innocent people were killed or enslaved, but that their humanity was taken away by the societies around them…So here is the advice I would offer to my children, and to my children’s children:

Every decade or so, take a look around the society in which you live, and ask yourself if there is any group of human beings who are seen as something less than human. A big tipoff is if dehumanizing words — terms other than “man,” “woman,” “child,” “baby,” or “person” — are used to describe any category of people.

And if you ever see that going on, you might be in the midst of something gravely evil.

Dehumanizing people begins with baby-steps like name-calling, or the sort of intellectual dishonesty that delights in deliberately twisting the meaning of others in negative and misrepresentative ways. Those are the little gateways to the great evils that come once you’ve managed to thoroughly de-humanize others.

We’ve had 8 years - I’d say 12, really - of people demonizing and dehumanizing others, from both sides, and it is not getting us anyplace good. I believe that the response of most of the right to Obama’s victory is a step toward changing that. But the left has to do their part, too.

Pope Benedict XVI said, “those who hope live differently.” The election of Barack Obama was borne on this word, “Hope.”

If the people who voted for “hope” were sincere, then let them begin, today, to embrace it - and to live differently - without the kneejerk move to hate “the other side.” The right, responding levelly to their defeat, has offered the opening. Will the left take it?

UPDATE: Seems some will. Here is mostly accurate, and apprecited praise from a surprising quarter:

Would America have elected Barack Obama if white Americans had not gotten accustomed to seeing (in succession) two African-American Secretaries of State? I don’t think so. Before Bush, African-Americans were appointed to some good posts but not to our #1 foreign policy job. Two African Americans (one with a pretty odd first name) served as America’s face to the world. That eased Obama’s way. It is not Tiger Woods in whose footsteps Obama is walking — it’s Rice and Powell….Fact is, “W” never gave any evidence of holding racist attitudes…even just the slur the occasionally slips out of the mouth of even our most liberal leaders.

Same with Arabs and Muslims…Bush, after 9/11, never resorted to anti-Arab or Muslim stereotypes. He drew distinctions between terrorists and Arabs…Had he not done these things, Arabs and Muslims might have experienced not just hate crimes but pogroms.

Meanwhile, from Grand Rants:

Here is a man who is regularly compared to Hitler in casual conversation in Leftist circles high and low. His honor has been regularly impugned, his intelligence (or, as the press loves to put it, his “intellectual curiousity”) constantly demeaned, his verbal stumblings consistently mocked, and his accomplishments in office discounted or ignored. He is a man who kept his head down and did his job, despite the slings and arrows hurled at him by fortune made all the more outrageous by nearly the entire Democratic party.

I for one, would like to say thank you to Pres. Bush. For keeping us safe. For watching out for us. For persevering in spite of all the spite. I believe history will ultimately judge you as one of America’s best presidents, and I believe you deserve that judgement.

H/T to Opinionated Catholic, who writes:

The throwing under the bus of the President by even his friends and indeed the base has been shocking to me. Many groups will find out soon enough how they took Bush’s support and advocacy for them for granted, Catholics, especially.

Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden is beginning to enjoy Omerica, Quin Hillyer is saying America is over, kaput, finished, Evan Thomas suddenly finds Obama “slightly creepy” and when you refuse to release medical records, and the press doesn’t care…conjecture begins about your mental health.

Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier pinged back with Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL pinged back with Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL
Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants pinged back with Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants


Forty-Fourth President, Twelfth Imam

by Baron Bodissey

O-Man’s Fibonacci spiral haloThe election results were long expected, but now that the day has arrived it’s quite a letdown, anyway. Reading about the joy expressed by Hamas and Syria and Italy and Indonesia… contemplating Obama’s Secretary of State, or (God help us) Defense… Thinking about the USA becoming just like Sweden, only with a real army, and aircraft carriers, and nukes… First Lady Michelle…

It’s all too depressing.

So, as is my habit in such circumstances, instead of writing a post this evening or doing something else useful, I created yet another iconic image of The One. After looking around at some of his existing halos, I decided to make one myself. A man can’t have too many halos, right?

And then I pondered the phenomenon of halos appearing behind the heads of great national leaders, men who are born into modest Muslim circumstances, but in time become presidents of large countries that have nuclear weapons. It made me think of…
- - - - - - - - -
Mad Jad’s HaloMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ol’ Mad Jad got his halo when he went to visit the UN a couple of years ago. It appeared behind his head while he was speaking. Not only that, his audience was held in such rapt attention by his words that they were unable to blink for thirty minutes. We know all this is true because he told us so.

I wonder how many other resemblances there are between him and Barack Hussein Obama.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as preparing the way for the Twelfth Imam, as a sort of satanic John the Baptist for the man who is prophesied to return and usher in the apocalypse preceding the establishment of the permanent reign of Islam over the entire world.

And Obama’s got a bigger halo.

Does that mean…? Nah — it couldn’t be… But still… It makes me wonder…

What if the One were also the Twelfth?

Note to the literal-minded: this post is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Given the circumstances, it’s the only fun I’m likely to have for quite a while.

Read further...

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House My wife just got an e-mail from the head of HR saying that the post-election Obama jokes have to stop, especially if there is any hint that it might be related to racism. No notice before the election. And it was OK to get anti-Bush e-mails for 8 years. Oh yeah, she works for a bank that is hoping for a piece of the bailout action...

FReepers: we need you now more than ever. Don't go!

I’m not leaving as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the Creeks don’t rise.

Have no fear- The One will halt the rising creeks, heal the planet, and make the French love us again ( Oh, gag me! )...

Well, I’m not going anywhere as long as I have a voice.

We may have to go back to Xerox machines and small presses distributing handbills, but I’ll be damned if I let my country slip in to “That Good Night” without a fight.

I’m the one who dubbed Clinton “Little Big Fraud,” so I’ll have to work on something for The One.

We may have to set up a “Free Republic in Exile” like Degaulle did when the Nazis overran France, but we’ll manage.

It does distress me that so many people were suckered by a typical Chicago Machine empty suit, but he had 95% of both the press and entertainment arms of The Media Hive trying to get him elected, and covering up for him, so it’s not surprising.

Carry on.

Some realistic things to expect early in the Obama Administration

I work in Chicago. I deal with a great many attorneys in my job, many of whom are staunch Dims and breathless Obambi supporters; some were even active in his campaign. More than one told me that at or near the top of Obambi’s agenda is a new Hate Crimes bill, with a wide expansion of what will be considered a hate crime

Didn't you notice that Obama is a conservative?  "Obama is, in his own words, something of a Rorschach test. In his latest book, The Audacity of Hope, he writes, 'I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.' "

Being an American is much more than being "cool"

Obama Bought The Presidency

Another Painful Lesson For The GOP

That’s what happens when you run a true left wing liberal against a liberal lite. The real one wins.

Remember, that's my theory why we went down to defeat in 2006...

I said something along the lines of,

"I've read all the theories why we lost so badly, and I still say this: Once elected, the Republicans taxed & spent & regulated like a bunch of Democrats- no wonder the voters decided to try The Real Thing!"



Here it comes, you bitter clingers:

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’ ...why there is a new army command for domestic unrest...

Obama Pushes Abortion on Day One With Emanuel Pick Pro-Abortion, ANTI-gun zealot. He helped write the first AWB, and is going to help push the 2nd PERMANENT AWB.

Five Years to destabilize a nation. Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion

Beware of the "manufactured crisis"

 The parasites are now in full control. The host taxpayer will be expected to work even harder just to stay even. This is a way of breaking the country. The Muslims are dancing in the streets as middle east money just bought the US presidency for a clown without a clue.

Much Of Arab World Rejoices Over Obama Election

Barack Obama, Mr. Hope-n-Change

But just remember- any critique, opposition, or naysaying?

This, is where we are going:

No, I'm not kidding.

I wish I were- the lights are going out, all across America.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

The healing begins!

Your sickening unAmerican traitorous, racist, money-grubbing, torturing, hateful ideology got struck a death blow and you and your fellow jackal-blowhards are left writhing on the floor, gasping for breath as the final death tremors subside and your bodies stiffen into rigour mortis.

We heart4848.gif you too!


Posted by Kate at 12:30 PM | Comments (56) "It will be painful, but this election is good news. The only true cure for socialism is to actually get it; the US is about to get a big fat dose of cure for what ails them."

Final Thoughts Final Post

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:23:30 PM · 7 of 8
backhoe to Pagan Power
Well, after the 2006 debacle, I wrote this:

Call it a Twilight of the Gods moment
( "In the twilight of the gods, the twilight men will appear..."
Otto Basil, circa 1968 )
...but until further notice, I am suspending updates specific to this post.
I will continue to update this:
with "everything you need to be aware of."
But I'm just burned, and bummed out. The elections. The sellout of Israel. The Moonbats. The Stupid Party. The Evil Party.

Then again, after yesterday there's this:

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


9,520 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; americaheldhostage; americans4prosperity; bho2008; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotreason; bhotyranny; bo; davidharsanyi; deemocrats; democrat; democrats; donilon; kochbrothers; mdan; obama; obamafiles; obamatransitionfile; thekenyan; thomasdonilon; usurper; veroniquederugy
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To: backhoe

awesome post as always!!!

1,381 posted on 07/26/2009 4:35:37 AM PDT by DollyCali (Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your God is!you)
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To: DollyCali

I appreciate your stopping by- thank you.

1,382 posted on 07/26/2009 4:39:41 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (Obama at -11, and at 49% overall approval for 3rd strait day!)

Gee, I wonder why?

Health Care Advocate Says Senior Citizens to be Biggest Losers in ObamaCare - Video 7/25/09


So far, czars have been installed in at least 35 posts through presidential executive orders that require no Senate approval. No Senate review, no questions. No questions, no problems.

"Can't wait to see the lefties come out and defend these criminals, and/or trash Michelle Malkin."

Useless Eaters

MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...

If you have ever harbored doubt about why the Obama machine has been unable to provide incontrovertible proof of his U.S. citizenship, then you ... are ... a ... racist.

Sure, it sounds funny enough to be a Jeff Foxworthy punch line, but it was said in utter, condescending sincerity.


The Indonesian Usurper:

A patriot:


Video Unearthed Henry Louis Gates Rant In 1996 Against Racist White Instititions


Is Henry Louis Gates Dirty?

Google "Gates-InkWell Foundation," and read up on what may be behind the headlight in the tunnel that the Prof walked into

1,383 posted on 07/26/2009 5:01:58 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Why Aren't Americans Obeying Obama?

Useless Eaters

WaPo Shocker: President Is Hiding Costs of Obamacare


Barack Obama discovers socialist projects and a pro-Marxist foreign policy are making him unpopular

Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis believes a "job is a civil right"

Dems Ensure Illegal Aliens Included in ObamaCare and Other Atrocities

LA Timies: Obama setting the priorities on immigration

Where in the world is Barack Obama’s birth certificate? (Part 2)

Fighting back against red light cameras.

A Headline You’ll Never Hear: A Decade of Abortion Clinic Peace

The Associated Press covered the killing of abortionist George Tiller expansively while ironically implying that such violence is commonplace. For instance, they wrote,
“But the doctor’s violent death was the latest in a string of shootings and bombings over two decades directed against abortion clinics doctors and staff.”
Is this accurate?  The author of a blog called “Political Math” decided to check.  Political Math uses youtube videos and graphs to demonstrate statistical points about everything from President Obama’s expansion of the national debt, to the number of jobs lost after the stimulus package was enacted.

Using statistics from the National Abortion Federation (naturally, with a pro-abortion bias), Political Math published this graph:

Would you have ever guessed from reading the AP article that this was the first abortion related murder since 1998?  Probably not.

Let's Talk A Bit About What "Victory" Looks Like....

Obama's Town Hall Scam

Obama’s “Acting Stupidly” Remark Causing His Popularity to Crater

1,384 posted on 07/26/2009 12:31:14 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All
LATEST CBO HEALTHCARE REPORT, illustrated on video.

Plus this: “The sweetest part of this? Obama tried to strong-arm the CBO the last time they sent up a red flag about what an awful boondoggle his pet program will turn out to be. Here’s what he gets for trying things ‘the Chicago way.’”  Health care push relying increasingly on lobbyists.

Gates ‘Charity’ Gives Money To His Pals

July 26th, 2009

Our old friend Dan Riehl at Riehl World View has uncovered an interesting detail about Mr. Gates.

He has his very own personal tax supported 501c3 ‘charity,’ which he operates out of his own (or rather Harvard’s own) house.

From Inkwell’s 2007 Form 990 (a pdf file):

(Click images to enlarge.)

Here is the Inkwell Foundation’s  ‘mission statement’:

The purpose of the foundation is to provide grants to other charitable organizations and to promote programs that educate the general public and encourage academic interest regarding African and African-American literature, art, history, and culture.

To that noble end they have raised $205,543 in 2007 alone.

But as you can see, only $27,500 of this money has actually been expended.

As Mr. Riehl rightly notes, the money somehow seems to have found its way to Mr. Gates employees and friends – pretty much exclusively.

All but four of the ‘grants’ that were doled out during 2007 were for the paltry sum of $500. (It’s hard to see how much scholarship that can buy.)

The larger grants, however, seem to have gone to Mr. Gates’ inner circle, with the largest – at $10,000 – having gone to his very own personal assistant, Joanne Kendall:

The next largest grant ($6,000) appears to have gone to an apparent Gates’ friend, Angela Deleon.

One of the two $1,000 grants was given to Dell Hamilton, who reportedly worked for Mr. Gates as an Events coordinator for the Dubois Institute at Harvard.

One of the $500 recipients, Nancy Brigham Cyr , also seems to have worked for Gates, as an administrator.

Mr. Riehl has found several more friends and former employees of Gates on the list of grantees.

Perhaps this is yet another ‘teachable moment.’

In any case, we fully expect our watchdog media to ferret out the rest of the details about this somewhat suspicious set of circumstances.

Any minute now.

"The o-blah-blah circle of aquaintances reveals yet another bird of the same feathers. Racist, lying, thieving, arrogant and condescending criminals..."


Culture of Corruption: Czars of the Obama Underworld

By Michelle Malkin  •  July 26, 2009 07:27 AM

(Click here for full size)

Meet Urban Czar Adolfo Carrión, Jr. He’s one of my Culture of Corruption Dirty Dozen collectibles. In conjunction with the book launch tomorrow, my friend Tennyson Hayes (whose terrific graphic art has been featured here since last spring) and I cooked up 12 trading cards featuring some of Team Obama’s most interest-conflicted, ethics-compromised, crony officials chronicled in the book. You’ll read more here about The Dirty Dozen throughout the week. But as you’ll see after you dive into Culture of Corruption (officially out tomorrow, but readers tell me they’re seeing it in stores this weekend), those 12 are just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got enough profiles of Team Obama corruption and cronyism to fill an entire 54-card set.

Below is my special piece for the New York Post today on Carrión and my other nominees for Obama’s worst czars. Auto czar Steve Rattner, entangled in an SEC investigation of his former company, Quandrangle, topped that list until he stepped down earlier this month amid the darkening ethics cloud. And I’ve already reported extensively on transparency-undermining energy czar Carol Browner. So I chose three of the shady czars who haven’t been on the public’s radar screen — and should be: health care czar Nancy DeParle, Carrión, and technology czar Vivek Kundra.

Looking for an up-to-date list of czars?

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is keeping track here.

Taxpayers for Common Sense has a chart here.

And there’s a czar chart on Wikipedia here.

What can we do to fight the phantom menaces controlling huge swaths of the economy and government? The Rattner resignation shows that sunlight can indeed be the best disinfectant. Stay informed. Keep pressuring Congress for accountability and disclosure. And know your enemy. I wrote Culture of Corruption to give readers a comprehensive road map of the Team Obama members undermining transparency, cashing in on the Washington revolving door, and short-circuiting representative government. Use it!


By Michelle Malkin
Special to the NYPost

If you can’t beat ’em, czar ’em. This is the standard operating procedure in Obama World. The time-honored Senate confirmation process proved to be a dangerous landmine for one too many of the president’s picks. But the White House found the perfect cure for Obama Nominee Withdrawal Syndrome: Avoid future debacles by circumventing the nomination process altogether.

So far, czars have been installed in at least 35 posts through presidential executive orders that require no Senate approval. No Senate review, no questions. No questions, no problems.

The Obama administration has created a two-tiered government—fronted by Cabinet secretaries able to withstand public scrutiny (some of them, just barely) and then managed behind the scenes by shadow secretaries with broad powers beyond congressional reach. Bureaucratic chaos serves as a useful smokescreen to obscure the true source of policy decision-making. Energy czar Carol Browner epitomized the secretive dealings of these offices when she advised auto industry executives this month “to put nothing in writing, ever” about their meetings with her.

While past administrations dating back to the Nixon era have designated such “super aides,” none has extended the concept as widely as Obama has. Currently, 35 out of 44 current “czar” slots are presidential appointments. They are among the highest-paid staffers at the White House. Most of Obama’s key czars have Cabinet counterparts already in place.

It’s not just the unprecedented quantity of White House-appointed bureaucratic commissars that galls. It’s their shockingly compromised ethics and integrity. Here are three of Obama’s most interest-conflicted, superfluous, and criminal czars and czarinas:

Nancy DeParle, health czar

Former Kansas Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelius won Senate confirmation as Health and Human Services Secretary. But the real power lies with with newly-created health czar Nancy-Ann Min DeParle. Her official title: Director of the White House Office for Health Reform.

DeParle ran the behemoth Medicare and Medicaid programs under Bill Clinton. She parlayed her government experience into a lucrative private-sector stint. Over the past three years, she made nearly $6 million from her work in the health care industry. Despite President Obama’s loud denunciations of the revolving-door lobbyist culture in Washington, DeParle’s industry ties didn’t bother the White House.

She served as an investment advisor at JP Morgan Partners, LLC; sat on the board of directors at Boston Scientific Corporation; and held directorships at Accredo Health Group Inc., Triad Hospitals (now part of Community Health Systems), and DaVita Corporation. In all, she sat on at least ten boards while advising JP Morgan and working as managing director at a private equity firm, CCMP Capital.

From 2002 to 2008, while holding all those titles, DeParle also served as a member of the government-chartered Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC), an influential panel that advises Congress on what Medicare should cover and at what price. Last month, former MedPAC member DeParle cozily announced that Obama was “open to making recommendations of [MedPAC] mandatory unless opposed by a joint resolution of Congress.”

Obama famously signed an early executive order requiring appointees to pledge not to participate “in any particular matter involving specific parties that is directly and substantially related to any former employer or former clients” for a period of two years from the date of his or her appointment. But it’s hard to imagine any health care reform-related issue that won’t involve one of DeParle’s former employers, clients, and corporate boards in the health care industry. She earned at least $376,000 from Cerner Corporation, for example, which specializes in health information technology. As health czar, DeParle has unmeasured clout in directing $19 billion of federal stimulus money earmarked for, yes, health information technology.

Last week, a Washington, D.C. citizen watchdog filed suit to force the White House to disclose which health care lobbyists and executives it had met with this year to discuss insurance takeover legislation. White House counsel Greg Craig refused to disclose which administration officials attended the meetings. But at least two of the industry visitors have ties to DeParle. William C. Weldon is chairman of Johnson & Johnson, which paid DeParle $7,500 for a recent speech. Wayne Smith is chief executive of Community Health Systems, which merged with Triad Hospitals – where DeParle served on the board of directors. DeParle’s options were converted to cash payments worth $1.05 million.

Despite Obama’s lip service to transparency, the public is in the dark about which assets DeParle has divested and how many times, if any, DeParle has recused herself from policy matters and meetings. Czardom has its privileges.

Adolfo Carrion, urban czar

Former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión Jr., the nation’s “urban czar” is a man in Obama’s own image: Son of immigrants. Charismatic. Ambitious. And embroiled in pay-for-play scandals that would make the Chicago political machine proud.

Carrion’s official title: Head of the White House Office of Urban Affairs. But doesn’t the president already have a Secretary of Housing and Urban Development? Yes. That spot went to Harvard grad and former Clinton HUD official Shaun Donovan, who moved up from his role as New York City commissioner of housing and development. Grievance groups, however, were miffed that the HUD job didn’t go to a racial or ethnic minority. (Donovan is white; HUD is a notorious bastion of cronyism of color.) Enter Carrión.

As a reward for turning out the Latino vote, Obama gave Carrion the unprecedented power to shower federal dollars on urban areas and coordinate urban policy across several bureaucracies. In practice, the job empowers Carrión to carry out the kind of pay-to-play schemes that sullied his tenure in the Bronx on a nationwide scale. It’s Obama-approved old school patronage dressed up as the new urban renewal.

As Bronx Borough president, Carrion took tens of thousands of dollars in donations from real estate firms just before and after the developers snagged lucrative deals or crucial zoning changes for their projects. In turn, he made millions in public tax dollars available to his cronies. And Carrion rubber-stamped three housing projects for an architect whom he hired to renovate his City Island Victorian home. It is illegal for an elected official to accept such a gift, but Carrión failed to pay the architect until after he was tapped for his urban czar post. The White House shrugged.

Similar arrangements involving home renovation freebies from corporate suitors resulted in multiple criminal convictions (later set aside over prosecutorial misconduct) for entrenched Alaska GOP Senator Ted Stevens and forced the resignation of Republican former Connecticut Governor John Rowland. But there was barely a peep from the Beltway’s clean government types about Carrión’s smelly deals. He is also a lavish spender – squandering nearly $20,000 on a teleprompter, junkets to San Juan, and $50,000 on a going away party for himself. Viva la Hope and Change.

Vivek Kundra, technology czar

Who thinks putting a shoplifter in charge of the entire federal government’s information security infrastructure is a good idea? The Obama White House has complete confidence in Vivek Kundra, the 34-year-old “whiz kid” named Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) in March 2009 despite his criminal history. As first reported by Ed Morrissey at, Kundra was convicted of misdemeanor theft. He stole a handful of men’s shirts from a J.C. Penney’s department store and ran from police in a failed attempt to evade arrest. Kundra was a 21-year-old adult at the time of his attempted thievery and attempted escape from the police. From the White House’s pooh-poohing of the incident as a “youthful indiscretion,” you might have thought the digits in his age were reversed.

Whitewashing the petty thief’s crimes, Obama instead effused about his technology czar’s “depth of experience in the technology arena.” As the nation’s CIO, Kundra “will play a key role in making sure our government is running in the most secure, open, and efficient way possible.” But the aura of security and openness was further thrown into doubt in March when an FBI search warrant was issued at Kundra’s office. He was serving as the Chief Technology Officer of the District of Columbia before moving over to the White House.

During the transition, two of Kundra’s underlings, Yusuf Acar and Sushil Bansal, were charged in an alleged scheme of bribery, kickbacks, ghost employees, and forged timesheets. Kundra was put on leave for five days and then reinstated after the feds informed him that he was neither a subject nor a target of the investigation. Team Obama emphasized that Kundra had no idea what was going on in his workplace, which employed about 300 workers.

But if his claimed ignorance is supposed to exonerate Kundra, what does it suggest about his ability to police government technology operations across the entire federal government? And what responsibility and oversight exactly did Kundra have over the indicted employees in his office?

Veteran D.C. newspaper columnist Jonetta Rose Barras reported that Acar “was consistently promoted by his boss, Vivek Kundra, receiving with each move increasing authority over sensitive information and operating with little supervision.” The raid was no surprise to city and federal watchdogs, who had identified a systemic lack of controls in the office. Now, Kundra promises to create “a culture of accountability and innovation” in order to prevent “theft and fraud.” The anti-crime prevention strategy of Obama’s technology security chief: Takes one to know one.

The czar explosion illustrates the first law of political physics: As government grows, corruption flows. Unchecked, these super-bureaucrats have the power to wreak major havoc on the economy and our lives. Who will stop them?

Michelle Malkin is author of the new book Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies (Regnery).

Posted in: czars

1,385 posted on 07/26/2009 1:56:13 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Admits Obama Healthcare Plan Will Destroy Insurance Industry (VIDEO)

Better translation of DeathCare Details:
July 23, 2009: 48 Important Things to Know About Obama's Healthcare Plan
  • Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
  • Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
  • Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
  • Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
  • Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
  • Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
  • Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
  • Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (read: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)
  • Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.
  • Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)
  • Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens
  • Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
  • Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.
  • Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No "judicial review" is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.
  • Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will set wages.
  • Page 145: An employer MUST auto-enroll employees into the government-run public plan. No alternatives.
  • Page 126: Employers MUST pay healthcare bills for part-time employees AND their families.
  • Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll
  • Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
  • Page 167: Any individual who doesnt' have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
  • Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
  • Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
  • Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." Yes, it really says that.
  • Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected."
  • Page 241: Doctors: no matter what speciality you have, you'll all be paid the same (thanks, AMA!)
  • Page 253: Government sets value of doctors' time, their professional judgment, etc.
  • Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
  • Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
  • Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
  • Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
  • Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
  • Page 317: Doctors: you are now prohibited for owning and investing in healthcare companies!
  • Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.
  • Page 321: Hospital expansion hinges on "community" input: in other words, yet another payoff for ACORN.
  • Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures: i.e., rationing.
  • Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc.
  • Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.
  • Page 379: More bureaucracy: Telehealth Advisory Committee (healthcare by phone).
  • Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
  • Page 425: Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. Mandatory. Appears to lock in estate taxes ahead of time.
  • Page 425: Goverment provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
  • Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
  • Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.
  • Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
  • Page 469: Community-based Home Medical Services: more payoffs for ACORN.
  • Page 472: Payments to Community-based organizations: more payoffs for ACORN.
  • Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy. Government intervenes in your marriage.
  • Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.
You can download the complete bill text [ here ]

Incidentally, if you haven't watched Soylent Green yet, you should at least see the future of our country's end-of-life plans: [ Part 1 | Part 2 ].


Baton Rouge police censoring citizens at ACORN's request (video)

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

George Orwell – Animal Farm

The United States has gradually degenerated from a Republic based on individual liberties to a socialized oligarchy run by an exclusive few. The country was founded upon the platform of individual rights. We declared our independence from Great Britain because of excessive regulation and taxation. Americans fought for the right to live their lives free from the subjugation of an overbearing governmental body. The Founding Fathers declared our independence with these immortal words: continued

The Minimum Wage and Unemployment, or, Bye Bye, Miss American Pie (No such thing as a Free Lunch)

H.R. 45 (gun control is here)

"have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said"

But failed to add "And it says he was born in Hawaii" or "It says he was born in Kenya" (both of which would fit)

A Tax On Light And Air

Britain revives - or will, if Labour wins the next election - a new version of the “Window Tax” - on steroids. If you have a “pleasing outlook” from a window in your house - you get an extra tax. If you have a patio - you get an extra tax. If you have a greenhouse - you get an extra tax. If you have pretty much anything - you get an extra tax.

Even those who have a mere glimpse of a river, hill or park - or any other pleasing outlook - stand to pay more under a special category for ‘partial scenic views’.

Worst hit among the 11 types of view are likely to be the 26,346 assessed so far as enjoying a full sea view and the 21,709 who overlook a golf course or farmland.

People with garages, conservatories and patios - and even parking spaces - are also in the firing line.

While the list is by no means complete, the figures indicate the chilling detail with which the inspectors are examining Britain’s homes.

The documents also reveal the sheer pettiness of the new rules. Balconies are divided into those up to three square metres, three to five square metres and so on. The ‘Conservatories’ category even covers lean-tos and differentiates between single and double-glazed.

Obviously, this is desperation on the part of the government to raise revenue. Why do they need it? I suspect a large part of that is their nationalized health care. It takes a lot of money to run a nanny state.

In fact, one could point out that Britain’s decline from a world power since the Second World War is closely correlated with the rise of the British nanny state.

Those of you who think you can run up your social experiment tab on other people’s money might want to pay attention to the example of Britain where they are now obligated to tax light and air to pay for the upkeep.

Because the “rich” don’t stay that way for long under crushing taxation - then the bills for the social experiments still have to be paid when that revenue dries up.

Then they tax your light and your air.

1,386 posted on 07/27/2009 1:47:51 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: backhoe


1,387 posted on 07/27/2009 1:54:39 AM PDT by Three if by government
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To: Three if by government

Thanks for the link- yep, Duh!Won did everything but shoot up a flare that he was a radical left-winger... just look at his friends & supporters.

1,388 posted on 07/27/2009 2:27:17 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All
 Buy Now, Pay Later: “Listen to liberal advocates of health-care reform and you’ll hear two constant refrains: We must expand coverage to everyone, and we must control costs. Democrats tend to sell this as a package deal, a sort of political version of the Billie Mays pitch—but that’s not all!
Related: Peter Roff, U.S. News: Democrats’ Healthcare Censorship Shows How Desperate They’ve Become. “A clear sign of their growing desperation is the way in which the Democrats are censoring the GOP’s official communications to their constituents. On Thursday Roll Call reported the majority party is ‘preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan.’
STIMULUS: “A big mistake, a failure.”
 We Need The Truth, Not Beer And Apologies. “The best evidence as to the truth will be the recordings of the 911 call ..." “Release the tapes!”
ACORN TRYING TO shut down anti-Obamacare protests? So far it doesn’t seem to be working very well. But be sure to bring video cameras.
FILE THIS UNDER “THINGS I’D LIKE TO BE TRUE:” Hydrocarbons in the deep Earth? “The oil and gas that fuels our homes and cars started out as living organisms that died, were compressed, and heated under heavy layers of sediments in the Earth’s crust. Scientists have debated for years whether some of these hydrocarbons could also have been created deeper in the Earth and formed without organic matter. Now for the first time, scientists have found that ethane and heavier hydrocarbons can be synthesized under the pressure-temperature conditions of the upper mantle —the layer of Earth under the crust and on top of the core. The research was conducted by scientists at the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory, with colleagues from Russia and Sweden, and is published in the July 26, advanced on-line issue of Nature Geoscience.” Abiotic hydrocarbons is an old theory; it would be nice if it were true.
TEN FUN FACTS about writing a sex blog.

SPREAD THE WORD: D-Kos Kooks Plan On Crashing McCaskill's Open Meeting Tomorrow


After the incident at her office on Friday, July 17, 2009, Senator McCaskill has arranged for her district director, Michelle Sherod to meet with constituents at a town hall meeting Monday night. AFPMO will be moderating the meeting and Ms Sherod will be taking questions for the Senator.
The specifics of the meeting are:

Monday, July 27, 2009, 7-8pm

St. Louis Community College – Forest Park Campus
Highlander Lounge
5600 Oakland Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110

Here is a map of the Campus. You will want to go to the Student Center. Campus Police tell me the best way is to enter off Macklind and onto College Drive. They can tell you where to park.

Now here's the latest...
The Far-Left kooks at Daily Kos are promoting the open meeting tomorrow and are planning on crashing the event.

This is your opportunity to speak out for the future of your country and to speak up for your children's future. This is your chance to speak out against the devastatation of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Regime.
** Please plan on attending this meeting tomorrow. **

More information-- Here and Here.
" that one of Michael Jackson's old white gloves?"

Dear Leader Squeezes In a Game of Golf... His 10th in 10 Weeks

It's the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Dear Leader was able to squeeze in another game of golf this weekend.
The Hill reported:

President Obama has become quite the golf fanatic since he began his presidency.

The commander in chief is out on the links again today, playing a round at Andrews Air Force Base. This is the 10th time in as many weeks that Obama has found time to squeeze in some golf (all weekends, except for one Monday.)
Thankfully, his last name is not 'Bush,' or the state-run media would be merciless.

1,389 posted on 07/27/2009 2:32:49 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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...really liked the way she is coming out swinging. Telling the media straight-up to “Quit making things up!”. I’ve been yelling that at my TV screen for 20 years. And look ma, no teleprompter! Hehehe...

Look Here to See What’s in the Health Care Bill: CHILLING!

Obamacare: It's Even Worse Than You Think

Freedoms YOU Will Lose With Obamacare

Obama’s Six Month Policy Implosion

Latest polling not looking good for Obama.

UPDATE: Have people figured him out?

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Chris Breisch emails: “4 out of 5 of the people who disapprove of Obama, strongly disapprove. Did even GWB ever have such skewed disapproval numbers?” I don’t know. Clearly, Obama is a polarizing figure, not the post-partisan he was presented as during the campaign.

Plus the CBO rains on the Obamacare parade again.



Obama and his family are welcome to all the health care they want by “underrepresented” minorities who “share their racial and ethnic background.”

The Shrinking President (Professorgate illustrates the smallness of Obama)




The Truth About Cops and Race

The Small Business Solution


Obama's Documented Lies: 158 and remarkably still growing

1,390 posted on 07/27/2009 11:44:51 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Susan Bayh an issue in fight over health care: In 2 years, she earned $2.1M on health company boards. “But for Bayh, health care isn’t just the latest high-stakes political fight in Congress. It’s also a substantial part of his family’s income. As the debate over health-care reform intensifies, Bayh’s wife is receiving lucrative payouts from some of the companies that could be most affected by that legislation.”

ROBERT SAMUELSON: Obama’s Misleading Medicine. “If you listen to President Obama, his ‘reform’ will satisfy almost everyone. It will insure the uninsured, control runaway health spending, subdue future budget deficits, preserve choice for patients and improve quality of care. These claims are self-serving exaggerations and political fantasies. They have destroyed what should be a serious national discussion of health care.”

Plus, wrong on tonsillectomies. Earlier discussion on that topic, here.

Sticker wars: Shattering the myth of Hope and Change

July 27, 2009 12:12 PM by Michelle Malkin45 Comments | 5 Trackbacks

"We told them it’d be bad back before the election.
Now imagine if cap-and-tax and Obamacare go through."

The Obama-conomy: “It’s worse than you think”

July 27, 2009 09:14 AM by Michelle Malkin

To paraphrase the Left: Obama lied. Hope died.

“The New Joblessness,” NYT

The economy is in the tank. Obama’s popularity is sinking.

What’s a flailing president to do?

Go golfing and lease a $20 million farm on Martha’s Vineyard.

"Obama has been carpet bombing the private sector since he began his campaign in 2007. This is the harvest he has sown.When people are broke, hungry and selling off what they own to survive Axelrod and company can spin all they want. People are not listening."
"Of course companies aren’t hiring! Why would they be?

They don’t know what they will have to pay in taxes/penalties for health insurance.

They don’t know where corporate tax rates will go.

The minimum wage (which is always the first line of people to be fired and hired) has just been raised.

Where is the incentive to hire? Where is the tax break for hiring new workers?

Instead, Obama and his minions are all about taking money from evil, greedy corporations, all the while lamenting that no one is hiring!

The reason no one is hiring is because the Obama administration and our legislative branch is so radical and unpredictable."

1,391 posted on 07/27/2009 12:40:40 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Powerful New Ad Calls ObamaCare a "Death Trap" for the Unborn, Elderly, and Terminal - Video 7/27/09

Obama Is A Liar, By His Own Signed/Sworn Documents

The Obama Cult

Baton Rouge police censoring citizens at ACORN's request (video)(Totalitarianism is here)

Obama Media Machine Rushing to Derail Treason Charges (certifigate)

Meet Adrienne Ross

Meet Adrienne Ross, who blogs at Motivation: Truth and has so many wonderful new pictures of Sarah Palin up today. Adrienne is a solid supporter of Sarah Palin's and, from an email, quite an impressive individual, herself.

As I added in a previous post, she strikes me as the salt of the earth kind of person we need more of to take this country back from government's hands. Let's hope!

Say hello to Adrienne's blog and enjoy the pics!

Email this

1,392 posted on 07/27/2009 3:16:04 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Obama slammed as 'racist' at Jerusalem rally (Israel now understanding the real Obama better)

The End Of White Guilt?

ObamaCare: the elderly might as well have a bull's eye painted on their backs


Can Congress Legally Meddle In Economy?

You betcha!

VIDEO: Pelosi: We Will Hold "Insurance Companies Accountable"

What to Ask Your Congressperson about Obamacare (first in a series)

Blowing the Whistle: The Retaliation Against Charles Rehberg and Dr. John Bagnato

Welcome to the Obama Forum ( NO WHITES ALLOWED )

It’s a spoof... so far...

2004 Audio Uncovered Obama Blasted Bush For Rushing Through Budgets Before Reading Them (Video)

Culture of Corruption is a must-read. I thought I knew about this stuff but noooo… there’s so much more.

The depth and detail Michelle’s reporting has uncovered is truly staggering. She’s done the job the corrupt MSM has repeatedly failed to do.

(Click here for full size)

'Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill'
American Thinker

Authorities: 7 in U.S. Participated in 'Violent Jihad'

China makes its move as U.S. falls back in Latin America

6 Safe, Strong—and Chic—Bomb Shelters You Can Buy Now

6 Safe, Chic Bomb Shelters You Can Buy Now

Fortified Home
Ark Two Survival Community
Converted Missile Silo
Mini Blast Shelter
CAT25 and Earthcom Condo Dome
Utah Shelter Systems
...the Swiss had this worked out by about 1965.

They were prepared to put their whole population underground.  Nice Swiss enginerring too.

Many Predict US Financial Collapse in September

Want to bet Obama will disappear to Kenya and live comfortably or at least in an easy survival mode while we all crash and burn?

He'll tough it out at in his new $20m digs on Martha's Vineyard. The lease only runs $35K per week after all. Chump change to Zero!

The National Debt Road Trip (video)

Birthermania: House Democrat to introduce resolution on Obama being born in Hawaii

Nice try, but a house resolution means nothing.

CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed

I keep wondering why Ofrauda wouldn't just have a really good fake appear. The answer is that there may be too much evidence to cover up. Paper copies, electronic copies, backups of electronic copies.

This is why their only recourse is to ridicule the messengers.

Even more Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Proof (VERY GOOD!)

All his records are being kept sealed...& that should raise a red flag in anyones mind.

Change!... Israelis Protest Obama in Jerusalem

The protestors brandished banners that read:
"Obama: the country of the Bible belongs to the people of the Bible."

An Israeli boy stands in front of a banner during a right-wing protest in Jerusalem July 27, 2009 against U.S. President Barack Obama's demand to freeze Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and Arab East Jerusalem. (Reuters)

Israelis today held an Anti-Obama rally in Jerusalem.
Israel National News reported:

For the first time in years, the nationalist camp will hold a large scale rally against United States policies vis-à-vis Israel.

The protest will be held in downtown Jerusalem, on Agron St. on Monday evening, and is being organized by the Residents Committees of Binyamin and Samaria, as well as the nationalist umbrella organization Mateh Maamatz, the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities, and Komemiyut.

Knesset Members and others representing various parties, including the Likud, will speak.

“Not since the days of [U.S. Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger has there been such a protest against American policies,” said MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), chairman of the National Union party. “The pressure that Barack Hussein Obama is exerting against us to simply stop growing and stop living will not work.”

The Obama administration has made it clear that Israel must stop building of all types throughout Judea and Samaria (Yesha), as well as in parts of Israel’s capital city that were liberated during the Six Day War of 1967.

In addition, hints have been dropped that American action against Iran depends on a cessation of Israeli construction in Yesha.

1,393 posted on 07/28/2009 1:34:53 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Figures. Obama-Backed Zelaya Linked to Marxist FARC Terror Group

Gee, what a stunner.
Honduras officials today announced today that the FARC terror group is financing former ousted President Zelaya.


The ousted Leftist leader of Honduras is backed by Latin American Marxists Raul Castro, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez and American President Barack Obama.

Rep. Conyers: Why Bother to Read the Health Care Bill? (Video)

Rep. John Conyers' wife Monica Conyers resigned her seat this month on the Detroit City Council after admitting to bribery charges. Mrs. Conyers was convicted of taking cash from a Houston company in exchange for her vote on a $47 million sludge treatment contract. John Conyers (Dem-MI) may be investigated-- linked to his wife's corruption.

Today John Conyers The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee questioned why lawmakers should bother to read the Health Care Bill:
Via American Thinker


"More of these, please!
Let's show these politicians that governing should be from the bottom up. Let's remind these crooks that they work for us, not vice versa. WE pay their salaries."

 More evidence of the Geraghty Principle. 

About 700 to 1,000 people turned out to tell the Tucson City Council to scrap their idea of raising taxes on renters 2 percent. Not long ago, protesters beat back a proposal for a property tax hike in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

UPDATE: Gateway Pundit has a report:

Sen. McCaskill's Office Holds Town Hall-- TEA PARTY BREAKS OUT

Senator Claire "ACORN" McCaskill's office agreed to hold a town hall meeting on Obamacare.
A massive Tea Party Protest broke out!
Check this out:

This tea party protester fired up the crowd:

Missouri Senator Claire "ACORN" McCaskill arranged for her district director, Michelle Sherod to meet with constituents (after calling the cops on them two weeks ago) at a town hall meeting on Monday night at Forest Park Community College in St. Louis. Americans for Prosperity's Carl Bearden moderated the meeting and Ms Sherod took questions for the Senator.

They were expecting around 100-150 people... Hundreds showed up.
It was so crowded they were forced to move the meeting down to the cafeteria.

Ouch! US veteran Paul Curtman demanded that Claire McCaskill apologize to her constituents:

Reboot Congress and the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition have more on the protest.

Dana Loesch was there.

Comments (178)

"The Kos and Acorn nuts failed to turn out. I was in the front row and had to keep turning around to see the standing ovations the many speakers received.
They did a "stand vote" for and against near the end, and the free healthcare lovers were outnumbered--I'd have to say 10 to 1"

"One thing that a speaker mentioned was Claire McCaskill's ability to hold these meetings, pretend to listen, and then vote for stupid things like TARP and the Porkulus anyway.
At the meeting it was predicted that she will vote for this, too."

"It still upsets me deeply to think that Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt heir) called Tea Party Protestors "tea baggers" (a derogatory term for a homosexual act) that just shows what the MSM think of average hardworking Americans."

They told me if I voted for Bush, Idiots would be running the country. Damned if they ain't.

1,394 posted on 07/28/2009 2:13:10 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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House Democratic leaders: No health vote before August recess (don't let your guard down)

Watch for the bait and switch.

If Socialized Medicine Becomes Law, Shouldn’t Congress Have to Participate?


authoritarian-socialists in TX! Bill authorizing arrests during mandatory evacs

Big Brother Is Watching Your Blackberry

This website, www.goldiron.wordpr is all over the governments technological intrusions into our privacy and monitoring of our means of transport that are essential to exercising the peoples freedom of assembly. Speed cameras are a particular interest of Goldiron.

EPA Secretly Changing MPG Numbers Ahead Of Cash For Clunkers, Screwing Consumers

An internet success story: Shakedown by Ezra Levant


Though I oppose smoking, I can't help but believe that 0bama has a checklist to destroy American industries, one by one:

1. Banking

2. Insurance

3. Auto

4. Defense / aerospace

5. Tobacco

What's next? Coal? as promised during his campaign?

City crowd rallies in support of health care for all (30 morons rally in Williamsport, PA)

They are not rallying for health care. They are rallying for a lifetime of free lunches.
Unable To See Wind's Deficiencies For Forests Of Concrete…
Spain increased its installed wind-power capacity to 10% of its total electricity, although actual energy output is 10% to 30% of this, or 1% to 3% of total electricity, because the wind is intermittent and unreliable.
Let’s wrap this up by getting to brass tacks here.

This isn’t a fight between Democrats and Republicans, or even between Liberals and Conservatives. This is a fight to the death between the populists and the elites.

Sarah Palin is the anti-Obama.  He is urban; she is rural. He preaches dependency on the government and she leads a life of independence. He consistently apologizes for the sins of the country he was elected to lead, and she is unabashedly proud of it. He opposes the war in Iraq; she has skin in the game. And on and on.

And that is why she had to be destroyed, by the Democratic Party, by the New York media elites, and by many of the inside-the-beltway voices of various and sundry GOP “strategists.”
Bill Whittle: The Destruction of Sarah Palin
Yes, it's a Creepy Cargo Cult of Personality:
  Unusual Paintings of Obama Naked with Unicorns


The List - Television Networks Which Most Promote Homosexuality

Health Care Is Not A Fast Food Restaurant

Does White House Plant ALL Questions? (Not Just Gates')

1,395 posted on 07/28/2009 5:34:29 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Hilarious!... Pro-Cap-&-Trade Protesters Totally Clueless About Cap-&-Trade (Video)

An Instant Classic...
Local blogger Sharp Elbows attended the McCaskill town hall meeting last night at Forest Park Community College in St. Louis. There were several young pro-cap and trade protesters who also infiltrated the event although they were largely ignored and hugely outnumbered by the greassroots Tea Party protesters.

Sharp Elbows interviewed the pro-cap and traders about how Obama's plan will necessarily cause your electricity bills to skyrocket.
Here was Obama admitting this back in January 2008:
And here are the blank stares:
Comments (80) |

Local Deaf Student Asks Dem Officials: Will Disabled People Like Me Get Shut Out Under Obamacare? (Video)

This was powerful. Noah Logue is a deaf student at a local college in St. Louis. Noah currently is able to afford the equipment necessary for him to communicate and lead an independent life. Under Obamacare Noah may not qualify since he is special needs citizen.

Noah asked Dem operatives at the McCaskill town hall if he is going to be punished under Obamacare:
I hope Noah sends me his notes so that I can post them here.
It was a very moving speech.

UPDATE: Noah's mother sent his speech today:

JULY 27, 2009

I am a young adult who is profoundly deaf with a cochlear implant, starting my second year of college in September.

I would not be able to hear anything without my implant, except maybe a jet engine.

With my cochlear implant, I can talk on the telephone, I can carry on oral conversations, and I can hear music. It has enriched my life tremendously.

Cochlear implant surgery is not inexpensive. Currently it costs between $50,000 and $60,000 per ear.

After this surgery it is important to receive the correct education afterward so the child can learn how to talk. It is expensive to educate a child who is deaf.

It is also expensive to provide services to a child who is deaf who is not oral. Interpreters are needed for them to talk to people who are hearing.

When my mother told me of the health bills being considered by the House and Senate, and how they impacted disabled people, I wanted people to know how that would impact me and how difficult it would be to succeed in life without the services I have received.

Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emmanuel’s brother, who is involved in the wording of the House Bill said, “Medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those “who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens…” “.

Does that include me? If medical decisions are being made by the government; not by my doctors, my parents, or me, I would be determined to be too expensive to receive the services I need to be able to navigate my way in the world.

This is a bad plan for those with special needs. Tell Senator McCaskill to vote NO.

Noah Logue
St. Louis, MO

1,396 posted on 07/28/2009 3:55:26 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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AL QAEDA, North Carolina.
Keep tellin ya, "the enemy is already inside the gates..."
FORTUNE: 5 freedoms you’d lose in health care reform. “If you read the fine print in the Congressional plans, you’ll find that a lot of cherished aspects of the current system would disappear.”

INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY: As Health Vows Don’t Hold Up, Dems Scramble To Square Circle. “Jolted by a Congressional Budget Office warning that leading health care plans would raise spending, not lower it, the White House moved quickly last week to avoid a potential deal-breaker.”

Plus, reader Patrick Parsons writes: “It’s going to be ugly for members during congressional recess. Here is an ad on ‘card check’ that will be running against Webb/Warner in Virginia. It isn’t just going to be healthcare, cap and trade, spending, and taxes. there are going to be so many issues that they are going to get hit on.” Yeah, that’s the downside of trying to rush a lot of stuff through all at once. I think they’ll be hearing from a lot of Tea Party folks, too.

Remember Hawaii’s Health Care Lessons
July 28th, 2009

Just 16 years ago Hawaii was held up as a model for national universal health-care. Now it is broke and even its vaunted employer mandated coverage is not guaranteeing everyone is getting coverage.

From the archives of the New York Times:

Hawaii Health Care Is Called a Model for U.S.

May 19, 1993

Hawaii’s universal health-care system, which insures 96.5 percent of the state’s residents and costs less than health care in other states and Canada, could serve as a national model, health officials from Hawaii say in a new report.

The report also says that requiring employers to provide insurance for employees who work at least 20 hours a week has not bankrupted small businesses, as some feared when the plan went into effect 19 years ago.

"In fact, some indirect indicators suggest that the effect may be positive," said the report, to be published on Wednesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association

Hawaiians rank at or near the top in health status compared with other Americans, the health officials said.

"We believe a considerable amount of this success is attributable to direct and indirect effects of Hawaii’s employer mandate," they said, adding that the state’s approach receive serious attention as a task force headed by Hillary Rodham Clinton considers health-care changes

Hawaii was also held up as as a model during the recent debate about expanding the federal State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), since it was the only state universal child health care program in the country.

But that didn’t last too long.

From the Associated Press:

Hawaii Ends Universal Child Health Care 7 Months After Start

Saturday , October 18, 2008

HONOLULU — Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched.

Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.

"People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don’t believe that was the intent of the program." …

Hawaii lawmakers approved the health plan in 2007 as a way to ensure every child can get basic medical help. The Keiki (child) Care program aimed to cover every child from birth to 18 years old who didn’t already have health insurance..

State health officials argued that most of the children enrolled in the universal child care program previously had private health insurance, indicating that it was helping those who didn’t need it.

The Republican governor signed Keiki Care into law in 2007, but it and many other government services are facing cuts as the state deals with a projected $900 million general fund shortfall by 2011…

Families with children currently enrolled in the universal system are being encouraged to seek more comprehensive Medicaid coverage, which may be available to children in a family of four earning up to $73,000 annually.

These children also could sign up for the HMSA Children’s Plan, which costs about $55 a month

Despite Hawaii’s experience, the expansion of SCHIP was still rammed through Congress as soon as the Obama administration was sworn in.

Meanwhile Hawaii’s hospitals have losing money for eight years and are going broke.

From the Associated Press:

Hospitals in Hawaii report $150 million in ’07 losses

October 24, 2008

HONOLULU (AP) – Hawaii hospitals suffered operating losses of $150 million last year and expect the situation to worsen in the near future

Hawaii Medical Center, which operates two former St. Francis hospitals on Oahu, filed for bankruptcy this year and cut the number of beds it offers.

The state’s publicly subsidized hospital network, Hawaii Health Systems Corp., has had to request millions in emergency funding from the state to stay afloat.

Kona Community Hospital, part of the network, laid off 10 percent of its workers. Also on the Big Island, the privately run North Hawaii Community Hospital laid off 12.6 percent of its staff.

A Ernst & Young LLP report released Thursday, and prepared for the Healthcare Association, shows hospitals as a group have sustained operating losses for eight consecutive years.

Reimbursements from Medicare, which represent about one-third of Hawaii patient charges, only covered 77 percent of costs. Medicaid/ Quest payments covered about 71 percent of costs.

Payments from private insurers such as the Hawaii Medical Service Association cover slightly more than expenses, but they are not enough to make up for losses produced in providing medical services to Medicare and Medicaid/Quest patients

And, on top of everything else, it turns out that Hawaii’s wonderful employer mandated health-care isn’t working out so well, after all.

Strangely enough, businesses have found ways to get around it. Such as hiring fewer than 20 employees.

From the Honolulu Advertiser:

Isle health care law questioned

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A law enacted in Hawai’i in 1974 that requires employers to provide health insurance for employees working at least 20 hours a week is being cited by researchers who are skeptical of similar mandates being suggested in the argument for universal health care.

The result of Hawai’i’s Prepaid Health Care Act has been that businesses have relied more on employees who work fewer than 20 hours a week and thus aren’t covered under the requirement, wrote San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank research adviser Rob Valletta and co-authors Tom Buchmueller and John DiNardo, both University of Michigan professors.

The results of the research into health insurance coverage in Hawai’i "imply that an employer mandate is not an effective means for achieving universal coverage," they wrote.

"Although overall insurance coverage rates are unusually high in Hawai’i, a substantial number of people remain uninsured, suggesting a need for alternative approaches if universal coverage is the ultimate goal," they said

So the solution is obvious – stricter mandates from the Federal Government.

By the way, the Heritage Foundation had challenged the idea of using Hawaii as a model for any national system back in 1994.

Here is the conclusions of one of their reports at the time:

A Critique of the Hawaii Health Care System

by Hellreich, Phillip D., Dr.
Heritage Lecture #496

August 4, 1994

In conclusion, Hawaii has had most of the components of the Clinton health care proposals in effect since the enactment of its Prepaid Health Care Act in 1974.

It has failed in its two major goals of 1) decreasing the number of Hawaii’s population that were uninsured and 2) curtailing the ever-rising costs of health care delivery.

In order to control spiraling health care costs, it has just instituted its Health Quest Program, which will severely ration care and deprive most of the citizens of our state of their right to be treated by the physician of their choice. In light of this information, the American people and members of Congress should think long and hard before enacting a health care proposal which shares so many features of Hawaii’s Prepaid Health Care Act.

Isn’t it odd how we no longer hear about Hawaii being the model for a US system of healthcare?

Probably because it turned out to show us all too clearly where we will be headed under its favorite son’s ‘Obama-Care,’ after all.


Y2Kyoto: This Is Not Your Father's Paper Sailboat

Don Surber - "The London Sun quoted Casper de Jong, whose Smart car was last seen floating by his apartment:"

Craze ... mock up of drowned Smart car

Craze ... mock up of drowned Smart car

One Smart sales worker said: "We're not supposed to talk about this because the police don't want the craze to spread but we've had quite a few drowned cars returned to us."

Posted by Kate at 2:44 AM| Comments (20)

E-mails of the day

By Michelle Malkin  •  July 28, 2009 12:01 AM

My appearance on FNC’s Hannity show last night (vid at Hot Air) to talk about Culture of Corruption prompted many bitter e-mails from Obama-bots, but this one takes the cake:

from Del Hughes
date Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:42 PM
subject Book

How do you, an Oriental, get on national TV and say and write such hard things about the President and several of his staff without being sued for slander? If you wrote about me like you have written about all these other people, I would sue you for slander in heartbeat.

“Orientals” on TV! Appalling!

Guess what? Del Hughes was not alone in his/her dismay over a brown-skinned critic of Obama on the TV.


from barou yoplo
date Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:27 PM
subject Don’t Forget Where You Coming From


I follow your steps since the election and apparently you forgot where you coming from.

I will be glad to have a debate with about your book, your vision, and you being an Asian who forgot where she is coming from.

You and your friends are not in a good position to judge anyone, nor having the right to assume someone is corrupted without a concrete proof. So be careful for what you wish for.

And here’s yet another race-based missive that landed in the in-box tonight. This one earns special recognition for creative spelling:

date Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:43 PM
subject (no subject)

Michelle Malkin you are a stupid asian BITCH.The only reason you are on t.v is because americans feel so so sorry for you.

It is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about.

So go and sell your body some more.

So that you can send money back home to support your slummish asian family.

Michelle A.K.A undercover HORE.

Hey, so much for post-racial America! Why don’t we all just have a beer and stop racial profiling, hmmm?

“The Communists Have Landed” [JHoward]

Nicked from Theo Spark.  Drop by to get the full effect, if you dare:

Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!

Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments and benefits you get

Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!

Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC benefits for you. You have no choice!

Pg 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise

Pg 58HC Bill - Govt will have real-time access to individuals’ finances and a National ID Healthcard will be issued!

Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Govt will have direct access to your banks’ accounts for election funds transfer

Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay)

Pg 195 HC Bill - Officers and employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans’ financial and personal records.

Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors will all be paid the same, regardless of what specialty you have.

Pg 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of doctor’s time, professional judgment, etc. Literally value of humans.

Pg 317 L 13-20 PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells doctors what/how much they can own.

Pg 354 Sec 1177 - Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of special needs people.! WTF. My sis has down syndrome!!

Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Govt will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of atty. Mandatory!

Pg 427 Lines 15-24 Govt mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt has a say in how your life ends

Pg 429 Lines 10-12 “Advance care consultation” may include an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from GOV

Pg 430 Lines 11-15 The Govt will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life

Pg 489 Sec 1308 The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt into your marriage

Pg 494-498 Govt will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those same services

Concerning the last two, I knew they’d get to the point of connecting “health” with family court.  Next?  Watch for mandatory — and arbitrary — “mental health” requirements for government school, the State being the new parent.  You saw it here first.

This is about half of Theo’s list, which was just to page 498.  This from Fleckman.  Much more here.

CNN Money reports: 5 freedoms you’d lose in health care reform

The Public Plan Deception - It’s Not About Choice

Franking speech. Progressivism!


1,397 posted on 07/29/2009 2:27:01 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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The universal health care dogs that aren't barking (The failures of MA and HI are being ignored)

78 Percent of Americans Believe Obama is Lying about ObamaCare

Read the bill, congressmen: A lot is hidden in health care legislation

Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies
___interview with Fred Thompson

Betsy McCaughey, Health Care Plan Hidden in Stimulus Bill
___ inteview with Lou Dobbs

Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies

How and why is the IRS involved in the health care debate?

Cosmetic surgery tax proposed to finance health care reform

Did the CIA 'Cook the Books' on Iran? (It looks like somebody did for the 2007 NIE.)

Do you remember that 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate which concluded -- to virtually everyone's astonishment -- that four years earlier Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons program? Publication of that NIE cut the ground out from under the Bush administration's efforts to prevent Iran from getting its hands on a nuclear bomb. 

Now, thanks to a brilliant piece of journalism by German investigative reporter Bruno Schirra published in the July 20 edition of The Wall Street Journal Europe, we have evidence to suggest that the 2007 NIE's conclusion about Iran's nuclear bomb program wasn't merely wrong, but corrupt.

I knew this at the time. “Cook the book?, don’t you mean lying through their teeth for political reasons?

Well, now they have the obamanation in the white house, so they should feel very comfortable. A liar after their own black hearts.

Welcome to Solar Minimum

Electromagnetic attack: Thinking the unthinkable

I remember an article in a science magazine a couple years ago...

Here's something from the middle 1990's...

-Magnetocumulative Generator Warhead--

Can Hydrocarbons Form in the Mantle Without Organic Matter?

Seasonally Adjusted Home Prices FELL in Case-Shiller Report

The concept of a national real estate market is as useful to most individuals as an average global temperature on any given day.

Currently about 65% of US submarkets are experiencing price declines at various rates. The rate of decline is slowing in almost all those submarkets. While some point to this fact as “improvement” it also means we have not hit bottom yet in many submarkets.

It’s still location, location, location as to whether your real estate is appreciating or declining in value.

I also think the next rise in home and land prices will be weak and temporary, leading to another downleg in a majority of American submarkets.

Rising employment is the key to housing recovery now, and O-brainiac and his donkeys have no clue how to help. They’ve got two oars in the water, but they are pulling in opposite directions.

FARC guerillas armed with Swedish weapons-(have been sold USA, NATO member states, Venezuela)


People Like Palin

Shocking Hypocrisy Audio found Obama didn't like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation


$20M Holiday Home At Blue Heron Farm Suits Barack Obama To A Tee

Yep, just another in a series of

The Peasants Are Hungry? Uhhhhh, Let Them Eat Wagyu! moments...

You wanted "change," Ø-merica, you got it...


Obama TOLD us this was coming... (FREE AUDIO)

President Obama's going on vacation next month. You know that, right? He's great. I mean, he deserves it. He's worked hard these last six months. He has worked hard transforming our country. He's been paying people's mortgages, putting gas in their automobiles.

VOICE: Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's going to help me.


How Our Post-Racial President Uses Race Card As Both Sword And Shield

1,398 posted on 07/29/2009 3:29:15 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Hundreds in St. Louis weigh in on heathcare reform (RAT McCaskill WILL show up next time - Aug 11)

Hundreds in St. Louis weigh in on heathcare reform

Fox: House may approve tax on "cadillac health insurance plans" at any moment

Free Speech TV: The Government Thinks You’re Too Fat (and What They’re Going to do About it)

Street Fighting Man (CW2)

National Socialism - A "Disney" perspective

Obama Visa Mastercard

Absolutely Nothing to Worry About Here

Fox News commentator calls Barack Obama racist

1,399 posted on 07/29/2009 7:10:40 AM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

House Democrats reach deal on healthcare bill

I just received this email. Please share with your address book.

Some of what goes on in Congress

This is a YouTube video that was made of US Rep. Tom Price-6th Dist. on Wednesday. Tom is a member of the House Healthcare Committee, and the video was shot in the Wed. Committee meeting. Please share this with everyone you know.............this healthcare legislation MUST be defeated. Please share this video. Tom has said that our Constitution is being burned right before our very eyes. We must, Democrats and Republicans alike, let our “leaders” know that this plan is unacceptable. There has to be a better way than a government takeover! If the Government takes over, it will be one of the most colossal blunders in the history of this Nation!

This article and video suggests the people who are really behind the obama truth cover-up.
There will be no new posts -- I'm done
7/28/09>Obama Media Machine Rushing to Derail Treason Charges
JB Williams, writing at says that the massive effort to force Barack Hussein Obama to become "transparent" about his birth place and circumstance, his college years and his passport records is gathering steam.  Despite a million dollars in legal fees aimed at keeping Obama’s entire life history Top Secret, a relentless pursuit of the mystery messiah not only persists, its going viral on the web and main stream in the press…

CNN news anchor Lou Dobbs put his career on the line by even mentioning the topic of Obama’s apparent constitutional ineligibility for the office of Commander-in-Chief.  After almost two years of reports and law suits regarding Obama’s secret past, the pursuit of truth is finally reaching critical mass among American voters and the mainstream press is being forced to address the matter.

But don’t get too excited just yet.  The Obama media machine is spinning around the clock to derail all efforts to smoke Obama out into the open, where he may soon have to answer the questions he has spent years and millions dodging.  Is he a "natural born citizen" eligible to hold the office of president, or is he the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American electorate?

If Obama is what so many Americans assert, an unconstitutional fraud, then the appropriate charge for his actions, and the actions of those who have "aided and abetted" the fraud, would be no less than "treason," a crime punishable by death. 

The implications are extraordinarily serious!
Read the whole thing at the link, dam it!

Wil the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Disarm the United States?


Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak



You could definitely tell that John Lewis held this event at a historic civil rights church for a reason. If anyone got 'rowdy' (i.e. opposed a viewpoint), they could be talked down and told that 'this was a church'.

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites

Bumper-sticker rage (Local lib gets mad at GOP bumper sticker)

Gee, Bob, maybe you'd feel better seeing a few of these:




The High Line was 80yr old 1.5 mile elevated railway through Manhattan's meatpacking district. This are is also technically part of the West Village, and has historically been home to much of NYC's gay and transexual prostitution scene.
"Sounds like it remained a meat packing district, and I can’t believe I just said that."

Terri Schiavo Documentary Wins More Awards, Schindler Family Helps Disabled

We are your concience-- The White Rose will give you no rest...


No 'Professor' Obama at U. of C. (Flashback, Lied on Resume)

Who is Barrack Obama??

Original birth certificate — Not released
Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro adoption records — Not released
Besuki School application — Released
Punahou School records — Not released
Selective Service Registration — Released and under suspicion
Occidental College records — Not released
Passport (Pakistan) — Not released
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — Lost

The Birther Movement is the beginning of the "Unseal Obama, America Deserves to Know" Movement

This makes Lewinski look like small potatoes in my opinion. Oh how I long for those days

1,400 posted on 07/29/2009 1:05:23 PM PDT by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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