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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...

With a hattip to Rush ( His idea during the Clinton plague upon America ) I am starting a file on “The One,” mostly starting from the election date.

Older stuff- links, quotes, quips, and sometimes pointed graphics can be found by scrolling back from these two posts:

-Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research--

-Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning--

There is some good material in those posts that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions that everyone ought to be asking, and probably will once the “new” wears off, and we are stuck with four ( more likely eight, since 95% of the news & entertainment media are in his pocket ) years of a typical corrupt Chicago Political Machine Politician trying to jerk the whole country in one direction and then the next.

You've all heard the saying,

”People get the kind of government they want...
...and deserve?”

Well, America, you are about to “get it, good & hard...”

Don't say you weren't warned- we tried to tell you...

We did everything we could, and our state went for the Old Guy & the Naughty Librarian, but too many other voters were made stupid by the TV and public schools for it to matter.

We're in a Hell of a mess, and the worst thing is, "we"- the collective we, not you & I-- got us here.

Is Obama really the Abyss...

staring back at us?

I like to make points with humorous graphics- this one sums it up as well as any:


Then, in a nutshell, "everything I see going bad with all this hopi- changi- stuff The One is peddling-- forced labor, censorship, spin, and pure mean-spirited rudness:

Email of the day

Atlas readers rock! I am blown away by the overwhelming response to this post  (and this one) to get involved to take back our country from the Soros, socialists, and the self proclaimed messiah - oy. More than one email brought a tear to my eye but I wanted to share this one with you.

If this best represents who we are, what we want and where we are going, there is no way we can lose. Greatness is in the house. I am proud to count you as my friends. Prouder still to stand with you and fight this great fight.

I want to lead a county.

I was born in Cuba, and know the language of Communism, Obama speaks it well.  My grandfather's family had to flee Lebanon because of the Muslims to Cuba. We fled Cuba because of Castro.

This is the best country in the whole wide world.  I was a child when I left Cuba with the clothe on my back, we left my parent's sister and I, left behind everything. 

America is Worth fighting for and Freedom is worth defending.  I do not want my children to grow up in oppression, nor do I wish exile upon them.

Please allow me to help, again, Id like to lead a county.

My name is Ingrid and Im in Miami, in Miami Dade County

May the Light always shine upon America,


UPDATE: In case there was any doubt as to what the victorious zombies have in mind. Check out this comment (left in the comment section) . Can you say rude awakening?

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged!  Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites.  We will confiscate your firearms.  In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways.  We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice.  We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up!  Prepare for the dung heap of history!

It sounds insane (which it is) but I believe the writer is quite serious.

| | Comments (21)

"We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice".....

Heh heh heh....I am sure you are serious, but that is funny!

Values of social Mao? Stalin? Lenin? Ho-chi Min? Pol Pot? Which of these butchers of social justice did you have in mind?"

That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

Innocents Betrayed is a must see video produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms (scroll down to see links to view the Introduction to Innocents Betrayed)

Now consider Obama's 'civilian defense force' which he intends to fund and equip as well as our standing military coupled with his promise to revisit the second amendment (repeal concealed carry privilege) and then compound this injury with Ayers' inspired youth corps.

Learn from the Slicksters


Obamessiah has a new site up as President-elect soliciting ideas form the proletariat.
Let's hope it doesn't become the hub for the hate whitey and Jew boy Obamavomit that his last site was.

Surf the site. Take note. Keep your eye on the The Obama National Service Plan- the page is empty (how apropos) but that piques my interest.

President Obama To Bring Back Slavery

Just in case anyone think Mr. Obama is not serious about this, bear in mind that his new Chief of Staff wrote a book demanding this very thing: The Plan: Big Ideas for America: Rahm Emanuel, Bruce Reed: Books;sr=1-1

Don’t forget they want a Gestapo/KKK civilian force the size of the pentagon to keep everybody inline and things running smoothly.

“Suddenly, all mention of “required” has been disappeared. ”

SOME THOUGHTS ON OBAMA'S mandatory volunteerism plan. Plus, reader Nancy Anne Potts writes:

Looks like the site is true to it's title - it changes!

During the time when I was looking at the blog you linked to concerned mandatory community service the page saying "require community service" changed to goal for community service. The new wording is:

"..... Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

I found the the cached page on Google it has the original "required" wording.

Looks like they caught their "mistake". Now will the real plan please step forward -- goal or required. (Although the way government sets goals, they often wind up looking like requirements so maybe the two aren't all that different.)

Ugh! I see card check made the economy page too. He may be the president elect but I don't have to like his plans!

Not until the second term. Then that will be made mandatory, too . . . .

Meanwhile, Robert Bidinotto comments: "Anyone recall what the Soviets used to do to history books?" The Obama folks have a history of airbrushing.

IF YOU VOTED FOR MCCAIN, you're a racist. Just in case nobody had bothered to tell you.

President-Elect D’oh-bama’s Gaffe #1: Sorry, Nancy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 7, 2008 07:30 PM

And so it begins.

Or rather, continues.

President-elect D’oh-bama apologizes (vid here in case you missed it):

More of the incessant symbolism bullshit from teh Obama Campaign


I believe the idea is to give the impression he’s already on the job. It strikes me as bad advice and an ego that knows no limits

President-Elect Douchebag Mocks Nancy Reagan


Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...
Gag alert:

President-elect Barack Obama's First Press Conference - Complete Video 11/7/08

Obama Mocks Nancy Reagan in 1st Press Conference

It's  classless to mock a frail, elderly woman. (Note he was not kind in his revelation about his own "typical white person" grandmother, either.)

It's even worse to mock the widow of a great former president. Whatever you think of her, she deserves respect.

Especially classless was mocking Nancy Reagan on stage, before hundreds of reporters and television cameras, knowing the "joke" would be heard by millions. This wasn't some private remark that got picked up by a live mike.

What the hell is the “Office of the President-Elect?”

In Fort Worth, Obama's election prompts run on guns and ammunition

Get 'em while you can-- from my files:

Sitting in committee, just waiting for The One:

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007

On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

From "", the official transition website. Agenda tab and then select "urban policy" and go down to "Crime Control".

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

There will be no one left to protect you
Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans. Americans will have not seen such arbitrary power used against them since the days of the Civil War when Lincoln put the Constitution in the bottom drawer of his desk and set about arresting anyone who opposed his policies...

VIDEO of Obama calling for a Secret Police Force: CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE??

QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT civilian national security force.

“Just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded.” So the astute observer and deep thinker might reflect for a minute and be compelled to pose several questions (although the MSM won’t)...


Kindly note the quote, from our new First Lady, err, female black Bigot...

Obama's plan to disarm America (video, in his own words)


Michelle Malkin: New national anthem: "My president is black"


Is Obama "Your President"?

Friday, November 07, 2008 3:01:30 PM · 57 of 180
backhoe to brownsfan
Hmmmm... this one is very difficult. I was in the military, and we were taught we salute the uniform, not the man. So I respect the office, not the man. However, I am adopting a wait and see. If Obama governs as if he cares about America, even if we disagree, I can accept that. If Obama governs as I expect, like a Manchurian candidate who is bent on America’s deconstruction, that is when he will disqualify himself as being my president.

Liberal activists have long legislative wish list

National Organization for Women. "Since 1994, we've been losing over and over on legislation related to equality and fair treatment for women."
The gay-rights movement also campaigned vigorously for Obama.
NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America want Obama and Congress to move aggressively...
An array of other advocacy groups are stepping forward with their priorities for the new Congress.

Guess Who's Getting the Nuclear Football in January?

BO is doing away with our nukes, the officer assigned to carry the nuclear football will instead be carrying the teleprompter.

Angelou: Now I Won't Have To Apologize For My Country When Abroad

Democratic RevolutionWith all that being said, we are looking at potentially 9.2 million fraudulent votes...
This wasn't an election. It was peaceful Socialist revolution. Perhaps we should refer to President Obama as "His Fraudulency". But not too loudly...
- Hugh Farnham

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

Yes we can--draft your @ss

You know, I warn, and I warn, and I warn, and I warn, but nobody listens.

OMG you won't believe what is written on Obama's new website: "America Serves"

Democrats talk of a ‘permanent progressive majority’

Libs Suddenly Find Themselves Defending the Flag It wasn't that long ago that the American Left was burning and crapping on the flag.
Suddenly, all of that has changed.

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

 From my files- note the date:

Bend over, America:

Paid for with 'everybody else's' money...

1,152 posted on Saturday, February 09, 2008

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

And folks should be sure to check out this thread....

Obama’s Chief of Staff Pick Took Campaign Contributions from Wall Street

And check out the info at

I hope someone sends these Emanuel links off to Limbaugh.


The Coup: a position paper

Cut Obama some slack, wait and listen

President Bush could not even claim his victory for weeks in the 2000 elections because of democRAT attempts to steal the election.

He has been insulted and degraded like no other president in memory.

I, for one, will not cut this poser or his comrades ANY slack...

Obama-Supporting Teacher Bullies Student (video)

"White guilt gave us black Jesus"


Required re-education: Reagan's 1964 speech to the Republican Convention

I’ve already ordered my ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Ron Paul’ bumper sticker. I’ll probably get a ‘Sarah-cuda’ one as well.

After the appropriate time has passed ( after Duh1 takes office and starts clowning around... ) I'm going to make this:

"Don't blame Me
I voted for Sarah"

Possibilities I'm entertaining in the interim?

"Where's mah Free Gas?"

"I want my mortgage paid!"

The new battle line?

choice versus control.


Mike Gallagher: Mourning In America

Change... Obama Announces Creation Of His Marxist Youth Corps (Heil Comrade Obama!)


Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales Well, duh!

I tried for months to wake people up- now, they will get "the kind of government they want, and deserve..."

Of course, we don't deserve it, but when just enough voters have been made stupid by the TV and public "education," what can you expect?

I dug in to the grocery money ( neither of us have a job... ) and renewed my membership in the NRA, GOA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. If we'd had more to spare, I'd have rejoined JPFO and the Second Amendment Sisters, too.

Keep these handy...

Gun Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn

Do Unto Obama As Liberals Did Unto Bush

Coal stocks plummet. Average 15%, many over 30% since Tuesday Gee, wonder why?

Kate, this is important and you should listen to it. It's about Obama's cult of personality and it is short.

From the blogs- and, always, read the Anchoress:

Bush, Obama, & Ghosts of Hate - UPDATED

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

I would love nothing better than to be able to stop writing about “left” and “right.” I wish we had a better vocabulary to describe our distinctions, because these words are limiting and off-putting. I am determined, with the merciful conclusion of this abusively long election season, to work diligently at spending less time entertaining these distinctions. But for today, I think it is only fair to note a very important and glaring difference between “left and right” - and in so doing - consider how we may, finally, stop needing to indulge in what is tedious.

Victor Davis Hanson
says Let’s not imitate the left in our opposition. I agree.

It has been wonderful - really beyond wonderful - to consider how differently most of the right has reacted to their defeat than the left did in 2000 and 2004. In the two previous elections, the left responded by calling the other half of the country “stupid,” “morons,” and “Nazis” - Jane Smiley called them “unteachably ignorant” - they indulged in high drama, sniffling “apologies” to the globe, and denunciations of their fellow countrymen as “lying between repugnant and reptile in the dictionary.”

And oh, yeah (eyeroll) George W. Bush was not “their” president.

While you’ll see a few disgruntled extremists on the right say foolish, even ignorant things - and many throwing daggers at the sickening double-standards of the press - they’re not indulging in that sort of dehumanizing (and very adolescent) hate of their fellow countrymen or the president-elect. The reports they’re filing read very differently than those following the Bush wins. They read as grown-up, tolerant, open-minded discourses, not tantrums. There is a willingness to be hopeful, even in defeat.

And there is a determined respectfulness being offered to the winners - people who could not manage maturity and respectfulness in their defeat and who, sadly, are not always managing it in their victory, either.

I’m hopeful that the left - if it takes the time to actually condescend to notice how well it is being treated by the vanquished - might consider that self-indulgent defamation is the lesser way; that such a consideration may inspire introspection, and perhaps the smallest bit of regret for some of their appalling excesses toward the right and toward the American President who did not return hate in-kind.

I’m hopeful. I’m an optimist. I KNOW that the folks on the right - for all of their faults, and both sides certainly have faults - want America to be successful and strong and exceptional and free. I’m hopeful that hugely empowered left will discover that - beyond the feel-goodism of “free social programs” which are never free -they actually, really do want all of those things, too. That they’ll look back on the last 8 years and realize, finally, that their enemy was never George W. Bush. Bush, the guy who never dehumanized them, was only trying serve those corny ideals.

And then, miraculously, we may actually have unity.

Some similar thinking from my girl crush, Donna Brazile:

“The one mistake that we continue to make is that we label people. We say you’re conservatives, liberal, progressive, right wing, left wing. I think people just want to spend one day being Americans. They want to come together around a common purpose, common values.”

I wondered the other day if the catharsis of this election might open up “a vein of generosity” (or at least decency) from the left as concerns President Bush. I have not seen it yet, but I’m going to be optimistic and keep looking.

But maybe it’s enough just to see a little appreciation from the right, to start. Like this, for instance:

I link, therefore, I Err has a little mini-round-up of appreciation for George W. Bush. You’ll want to read it all.

From Alppuccino at Protein Wisdom:

At 10:40, President Bush will keep his streak alive by telling everyone how much he loves America. Just as he always has. And he’ll show everyone how much he loves America by preparing Obama as best he can for the next 4 years.

Read it all; it’s doubtful that Obama’s team will come into the White House finding O’s missing from their keyboards, any rude messages greeting them. And that is how it should be in America, a respectful transition.

Michael Gerson:

Many liberals refuse to concede Bush’s humanity, much less his achievements.

But that humanity is precisely what I will remember. I have seen President Bush show more loyalty than he has been given, more generosity than he has received. I have seen his buoyancy under the weight of malice and his forgiveness of faithless friends. Again and again, I have seen the natural tug of his pride swiftly overcome by a deeper decency — a decency that is privately engaging and publicly consequential.

[In 2005]…the White House senior staff overwhelmingly opposed a new initiative to fight malaria in Africa for reasons of cost and ideology…In the crucial policy meeting, one person supported it: the president of the United States, shutting off debate with a moral certitude that others have criticized. I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women’s advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government — or about President Bush.

Jeffery Scott Shapiro:

[The treatment of President Bush] from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have…Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty — a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.

Until we fix, within ourselves, our enthrallment with hate for others, simply because they hold differing views, we’ll never pull it together. In 2006 we watched a right-wing blogger be called less than human by a left-wing reader. We’ve seen President Bush being referred to as “the chimp” and “the monkey” by the wits who insisted that ideology trumped having a decent respect for another’s humanity. I wrote about that a little here:

Thus, George W. Bush is “Chimpy McHitler.” Hillary Clinton is “a pig in a pantsuit.” Barack Obama is “O-Bambi.” Cindy McCain, who has exhibited some courage and laudable compassion in her life, is reduced to a “pill-popping beer-frau,” and so forth. From there it is smooth sailing down an ever-descending river of hatred, until we are incapable of seeing anything good in the “other,” both because we have willfully hardened our hearts, and because our hate — especially when it is supported by a group of like minds — feels safe and inviolable.

With that in mind, you’ll want to read this excellent piece over at Conversion Diary, wherein Jenifer ponders pictures from a Nazi-era photo album and wonders, how such common-variety people managed to support and enable such profound evil.

One thing that stands out in all these examples is that the victims of the widespread evil were categorized as something less than human…not only that innocent people were killed or enslaved, but that their humanity was taken away by the societies around them…So here is the advice I would offer to my children, and to my children’s children:

Every decade or so, take a look around the society in which you live, and ask yourself if there is any group of human beings who are seen as something less than human. A big tipoff is if dehumanizing words — terms other than “man,” “woman,” “child,” “baby,” or “person” — are used to describe any category of people.

And if you ever see that going on, you might be in the midst of something gravely evil.

Dehumanizing people begins with baby-steps like name-calling, or the sort of intellectual dishonesty that delights in deliberately twisting the meaning of others in negative and misrepresentative ways. Those are the little gateways to the great evils that come once you’ve managed to thoroughly de-humanize others.

We’ve had 8 years - I’d say 12, really - of people demonizing and dehumanizing others, from both sides, and it is not getting us anyplace good. I believe that the response of most of the right to Obama’s victory is a step toward changing that. But the left has to do their part, too.

Pope Benedict XVI said, “those who hope live differently.” The election of Barack Obama was borne on this word, “Hope.”

If the people who voted for “hope” were sincere, then let them begin, today, to embrace it - and to live differently - without the kneejerk move to hate “the other side.” The right, responding levelly to their defeat, has offered the opening. Will the left take it?

UPDATE: Seems some will. Here is mostly accurate, and apprecited praise from a surprising quarter:

Would America have elected Barack Obama if white Americans had not gotten accustomed to seeing (in succession) two African-American Secretaries of State? I don’t think so. Before Bush, African-Americans were appointed to some good posts but not to our #1 foreign policy job. Two African Americans (one with a pretty odd first name) served as America’s face to the world. That eased Obama’s way. It is not Tiger Woods in whose footsteps Obama is walking — it’s Rice and Powell….Fact is, “W” never gave any evidence of holding racist attitudes…even just the slur the occasionally slips out of the mouth of even our most liberal leaders.

Same with Arabs and Muslims…Bush, after 9/11, never resorted to anti-Arab or Muslim stereotypes. He drew distinctions between terrorists and Arabs…Had he not done these things, Arabs and Muslims might have experienced not just hate crimes but pogroms.

Meanwhile, from Grand Rants:

Here is a man who is regularly compared to Hitler in casual conversation in Leftist circles high and low. His honor has been regularly impugned, his intelligence (or, as the press loves to put it, his “intellectual curiousity”) constantly demeaned, his verbal stumblings consistently mocked, and his accomplishments in office discounted or ignored. He is a man who kept his head down and did his job, despite the slings and arrows hurled at him by fortune made all the more outrageous by nearly the entire Democratic party.

I for one, would like to say thank you to Pres. Bush. For keeping us safe. For watching out for us. For persevering in spite of all the spite. I believe history will ultimately judge you as one of America’s best presidents, and I believe you deserve that judgement.

H/T to Opinionated Catholic, who writes:

The throwing under the bus of the President by even his friends and indeed the base has been shocking to me. Many groups will find out soon enough how they took Bush’s support and advocacy for them for granted, Catholics, especially.

Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden is beginning to enjoy Omerica, Quin Hillyer is saying America is over, kaput, finished, Evan Thomas suddenly finds Obama “slightly creepy” and when you refuse to release medical records, and the press doesn’t care…conjecture begins about your mental health.

Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier pinged back with Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL pinged back with Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL
Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants pinged back with Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants


Forty-Fourth President, Twelfth Imam

by Baron Bodissey

O-Man’s Fibonacci spiral haloThe election results were long expected, but now that the day has arrived it’s quite a letdown, anyway. Reading about the joy expressed by Hamas and Syria and Italy and Indonesia… contemplating Obama’s Secretary of State, or (God help us) Defense… Thinking about the USA becoming just like Sweden, only with a real army, and aircraft carriers, and nukes… First Lady Michelle…

It’s all too depressing.

So, as is my habit in such circumstances, instead of writing a post this evening or doing something else useful, I created yet another iconic image of The One. After looking around at some of his existing halos, I decided to make one myself. A man can’t have too many halos, right?

And then I pondered the phenomenon of halos appearing behind the heads of great national leaders, men who are born into modest Muslim circumstances, but in time become presidents of large countries that have nuclear weapons. It made me think of…
- - - - - - - - -
Mad Jad’s HaloMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ol’ Mad Jad got his halo when he went to visit the UN a couple of years ago. It appeared behind his head while he was speaking. Not only that, his audience was held in such rapt attention by his words that they were unable to blink for thirty minutes. We know all this is true because he told us so.

I wonder how many other resemblances there are between him and Barack Hussein Obama.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as preparing the way for the Twelfth Imam, as a sort of satanic John the Baptist for the man who is prophesied to return and usher in the apocalypse preceding the establishment of the permanent reign of Islam over the entire world.

And Obama’s got a bigger halo.

Does that mean…? Nah — it couldn’t be… But still… It makes me wonder…

What if the One were also the Twelfth?

Note to the literal-minded: this post is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Given the circumstances, it’s the only fun I’m likely to have for quite a while.

Read further...

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House My wife just got an e-mail from the head of HR saying that the post-election Obama jokes have to stop, especially if there is any hint that it might be related to racism. No notice before the election. And it was OK to get anti-Bush e-mails for 8 years. Oh yeah, she works for a bank that is hoping for a piece of the bailout action...

FReepers: we need you now more than ever. Don't go!

I’m not leaving as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the Creeks don’t rise.

Have no fear- The One will halt the rising creeks, heal the planet, and make the French love us again ( Oh, gag me! )...

Well, I’m not going anywhere as long as I have a voice.

We may have to go back to Xerox machines and small presses distributing handbills, but I’ll be damned if I let my country slip in to “That Good Night” without a fight.

I’m the one who dubbed Clinton “Little Big Fraud,” so I’ll have to work on something for The One.

We may have to set up a “Free Republic in Exile” like Degaulle did when the Nazis overran France, but we’ll manage.

It does distress me that so many people were suckered by a typical Chicago Machine empty suit, but he had 95% of both the press and entertainment arms of The Media Hive trying to get him elected, and covering up for him, so it’s not surprising.

Carry on.

Some realistic things to expect early in the Obama Administration

I work in Chicago. I deal with a great many attorneys in my job, many of whom are staunch Dims and breathless Obambi supporters; some were even active in his campaign. More than one told me that at or near the top of Obambi’s agenda is a new Hate Crimes bill, with a wide expansion of what will be considered a hate crime

Didn't you notice that Obama is a conservative?  "Obama is, in his own words, something of a Rorschach test. In his latest book, The Audacity of Hope, he writes, 'I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.' "

Being an American is much more than being "cool"

Obama Bought The Presidency

Another Painful Lesson For The GOP

That’s what happens when you run a true left wing liberal against a liberal lite. The real one wins.

Remember, that's my theory why we went down to defeat in 2006...

I said something along the lines of,

"I've read all the theories why we lost so badly, and I still say this: Once elected, the Republicans taxed & spent & regulated like a bunch of Democrats- no wonder the voters decided to try The Real Thing!"



Here it comes, you bitter clingers:

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’ ...why there is a new army command for domestic unrest...

Obama Pushes Abortion on Day One With Emanuel Pick Pro-Abortion, ANTI-gun zealot. He helped write the first AWB, and is going to help push the 2nd PERMANENT AWB.

Five Years to destabilize a nation. Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion

Beware of the "manufactured crisis"

 The parasites are now in full control. The host taxpayer will be expected to work even harder just to stay even. This is a way of breaking the country. The Muslims are dancing in the streets as middle east money just bought the US presidency for a clown without a clue.

Much Of Arab World Rejoices Over Obama Election

Barack Obama, Mr. Hope-n-Change

But just remember- any critique, opposition, or naysaying?

This, is where we are going:

No, I'm not kidding.

I wish I were- the lights are going out, all across America.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

The healing begins!

Your sickening unAmerican traitorous, racist, money-grubbing, torturing, hateful ideology got struck a death blow and you and your fellow jackal-blowhards are left writhing on the floor, gasping for breath as the final death tremors subside and your bodies stiffen into rigour mortis.

We heart4848.gif you too!


Posted by Kate at 12:30 PM | Comments (56) "It will be painful, but this election is good news. The only true cure for socialism is to actually get it; the US is about to get a big fat dose of cure for what ails them."

Final Thoughts Final Post

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:23:30 PM · 7 of 8
backhoe to Pagan Power
Well, after the 2006 debacle, I wrote this:

Call it a Twilight of the Gods moment
( "In the twilight of the gods, the twilight men will appear..."
Otto Basil, circa 1968 )
...but until further notice, I am suspending updates specific to this post.
I will continue to update this:
with "everything you need to be aware of."
But I'm just burned, and bummed out. The elections. The sellout of Israel. The Moonbats. The Stupid Party. The Evil Party.

Then again, after yesterday there's this:

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


9,520 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; americaheldhostage; americans4prosperity; bho2008; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotreason; bhotyranny; bo; davidharsanyi; deemocrats; democrat; democrats; donilon; kochbrothers; mdan; obama; obamafiles; obamatransitionfile; thekenyan; thomasdonilon; usurper; veroniquederugy
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Matthews loses his mind- Wants OBAMA to step in take control of US GOVERMENT NOW!! (Video)


Pardons for Terrorists: Welcome to the Third Clinton Administration


Barack Obama’s signature issue in the primaries was his “good judgment” to oppose the Iraq war. He invoked this more than any other qualification in his early battles with Hillary Clinton. She may have experience, he’d charge, but she lacked the wisdom to oppose the war. Indeed, the whole Democratic establishment was somehow corrupt or out of touch for not opposing the war, according to the Obamaphiles. So now Barack Obama is going to appoint Hillary Clinton to be the chief architect of his foreign policy. Moreover, he picked Joe Biden to be his running mate and “partner” in the White House explicitly because of his foreign policy experience and judgment. But wait: Joe Biden, too, supported the war. Meanwhile, at Defense, it looks like he will keep George W. Bush’s man, Robert Gates. Admittedly, Gates has always been more nuanced about the war than, say, Don Rumsfeld. But surely keeping Bush’s SecDef is not exactly what the anti-war Dems had in mind as “change we can believe in.” Heck, Joe Lieberman’s sitting pretty and he endorsed McCain. It will be interesting to see how long Obama’s charisma can paper over reality.

Heh. Plus, Tom Maguire on the National Security Advisor choice. More on that here.

UPDATE: Reader C.J. Burch emails: “The right bloggers should study all this. Should they form their own Kos contingent they can pretty much count on the same sort of treatment from a future Republican President.” I think that’s probably right and it’s one reason — one of several — why I think the Kos path isn’t the way to go.

ANOTHER UPDATE: So how’s this prediction looking now?

HOW TO SAVE DETROIT: Level the playing field by crippling Honda and Toyota! Jeez. Hope and change!
SOME ADVICE FOR people on the right.
SO MAYBE THAT Dow 36,000 thing was a typo. Maybe it was supposed to be Dow 3600. I’m just sayin’ . . .

How Tom Daschle Might Kill Conservatism

November 21, 2008 02:00 AM ET | James Pethokoukis | Permanent Link | Print

The GOP strategist had been joking about the upcoming presidential election and giving his humorous assessments of the candidates. Then he suddenly cut out the schtick and got scary serious. "Let me tell you something, if Democrats take the White House and pass a big-government healthcare plan, that's it. Game over. Government will dominate the economy like it does in Europe. Conservatives will spend the rest of their lives trying to turn things around and they will fail."


Although Ludendorff warned that “by naming Hitler as Reichschancellor, we have delivered up our holy Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time” it was not apparent at the time how extremist the new leader would be. It is largely forgotten that there were only two Nazis in HItler’s first cabinet,  Wilhelm Frick, minister of the interior and Herman Goering, who was initially a minister without portfolio.  The Nazification of the state apparatus took several years and was largely facilitated by the unstable condition of German politics.  The emergence of totalitarianism took place under the pretext of meeting emergencies as successive crises had to be met and things had to be “regulated”. Stability and prosperity are inherently inimical to totalitarianism because a functioning status quo makes people reluctant to take chances with unusual political figures.

But if the CIA’s long range forecast for the next decade is accurate the world is about to enter a period of transition in characterized by changing politics, an energy crisis and shifts in international power. The NIC 2025 Project predicts the world will be in for a wild ride. Some of its key predictions are:

  • The whole international system—as constructed following WWII—will be revolutionized. Not only will new players—Brazil, Russia, India and China— have a seat at the international high table, they will bring new stakes and rules of the game.
  • The unprecedented transfer of wealth roughly from West to East now under way will continue for the foreseeable future.
  • Unprecedented economic growth, coupled with 1.5 billion more people, will put pressure on resources—particularly energy, food, and water—raising the specter of scarcities emerging as demand outstrips supply.
  • The potential for conflict will increase owing partly to political turbulence in parts of the greater Middle East.


With the Coming Of Duh!1, you can kiss this ( and the 1st & 2nd Amendment ) GoodBye...

French Praise for American Soldiers

Via Friend Michael, this must must must read. It will do your heart, soul, sinews, lungs, kidneys and brain good, translated Via:

American Troops in Afghanistan Through the Eyes of French Infantryman

“We have shared our daily life with two US units for quite a while - they are the first and fourth companies of a prestigious infantry battalion whose name I will withhold for the sake of military secrecy. To the common man it is a unit just like any other. But we live with them and got to know them, and we henceforth know that we have the honor to live with one of the most renowned units of the US Army - one that the movies brought to the public as series showing “ordinary soldiers thrust into extraordinary events”. Who are they, those soldiers from abroad, how is their daily life, and what support do they bring to the men of our OMLT every day ? Few of them belong to the Easy Company, the one the TV series focuses on. This one nowadays is named Echo Company, and it has become the support company.

They have a terribly strong American accent - from our point of view the language they speak is not even English. How many times did I have to write down what I wanted to say rather than waste precious minutes trying various pronunciations of a seemingly common word? Whatever state they are from, no two accents are alike and they even admit that in some crisis situations they have difficulties understanding each other.

Heavily built, fed at the earliest age with Gatorade, proteins and creatine - they are all heads and shoulders taller than us and their muscles remind us of Rambo. Our frames are amusingly skinny to them - we are wimps, even the strongest of us - and because of that they often mistake us for Afghans.

Here we discover America as it is often depicted : their values are taken to their paroxysm, often amplified by promiscuity and the loneliness of this outpost in the middle of that Afghan valley. Honor, motherland - everything here reminds of that : the American flag floating in the wind above the outpost, just like the one on the post parcels. Even if recruits often originate from the hearth of American cities and gang territory, no one here has any goal other than to hold high and proud the star spangled banner. Each man knows he can count on the support of a whole people who provides them through the mail all that an American could miss in such a remote front-line location : books, chewing gums, razorblades, Gatorade, toothpaste etc. in such way that every man is aware of how much the American people backs him in his difficult mission. And that is a first shock to our preconceptions : the American soldier is no individualist. The team, the group, the combat team are the focus of all his attention.

And they are impressive warriors ! We have not come across bad ones, as strange at it may seem to you when you know how critical French people can be. Even if some of them are a bit on the heavy side, all of them provide us everyday with lessons in infantry know-how. Beyond the wearing of a combat kit that never seem to discomfort them (helmet strap, helmet, combat goggles, rifles etc.) the long hours of watch at the outpost never seem to annoy them in the slightest. On the one square meter wooden tower above the perimeter wall they stand the five consecutive hours in full battle rattle and night vision goggles on top, their sight unmoving in the directions of likely danger. No distractions, no pauses, they are like statues nights and days. At night, all movements are performed in the dark - only a handful of subdued red lights indicate the occasional presence of a soldier on the move. Same with the vehicles whose lights are covered - everything happens in pitch dark even filling the fuel tanks with the Japy pump.

And combat ? If you have seen Rambo you have seen it all - always coming to the rescue when one of our teams gets in trouble, and always in the shortest delay. That is one of their tricks : they switch from T-shirt and sandals to combat ready in three minutes. Arriving in contact with the ennemy, the way they fight is simple and disconcerting : they just charge ! They disembark and assault in stride, they bomb first and ask questions later - which cuts any pussyfooting short.

We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.

To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America’s army’s deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers”.

It moves and swells with pride, all at once, and certainly creates good feelings for the French Infantry. The author of the piece commented at Serendipity:

thanks for having translate my article. thanks to my partnership U.S unit for all. American people must be proud to get this kind of boys.

Mon ami, merci beaucoup!

by TheAnchoress @ 11:48 am. Filed under US Military, War on Terror, War, What it good for?

121 posted on 11/22/2008 1:50:29 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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OBAMA’S LEAKY TRANSITION: “Hmmm…. remember all the arguments about how Obama’s ‘executive experience’ as the head of a political campaign provided a basis for judging his capacity to serve as President? Now, we’re seeing his performance as the head of the transition, and it looks quite different.”

And this from an Obama voter.

JOHN ROSENTHAL: Obama’s ties to Bertelsmann are a massive conflict of interest yet to be fully disclosed.

Obama outlines rebuilding plans to create jobs (Obama's promise of 5 million is down to 2.5 million) Changing the Change, Hoping no one notices.

 Messiah announces a New Deal to create 2.5 million jobs [ 1, 2 ]

Obama advisors: Um, it might take five years to solve our economic problems

Obama 2007 Radio Interview: My Attorney General Will Investigate Bush Executive Orders


'It's OK to be an American now' (Mandatory Hurl Alert)

Singapore's Health Care System: A Free Lunch You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

The Auto Makers Are Already Bankrupt

Interview with Bishop Hermann on the Courage to Die for Life

  it seems to me that people do not realize that it is 50 million children that we have killed. We have campaigned to save the baby whales, and yet we vote in pro-abortion politicians - which doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I feel we need to be in an awareness-raising campaign to open our eyes to really see the destruction that we've brought about. There should be 50 more million Americans in our midst, and anyone under 35 can look around and say, 'Where are they?' And, 'I'm very lucky to be alive.' We are grateful for all the soldiers who have died to defend our freedom. But at the same time, we aren't making similar efforts to protect the unborn. And so that's my concern - to raise the consciousness of all people to the atrocities that we're committing.

Thomas Sowell: If you don't win, that doesn't mean your rights were trampled

How did we get to this kind of situation?

With all the various groups who act as if they have a right to win, we got to the present situation over the years, going back to the 1960s, where the idea started gaining acceptance that people who felt aggrieved don't have to follow the rules or even the law.

''No justice, no peace!'' was a slogan that found resonance.

Like so many slogans, it sounds good if you don't stop and think-- and awful if you do.






Kathleen Parker and the Oogedy Boogedy Blues (I think she'll be the next Arriana Huffington)

NOW Crows: Finally, We Are The Deciders

November 22nd, 2008

In the rush of events we almost missed this celebratory screed from the head harridan at the National Organization Of Women:

From Hope to Action to Victory

Below the Belt: A Column by NOW PAC Chair Kim Gandy

November 19, 2008

It’s only been two weeks since I stood in the drizzling rain and waited on line to cast my vote for hope and change. And the inauguration is still two months away, but already I can feel the shift. On Nov. 4, we the people elected Barack Obama the next president of the United States, and although he’s not yet in office, the act of making history and setting our nation on a new course has already been uplifting.

Women played a key role in this victory, voting in greater numbers than men, and casting their votes for Obama in higher percentages than men in nearly every state. Young people, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic voters and LGBT voters added to the margin of victory with disproportionate support for Obama.

Now that we have an Obama-Biden administration to look forward to (honestly, Jan. 20 can’t come fast enough), the terrible funk we’ve been in for the last eight years has become even more apparent. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were the opposite of hope. They were cynicism and fear and greed and destruction. Bush and Cheney wore the people down, sapped their spirit. They (and their “decider effect”) are the reason people lack faith in government and the political process.

Overcoming the Decider Effect

The “decider effect” (named after Bush’s infamous pronouncement that “I’m the decider, and I decide what is best.”) is circular in nature and hard to escape. That’s because once an unscrupulous administration has convinced a majority of people that they can’t make a difference - that their voices and votes don’t count — it becomes harder and harder for the people to find the will to challenge these deciders. And thus it gets easier and easier for the deciders to trample on people’s rights, wage unnecessary wars, and make their rich friends and associates even richer — with less and less danger of being challenged.

When that happens, people who aren’t politically inclined in the first place completely check out, and those of us who live and breathe this stuff, well . . . we start to suffocate in such thin air.

Inspiration in the Numbers, Credit for Victory

Being a women’s rights activist, or a social justice advocate of any stripe, can be pretty frustrating, even without a Bush or Cheney in office. For several decades, most of our work has been an uphill battle with precious few victories spurring us along. Instead of passing pro-active legislation and policies, we’ve found ourselves constantly fighting against legislation (and judges) that would restrict our rights rather than expand them.

After years of being constantly on the defense, who could blame us for feeling discouraged, defeated, and just plain tired?

But the possibility of electing a president who would work for the people built voter excitement this year. The ground-breaking candidacies of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama generated new interest and engagement, stoking the registration of more than 10 million new voters. That’s one inspiring number — 6.5 million more new voters than were registered in 2004. Importantly, 69 percent of first time voters chose Barack Obama in the general election.

There was a significant gender gap in this election, so women’s votes were an important factor in Obama’s victory. For example, Obama won 56 percent of women voters, while only 43 percent of women voted for McCain — a spread of 13 points — compared to a 51-48 percent women’s vote for John Kerry over George Bush in 2004.

Women voters provided the Obama-Biden team with their margin of victory in four key states — Colorado, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Indiana. It’s not a surprise that all four states had strong women running down-ticket, including two winning female U.S. Senate candidates: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Kay Hagan (D-N.C.).

Some other numbers that inspire, courtesy of The New York Times: young people (age 18-29) voted 66 percent for Obama; African Americans voted 95 percent for Obama, Hispanics 67 percent and Asian Americans 62 percent; gay, lesbian and bisexual people voted 70 percent for Obama. Unmarried women were 12 percentage points more likely than unmarried men to vote for Obama, while mothers of young children were nine points more likely than fathers to vote for Obama.

Furthermore, according to an analysis of exit polls by American University political scientist Curtis Gans, African Americans made up 13 percent of all voters, a two point gain over 2004, and the increase may be even greater, once final numbers are available.

The Washington Post reports that Latina/os helped flip several battleground states to Obama. Some 28 percent of Hispanics polled by the Associated Press said they were voting for the first time, compared to 12 percent for all first-time voters. And the new Hispanic voters backed Obama by 76 percent.

Hope Transformed Into Action

But enough with the numbers. Where am I going with all this? Well, that’s a lot of people who made a real, concrete difference. And many of them were first time voters. Together we elected the first African American president. Together we elected a president and a vice president who have promised to stand up for women’s rights and the rights of so many others who were ignored, exploited or demonized during the Bush years.

With this win under their belts, a whole new generation of voters is even more likely to remain engaged in the political process, helping to steer our country in a positive direction. And those of us who badly needed a refueling are ready to keep fighting the good fight for a while longer.

A day like Nov. 4 sure can make you feel good again, but it’s only the beginning. The struggle for human rights, equal opportunity and justice for all is an ongoing, never-ending process. But it just got the infusion it needed in the form of hope transformed into action converted into victory. There will be other challenges ahead, but we can always look back to this powerful moment and remember that we can do it. We can take charge of our lives, and we can decide what our future holds. Finally, we are the deciders.

“Below the belt,” indeed.

(Isn’t it wonderful the way the election of Mr. Obama has brought us all together?)

You would think that people who are so into crotch politics would have noticed that there was a woman on the other ticket.

But, no.

It’s always socialism über alles.

Which of course is exactly the opposite of taking charge of ones life.


Obama Says His AG's First Job Would Be to Investigate Bush (Video)

Hope and Change...
In a 2007 radio interview Senator Barack Obama promised to immediately investigate the Bush Administration:

"One of his first acts as president is going to be to call in his new Attorney General to review every single executive order... that are promoting this cockamanie theory of unitary government and if they can find that any laws were broken, obviously accountability would be his Attorney General’s job."
Obama also admitted that the democrats were documenting and investigating the Bush Administration.
Naked Emporer News posted the video:
Also in the video
( Use The Link, Dam It! )
Obama's AG candidate Eric Holder insulted Bush.
Is this the change you've been looking for?

via Ted, Count Us Out Reader

Douglas V. Gibbs, Host, Political Pistachio Blog Talk Radio

You gotta hear this 90 minute blogradio on why the media has a blackout of the looming Obama Birth Certificate Constitutional Crisis:

(Count Us Out note: FYI We have been telling you for some time that Obama is NOT receiving our nation’s highest level intelligence reports.

He is receiving nothing other than the Presidential Daily Briefings which have been PROVEN to be mostly what is already in the news.

STOP BELIEVING, with NO EVIDENCE, that our top intelligence agencies are a party to this treasonous OBAMANATION!

The folks in these agencies are as concerned as we are about the possible, coming Constitutional disaster!

Stop making folks believe that our patriots in government are aligned with Obama against our Constitution! They’re NOT! These folks took an oath when they were put in their offices/positions that they DO take seriously!)

115 posted on Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Great Birth Certificate Scandal-Cover-Up of the 2008 Election

Private sector declines, but government continues to spend

Myth: Government Spending ‘Stimulates’ the Economy ( we better learn or we'll repeat history)


President John F. Kennedy Assassinated 45 Years Ago Today - Video Montage 11/22/08

LEARNING FROM Col. Jeff Cooper. You could do a lot worse than read his Principles of Personal Defense.

Cooper video at the link.

122 posted on 11/22/2008 12:44:03 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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New Donofrio Web Blog, Plaintiff with case before SCOTUS challenging POTUS eligibilty

Fascism was really the basis of the New Deal
Beyond the Myth
Same old Raw Deal - Obama on course to repeat FDR’s gross mistakes

Abortion Activist Heads Obama Communications Team

Coal industry 'pensive' about Obama Duh! We tried to warn you, dam it.


123 posted on 11/22/2008 2:15:31 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Emperor Obama's Clothes are Visible and Scary

Obama plans — as his first official act, he told Planned Parenthood — to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).

If he signs FOCA, he will eliminate virtually all federal, state and local restrictions on abortion.

Obama plans to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and oppose any Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) that will be put forward. Though he campaigned as a candidate opposed to same-sex “marriage,” he fully intends to repeal DOMA — legislation that has been enacted in 44 states to protect husband-wife, traditional marriage at the state level.


Obama will support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and indicates his support for expanding the bill to cover “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Further, he has clearly stated his intention to repeal the current “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell” policy

The Sector Formerly Known as Private, How Obama intends to use corporations to effect social change

Americans Flunk Basic Civics - But boy, do we know our American Idol.

Report: U.S. Power Will Fade By 2025

The Testosterone Crisis

Why Not the Worst?

HOPE AND CHANGE: “So a mere two weeks after victory, ‘hope and change’ and ‘a break from the past’ reified into parceling out posts to dozens of Clintonite retreads, plenty of the old requisite Ivy-League law degrees, ample influence from establishment ex-lobbyists, de rigueur Sidwell Friends for the kids, and apparent sudden existential angst and uncertainty over FISA, getting out pronto from Iraq, closing down the Constitution-shredding Gitmo, and overturning the McCarthyite Patriot Act—and all to acclaim and relief from aristocratic Beltway pundits of both parties? So that was all the election was about? Just new faces on the same old, same old?”
SOUNDING THE NUCLEAR ALARM: “The U.S. will not have a credible arsenal unless Washington acts soon to replace aging warheads.”
Free speech? Come on. How will that promote tolerance?

A new day is dawning, people. “New AG Appointee Advocated To Stifle Speech On Web”:

The court has really struck down every government effort to try to regulate it. We tried with regard to pornography. It is gonna be a difficult thing, but it seems to me that if we can come up with reasonable restrictions, reasonable regulations in how people interact on the Internet, that is something that the Supreme Court and the courts ought to favorably look at. - May 28, 1999 NPR Morning Edition

[my emphasis]

Given Holder’s advocacy for “Hate Crimes” legislation, one is left to ponder just what might come to count as a “reasonable” restriction or regulation on “how people interact.” And then there’s the matter of who gets to decide reasonable-ness to begin with.

Because if other progressive decrees on the matter are any indication, I have a feeling I know where this might be heading.

Up is down, black is white — ah, fuck it. You know the drill…

update: See also, Hot Air.

NOW Celebrates the Defeat of the Female VP Candidate

"Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society — sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination."

National Organization of Women
September 16, 2008
Yeah, right.
In case there was still any doubt that NOW is not a women's group as much as it is a Far Left abortion rights group this ought to settle it...
Sweetness and Light and The National Organization of Women is celebrating the defeat of the female candidate- Sarah Palin.

NOW reported:
From Hope to Action to Victory
Below the Belt: A Column by NOW PAC Chair Kim Gandy
November 19, 2008

It’s only been two weeks since I stood in the drizzling rain and waited on line to cast my vote for hope and change. And the inauguration is still two months away, but already I can feel the shift. On Nov. 4, we the people elected Barack Obama the next president of the United States, and although he’s not yet in office, the act of making history and setting our nation on a new course has already been uplifting.

Women played a key role in this victory, voting in greater numbers than men, and casting their votes for Obama in higher percentages than men in nearly every state. Young people, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic voters and LGBT voters added to the margin of victory with disproportionate support for Obama.

Now that we have an Obama-Biden administration to look forward to (honestly, Jan. 20 can’t come fast enough), the terrible funk we’ve been in for the last eight years has become even more apparent. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were the opposite of hope. They were cynicism and fear and greed and destruction. Bush and Cheney wore the people down, sapped their spirit. They (and their “decider effect”) are the reason people lack faith in government and the political process.
Shameful-- National Organization of (Lib) Women "Pushed" to Support Obama Due to Palin Pick

124 posted on 11/23/2008 12:59:51 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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posted by Gateway Pundit at 11/22/2008 05:18:00 PM | 1 comments

NOW! ( Awful pun... ) I get it-- NOW's crowing is not just having Zer0! in the catbird seat--- they think they helped defeat The Whore of Babylon!

125 posted on 11/23/2008 1:11:22 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Clear and Present Danger ( GITMO Prisoners )


Boston Legal: 55 Million McCain/Palin Supporters 'Idiots' and Bloggers 'Entry-Level Life Forms

Hustlers foment strife

Obama's delusion - will not end the threat of Islamic fascism

Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood

The New Deal Didn’t Always Work, Either

Think about this. Until 2006, when Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over Congress, things were pretty darn good. After two years of the Democrat Congress blocking and raising a ruckus, Fannie and Freddie collapsed, taking everything with them. Carter had started the F&F type plans for giving mortgages to those who were bad risks. Clinton expanded on it, using the force of the Attorney General, Janet Reno, to enforce those types of loans - OR ELSE! - on banks and lending institutions. In 2006, McCain, Elizabeth Dole and other Republicans wanted to pass legislation that would have dealt with Fannie & Freddie, warning that a disaster was coming if they weren’t dealt with. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barack Obama and the rest of the Democrats pooh-poohed saying, “nothing to see here, move along”. Fannie & Freddie was a big old goose that had laid a golden egg in their laps, and Obama was well on his way to collecting a lot of golden eggs from F&F. . not to mention other Clinton cronies from yesteryear who collected MILLIONS upon MILLIONS from F&F.

The truth is that the Democrats in Congress were mad as wet hens that they were being denied their BIRTHRIGHT to RULE this country. They knew they had set the country up for a recession, maybe even a depression. They didn’t care what their selfish hissy fit caused as long as they got back into their rightful place IN POWER.

Oh, and to any DU’ers on this thread. Obama isn’t going to pay your mortgage and fill your gas tank like he led you to believe, and when he bankrupts the coal industry, we will all be lucky to be able to pay our electric bill and get a few groceries. (Remember when that happens that Governor Palin served on an energy-related board, governs an energy rich state, and is an EXPERT on the subject. She is NOT Tina Fey.)

4 posted on Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:40:09 AM by Twinkie

Reagan Interview, July 1975, using "libertarian" to describe his political philosophy (GREAT)

US hedge fund bosses threaten to move to Britain (Soros,Simons,Paulson,Falcone,Griffin)

George Soros: The Man, The Mind And The Money Behind MoveOn

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:20 PM PT

To read Soros' own spun story, he's a Jewish survivor of Nazi-occupied Hungary who pulled himself up by his bootstraps, studied economics in England, became a U.S. citizen in 1961 and made a multibillion-dollar fortune as a financier who pioneered hedge funds.

Financier George Soros, 77, with a fortune estimated at $8.5 billion, uses some of it to fund radical groups like

But Soros is no hands-off donor. According to the Open Society Institute's Web site: "Despite the breadth of his endeavors, Soros is personally involved in planning and implementing many of the foundation network's projects."

Soros says he gives away about $400 million annually.

The image gives him moral cover to manipulate democracies whose voter verdicts he opposes.

And since 2003, tearing down what he views as the "fascist" tyranny of the United States, as he has put it, is "the central focus of my life."

Through networks of nongovernmental organizations, Soros intends to ruin the presidency of George W. Bush "by any legal means necessary" and knock America off its global pedestal

Best known among these groups is, a previously small fringe-left group to which Soros has given $5 million since 2004. Bulked up by cash, the group now uses professional public relations tactics to undercut the Iraq War effort, with its latest a full-page New York Times ad that branded Gen. Petraeus "General Betray Us." previously put out ads depicting Bush as a Nazi, something that certainly echoes Soros' sentiment.

"We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process," he told this year's Davos conference in Switzerland.

Soros acolyte Arianna Huffington ...

Soros also has financed spin outfits such as Media Matters that specialize in providing distorted conservative political statements as grist for leftist politicians and media.

Soros pledged $10 million to ACT, which has since been fined $775,000 for illegally funneling $70 million set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates.

He also gave at least $150,000 to ACORN, the left-wing group best known for pushing minimum-wage hikes, marching for illegal-immigrant amnesty and harassing Wal-Mart. ACORN has been accused of voter fraud in 13 states since 2004 and was convicted of falsifying signatures in a voter registration drive last July, drawing a fine of $25,000 in Washington state.

... he still heads a secretive rich-man's club called "Democracy Alliance" that has doled out $20 million to activist groups like ACORN.

He has handed $3.1 million to the left-wing Tides Foundation, which funds organizations, such as the Sea Shepherds, Earth First! and the Ruckus Society, that have condoned or engaged in eco-terrorism.

...he favors U.N. dominance in world affairs, sees the European Union as a model for "open society" and has called for a global central bank.

Anyone who doesn't agree with this vision, or who doesn't fit cozily into his multilateral model, gets a visit from Soros-backed groups., for example, led the charge to keep John Bolton out of a permanent seat in the U.N., and Bankwatch piled on to topple Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank.

In fact, pick any cause that seeks to weaken the U.S. and it's hard not to find Soros' name on its list of financial backers. Most of these causes are financed by relatively small amounts, but that's all that's needed to make trouble.

It's probably no coincidence that Soros was a big backer of campaign finance reforms that have allowed nominally nonpartisan groups like to strike with the kinds of tactics they are using.

Soros himself does not believe in victory in Iraq and wants to keep America from achieving it.

"The war on terror cannot be won," he has said.

I do not think it is moral exaggeration to liken Soros to Goldfinger. The man is evil incarnate. His threat to withdraw to London is illustrative of his perception of the world in which he regards himself as subject to the patriotic call of no country. All is grist for his mill, all is there for him to manipulate.

The results of the last election reveal, at least in part, just how pathetically vulnerable we are to the machinations of this man.

8 posted on Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:51:27 AM by nathanbedford

High price paid for 'free stuff'

Hawaii has pulled the plug on its government-run health-insurance program for children after only seven months because parents who could "afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," according to the program's administrator. Meanwhile, a Boston University student wants a federal copyright law declared unconstitutional so he and millions of Americans can resume downloading free music from the Internet without fear of civil or criminal penalty.

These far-flung developments may seem unrelated, but they are the latest manifestations of America's metastasizing entitlement culture. "Free" health care and "free" music downloads are but a few of the long list of rights to which legions of Americans now believe they are entitled...


126 posted on 11/23/2008 7:07:28 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Kate Calling For Coup? ...eager for the dawn of the Age of Obama, Kate Snow may have taken the cake...

Time for Him to Go (Moonbat columnist needs to read the Constitution)

Why are they in such a hurry?

Maybe Their One isn’t eligible after all and needs to get in there now?

DETROIT NEWS: Members of Congress, Not Auto Execs, Deserve Grilling:

Obama adviser issues warning to auto makers (Gov't directives coming)

All US Financials Will be Nationalized in a Year

Free-market medicine and a '74-week rolling average'

“Oh wait ... unless they make it illegal for me to work outside the system.”

You can count on the government making it illegal for doctors to work outside the system.

Socialized medicine always leads to the regimentation of both doctors and patients.

What Happens If You're on Gay Rights' 'Enemies List'
I occasionally listen to a bit of lefty satellite radio, in order to "know thine enemy". These people are utter, totalitarian freaks. Two clowns, who I never heard of, were talking about how the Obama administration needed to "punish" media organizations that dared to broadcast conservative radio programs like Rush Limbaugh. Ignoring any notion of market demand or free speech, their prescription was for the Obama administration to (a) impose an enhanced "Fairness" Doctrine and (b) to ban disobedient media organizations from any White House and administration access (essentially starve them out). One of the little Stalinists actually made the statement that the media would only respond to "threats and punishment". As kooky as Obama is personally, there are some on his team who are pure evil.

Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraud

White extremists lash out over election of first black president (LA Times panic attack)

Get ready folks. The MSM will now attempt to associate these white supremacists with the GOP and conservatives. There will also be an effort to characterize opposition to Obama as “racist”. They are framing a phoney crisis to crack down on conservative speech, imaginary “domestic terrorists” and guns.
What I wanna know is, how is Obama the FIRST black president? He is only 6.25% African descent (50% Caucasion, 43.75% Arab...look it up). Secondly, according to this article Why Obama Wouldn't Be the First President with African Ancestry - Saturday February 17, 2007, we've had previous presidents with slave blood even, something Obama does not have (although some of his ancestors were slave owners). Hmmmm... RACIST!

Halperin at Politico/USC conf.: 'extreme pro-Obama' press bias (Now he admits it!)

Green Obama’s official limo is a gas guzzler (but you will give up your trucks and guns)


NBC News Obtains Videotape of 9/11 Hijacker Being Coached by al-Qaida Handlers

NBC obtains video of 9/11 hyjacker, anyone out there believe they just found this or did they have this all along and saved it until Bush is outa here. Despicable media whores!

Eric Holder Defended the FALN Terrorist Pardons (Video)

Comin' to O-merica- taxes & user fees, on everything:

Urban tolls would reduce cost of housing, provide major social benefits study shows

Schumer: stimulus package $500-700 billion ["It's a little like having a new New Deal......]

Would someone come out on national TV and tell these Dumbocrats that FDR’s economic policies including the "new" deal were abject failures?

Exactly, it took Hirohito to bring America out of the last depression- whose going to bompb us this time to get us out of this mess if the new new deal is implemented?

Welfare relief and “jobs” programs have been used in the inner cities the past 40 years or so, to provide “recovery”. During good economic times and bad, the ghetto has been in constant depression. Those kinds of solutions don’t work now, didn’t work during the 30s and won’t in the future.

127 posted on 11/23/2008 1:15:54 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Israel fears US will dither while Iran goes nuclear

Sounding the Nuclear Alarm

The U.S. is alone among the five declared nuclear nations in not modernizing its arsenal. The U.K. and France are both doing so. Ditto China and Russia. "We're the only ones who aren't,"
Obie plans to do away with the program altogether.

How Did We Get into This Financial Mess?

Obama Aides Suggest Rollback of Bush Tax Cuts Could Be Delayed

Bill Gertz on His Book: The Failure Factory (Gertz on Rush Limbaugh, transcript)

How Unelected Bureaucrats, Liberal Democrats, and Big Government Republicans are Undermining America's Security and Leading Us to War...Forget any ‘peace through strength’ - which we know would work as it has in the past. Obama plans to disarm.

Clinging to My Guns, Salt, and Light Bulbs

THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END, And it might even have a happy ending.

I'm going to miss W


Whining, vendettas will do GOP no good

Obama’s Birth Certificate Still In Contention: Is He A U.S. Citizen? (Video) “What we all need are signs and bumper stickers asking “Show Us The Birth Certificate” or some such .....”


By Judith A. Klinghoffer (bio)


Is is possible that Ayman Zawahiri calling Barack Obama a “house slave” or “house negro” has done what Dafur genocide failed to to and focus attention on the long ignored Arab slave trade and Arab racism?


The ugly backlash over Proposition 8

A supporter of Proposition 8, fed up with what he believed was the gay community's and "liberal media's" refusal to accept the voters' verdict, fired off a letter to the editor.

"Please show respect for democracy," he wrote, in a letter we published.

What he encountered instead was an utter lack of respect for free speech.

Within hours, the intimidation game was on.

Go back to every single article you’ve read so far concerning homosexual threats, intimidation and violence. Mentally change the words “gays” or “homosexuals” to “gun owners”, and think about what the official reaction to that kind of behavior would be. I’ll give you a hint - it would be met with an extreme negative reaction. Homosexuals get away with it because they’re ALREADY members of a protected class.

128 posted on 11/23/2008 3:07:18 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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SO, WHO ARE THE RUBES THIS TIME? Glenn Greenwald has a clue. “So many progressives were misled about what Obama is and what he believes. But it wasn’t Obama who misled them. It was their own desires, their eagerness to see what they wanted to see rather than what reality offered.” Well, the master bullshitter always lets the rubes hear what they want to hear. And knows that there will be some rubes who will make excuses, even after the truth is revealed.
Coming soon... to Israel, GB, &... Us?
What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do
MODERNIZING THE NUCLEAR ARSENAL: Not. Gonna. Happen. I hope that’s wrong, but . . .
New Medinah, Mississippi
TYLER COWEN: lessons from the New Deal era.

The First New Deal Didn't Work But Libs Want Another One Anyway

Here's some advice for the libs...
We're not in a depression.

Barack Obama is not Lincoln... or FDR.

...Except Obama is still smoking.

And, as George Will says, the New Deal Didn't Work:
Hat Tip Think Progress.

Yid with Lid reported:

As late as 1938, nine years into the depression, almost one out of five workers remained unemployed. What the government gave with one hand, through increased spending, it took away with the other, through increased taxation. But that was not an even trade-off. As the root cause of a great deal of mismanagement and inefficiency, government was responsible for a lost decade of economic growth.
The unemployment rate under President Bush is lower than during the Clinton years. Do we really want to see it go to 20%?

Not only that, but do Americans really want to go to a 100% tax rate on the wealthy like Roosevelt implemented?

Americans may want to look back at the failures of the New Deal before they allow the Democrats to pass another one.

The Man From Hope And Crawford

Combining the Clinton White House with the Bush tax cuts.

[F]inally, the day will come, and the first thing Obama will do is…not touch the Bush tax cuts. In addition to proposing a "vast economic stimulus plan," the Times news pages report today, Obama is "said to be reconsidering a key campaign pledge: his proposal to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. According to several people familiar with the discussions, he might instead let those tax cuts expire as scheduled in 2011, effectively delaying any tax increase while he gives his stimulus plan a chance to work."

Heh. Is there nothing that Obama can't do?

I wonder how many loyal Democrats realized during the heated battles of the primaries that they were making a choice between Hillary and Hillary?

Posted by Kate at 11:40 AM | Comments (32)


US elected officials scored abysmally on a test measuring their civic knowledge, with an average grade of just 44 percent, the group that organized the exam said Thursday.

Ordinary citizens did not fare much better, scoring just 49 percent correct on the 33 exam questions compiled by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).

“It is disturbing enough that the general public failed ISI’s civic literacy test, but when you consider the even more dismal scores of elected officials, you have to be concerned,” said Josiah Bunting, chairman of the National Civic Literacy Board at ISI.

“How can political leaders make informed decisions if they don’t understand the American experience?” he added.

Good point. Best bit:

Asked about the electoral college, 20 percent of elected officials incorrectly said it was established to “supervise the first televised presidential debates.”

Good grief.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts. Including this one: “California is now a valuable touchstone to the country, a warning of what not to do. Rarely has a single generation inherited so much natural wealth and bounty from the investment and hard work of those more noble now resting in our cemeteries—and squandered that gift within a generation.”

Professor Hanson omits one salient fact that might weigh in favor of implementing his educational proposal. As the Obama campaign demonstrated, Latin is easily adaptable to the Age of Obama. The campaign featured "Vero possumus" (yes we can) as the motto on the Great Seal of Barack Obama. Surely the Obama youth corps would enjoy formulating its creed into Latin: "Credimus in unum Obamanum" (we believe in the One Obama).

To comment on this post, go here.

WSJ: George Soros Influence Will Expand

November 23rd, 2008

From the Wall Street Journal:

The Apotheosis of Soros

The billionaire gets his moment in the sun.


Hedge-fund billionaire and left-wing political activist George Soros has become one of the Democratic Party’s most important players. Now that Barack Obama is in the White House, his influence is due to expand even further as the web of activist groups he funds becomes the new brain-trust of the incoming administration.

Mr. Soros has been a friend to Barack Obama since Mr. Obama first ran for Senate in Illinois in 2004. Because of a special provision of the campaign finance law that allows greater contributions to candidates who are running against millionaires, Mr. Soros was able to donate $60,000 to Mr. Obama’s campaign against primary opponent Blair Hull and then against Republican Jack Ryan. Four members of the Soros family also donated to Mr. Obama’s Senate campaign, making Mr. Obama one of only a handful of candidates — including Hillary Clinton, Tom Daschle and Barbara Boxer — to receive the richest Soros nod.

Mr. Soros’s influence on Democratic policy has been years in the making, through groups like the Center for American Progress, which he helped underwrite back in 2003 (along with film producer Stephen Bing) to the tune of several million dollars. CAP is currently headed by former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta, now Mr. Obama’s transition team leader. With 180 staffers and a $27 million budget, the group is expected to play a role in the Obama administration similar to that played by the American Enterprise Institute during the Bush years, as a feeder for staff and a pusher of liberal ideas.

The problem for Mr. Obama, of course, is that not all Mr. Soros’s ideas fly as well with voters as with the New York and D.C. cognoscenti. The Soros connection already created trouble for Mr. Obama last year over the billionaire’s comment that Democrats should “liberate” themselves from the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby. Mr. Soros also is a prominent advocate of drug legalization. So while the hedge-fund legend may pour money and staffers into the Obama administration, Warren Buffett is likely to remain the billionaire Mr. Obama still prefers to share photo-ops with.

Of course none of this is news to regular readers here. Indeed, this article barely scratches the surface.

But you can bet most of the Obama voters have never heard of George Soros.

Because of a special provision of the campaign finance law that allows greater contributions to candidates who are running against millionaires, Mr. Soros was able to donate $60,000 to Mr. Obama’s campaign against primary opponent Blair Hull and then against Republican Jack Ryan.

Besides the huge cash contribution, one wonders how much assistance Mr. Soros provided in getting the divorce records of both of these candidates unsealed — so that Mr. Obama could run virtually unopposed.

A man who helped the Nazis against his own people would surely not be above such tactics.


Gail Collins of the NYT makes what she thinks is is a clever proposal: she wants President Bush and Dick Cheney to resign so that Barack Obama can take over right away. The Gateway Pundit has video of Chris Matthews proposing essentially the same thing.


Read bullet | (129) Comments  "...have they completely gone insane? What is the point of this, to remove the last shred of credibility, to overstate the case that they have lost objectivity, or to create a level of base behavior below which it would be nearly impossible to fall?...Obama is a cult, like Jonestown. I’ve blogged on this matter. His followers demanding Bush resign is a sign that Obama is not merely seen as the next President but a living God, a Messiah..."

"I’ve lost track of where all I’ve seen this nonsense, but the that appalls me most is the abysmal ignorance of the “press” of the Constitution."

Confidential Witness Ready to Blow Up Clinton & Holder Confirmations

Doug Ross received a sworn declaration from a confidential witness who is prepared to testify and should testify in the confirmation hearings of Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder.

Click to Enlarge
This could get interesting.
Doug Ross has more on the witness.

Statement by the President on Zimbabwe

Good Bye Mr. President

Thanks for the pics. Really enjoyed seeing them again.

Geo W kept us safe for 7 years. A little appreciation by those on the left would be nice.

FR EXCLUSIVE: Sworn declaration from witness re $225 mil Marc Rich bribe money for Clinton

129 posted on 11/24/2008 1:09:48 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Economic Woes or Not, We’re Running Out of Time to Stop a Nuclear Iran

UK Celbrity, Admits He Contributed Money to Obama Campaign

We are going to find discover that an Obama administration is corrupt to the very core, which is something we suspected all along. His campaign was corrupt and his administration will be corrupt

For whatever my word is worth around here?

A few days before the election, I got one of those begging letters ( and damn! I wish I'd scanned it before discarding, but I didn't ), signed by Sarah, which stated "they believed Obama had raised almost a billion ( Yow! ) dollars for his campaign, much of it in foreign contributions..."

Best President money could buy...

Update: Environmental Groups Exposed: ‘Every dollar spent has been aimed at helping Democrats’

 What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do

‘Narcissistic Sovereignty’ Has Kept U.S. from Ratifying U.N. Treaty on Children’s Rights

The end of 8 unfair years (nice letter)

I am already sick of Obama and Scam-e-lot..

Citigroup & ACORN Sign Groundbreaking Agreement...

Welfare’s Devastating Effects


Britain's converted gun problem (gun control failure alert)

The Fed Is Out of Ammunition (dollar to be discredited) And what is our new fearless leader proposing to create jobs?

Stop the EPA


Credit crunch for consumers (card rate goes up)

DONOFRIO Forwards to Chief Justice Roberts Official Allegation of Misconduct

130 posted on 11/24/2008 8:44:03 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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 Obama admin. reveals plans to advance gay agenda

Is Homosexuality Chosen or Innate? You Tell Me

"See, I told you so!"

Eric Holder Was a Gun Control Nightmare

The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros  Have you ever wondered how capitalism was pushed over the edge of the cliff just six weeks before the American presidential election?

"NET" Tax Cut for 95%" - Obama Changes Already? (Obama presser on Fox now)


Insufficient public interest? (Certifigate)

Friend or Foe? tough to Tell

Obama: Sad Clown Caricature of "Leadership"

The American voter, it seems, cannot distinguish between persons of depth and experience, and persons who only look good giving prepared speeches to adoring crowds. Obama has no substance, and it is beginning to show.

The size of national and international problems that Obama will have to address is staggering. Never has it been so important for the leader of the world hegemon to be prepared for anything, than at the present. And then the dupes elect Obama. Buckle up! Failed financiers run the Obama transition team. It used to be that the heads of great industrial companies got the top Cabinet posts. Now it is the one-trick wizards....For a quarter of a century, the inbred products of the Ivy League puppy mills have known nothing but a rising trend in asset prices. About the origin of this trend, they were incurious....Now that the stock market has collapsed, the private equity strategies cannot repay their debt, and their returns have evaporated.

All they knew was leverage, and now that the world is de-levering, they are trying to put leverage back into the system.

Obama is all about political leverage, in the same way that his pre-failed cabinet picks are all about economic and financial leverage. Getting something for nothing. It seems like magic. Until the magic is gone.

Again--buckle up!

Obama Faces High Risk of Terrorist Attack By: Ronald Kessler

Serving the Clintonian Interest [Hitchens let down already]

You supported the idiot, fool. You deserve everything he brings this world. We’re the innocent ones who will suffer.

Obama urged to create 'Green New Deal'(develop green jobs)

Gore and the Global Warming Fraud Exposed

When Environmentalism Is a Luxury

America's ignorance of Obama 'disturbing' (Merely disturbing?)

The Great Birth Certificate Scandal Cover-Up of 2008

Time Again for Letters of Marque?

US Warns Israel Against Large IDF Ops

There is no stronger friend of Jews, or Israel than I am- search my writing and postings of you care to, so I say this with a heavy heart- if Israel does not strike before The New Little Big Fraud® assumes "rule," she is lost.

You heard it here, first.

“Yes We Can:” How Massachusetts Thuggery Presages Obama’s America

Communist Party Celebrates Democrat Wins

131 posted on 11/24/2008 1:57:53 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Supreme Court To Review Obama’s Citizenship


The Leader is not legitimate--behold a nation of The Leader, not of law.

November 24, 2008

SHOPZILLA: Consumers Prefer Cyber Monday to Black Friday. I expect to be doing nearly all my shopping online — but the sales look to be starting early.

INTERESTED IN PREDICTION MARKETS? There will be a prediction markets conference in San Francisco this January 23.

WELL, THIS IS OKAY WITH ME: Black Friday Sales Intensify in Downturn. Retail Support Brigades, take note!

DEFENDANTS GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS in Holy Land Foundation Trial. “A jury on Monday determined that the Holy Land Foundation and five men who worked with the Muslim charity were guilty of three dozen counts related to the illegal funneling of at least $12 million to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.”

THIS IS COOL: Michigan Students Set World Record for Longest Flight by Fuel-Cell-Powered Plane.

A BUNCH OF Thanksgiving menu ideas. Some involve bacon!

By the way, I ordered a few jars of the Baconnaise that I mentioned a while back, and it’s arrived. I’ll try to post a report after giving it a try. . . .

FREE ECONOMIC ADVICE FOR THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: We’ve already seen that the mere expectation of possible new gun regulations has produced an amazing post-election boom in gun sales. And the current problem, as in all deflation-threats, is that people won’t spend money when they get it, hoarding it instead against the threat of future bad times. But there’s an answer: Give ‘em a reason to spend now rather than later.

Now that the Obama economic team is together, they should announce plans for a national sales tax next year, encouraging people to buy like crazy now. Then, in a few months, announce that the tax is being “postponed” until a few months after that. This should produce a second wave of shopping. Then announce that the tax has been delayed indefinitely, but spread rumors of looming hyperinflation, encouraging people to stock up one more time. . . . .

By the time this wears through, we should be out of the woods! It’s practically guaranteed to work . . . .

READER MICHAEL GREENSPAN sends this political advice from Dave Barry:

You know what I miss? I miss 1960. Not the part about my face turning overnight into the world’s most productive zit farm. What I miss is the way the grown-ups acted about the Kennedy-Nixon race. Like the McCain-Obama race, that was a big historic deal that aroused strong feelings in the voters. This included my parents and their friends, who were fairly evenly divided, and very passionate. They’d have these major honking arguments at their cocktail parties. But unlike today, when people wear out their upper lips sneering at those who disagree with them, the 1960s grown-ups of my memory, whoever they voted for, continued to respect each other and remain good friends.

What was their secret? Gin. On any given Saturday night they consumed enough martinis to fuel an assault helicopter. But also they were capable of understanding a concept that we seem to have lost, which is that people who disagree with you politically are not necessarily evil or stupid. My parents and their friends took it for granted that most people were fundamentally decent and wanted the best for the country. So they argued by sincerely (if loudly) trying to persuade each other. They did not argue by calling each other names, which is pointless and childish, and which constitutes I would estimate 97 percent of what passes for political debate today.

Or something. I wrote a similar column, but naturally Dave Barry says it better. Because, you know, he’s Dave Barry and I’m not.

THOUGHTS ON THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and whether Hillary Clinton is ineligible to be Secretary of State.

FORD FUSION HYBRID: 39 mpg city for $27K. Cool.

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER CHARLES RANGEL TAX SCANDAL: “You’ve managed to reelect a tax cheat who’s been shorting the government (take your pick of New York City, New York State, District of Columbia, and the federal government) for years on end, and yet doesn’t think that this diminishes his capacity to head the very committee charged with writing tax laws for the country.”

Meanwhile, Jennifer Rubin thinks it’s time to turn up the heat on Rangel: “The Chairman of Ways and Means is a tax scofflaw, and the Democrats don’t seem to be a bit concerned. If the not-so-new Republican Congressional leadership is intent on doing its job (curbing the worst excesses of the majority and gaining credibility), they should shine a bright spotlight on Rangel. And start asking why he remains in one of the most prominent Democratic leadership posts.”

Maybe a GOP Representative should introduce legislation to give all citizens the same pass that Rangel seems to be getting . . . the “I Forgot!” defense!

UPDATE: Reader John Griffin emails:

I read your posts regarding the scandals surrounding Rep. Charles Rangle and wonder why the media isn’t plastering stories about him and his scofflaw ways on every newspaper’s front page and leading every broadcast on TV day after day.

You might remember that the media outdid themselves recently in showing how excellent they can be in uncovering $1,000 odd tax lien/scofflaws such as Joe The Plumber.

Surely they know how to do it again.

Oh, they know how to do it.

CONAN O’BRIEN: Walk If You’re Not Famous.

BEATING SPEED TRAPS with new iPhone Web apps.

IN THE MAIL: From Garr Reynolds (no relation, as far as I know), Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery. Based on the presentations I see, more people need to study up on the subject . . . .

CHRIS MATTHEWS’ HONEYMOON SOFTBALL: “Rather than ask tough questions about Obama’s governing team, the Hardball host keeps on tingling.” Yeah, I know, dog bites man . . . .

MARK HALPERIN CRITICIZED THE MEDIA for being in the tank for Obama. But Rich Hailey says they did a good job: “I think the media performed flawlessly during the two year election cycle. They managed the story, shielded their candidate, attacked the opposition, sat on damaging stories, and in short did everything a good state run media should do during an election cycle.” Ouch.

The comedians are in the tank, too, according to this transcript from Howard Kurtz’s Reliable Sources:

KURTZ: All right. The word on the street is that comedians are kind of shying away from making fun of Obama. Are you man enough to do it?

KINDLER: No. I don’t want to make fun of him. That’s the thing. You can’t just decide — I don’t believe in the equal opportunity comedy where you — I give it to the left and I give it to the right. I like having a point of view. I don’t like to say left, because I don’t even know what that means. But I wanted Obama to win. So I can’t now pretend and try to find stuff about him.

Sounds like a laff riot. Plus, a video on the subject from Ed Driscoll.

OBAMA’S CLINTON PROBLEM: Deregulation made the prosperity of the 1990s possible. Just ask Bill Clinton.

Gun law's one sure outcome: paperwork (MN Carry Permits)

Council passes controversial bill on stolen guns (say they don't care that it's unconstitutional) So now the Constitution doesn’t matter, if it stands in the way of the socialist agenda. I’m not surprised, but I’m very disgusted and angry. We have GOT to do something to stop this juggernaut, they must be very sure of achieving their aims, to be so open about it now.

Citigroup collapses! Banking Shutdown Possible (plus how to protect yourself)


Jimmy Carter says Zimbabwe crisis is 'much worse' than imagined

HIV patients to be forcibly tagged
AsiaOne, Singapore - 17 hours ago
"Do not misunderstand human rights; if we respect the rights of the people living with HIV/Aids, then we must also respect the rights of healthy people. ...

From Mogadishu to Minneapolis

November 24, 2008 Posted by Scott at 5:57 AM

The Twin Cities is home to the largest population of Somali immigrants in the United States. In her latest Washington Times column, Diana West reports the discovery of immigration fraud involving the P-3 family designation in the current United States Refugee Admissions Program:

Within the last week...the State Department confirmed that massive immigration fraud has been perpetrated overwhelmingly by Africans claimed as close kin (parent, spouse, minor child) by legal residents in the United States. (According to a report in the City Pages in Minneapolis, this scam has been netting some unknowns along the food chain up to $10,000 per head.) Given that Somalis form the largest bloc of African immigrants to the United States, this becomes another story with Somalis playing a starring role.

West's column cites this City Pages article and this State Department fact sheet on the fraud. West concludes her column with a look at the ramifications on Minnesota politics:

Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota Democrat, who famously swore his 2007 oath of office on the Koran as the first Muslim elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, routinely declares that his 7,000-vote margin of victory came from Somali Muslims. Last month, Mr. Ellison was campaigning for that same Somali Muslim vote on behalf of Mr. Franken.

And what's newsworthy about that? In this case, the point is not that Mr. Ellison was campaigning for the Somali vote, but rather with whom he was campaigning. According to, after Mr. Ellison made a standard, if Somalii-oriented campaign pitch on behalf of Mr. Franken before a gathering of Minnesota Somalis, another speaker appeared before the crowd.

Described in the report as a "highly regarded prominent Somali traditional leader" -- i.e., a Somali leader from Somalia, not Minnesota -- Abdullahi Ugas Farah spoke on behalf of the Ellison-Franken cause. "In order for Keith to be helpful to the situation in Somalia, you must also elect Al Franken to the Senate," he said.

Now, there's something new on the American hustings: a "Somali traditional" leader. Curious, I Googled Mr. Farah and came up with one news story, a 2003 brief from the Asia Africa Intelligence Wire headlined, "New Islamic court opens in Mogadishu." The story reported that Mr. Farah was one of two speakers who presided over the opening ceremony for a new Sharia court in Mogadishu's Shirkole area. From Sharia courts in Mogadishu to an Al Franken rally in Minnesota.

Only in ... America?

West notes that the State Department is punting the question of what to do with fradulently admitted Somalis over to the Department of Homeland Security. And what is DHS doing with it? My guess is that the fraudulently admitted Somalis have about as much to fear from DHS as does President-elect Obama's deportable auntie Zeutuni. Help is on the way!

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The Impossibility of Bridging the Gap Between Islam and the West

by Baron Bodissey

I met Professor Johannes Jansen at the Counterjihad Brussels conference last year, and found him to be an intelligent and well-informed commenter on the status of Islam in the Netherlands. Our Flemish correspondent VH has kindly taken it upon himself to translate one of Prof. Jansen’s lectures, and includes his own introductory material.

I recommend reading this excellent lecture in its entirety, but here are a couple of noteworthy quotes:

Sharia is a continuation of the Jihad, but by other means.


To portray the Crusades as the equivalent of the Jihad, as the multiculturalists do, is a false presentation of the matter, an absurd distortion of history. It is like equating a cold with AIDS: both are viral diseases that lack appropriate curative drugs.

About Prof. Johannes J.G. Jansen
by VH

A few days ago the lecture below (.doc format) was linktipped at the Dutch site Het Vrije Volk. I admire the writings of the Arabist Hans Jansen, and in this recent lecture (Nov.7) he explains why Western culture is not only superior to Islam, but is also embroiled in the second Jihad while so many people are still not aware of it, or not willing to be aware of it.

Hans Jansen earlier this year brilliantly defended Geert Wilders in a TV program against a bunch of leftist Muslims and appeasers. A few quotes (my translation):

[01:12] Interviewer Paul Witteman: The future image of the Netherlands, has that not been pictured as a caricature by Wilders?

Hans Jansen: Well, you cannot look into the future of course. When I was ten years, my old mother told me that 110% of the Dutch would be Catholic in 2000, and that also didn’t happen. When the apostates within the Muslim community come out in the open, and truly I can tell you there are many of them … gentlemen [looks at the Leftist Muslims Ahmed Aboutaleb from Labour, and Taoufik Dibi from GreenLeft], when they would dare to come out of the closet, these things will go differently, of course.

But may I say something else: Wilders has for months now been demonized and portrayed as a dangerous madman. Now he has made a film in which you can see things being done by Muslims, Muslims of whom nobody would have thought such things possible. These Muslims did these things in the name of Islam; that is quite factually presented, and now we sit here with this mess. Wilders has a hold on the complete Leftist church, because it is not a provocative film, it is not an insane film, it is not a hatemongering film, he just has a hold on [gestures at the Leftist politicians] that complete Leftist bunch.

[… at 5:19] Look here, you can hear in many sermons Islam is the third of three, but then those three are not Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but Communism, Nazism, Islam. That has not been made up by Wilders, that can already be read with others.

[… at 6:15] I am not afraid at all, but there is a certain risk. I am not afraid to drive a car, but there is a certain risk that you might kill yourself with one. Aspirin is a blessing for humanity, but there is a risk, and when you have a couple of million Muslims in your country, the chance of having a few hundred thousand radicals and terrorists … that is just a risk. [“A few hundred thousand radicals?” the Leftist politician and appeaser Pechtold from Democrats ‘66 asks] I estimate roughly that is between seven and twenty percent of the Muslim population in a country.

The “Utrecht Lecture” (one of a series of lectures organized by the University of Utrecht and held at different locations) by the eminent Dutch Arabist Hans Jansen. It was presented for the Utrecht Alumni Association on Friday November 7, 2008 in the auditorium of the Academy Building. Earlier this year he published his book Islam for Pigs, Apes, Donkeys and Other Animals and Reading the Quran by Yourself. An interview (in English) with Hans Jansen can be read at Religioscope.

And now for my translation of his lecture:

The impossibility of bridging the gap between Islam and the West
by Johannes J.G. Jansen

Utrecht Lecture 2008

“Islam” is the name of a religion, and “the West” is the name of a region. At first sight it is therefore strange, if not impossible, to discuss how to bridge the contradictions between Islam and the West. You should not compare Islam with “the West” but with Christianity; at least both of them are religions. The West must then be compared with the Middle East, because those are both regions. Those who do so though, are really going wrong. Islam is spread over a much wider area than the Middle East; Islam now stretches from Pakistan to the Kanaleneiland [troubled immigrant neighborhood in Utrecht, the Netherlands]. And the West is not really Christian anymore, it is largely inhabited by modern unbelievers. However, the comparison of Islam with the West forms a sort of shorthand that is understood by any person of good will.

Contrasting “Islam versus the West” is about two cultures, one dominated by Islam, and in the past was originally located in the Middle East; the other mainly present in Europe and America and in the past was dominated by Christianity. This Euro-American culture is of course not uniform. You surely can not lump together all Westerners. But this polymorphic Western culture is the primary end product of America, Europe, the churches, and Christianity. It is a culture that is therefore related in countless ways to the explicit and implicit views of Christianity on people, society, and the world. The many modern disbelievers within this cultural area do not just believe in the God of Christianity. Their idea about what God, if he did exist, should be and do, is dictated by the notions of Christianity.

The Muslims, of course, do not have a uniform culture for the same reasons, but within the Islamic cultural area everyone, for example, is firmly convinced that no culture is closer to the true Islam than theirs. Also every Muslim would like to contribute to his local Islamic culture, so it develops in such way that the distance to true Islam becomes smaller. Writing and talking is making mistakes, that is why so terribly little is published by some faculties. But after this introduction to the shorthand skills of the art of comparison, I do dare to compare “Islam” and “the West”.

It is about a pair that have been quite often engaged in war with each other. Lodged in everyone’s memory is the rescue of Vienna in 1683. Also the Battle of Poitiers in central France in 732, where Charles Martel defeated an invading Arab army, has not been forgotten. But there are obviously lots more. Wasn’t there also something about the Crusades, the Reconquista of Spain, and the Islamic Jihad?
- - - - - - - - -
Actually we would should address all these issues in detail, but then we’d be sitting here a for few years instead of a few hours. We have to limit ourselves to a few key issues. Well, one of those key issues is that the West lacks a good authoritative and generally shared theory about Islam. Conversely it is different. Islam does have a fairly common shared theory about the West and Christianity. Let’s have a look at this Islamic theory.

The classical Islamic theory divides the world into two zones. One zone is called the “House of Islam,” the other zone “the House of War”. This basic idea is deeply rooted in the history of Islam and Islamic expansion. It is, by the way, not the Koran itself which already makes this distinction. The Koran though — as you know according to the Islam the literal word of God — does state that the Muslims owe it to Islam to take part in the war[1]. In Surah 9, verse 39 we read for example: “If thou dost not march out — He will punish you with painful punishment,” illaa tanfiruu, yu’adhdhibukum ‘adhaaban aliiman.

The Islamic texts that come after the Koran, the so called Traditions of Mohammed, tell that Mohammed shortly before his death in 632 sent letters to the sovereigns of the empires that bordered on the stateless Arab peninsula, namely the Emperor of the Roman Empire, the King of Persia, the Negus of Ethiopia and the Governor of Egypt. The oldest version of these letters that has been preserved, was not been written until about the year 750, and contained three lines. We also find this letter in the canonical collection of Traditions written by Al-Bukhari, which dates to about a century later. But by this time the letter contained eight lines. A modern researcher can only conclude from this that the stories about this letter have gradually emerged.[2]

Anyway, in this letter Mohammed is threatening his neighbors. The letter contains the memorable but ambiguous line aslim taslam, “if you surrender, you will not be killed”, also translated as “if you are Muslim, you will be preserved”. These letters are of course ancient history, but the Iranian head of state Ahmadinejad sent a similar letter to President Bush[3] and Osama bin Laden sent a handful of such letters both to America and to Europe[4]. Anyway, as the old stories about those letters of Mohammed have a historical basis, it is clear from the text of those letters that Mohammed himself has been dividing the world in two: a House of War and a House of Islam.

The fact that Islam divides the world into two, a house of war and a house of Islam, has received a peculiar general notoriety. The idea apparently possesses a macabre charm. Actually, everyone in the East or the West has heard of it. Moreover, it is obvious that this division is not an eccentric doctrine of Islamic fundamentalists. It is the general Islamic view. In later times, the theologians of Islam refined this division, and designated a third “house”: the House of the Treaty, a term that lawyers started to use to describe areas which in exchange for paying tribute or on the basis of an agreement, need not to be confronted with war for a limited period, usually not more than ten years.

Modern unbelievers in the West know this theory but are not worried about it. This has at least two reasons. Public opinion in the West has forgotten a bit what war was like. War, may I remind you, means robbing, killing, raping, and making slaves of workers or taking slaves. Secondly, modern Western unbelievers consider all religious beliefs, including this one, as harmless delusions. The Western academic world is convinced that Islam is a peaceful religion and that this dichotomy in the House of War and House of Islam has no meaning.

Anyone who takes this division seriously does not belong in a university. Even the fact that Islam has strictly forbidden the use towards unbelievers of the antique — originating in the Middle East — greeting formula “Peace be with you,” has not been able to persuade academic scholars to think differently.

It is therefore not at all so strange that most Westerners have forgotten what such a dichotomy could bring with it. If we had been thinking about that dichotomy in time, perhaps we would have understood that the Islamic acts of aggression against the West that took place in recent decades, have not been isolated incidents, but the result of a consistent theory that is as old as Islam itself. There is nothing radical in the present attacks against the West. It is simply the application of an old theory, albeit under changed, new circumstances.

From a politically correct point of view, three objections are raised now. The first is that only a small percentage of all Muslims took part in these attacks against the West. “The majority of Muslims has nothing to do with it, and can not be blamed for it.” Literally speaking, of course this is true. But may I remind you of the German invasion of 1940 in the Netherlands?

We usually say that on May 10 “the Germans” invaded the Netherlands, but that was of course not so. Most Germans simply sat at home that morning, having breakfast, or possibly doing the dishes. Percentage-wise, the Germans that where involved in this raid was minimal. In the same way also a percentage of all Muslims participated in the attacks of Sept. 11, of July 7, or in Bali, or against my friend Theo van Gogh. Although, according to some sources on the Internet, it involves more than 12,000 large and small terror attacks since 9/11[5].

But that only a small percentage of all Germans, or all Muslims, have participated in acts of war does not mean that Germany, or Islam, have no responsibility for these acts of war. There can be no peace or a normalization emerging if this responsibility is not recognized, or in fact denied. Everyone knows how often Germany after 1945 has admitted and took responsibility for the German acts of war. You also know how often the Islam has admitted its responsibility for whatever. Well, I have bad news for you. The denial of history and the pretension nothing has happened will over time lead to disaster.

The second objection sounds unusually modern. “In this world of globalization, we can not stick to such a dichotomy. Everything and everyone is connected with each other. In its classic form that old Islamic dichotomy in a House of War and a House of Islam really belongs to the past. That dichotomy is simply no longer valid.” Most Westerners and many Muslims will agree on that.

But there are exceptions. The prominent Muslim thinker Sayyid Qutb was executed in Cairo in 1966. His books are present in every Muslim bookstore. He has argued that in modern times Islam and non-Islam indeed have become intertwined with each other. Previously, non-Islam and Islam where both in time and in place clearly separated by boundaries. But today they exist alongside each other and in between each other. Islam and what Sayyid Qutb called the Jaahiliyya are forced to coexist. But, as Sayyid Qutb suggests, that may never lead to a peaceful coexistence.

Muslims are usually familiar with the term Jaahiliyya. In the belief system of Islam, Jaahiliyya is the word for the period of paganism and unregulated violence that preceded Islam. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, declared war on Jaahiliyya, and he triumphed. Sayyid Qutb now demands that all Muslims follow the example of Mohammed, and also pursue the struggle with Jaahiliyya by battling against the non-Islamic world that surrounds them now, and even penetrates their towns and villages, sometimes even their homes and families.

Mohammed died in 632. Sayyid Qutb calls the period from Mohammed until the 17th/18th century, the “first round” of the Islamic struggle against the Jaahiliyya. That first round, al-gawla al-uulaa[6], came to an end with the rescue of Vienna in 1683, when the Polish army forced the Turkish army to beat a shameful retreat.

Sayyid Qutb and his many followers[7] are convinced that the modern world gives Islam a new opportunity to beat the West. Jihad is now no longer executed by Muslim states against Western states; that would be too dangerous for Islamic states: think of the fate of Afghanistan or Iraq, or the results of the wars against Israel that the Arab countries pursued. The states have since the nineties been replaced by individuals like Osama bin Laden and non-state entities such as Al-Qaeda, Hizbullah, and Hamas, who resumed the fight against the West on many fronts and with all imaginable methods. According to many people, this time it looks like the Muslims have a good chance of winning, and a third round will no longer be needed.

The third argument against the division of the world that Islam originally made sounds a little childish, but nevertheless is often raised. The objection reads something like this: “All right, Islam divides the world into a war zone and a Muslim area. Islam has a special word for the battle between these two zones: Jihad. But didn’t Christians have the Crusades? Islam and Christianity are both equally bloodthirsty and warlike.”

The moral and religious equivalence of the Jihad with the Crusades is, as you know, an essential doctrine of the multicultural ideology. Nevertheless, no matter how often even repeated, it is still nonsense. Why? Jihad existed for almost five centuries before the Christians for the first time came up with the idea of launching a crusade themselves[8]. Furthermore, the Crusades focused on a small piece of the world, namely the Holy Land. Jihad, however, focuses on the whole of Europe, Asia and Africa, and for some centuries America. These are big differences. To portray the Crusades as the equivalent of the Jihad, as the multiculturalists do, is a false presentation of the matter, an absurd distortion of history. It is like equating a cold with AIDS: both are viral diseases that lack appropriate curative drugs.

There is still something else to be added to this. When the Crusades were wrong, and time and again apologies have to be offered for the Crusades, or forgiveness asked, how much more wrong is the larger Islamic Jihad, for which I have never heard any apology?

But it’s not only the history that is presented falsely by the multicultural specialists and their Muslim friends. The text of the Bible and the Koran are the victim of gross multicultural distortions. The multiculturals and their allies will tell you that both Bible and Koran are bloodthirsty and contain stories full of atrocities. That’s a similarity. But the differences are bigger. The Bible describes specific atrocities, sometimes even looks forward to it, and hopes that God will keep giving the enemies of Israel a good licking. But that is something quite different from the Koran.

The Koran does not contain story after story like the Bible, but the Koran contains a few stories (which are often derived from the Bible) and dozens of calls — often very general in nature — to perform deadly violence. The best known call is “Kill them wherever you find them.”[9] This is repeated three times within the Koranic text: it is clearly not a slip of the tongue. It is unfair to compare this with Ezekiel 33:11, where the prophet imagines that God says “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, nolo mortem impii, but rather that the wicked converts form its path, and lives.” The difference with the prophet of Islam who imagines that God calls kill them, kill them could not be greater.

Unlike the Bible, the Koran contains a large number of generally worded calls for murder and manslaughter. There are Muslims who regard such passages as a license to kill. I need not to remind you the fate of Theo van Gogh. On the Internet there circulates a list of 164 calls to war to be found in the Koran. For such a short book, 164 is an incredible number. There is no such list of Bible passages. Believe me, if it was possible to establish such a list, it would have been made long ago. And then the Internet List is not even complete. Quran 9:30 for example, is omitted. At the end of that verse anyone is cursed who believes that Christ is the son of God. The curse expresses the wish that the accursed ones will be slain by God in the battle, qaatalahumullaah. I do not need to indicate here how many millions of people, mostly decent God-fearing people who are aware of nothing, are being threatened with murder and manslaughter because of this Koranic verse.

Arriving at this point, the allegations sometimes appear that I spread hate. I am sorry if anyone might think that. I want to remind you that in the Koran, hatred spatters the pages. I bring you bad news. But to say that I am the hatemonger is turning the thing around. If only the problem were with me, it would have been rapidly resolved.

A good discussion leader must now actually broaden the debate and point out that we always have talked about the Koran, and that Muslims are no vending machines who, like robots, execute what the Koran mandates. That is a valid point. The Protestant slogan sola scriptura, “by Scripture alone”, has outside Protestantism little or no meaning. The authority of the Bible towards Christians functions differently from the authority of the Koran towards Muslims. We should not look to the Koran, but to the manuals of Sharia, in which the ideal behavior of a good Muslim is described. What do those manuals say? What, according to those widespread manuals, is the ideal behavior of a good Muslim in his contacts with non-Muslims?

It is tedious, but the news again is not good. The authoritative manuals may differ on small details, but they completely agree on a key point. It is the duty of a good Muslim to fight for what Muslims see as the truth, that means: Islam. The experts and manuals suggest that anyone who in any detail whatsoever rejects the rules of Sharia as described in the manuals, commits capital a crime against Islam by doing so. This has two dreadful consequences. Every Muslim ruler who does not fully apply the Sharia but also decrees its own laws, makes it an implicit criticism of the Sharia, and therefore, according to the experts, a capital offense of Islam. It is this simple reasoning that formed the background for the assassination of President Sadat in October 1982.

But there is another implication. Someone who engages in a debate about one aspect or another of Sharia also has a big chance of being accused of apostasy from Islam, again with all the consequences. Men or women who are affected by these accusations are often terribly haunted. This all contributes to an atmosphere of intellectual stagnation. Religious reforms under such a regime are as good as impossible.

At the same time, the rules of Sharia are humiliating for non-Muslims and women. No Western government would dare come up with the idea to deal with the Muslim minority according to the rules the Sharia gives for the treatment of non-Muslims. And rightly so. Sharia is a continuation of the Jihad, but by other means.

Whoever is not a Muslim might think it should be clear though that the Sharia is the work of humans, the result of centuries of mutual discussions among Islamic Scholars. Indeed, there have been Islamic thinkers who raised this idea, Shukri Mustafa for example, who was hanged in 1978 in Cairo. But the general prevailing view among Muslims is different.

Islam ascribes to Mohammed the expression that his governance will not agree on any aberration. After all, it would show rudeness if God allowed his chosen ones to take the wrong road. Under this reasoning any rule or regulation, once agreement about it has been reached, is widely regarded as God-given. With this the Sharia became more than the work of humans. Because of this the Sharia is as good as sacrosanct; it became sacred and inviolable. Man-made laws, in the eyes of the broad Muslim audience, may never compete with something as great as the Sharia.

It is precisely this point that makes visible the significant gap between the Western and Islamic ideology. In a Western society laws are made through various democratic processes and are more or less constantly adapted to changing circumstances. Laws in the West come from below. In the Islamic system which stems from the Sharia, laws do not come from below, but from above, and once accepted by competent religious experts, they are unchangeable. These two visions of the law cannot be harmonized. The laws are made by people and thus changeable and can be criticized, or they are not. After more than two millennia of man-made laws, it would not be a good idea for the West even partially to submit to an Islamic system of laws that are assumed to be of divine origin.

There is another unbridgeable difference of opinion between Islam and the West. Christianity looks at the world with a certain metaphysical naïveté. The world simply exists; the observable world is for instance not a veil behind which true reality hides, as is the case in many Asian religions. The West sees the world as changeable by man. People may even improve the world. These are not provable, verifiable propositions. They are axiomatic points of belief. Modern science, after all, has convinced us that the combinations of molecules and atoms as by the observed naked eye, consist of emptiness and shells rather than massiveness. It is highly questionable whether the world indeed just exists, and is “real”. But we just pretend day in day out that it is.

What is the official position of Islam on this issue? The Islamic theologians teach that God not only created the world but that he also permanently re-creates the world. In this constant process of transformation God is not bound — according to Islam — to any restriction or rule, not even for example the need to be fair or predictable. God is “free and powerful in the creation”, and also in regeneration.

This seems a strange impractical question without much importance for practice, but this distinction between the West and Islam means that in the West there was a religious basis for the development of science and technology. The world was real anyhow, and simply existed, and even will tomorrow. Islamic thinkers, on the other hand, had in theory to take into account the possibility that tomorrow the world could be very different from today. For those who are working in engineering and science, that is discouraging.[10]

The West does not believe in unchangeable laws that are applied to a society, but in unvarying laws of nature. Islam on the contrary believes that laws that apply to society are fixed, but in terms of the laws of nature they are not so sure. It is tempting to see a connection with the distribution of Nobel Prizes. Nobel Prizes for science and technology have never ended up in the Islamic world. That looks like a confirmation of our suspicions about the unbridgeable complacency. Even with bridgeability it is not that good.

There is little choice other than to admit that since 9/11 Islam and the West are at war with each other. Who is going to win? Islam has the advantage that it knows what is happening. In Muslim eyes it is the old battle between the House of Islam and the House of War. The West has the disadvantage that it can not believe its eyes, and has great difficulty in admitting that something is going on. The West assumes that those who are attacked have not been friendly enough to those who attack. There must be a reason why the victim is attacked. Why do they hate America? That an attacker may have his own reasons to proceed to attack, reasons that are entirely separate from those who are attacked, does not come up to the average Westerner.

There is another factor that blinds the West: The Left has been unable to change the free, capitalist societies in the West. Islam also wants to change the society. The Left now hopes with the help of Islam to finally have success in changing society. It is questionable whether that is a realistic expectation. Islam does aim at social reforms, but Islam has a very different ideal of society than the European or American Left. When Khomeini came to power, as you may recall, he liquidated his wildly enthusiastic Leftist allies within a few months.

The Islamic strategy aims first to take in Europe, and strategically that is undoubtedly true. After Europe has fallen, Israel can not cost that much trouble, and America will readily follow after this. In order to conquer Europe it is also likely that remarkably little violence will be needed. The demographics do what they do, and the occasional assassination of a cartoonist, writer, or politician who makes bit too much trouble will do the rest.

The European elites are bending over backwards to comfort Islam, and are certainly not willing to become aware of the history of the expansion of Islam. Even with the CDA [Christian Democrats — a party in the current governing coalition] and the Christian Union [Christian Socialists — also a party in the current governing coalition] there is a peculiar reluctance to inform themselves about the history of the decline of Christianity under Islam. There cannot even a trainee at the party office being spared to do so.

At the same time, the ruling elite positions itself rock-hard against critics of Islam, who are if necessary, think of Gregorius Nekschot rousted from his bed by a platoon of mobile police units, but the same mobile units are not deployed to deal with misconduct by Muslims, because then all that matters is to do everything “to prevent worse happening”.[11] The leaders of the Muslim communities couldn’t wish for more. Under such circumstances, it is sufficient that the test of time does its useful work, and within a few decades everyone forgets why you should not become a Muslim.

Does one of the two parties deserve to win or lose the war? Is Western culture superior to the Islamic, or vice versa? The university spends numerous man-hours to prevent students from wanting to answer that question. From the perspective of a researcher all cultures are equal. But that question about the superiority of Islam or the West should not be answered from the perspective of an academic researcher who may or may not come to lay eggs in NOVA [leftist TV news program] or Pauw and Witteman [Leftist political interview TV program]. That question must be answered from the perspective of Western taxpayers. Those who pay their taxes to a government which in return has promised them where necessary to protect them against violence. It is desirable that both parties fulfill their obligations.

Is Islamic culture superior to its Western counterpart? It is almost unbelievable that societies that are incapable of providing their citizens with an operating sewage disposal system can be seen as equal to — or superior to — the West. The practice of dentistry alone should convince outsiders that the West is far superior.[12] And then there is the rest of medical science, and technology. But, as the Bible says somewhere: “The fastest does not always win the race.” (Eccl. 9:11)

Ladies and Gentlemen! The end is near. Islamic tradition asserts that Mohammed said man Zafirtum bihi min rijaal al-yahuud, fa-qtuluuh, “Kill every male Jew that falls in your hands.” A culture or religion that does not distance itself from statements of such bloodthirstiness can only hope to collect what it wishes on others. Who will win the battle? It looks good for Islam, but it’s still a bit too early to start predicting.

Think later also, while raising your glass, of two absent friends, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh. That they both, despite all their craziness, may be sheltering with the martyrs and saints beneath the throne of the Most High.


1.   Koran 9:38-58 and 9:87.
2.   Hans Jansen, De historische Mohammed: de verhalen uit Medina [“The historical Mohammed: the stories from Medina”], Amsterdam 2007, 257-58.
3.   See Henryk M. Broder, Hurra, wir kapitulieren! Von der Lust am Einknicken [“Hurray, we are capitulating! About the lust to bend over backwards”], Berlin 2006, pp. 71-90 on the international political context of this letter, and the European reactions to it.
4.   See Bruce Lawrence, Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, London/New York 2005.
6.   Sayyid Qutb, Zilaal, iii, 1560, in the commentary on Sura 8.
7.   Such as the influential Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who in an interview in January 9, 1998 talks again about the House of War, et cetera. Dr Al-Qaradawi is chairman of the ‘mainstream’ European Council of fatwa and Research.
8.   The first crusade took place form 1096 till 1099. The Crusades ended with the fall of Acre in 1291. Jihad began in the years 620-630 and is still continuing.
9.   Quran 2:191 (twice) and 4:89.
10.   See, for example, the standard adopted by the authoritative Sunni Azhar University, by N.H.M. Keller, ed & transl., Reliance of the Traveler, p. 598: He who believes that things in themselves or by their own nature have any causal influence independent of the will of Allah has committed apostasy from Islam.
11.   A not completely similar case that even so raises questions about the position and the independence of the police is the following incident: In mid-October 2008 the Amsterdam police refused to register the declaration of a Jewish young man who on October 15 at the Stadionplein [in Amsterdam] effectively was assaulted [and beaten up] by Moroccans in Amsterdam. Only after the intervention of the CIDI [Center for Information and Documentation on Israel] something happened. In early 2008, the police took every effort to stimulate the public to file complaints against the potentially critical Islam movie Fitna and its creator, and this while the film had not yet been published and the contents of the film was only known to the maker, and maybe not even that. There were even specially printed forms held ready for the Fitna-complaint, but that may have been a rumor, because such forms have not (yet?) come into the open.
12.   Muslims know nevertheless in this debate to maintain courage to hold on by the persistent practice of comparing the non-Muslim world with the ideals of the Islamic world, many examples, for instance in Hans Jansen & Abdul-Jabbar van de Ven, Bombrieven [“Letter Bombs”], Amsterdam 2008; and, and on this website especially the section Games Muslims Play. The only proper course is to compare the practice with the practice, and the ideals with the ideals.

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132 posted on 11/24/2008 3:29:27 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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I already know how he was elected. You have a society full of morons , backwards baseball hat , watching The View and Oprah , easily fooled morons. You also have a full generation of leftist taught kids out there who are now voting age. Add to that some left over hippies , foreign campaign contributions and a million minorities who think they are getting something for nothing from Obama and there you go.

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Need info on the economic mess... Catch up here

What we should be doing is..

1. Ending all bailouts
2. Implementing a well-rounded energy policy that gets us off of foreign oil
3. Engaging in a military buildup similar to what Reagan did in the 1980’s
4. Sealing our borders from illegal immigration and smuggling
5. Make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Cut government waste...

Definition of Insanity: US To Pledge Another $7.7 TRILLION To Bailouts

Lets keep the fight going


(Texan) Terrorism links under investigation


Holy Land Foundation: Guilty, guilty, guilty

November 24, 2008 Posted by Scott at 5:39 PM

The jury returned with verdict against the Holy Land Foundation and its principals today in the retrial of the government's case that ended the first time around in a mistrial. We have written frequently and at length about the case here. I also took a look at the case for NRO during the first trial in "Coming clean about CAIR." Here is how I described the case in that column:

One of the most significant terrorism prosecutions brought by the government since 9/11 commenced trial last month in federal district court in Dallas. The government's 42-count indictment charges seven individuals and the Holy Land Foundation -- the biggest Islamic charity in the United States -- with offenses including conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, namely, Hamas. Two of the seven individual defendants have not been arrested and are fugitives.

The charges are dramatic. According to the indictment, U.S. based members of the Muslim Brotherhood established a Palestine Committee that was ultimately charged with the task of raising funds supporting Hamas's efforts to eliminate the state of Israel. After the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Palestine Committee swung into high gear. At a secret three-day meeting in Philadelphia in October, 1993 (monitored by the FBI), those in attendance discussed how best to continue to support Hamas without being viewed as terrorists.

The Holy Land Foundation appears to have been the answer. Between 1995 and 2001, the foundation delivered millions of dollars to support Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza. The government charges that the foundation was a vital member of an international network of organizations that finances Hamas activities. Furthermore, the government charges that the Foundation and the individual defendants provided financial support to the families of Hamas terrorists, detainees, and activists knowing that the assistance would support Hamas ultimately contending that the story of the Holy Land Foundation is part of "the story of Hamas in the United States."

The government named CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation. CAIR executive director Nihad Awad attended the 1993 Philadelphia meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee that laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Holy Land Foundation. After 9/11, CAIR solcited donations to the Holy Land Foundation under the guise of "the NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund." CAIR is part of the American terror support network that survives the conviction of the Holy Land Foundation and its principals. It is at least worth noting in this context that Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison was the featured speaker at CAIR's annual dinner in Washington this past weekend.

The government overcame several difficult challenges in seeing the prosecution through to the convictions rendered by the jury today. I know it had the benefit of some good advice from Andrew McCarthy the second time around.

The Dallas Morning News account of the verdict is full of quoted apologetics from HLF supporters and the customary useful idiots, but it states at the top:

The unanimous verdicts are a complete victory for the government, which streamlined its case and worked hard to carefully educate jurors on the complex, massive evidence presented in the trial. Guilty verdicts were read on 108 separate charges.

The prosecution victory is also a major one for the lame duck administration of President George Bush, whose efforts at fighting terrorism financing in court have been troubled, even though the flow of funds seems to be effectively shut down

Congratulations and thanks are in order to the dogged prosecutors who worked on the case in the office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

Via Carl in Jerusalem.

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Kuwaiti Islamist--Homosexuals Should Be Tortured in Public Squares – Death is Too Good For Them

Watch out for Steel Balls on the Road

Linking Around

133 posted on 11/25/2008 1:10:39 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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There's no 'free choice' in Employee Free Choice Act (Obama Union Payback Act of 2009)

The Freedom of Choice Act showdown is coming; it will change everything

The Four Horsemen of Barack Obama

Top 10 Things President Bush Should Do Before Leaving Office

The Unspeakable speaks about the Inedible...
  A Letter to My Brother Newt Gingrich

Why Reporters -- and Judges and Professors -- Are Biased

Why Government Spending Does Not Stimulate Economic Growth

Poll: Internet Most Reliable News Source

Citizenship 2.0 [Extensive FR mention]

Obama win doesn't erase inequality (HURL Alert)

I knew this would happen, its only a matter of time before the “Black Movement” or whatever it goes by, starts saying that electing Barak doesn’t mean anything...

Council passes controversial bill on stolen guns [We don't need no stinking Constitution]

Zimbabwe on brink of collapse as outbreak of cholera spreads  O-merica, 4 years from now?

Preview of Anti-Obama Documentary Outrages Left

John Ziegler didn’t know the kind of fury the left would unleash on him when he unveiled his web video “How Obama Got Elected.”
See his website and video here.
“The Zogby results were incredible and they were credible and the vast majority of enws media ignored it because it was their own malfeasance that created a massive amount of ignorance,”
See poll results here.

The reason we lost was we didn’t run a conservative, we ran another socialist.

Years ago we allowed the nationalization of education. Which aloows the left to brainwash students. And we stood by and did nothing.

Considering ACORN, and shady O funds, we had our last free election in 2004 and then just barely.

We have lost our country. The more our party moves to the left the more to left the dems move.

A nation gets the government it deserves.

The have nots will now bleed us dry.

“Tax the rich, till there are rich no more”


Red Hot Lies About Global Warming

134 posted on 11/25/2008 5:59:27 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

ABC Marvels at Obama Filling Bush's 'Vacuum' So 'We've Got Two Presidents'

Messiah Returns, Blesses Nation with Huge Deficit and Collectivism

Russia To Conduct War Games In Caribbean, Hints at Missiles For Cuba


Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation?

Abortion Advocates Downplay Potential for Passing Radical FOCA Bill

(Good Read): The Last Embers of the Fire

New Deal Not Such a Big Deal?

Harrison Bergeron

Penn. Democrat: 'Who Really Cares' About the Constitution?

I had wondered when they were going to get around to flat-out saying it.

135 posted on 11/25/2008 7:05:52 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Reid: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Will Come Early (Amnesty to "Easily" Pass)

Jump on the team people and come in for the big win, “guest workers”, they’re not just for members of congress anymore. We can all benefit from this source of cheep and abundant labor. The government will cover all the silly housing, healthcare, education, transportation, crime, environmental and other related costs so I don’t have to. This program ROCKS.

They’re so cheep they’re almost free. We should also seriously consider changing our countries name to MARGARITAVILLE.


Obama's Plan for Energy and the Environment

It’s worse than we ever could have imagined. Not even our worst nightmares could we have envisioned something so destructive of the Constitution and what is left of free markets in this country.

These are the superficial ravings of an absolutely empty suit.

Talk about tanking the economy.


It Was a Hoax-- That the Left Would Allow Oil Exploration & Drilling

Lawsuits Stop Offshore Drilling in Its Tracks

The U.S. needs to produce oil

No Birth Certificate: No Peace

Constitutional Lawyer Says Electors Have Duty To Investigate Citizenship

DAMON ROOT ON mutual aid, private property, and armed self-defense.

Channel 1 Poll::Likud party (Benjamin Netanyahu)is headed to Historical Victory

(Field & Stream) Magazine puts Schwarzenegger in cross hairs (50-Cal. rifles ban, fishery funds)

Dangers Of Appeasement: Eerie Similarities Between 1938, 2008

A Wake-Up Call to Conservatives

Mexican gangs now infiltrating Kentucky; Shelbyville fears violence in the future

Another Lovely Gift from Mexico

Bush Throws Some Pardons: What About The Border Agents?

The price of dissent on global warming
David Bellamy | November 25, 2008
Article from: The Australian

WHEN I first stuck my head above the parapet to say I didn't believe what we were being told about global warming, I had no idea what the consequences would be. I am a scientist and I have to follow the directions of science, but when I see that the truth is being covered up I have to voice my opinions.

According to official data, in every year since 1998, world temperatures have been getting colder, and in 2002 Arctic ice actually increased. Why, then, do we not hear about that? The sad fact is that since I said I didn't believe human beings caused global warming, I've not been allowed to make a television program.

My absence has been noticed, because wherever I go I meet people who say: "I grew up with you on the television, where are you now?"

It was in 1996 that I criticised wind farms while appearing on children's program Blue Peter, and I also had an article published in which I described global warming as poppycock. The truth is, I didn't think wind farms were an effective means of alternative energy, so I said so. Back then, at the BBC you had to toe the line, and I wasn't doing that.

more =,25197,24700827-7583,00.html

‘Growing accumulation’ of Science Challenges Warming Fears

Why hijack a plane when you can seize a supertanker?

136 posted on 11/25/2008 12:30:15 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Obama and McCain agreed to move forward on immigration, says Reid

Look into the treasonous Senate Bill 2433 (Global Tax Outrage Sponsored By Barack Obama)

Now for the real Shock Doctrine (Obama and the rise of Disaster Socialism)

Rahm Emanuel DCCC’s New Leader: The Face is “New” but the Song Remains the Same -- Rahm Emanuel is un-adulterated filth. October 23, 2005
Ends, Means, and progressivism

Evidently, it being a “Living Constitution” means we are free to shun it like a trailer park Governor should it be so obnoxious as to, you know, stand in the way of its betters:

Pittsburgh City Council gave its first approval today to legislation requiring that anyone report a lost or stolen firearm report that within 24 hours or potentially face a $500 fine.

The 6-1 vote, with two abstentions, sets up a final vote likely next week, which would send the legislation to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl for his signature or veto, and then potentially to the courts, where similar measures have been challenged.

“Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?” said Councilwoman Tonya Payne, a supporter. “This is what’s right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that’s fine … We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable.”

— Whereas, ignoring the Constitution? Perfectly okay, should it net the desired ends.

I think the “right thing to do” in a case such as this would be to tar and feather Ms Payne and drag her through the streets wearing a scarlet A.

But I bet were I to try and do so, Ms Payne would fall back on her “rights” as a means of thwarting me.

Funny how that works, isn’t it…?

(h/t STACLU)

137 posted on 11/25/2008 3:58:51 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Still hoping for change from Obama ?

How should people respond to a government of looters?

DOG BITES MAN: Obama Chief of Staff Hopes to Exploit the Economic Crisis to Expand the Growth of Government.

Is America finally waking up to the snake it is sheltering in its sleeve? Yes, I know, “asp” is the correct word for snake in this saying.

Obama on the 'Urgency' of combating 'Global Warming'

Brrr... Global Warming Predictions Overestimated-- Its a Hoax


Coal CEO calls environmentalists crazy

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate  If Barack Obama refuses to give proof, we have to call for his impeachment. Of course we won't succeed-- but we owe it to the Constitution to try.

Fairness Doctrine 2.0

Too Much Denial Going On Around Here

Behind The Bias: A Drive For 'Social Justice'

Obama Hit Hard with TV Ad in Georgia

Good old stuff:
Please help me understand Iran-Contra
Keep hitting F5 to reload it.
TAINTED BLOOD: the DARK EVIL WORLD of Arkansas's Department of Corrections
Keep hitting F5 to reload it.
Find your "favorite threads" via Google search of Free Republic, profiles (posted by RonDog, Feb. 18, 2001)
Klamath Falls Research Thread 4
Jurors' Handbook- (stuff you need to know)
The Female of the Species

138 posted on 11/26/2008 1:32:32 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Let's pose a scenario...

What if Zero, governs as a conservative in the first 3-4 years? Not that he is converted, but, what if it is to make us think he is a good guy?

Granted the loony left will be outraged for a while, but they love him so it is OK.

Then let's say he wins reelection and changes to the jackboot thug we know he is.

The point is, he will have all the mushy middle and some of the right in his corner at this time and then can promote the agenda we have all come to fear.

Even the stalinist tactics that might change us to a dictator, should he push it that far.

I think this is when he will inact martial law and try to keep the presidency forever. Or he will have the constitution changed to let him govern for a 3rd, 4th or even and infinite term!

So we need to be vigil (sp) and not let this happen.

I think he will try to put forth something that will make us feel a false sense of security and then take it all away.

Read up on him and his tactics. This could be the plan! We need everyone to tell people that he is full of shite, and not to believe anything good that might happen in his first term!

139 posted on 11/26/2008 2:12:05 AM PST by Repub4bush (FWF.....Speechless!)
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To: backhoe
Bump for later reference. Thanks for the links.
140 posted on 11/26/2008 2:22:53 AM PST by Captain Beyond (The Hammer of the gods! (Just a cool line from a Led Zep song))
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