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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...

With a hattip to Rush ( His idea during the Clinton plague upon America ) I am starting a file on “The One,” mostly starting from the election date.

Older stuff- links, quotes, quips, and sometimes pointed graphics can be found by scrolling back from these two posts:

-Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research--

-Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning--

There is some good material in those posts that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions that everyone ought to be asking, and probably will once the “new” wears off, and we are stuck with four ( more likely eight, since 95% of the news & entertainment media are in his pocket ) years of a typical corrupt Chicago Political Machine Politician trying to jerk the whole country in one direction and then the next.

You've all heard the saying,

”People get the kind of government they want...
...and deserve?”

Well, America, you are about to “get it, good & hard...”

Don't say you weren't warned- we tried to tell you...

We did everything we could, and our state went for the Old Guy & the Naughty Librarian, but too many other voters were made stupid by the TV and public schools for it to matter.

We're in a Hell of a mess, and the worst thing is, "we"- the collective we, not you & I-- got us here.

Is Obama really the Abyss...

staring back at us?

I like to make points with humorous graphics- this one sums it up as well as any:


Then, in a nutshell, "everything I see going bad with all this hopi- changi- stuff The One is peddling-- forced labor, censorship, spin, and pure mean-spirited rudness:

Email of the day

Atlas readers rock! I am blown away by the overwhelming response to this post  (and this one) to get involved to take back our country from the Soros, socialists, and the self proclaimed messiah - oy. More than one email brought a tear to my eye but I wanted to share this one with you.

If this best represents who we are, what we want and where we are going, there is no way we can lose. Greatness is in the house. I am proud to count you as my friends. Prouder still to stand with you and fight this great fight.

I want to lead a county.

I was born in Cuba, and know the language of Communism, Obama speaks it well.  My grandfather's family had to flee Lebanon because of the Muslims to Cuba. We fled Cuba because of Castro.

This is the best country in the whole wide world.  I was a child when I left Cuba with the clothe on my back, we left my parent's sister and I, left behind everything. 

America is Worth fighting for and Freedom is worth defending.  I do not want my children to grow up in oppression, nor do I wish exile upon them.

Please allow me to help, again, Id like to lead a county.

My name is Ingrid and Im in Miami, in Miami Dade County

May the Light always shine upon America,


UPDATE: In case there was any doubt as to what the victorious zombies have in mind. Check out this comment (left in the comment section) . Can you say rude awakening?

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged!  Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites.  We will confiscate your firearms.  In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways.  We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice.  We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up!  Prepare for the dung heap of history!

It sounds insane (which it is) but I believe the writer is quite serious.

| | Comments (21)

"We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice".....

Heh heh heh....I am sure you are serious, but that is funny!

Values of social Mao? Stalin? Lenin? Ho-chi Min? Pol Pot? Which of these butchers of social justice did you have in mind?"

That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

Innocents Betrayed is a must see video produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms (scroll down to see links to view the Introduction to Innocents Betrayed)

Now consider Obama's 'civilian defense force' which he intends to fund and equip as well as our standing military coupled with his promise to revisit the second amendment (repeal concealed carry privilege) and then compound this injury with Ayers' inspired youth corps.

Learn from the Slicksters


Obamessiah has a new site up as President-elect soliciting ideas form the proletariat.
Let's hope it doesn't become the hub for the hate whitey and Jew boy Obamavomit that his last site was.

Surf the site. Take note. Keep your eye on the The Obama National Service Plan- the page is empty (how apropos) but that piques my interest.

President Obama To Bring Back Slavery

Just in case anyone think Mr. Obama is not serious about this, bear in mind that his new Chief of Staff wrote a book demanding this very thing: The Plan: Big Ideas for America: Rahm Emanuel, Bruce Reed: Books;sr=1-1

Don’t forget they want a Gestapo/KKK civilian force the size of the pentagon to keep everybody inline and things running smoothly.

“Suddenly, all mention of “required” has been disappeared. ”

SOME THOUGHTS ON OBAMA'S mandatory volunteerism plan. Plus, reader Nancy Anne Potts writes:

Looks like the site is true to it's title - it changes!

During the time when I was looking at the blog you linked to concerned mandatory community service the page saying "require community service" changed to goal for community service. The new wording is:

"..... Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

I found the the cached page on Google it has the original "required" wording.

Looks like they caught their "mistake". Now will the real plan please step forward -- goal or required. (Although the way government sets goals, they often wind up looking like requirements so maybe the two aren't all that different.)

Ugh! I see card check made the economy page too. He may be the president elect but I don't have to like his plans!

Not until the second term. Then that will be made mandatory, too . . . .

Meanwhile, Robert Bidinotto comments: "Anyone recall what the Soviets used to do to history books?" The Obama folks have a history of airbrushing.

IF YOU VOTED FOR MCCAIN, you're a racist. Just in case nobody had bothered to tell you.

President-Elect D’oh-bama’s Gaffe #1: Sorry, Nancy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 7, 2008 07:30 PM

And so it begins.

Or rather, continues.

President-elect D’oh-bama apologizes (vid here in case you missed it):

More of the incessant symbolism bullshit from teh Obama Campaign


I believe the idea is to give the impression he’s already on the job. It strikes me as bad advice and an ego that knows no limits

President-Elect Douchebag Mocks Nancy Reagan


Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...
Gag alert:

President-elect Barack Obama's First Press Conference - Complete Video 11/7/08

Obama Mocks Nancy Reagan in 1st Press Conference

It's  classless to mock a frail, elderly woman. (Note he was not kind in his revelation about his own "typical white person" grandmother, either.)

It's even worse to mock the widow of a great former president. Whatever you think of her, she deserves respect.

Especially classless was mocking Nancy Reagan on stage, before hundreds of reporters and television cameras, knowing the "joke" would be heard by millions. This wasn't some private remark that got picked up by a live mike.

What the hell is the “Office of the President-Elect?”

In Fort Worth, Obama's election prompts run on guns and ammunition

Get 'em while you can-- from my files:

Sitting in committee, just waiting for The One:

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007

On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

From "", the official transition website. Agenda tab and then select "urban policy" and go down to "Crime Control".

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

There will be no one left to protect you
Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans. Americans will have not seen such arbitrary power used against them since the days of the Civil War when Lincoln put the Constitution in the bottom drawer of his desk and set about arresting anyone who opposed his policies...

VIDEO of Obama calling for a Secret Police Force: CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE??

QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT civilian national security force.

“Just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded.” So the astute observer and deep thinker might reflect for a minute and be compelled to pose several questions (although the MSM won’t)...


Kindly note the quote, from our new First Lady, err, female black Bigot...

Obama's plan to disarm America (video, in his own words)


Michelle Malkin: New national anthem: "My president is black"


Is Obama "Your President"?

Friday, November 07, 2008 3:01:30 PM · 57 of 180
backhoe to brownsfan
Hmmmm... this one is very difficult. I was in the military, and we were taught we salute the uniform, not the man. So I respect the office, not the man. However, I am adopting a wait and see. If Obama governs as if he cares about America, even if we disagree, I can accept that. If Obama governs as I expect, like a Manchurian candidate who is bent on America’s deconstruction, that is when he will disqualify himself as being my president.

Liberal activists have long legislative wish list

National Organization for Women. "Since 1994, we've been losing over and over on legislation related to equality and fair treatment for women."
The gay-rights movement also campaigned vigorously for Obama.
NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America want Obama and Congress to move aggressively...
An array of other advocacy groups are stepping forward with their priorities for the new Congress.

Guess Who's Getting the Nuclear Football in January?

BO is doing away with our nukes, the officer assigned to carry the nuclear football will instead be carrying the teleprompter.

Angelou: Now I Won't Have To Apologize For My Country When Abroad

Democratic RevolutionWith all that being said, we are looking at potentially 9.2 million fraudulent votes...
This wasn't an election. It was peaceful Socialist revolution. Perhaps we should refer to President Obama as "His Fraudulency". But not too loudly...
- Hugh Farnham

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

Yes we can--draft your @ss

You know, I warn, and I warn, and I warn, and I warn, but nobody listens.

OMG you won't believe what is written on Obama's new website: "America Serves"

Democrats talk of a ‘permanent progressive majority’

Libs Suddenly Find Themselves Defending the Flag It wasn't that long ago that the American Left was burning and crapping on the flag.
Suddenly, all of that has changed.

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

 From my files- note the date:

Bend over, America:

Paid for with 'everybody else's' money...

1,152 posted on Saturday, February 09, 2008

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

And folks should be sure to check out this thread....

Obama’s Chief of Staff Pick Took Campaign Contributions from Wall Street

And check out the info at

I hope someone sends these Emanuel links off to Limbaugh.


The Coup: a position paper

Cut Obama some slack, wait and listen

President Bush could not even claim his victory for weeks in the 2000 elections because of democRAT attempts to steal the election.

He has been insulted and degraded like no other president in memory.

I, for one, will not cut this poser or his comrades ANY slack...

Obama-Supporting Teacher Bullies Student (video)

"White guilt gave us black Jesus"


Required re-education: Reagan's 1964 speech to the Republican Convention

I’ve already ordered my ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Ron Paul’ bumper sticker. I’ll probably get a ‘Sarah-cuda’ one as well.

After the appropriate time has passed ( after Duh1 takes office and starts clowning around... ) I'm going to make this:

"Don't blame Me
I voted for Sarah"

Possibilities I'm entertaining in the interim?

"Where's mah Free Gas?"

"I want my mortgage paid!"

The new battle line?

choice versus control.


Mike Gallagher: Mourning In America

Change... Obama Announces Creation Of His Marxist Youth Corps (Heil Comrade Obama!)


Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales Well, duh!

I tried for months to wake people up- now, they will get "the kind of government they want, and deserve..."

Of course, we don't deserve it, but when just enough voters have been made stupid by the TV and public "education," what can you expect?

I dug in to the grocery money ( neither of us have a job... ) and renewed my membership in the NRA, GOA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. If we'd had more to spare, I'd have rejoined JPFO and the Second Amendment Sisters, too.

Keep these handy...

Gun Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn

Do Unto Obama As Liberals Did Unto Bush

Coal stocks plummet. Average 15%, many over 30% since Tuesday Gee, wonder why?

Kate, this is important and you should listen to it. It's about Obama's cult of personality and it is short.

From the blogs- and, always, read the Anchoress:

Bush, Obama, & Ghosts of Hate - UPDATED

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

I would love nothing better than to be able to stop writing about “left” and “right.” I wish we had a better vocabulary to describe our distinctions, because these words are limiting and off-putting. I am determined, with the merciful conclusion of this abusively long election season, to work diligently at spending less time entertaining these distinctions. But for today, I think it is only fair to note a very important and glaring difference between “left and right” - and in so doing - consider how we may, finally, stop needing to indulge in what is tedious.

Victor Davis Hanson
says Let’s not imitate the left in our opposition. I agree.

It has been wonderful - really beyond wonderful - to consider how differently most of the right has reacted to their defeat than the left did in 2000 and 2004. In the two previous elections, the left responded by calling the other half of the country “stupid,” “morons,” and “Nazis” - Jane Smiley called them “unteachably ignorant” - they indulged in high drama, sniffling “apologies” to the globe, and denunciations of their fellow countrymen as “lying between repugnant and reptile in the dictionary.”

And oh, yeah (eyeroll) George W. Bush was not “their” president.

While you’ll see a few disgruntled extremists on the right say foolish, even ignorant things - and many throwing daggers at the sickening double-standards of the press - they’re not indulging in that sort of dehumanizing (and very adolescent) hate of their fellow countrymen or the president-elect. The reports they’re filing read very differently than those following the Bush wins. They read as grown-up, tolerant, open-minded discourses, not tantrums. There is a willingness to be hopeful, even in defeat.

And there is a determined respectfulness being offered to the winners - people who could not manage maturity and respectfulness in their defeat and who, sadly, are not always managing it in their victory, either.

I’m hopeful that the left - if it takes the time to actually condescend to notice how well it is being treated by the vanquished - might consider that self-indulgent defamation is the lesser way; that such a consideration may inspire introspection, and perhaps the smallest bit of regret for some of their appalling excesses toward the right and toward the American President who did not return hate in-kind.

I’m hopeful. I’m an optimist. I KNOW that the folks on the right - for all of their faults, and both sides certainly have faults - want America to be successful and strong and exceptional and free. I’m hopeful that hugely empowered left will discover that - beyond the feel-goodism of “free social programs” which are never free -they actually, really do want all of those things, too. That they’ll look back on the last 8 years and realize, finally, that their enemy was never George W. Bush. Bush, the guy who never dehumanized them, was only trying serve those corny ideals.

And then, miraculously, we may actually have unity.

Some similar thinking from my girl crush, Donna Brazile:

“The one mistake that we continue to make is that we label people. We say you’re conservatives, liberal, progressive, right wing, left wing. I think people just want to spend one day being Americans. They want to come together around a common purpose, common values.”

I wondered the other day if the catharsis of this election might open up “a vein of generosity” (or at least decency) from the left as concerns President Bush. I have not seen it yet, but I’m going to be optimistic and keep looking.

But maybe it’s enough just to see a little appreciation from the right, to start. Like this, for instance:

I link, therefore, I Err has a little mini-round-up of appreciation for George W. Bush. You’ll want to read it all.

From Alppuccino at Protein Wisdom:

At 10:40, President Bush will keep his streak alive by telling everyone how much he loves America. Just as he always has. And he’ll show everyone how much he loves America by preparing Obama as best he can for the next 4 years.

Read it all; it’s doubtful that Obama’s team will come into the White House finding O’s missing from their keyboards, any rude messages greeting them. And that is how it should be in America, a respectful transition.

Michael Gerson:

Many liberals refuse to concede Bush’s humanity, much less his achievements.

But that humanity is precisely what I will remember. I have seen President Bush show more loyalty than he has been given, more generosity than he has received. I have seen his buoyancy under the weight of malice and his forgiveness of faithless friends. Again and again, I have seen the natural tug of his pride swiftly overcome by a deeper decency — a decency that is privately engaging and publicly consequential.

[In 2005]…the White House senior staff overwhelmingly opposed a new initiative to fight malaria in Africa for reasons of cost and ideology…In the crucial policy meeting, one person supported it: the president of the United States, shutting off debate with a moral certitude that others have criticized. I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women’s advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government — or about President Bush.

Jeffery Scott Shapiro:

[The treatment of President Bush] from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have…Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty — a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.

Until we fix, within ourselves, our enthrallment with hate for others, simply because they hold differing views, we’ll never pull it together. In 2006 we watched a right-wing blogger be called less than human by a left-wing reader. We’ve seen President Bush being referred to as “the chimp” and “the monkey” by the wits who insisted that ideology trumped having a decent respect for another’s humanity. I wrote about that a little here:

Thus, George W. Bush is “Chimpy McHitler.” Hillary Clinton is “a pig in a pantsuit.” Barack Obama is “O-Bambi.” Cindy McCain, who has exhibited some courage and laudable compassion in her life, is reduced to a “pill-popping beer-frau,” and so forth. From there it is smooth sailing down an ever-descending river of hatred, until we are incapable of seeing anything good in the “other,” both because we have willfully hardened our hearts, and because our hate — especially when it is supported by a group of like minds — feels safe and inviolable.

With that in mind, you’ll want to read this excellent piece over at Conversion Diary, wherein Jenifer ponders pictures from a Nazi-era photo album and wonders, how such common-variety people managed to support and enable such profound evil.

One thing that stands out in all these examples is that the victims of the widespread evil were categorized as something less than human…not only that innocent people were killed or enslaved, but that their humanity was taken away by the societies around them…So here is the advice I would offer to my children, and to my children’s children:

Every decade or so, take a look around the society in which you live, and ask yourself if there is any group of human beings who are seen as something less than human. A big tipoff is if dehumanizing words — terms other than “man,” “woman,” “child,” “baby,” or “person” — are used to describe any category of people.

And if you ever see that going on, you might be in the midst of something gravely evil.

Dehumanizing people begins with baby-steps like name-calling, or the sort of intellectual dishonesty that delights in deliberately twisting the meaning of others in negative and misrepresentative ways. Those are the little gateways to the great evils that come once you’ve managed to thoroughly de-humanize others.

We’ve had 8 years - I’d say 12, really - of people demonizing and dehumanizing others, from both sides, and it is not getting us anyplace good. I believe that the response of most of the right to Obama’s victory is a step toward changing that. But the left has to do their part, too.

Pope Benedict XVI said, “those who hope live differently.” The election of Barack Obama was borne on this word, “Hope.”

If the people who voted for “hope” were sincere, then let them begin, today, to embrace it - and to live differently - without the kneejerk move to hate “the other side.” The right, responding levelly to their defeat, has offered the opening. Will the left take it?

UPDATE: Seems some will. Here is mostly accurate, and apprecited praise from a surprising quarter:

Would America have elected Barack Obama if white Americans had not gotten accustomed to seeing (in succession) two African-American Secretaries of State? I don’t think so. Before Bush, African-Americans were appointed to some good posts but not to our #1 foreign policy job. Two African Americans (one with a pretty odd first name) served as America’s face to the world. That eased Obama’s way. It is not Tiger Woods in whose footsteps Obama is walking — it’s Rice and Powell….Fact is, “W” never gave any evidence of holding racist attitudes…even just the slur the occasionally slips out of the mouth of even our most liberal leaders.

Same with Arabs and Muslims…Bush, after 9/11, never resorted to anti-Arab or Muslim stereotypes. He drew distinctions between terrorists and Arabs…Had he not done these things, Arabs and Muslims might have experienced not just hate crimes but pogroms.

Meanwhile, from Grand Rants:

Here is a man who is regularly compared to Hitler in casual conversation in Leftist circles high and low. His honor has been regularly impugned, his intelligence (or, as the press loves to put it, his “intellectual curiousity”) constantly demeaned, his verbal stumblings consistently mocked, and his accomplishments in office discounted or ignored. He is a man who kept his head down and did his job, despite the slings and arrows hurled at him by fortune made all the more outrageous by nearly the entire Democratic party.

I for one, would like to say thank you to Pres. Bush. For keeping us safe. For watching out for us. For persevering in spite of all the spite. I believe history will ultimately judge you as one of America’s best presidents, and I believe you deserve that judgement.

H/T to Opinionated Catholic, who writes:

The throwing under the bus of the President by even his friends and indeed the base has been shocking to me. Many groups will find out soon enough how they took Bush’s support and advocacy for them for granted, Catholics, especially.

Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden is beginning to enjoy Omerica, Quin Hillyer is saying America is over, kaput, finished, Evan Thomas suddenly finds Obama “slightly creepy” and when you refuse to release medical records, and the press doesn’t care…conjecture begins about your mental health.

Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier pinged back with Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL pinged back with Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL
Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants pinged back with Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants


Forty-Fourth President, Twelfth Imam

by Baron Bodissey

O-Man’s Fibonacci spiral haloThe election results were long expected, but now that the day has arrived it’s quite a letdown, anyway. Reading about the joy expressed by Hamas and Syria and Italy and Indonesia… contemplating Obama’s Secretary of State, or (God help us) Defense… Thinking about the USA becoming just like Sweden, only with a real army, and aircraft carriers, and nukes… First Lady Michelle…

It’s all too depressing.

So, as is my habit in such circumstances, instead of writing a post this evening or doing something else useful, I created yet another iconic image of The One. After looking around at some of his existing halos, I decided to make one myself. A man can’t have too many halos, right?

And then I pondered the phenomenon of halos appearing behind the heads of great national leaders, men who are born into modest Muslim circumstances, but in time become presidents of large countries that have nuclear weapons. It made me think of…
- - - - - - - - -
Mad Jad’s HaloMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ol’ Mad Jad got his halo when he went to visit the UN a couple of years ago. It appeared behind his head while he was speaking. Not only that, his audience was held in such rapt attention by his words that they were unable to blink for thirty minutes. We know all this is true because he told us so.

I wonder how many other resemblances there are between him and Barack Hussein Obama.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as preparing the way for the Twelfth Imam, as a sort of satanic John the Baptist for the man who is prophesied to return and usher in the apocalypse preceding the establishment of the permanent reign of Islam over the entire world.

And Obama’s got a bigger halo.

Does that mean…? Nah — it couldn’t be… But still… It makes me wonder…

What if the One were also the Twelfth?

Note to the literal-minded: this post is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Given the circumstances, it’s the only fun I’m likely to have for quite a while.

Read further...

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House My wife just got an e-mail from the head of HR saying that the post-election Obama jokes have to stop, especially if there is any hint that it might be related to racism. No notice before the election. And it was OK to get anti-Bush e-mails for 8 years. Oh yeah, she works for a bank that is hoping for a piece of the bailout action...

FReepers: we need you now more than ever. Don't go!

I’m not leaving as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the Creeks don’t rise.

Have no fear- The One will halt the rising creeks, heal the planet, and make the French love us again ( Oh, gag me! )...

Well, I’m not going anywhere as long as I have a voice.

We may have to go back to Xerox machines and small presses distributing handbills, but I’ll be damned if I let my country slip in to “That Good Night” without a fight.

I’m the one who dubbed Clinton “Little Big Fraud,” so I’ll have to work on something for The One.

We may have to set up a “Free Republic in Exile” like Degaulle did when the Nazis overran France, but we’ll manage.

It does distress me that so many people were suckered by a typical Chicago Machine empty suit, but he had 95% of both the press and entertainment arms of The Media Hive trying to get him elected, and covering up for him, so it’s not surprising.

Carry on.

Some realistic things to expect early in the Obama Administration

I work in Chicago. I deal with a great many attorneys in my job, many of whom are staunch Dims and breathless Obambi supporters; some were even active in his campaign. More than one told me that at or near the top of Obambi’s agenda is a new Hate Crimes bill, with a wide expansion of what will be considered a hate crime

Didn't you notice that Obama is a conservative?  "Obama is, in his own words, something of a Rorschach test. In his latest book, The Audacity of Hope, he writes, 'I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.' "

Being an American is much more than being "cool"

Obama Bought The Presidency

Another Painful Lesson For The GOP

That’s what happens when you run a true left wing liberal against a liberal lite. The real one wins.

Remember, that's my theory why we went down to defeat in 2006...

I said something along the lines of,

"I've read all the theories why we lost so badly, and I still say this: Once elected, the Republicans taxed & spent & regulated like a bunch of Democrats- no wonder the voters decided to try The Real Thing!"



Here it comes, you bitter clingers:

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’ ...why there is a new army command for domestic unrest...

Obama Pushes Abortion on Day One With Emanuel Pick Pro-Abortion, ANTI-gun zealot. He helped write the first AWB, and is going to help push the 2nd PERMANENT AWB.

Five Years to destabilize a nation. Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion

Beware of the "manufactured crisis"

 The parasites are now in full control. The host taxpayer will be expected to work even harder just to stay even. This is a way of breaking the country. The Muslims are dancing in the streets as middle east money just bought the US presidency for a clown without a clue.

Much Of Arab World Rejoices Over Obama Election

Barack Obama, Mr. Hope-n-Change

But just remember- any critique, opposition, or naysaying?

This, is where we are going:

No, I'm not kidding.

I wish I were- the lights are going out, all across America.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

The healing begins!

Your sickening unAmerican traitorous, racist, money-grubbing, torturing, hateful ideology got struck a death blow and you and your fellow jackal-blowhards are left writhing on the floor, gasping for breath as the final death tremors subside and your bodies stiffen into rigour mortis.

We heart4848.gif you too!


Posted by Kate at 12:30 PM | Comments (56) "It will be painful, but this election is good news. The only true cure for socialism is to actually get it; the US is about to get a big fat dose of cure for what ails them."

Final Thoughts Final Post

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:23:30 PM · 7 of 8
backhoe to Pagan Power
Well, after the 2006 debacle, I wrote this:

Call it a Twilight of the Gods moment
( "In the twilight of the gods, the twilight men will appear..."
Otto Basil, circa 1968 )
...but until further notice, I am suspending updates specific to this post.
I will continue to update this:
with "everything you need to be aware of."
But I'm just burned, and bummed out. The elections. The sellout of Israel. The Moonbats. The Stupid Party. The Evil Party.

Then again, after yesterday there's this:

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


9,520 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; americaheldhostage; americans4prosperity; bho2008; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotreason; bhotyranny; bo; davidharsanyi; deemocrats; democrat; democrats; donilon; kochbrothers; mdan; obama; obamafiles; obamatransitionfile; thekenyan; thomasdonilon; usurper; veroniquederugy
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 Gun sales thriving in uncertain times
I GUESS ALL THOSE PEOPLE BUYING GUNS AREN’T CRAZY:  Trying to bring back the assault weapons ban already.
WISCONSIN: Obama election triggers run on gun sales in state. Up 82% over last year. It’s an economic stimulus!

Around here, gun sales are shooting up

But it does not matter, you damn idiots- thanks to all the laws already in place?
They know who you are...
I will say there are supreme idiots (read - Obamunist Koolaid Drinkers) on a few gun boards I frequent that keep saying Obama will do nothing with guns and ammo. They are convinced there is much else in the world to occupy the Obamassiah's time that he will never think of guns, ammo and magazines.

FRiend, I don't know if it's true or not- it was "one of those stories I read on the web years & years ago"-- never found further confirmation, or denial-- so take it FWIW, FYI, and "just so you know.."

The story:

Bill Clinton and his aides were sitting around, talking about the possibility that he'd just never leave office, regardless of the 2000 election...

Lots of arguments back and forth, but Clinton silenced them all with one sentence:

"Yeah, but we didn't get all the guns."

This time around, Zero will get 'em- and the ammo, too...
Dacre wrote:
backhoe wrote
That's because it's not going to change a thing, in my opinion.
I agree backhoe. But shouldn't it. And isn't this part of the change many people voted for?

To put it bluntly, the people voting for "change" did not have any idea of what they were doing, besides giving in to an impulse.

Obama was part Rorschach blot for people to project their hopes & fears & longings & fantasies upon, and part slick, soda-pop style marketing.

Remember well- both Carter & Clinton ran on "change," too, and look what that got us.

My normally down-to-earth brother in law voted for Duh!1, and he is already expressing remorse. All I can tell him is, "I had stuff up like this for a long time- weren't you paying any attention?

To wit:
( note date, the numeral is a link to source )

Obama is a Liar

Obama at fund-raiser at Steven and Judy Gluckstern's home, April 9, 2007. George Soros is seated to the right of the stairs.
(Photo: Michael Edwards, NY Magazine)


6,868 posted on Saturday, May 05, 2007

THE PRESS ON OBAMA: Howard Kurtz says it’s showing “a giddy sense of boosterism.” Indeed. Duh!

Obama's Victory: The Aftermath

November 17, 2008 Posted by John at 6:45 PM

The conduct of the press, not only during the Presidential campaign but in its aftermath, has been so embarrassing that even those inside the journalism bubble have noticed. Rupert Murdoch tries to explain the problem to his colleagues, but they probably won't listen. After all, Murdoch's publications are actually profitable, so he doesn't qualify as an industry insider.

The Onion diagnoses a frightening post-election syndrome among Obama supporters; it helps to understand the Onion's report if you consider that many of those depicted are probably journalists:

The Hive - Your Worst Fears About Obama?

November 16th, 2008

What are the things that concern you most about the Obama ascendancy?

As usual, this thread is open to other topics as well.

42 Comments » "My major concern is that he, Pelosi, Reid et al are going to work such major changes in the economic and governmental setup in this country that when they’re kicked out of office it will be impossible to undo the damage."
"Towards the end of Bush 41 and during the Clinton years civil forfeiture was a tool used by police and government agencies both as a revenue source and a way to intimidate people. I can see this being very popular with a Chicago thug."


Hope! Change! Forward Into The Past!

Clintonistas! Notice the media spin? The only people ready to “hit the ground running” are experienced Clintonistas! Former insiders to the Clinton mob are the only people capable of governing. None of that hopey-changey riffraff need apply.

Comments (3)   "The candidate of change has become the President Elect of the Clinton Administration..."

Always- Read the Anchoress!

Guns, Bailouts, Gitmo and Soap

Retreat was excellent, but I need to process it a little before I write about it.

Meanwhile, a quick look around tells me I didn’t miss much, newswise.

Guns: Instapundit links to two pieces on increased gun sales - or the perception of it. I don’t know if I buy the cause and effect. I’ve been contemplating buying a gun for at least two years, and it has nothing to do with politics or social issues, or the election. It’s because after reading female-authored articles on training with handguns and going to shooting ranges, I have simply become much more comfortable with the idea.

Bailout: I am not quite sure why the government is now in the bailout business. I do not understand why the press and the Democrats, who spent the last 7 years (with unemployment below 5%, and the economy growing by 2-3% each quarter) telling us we were living through the “worst economy since Hoover,” should be deemed credible on any economic matter.

Remember back when the frenzy was taking place, I expressed unease with how “overnight” this thing “needed to be done, immediately,” before anyone had a chance to share a thought? I totally distrusted it, but I got - from readers both left and right - serious emails full of “stop talking this down, this has to happen, this has to happen now or we’re facing a meltdown of unprecedented proportions.” I wondered why anyone would care about my little blog questioning it all but figured, “hey, I’m no economist.” I figured lot so of folks knew better than I did. But I never felt easy about it. I run by my gut, and my gut kept reading all of these dire pronouncements, and hearing all of these people predicting doom and I would think, “sleight of hand; look at all of this sound and fury and pay no attention to what we’re wriggling down our sleeves…”

It’s the master illusionist thing again:

…on the world stage there stride some masters of the sleight-of-hand and the misdirection - you can recognise them because they are all of a mind, and of a piece, and they are all working different parts of the same trick. But if you can recognise a trick for what it is, you can prevail against it.

So was an illusion played?
It’s a good question. James Pethokoukis seems to still support the essentials of the bailout while making note of “11 Blunders”. He writes:

I think Paulson’s credibility with the financial markets has been exhausted. Now I am not sure what the magic solution was…But I will give this to Paulson: He does strike me as a guy who is working himself near death to deal with an amazingly tough problem.

I don’t quite know what the magic solution was, either, but it seems just plain common sense that you don’t throw money at a situation without accountability, and maybe that old chestnut that you don’t throw “good money after bad,” is worth remembering, too.

Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin
is saying roll back the bailouts. Sen. James Inhofe is saying it too, and he’s saying it in the Senate:

I know many of you have serious concerns about how Secretary Paulson has executed the financial rescue program and I share them with you. Congress abdicated its Constitutional responsibility by signing a truly blank check over to the Treasury Secretary. However, the lame duck session of Congress offers us a tremendous opportunity to change course. We should take it.

I know little about Inhofe, but he also says, this, and this - which I do understand:

“I have learned a long time ago. When they come up and say this has to be done and has to be done immediately, there is no other way of doing it, you have to sit back and take a deep breath and nine times out of 10 they are not telling the truth,” he said. “And this is one of those nine times.”

Frankly, when I saw Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and the rest laughing giddily at their “we did it, we have a bailout” press conference, my blood ran cold. And the fact that they “worked with” the president - whom they despise - “for the good of the country” just made me distrust it even more. I hadn’t seen them “work with” the president for the good of anything in all these years, after all.

The only bright spot seems to be that the global economic tumult that has resulted - and the collapse of oil prices - seems to have bankrupted Iran. But that might be a double-edged sword, too. We’ll have to wait and see.

I’m uncomfortable with a lot of this. I don’t understand why Nancy Pelosi is talking about a 25 Billion Dollar handout to an auto industry that has mismanaged itself; might it not be better to allow them to re-organize and unshackle themselves from the unions? What am I saying? Of course I understand Pelosi’s move - fealty to the unions! I don’t understand why taxpayers should do her bidding, though.

This all feels a little too much like, “do what you can to keep the good times rolling,” when perhaps a little belt-buckling, downsizing (in all of our lives, not just in business) and a little material sacrifice might teach all of us some sound financial principles that got lost in the heydey: Live within your means; pay your bills on time. Don’t give huge freaking bonuses out to the people who mismanaged your corporation; don’t give them bonuses with bailout money. Don’t give bonuses at all. Trim the severance packages and then unload the dead wood.

Yes, it’s harsh medicine. But sometimes medicine is harsh.

I rarely disagree with my blogfather Ed Morrissey, but I do take issue with him, here. He writes on what he perceives as Obama’s coming flip-flop on closing Gitmo:

A month ago, the NYT’s editorial board scoffed at the Bush administration’s efforts to keep Gitmo detainees from being released…Suddenly, the New York Times discovers that the American system does allow for indefinite detention to protect society from dangerous individuals without full-blown criminal trials — as with the criminally insane.

So what happens when the incoming Obama administration decides to continue indefinite detention and back away from Feinstein’s bill on interrogation techniques? Not only will the MoveOn/Code Pink crowd utterly revolt, but it will force a re-evaluation of the Bush administration’s efforts to keep this nation safe from attack — and the success he had in doing so.

I’m sorry, Ed, but sometimes cynicism is warranted. Move On and Code Pink will not revolt. They’ll fall in line and find ways to justify the flop by blaming Bush. They’ll “sympathize” that Obama will not be able to close Gitmo because of “Bush failures,” which have kept the world a “needlessly dangerous” place and they’ll insist that Obama “needs flexibility” in order to save every sector of the planet.

I’m betting there will be no re-evaluation, forced or otherwise, on Bush by this generation. Bush will be the handing scapegoat for every failing and every flip, for as long as they can get away with it. After all, it’s already okay for Obama to admit lobbyists into his circle. It’s just what Jim Geraghty would call expiration dates being met.

If you happened to include in your Online Christmas Shopping some orders for soap and lotion from the Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ, note that they’re on retreat until Friday and write: “…there will be no shipping of orders from the online gift shop on [retreat] days although you still may place orders. We thank you for your understanding!”

While I was on retreat this weekend - more on that later - the sisters served up some homemade granola that had me thinking I’d died and gone to heaven! I’m going to try to get them to sell it in batches; if I convince them, you’ll love the stuff!

Speaking of Christmas: Thank you for ordering your Mystic Monk Coffee, your Nuddle Blankets and your Personalized Labels from this site. If you are going to be shopping via for toys, electronics, books and such, please consider entering Amazon through this site. I’m personally rather excited about the frustration-free packaging idea they’ve come up with, and the kickbacks generated help keep the site going and me writing

TheAnchoress @ 1:54 pm. Filed under America, Barack Obama, Benedictine, Bush Bad?, Catholicism, Charitable Stuff, Egregious Harry Reid, Free Speech?, Serving up hot links, TV/Pop Culture/Music, The Fourth Estate, The Pelosi


1. The vast majority of Blacks voted for him because they wanted a black president (got it half right).

2. Liberal white guilt

3. Clueless voters

4. Liberal white guilt

5. Hatred for Bush

6. Liberal white guilt

7. The thing to do

8. Liberal white guilt

9. Following the crowd

10. Liberal white guilt

And Liberal white guilt. IMHO

Schwarzneggar THE RUNNING MAN(1987) - food riots, no dissent...the Obama presidency?

101 posted on 11/18/2008 1:44:31 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Ignorant Obama Voters Exposed by Zogby

Zogby is under fire for publishing a poll showing the gross ignorance Obama voters have of the ticket they voted for:

The 12-question, multiple-choice survey found questions regarding statements linked to Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his vice-presidential running-mate Sarah Palin were far more likely to be answered correctly by Obama voters than questions about statements associated with Obama and Vice-President–Elect Joe Biden.
They could answer questions about McCain and Palin, even erroneous ones asking which candidate considered it a foreign policy credential to be able to see Russia from his or her house? Answer: Sara Palin, but not really. Actually, Tina Fey said it, but in the Messiah-induced press frenzy, little facts like that don't matter:
Ninety-four percent of Obama voters correctly identified Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter, 86% correctly identified Palin as the candidate associated with a $150,000 wardrobe purchased by her political party, and 81% chose McCain as the candidate who was unable to identify the number of houses he owned. When asked which candidate said they could "see Russia from their house," 87% chose Palin, although the quote actually is attributed to Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey during her portrayal of Palin during the campaign.
Obama Voters didn't do so well answering questions about their messiah and his sidekick, Palooka Joe:
3% failed to correctly answer that Obama had won his first election by getting all of his opponents removed from the ballot, and 88% did not correctly associate Obama with his statement that his energy policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry. Most (56%) were also not able to correctly answer that Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground.

Nearly three quarters (72%) of Obama voters did not correctly identify Biden as the candidate who had to quit a previous campaign for President because he was found to have plagiarized a speech, and nearly half (47%) did not know that Biden was the one who predicted Obama would be tested by a generated international crisis during his first six months as President.

The criticism of this poll, and it is a valid one in the realm of statistical sampling, is the equivalency of the questions asked about the two tickets. Nonetheless, it calls our stinking press into question and it also highlights voter ignorance. Maybe the two are related. Hmmm...


RedState says Holder is "awash in cronyism, skirts ethics laws, had horrible judgement, and is simply incompetent."

The Obama Campaign has another problem that needs vetting.
The Washington Times reported:

Dick Morris says that Eric Holder was no innocent bystander in the Marc Rich pardon scandal.
He was interviewed about Holder at World Net Daily:

The Hacks Behind Barack Obama

That ain't all  by the way:

Ayers surfaces calls US Troops TERRORISTS in first speech
This slug is unbeleivable.

Ayers surfaces, gives a speech in which he not only lies by saying the Weather Underground didn't kill anyone (3 cops, 1 security guard dead)
BUT then goes on to say that U.S. troops are guilty of terrorism.

Kennedy Announces Plan to Submit Bill For Universal Care It will probably pass. We'll have single payer health care like in Canada before the year is out.

Democrats' Deficit in two years so far $1.5 trillion!

When Obama closes Guantanamo Bay Castro will give it to Russia

102 posted on 11/18/2008 12:56:07 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All
DOING THE JOB THAT NEWSPAPERS SHOULD BE DOING:  Web Sites That Dig for News Rise As Watchdogs. “As America’s newspapers shrink and shed staff, and broadcast news outlets sink in the ratings, a new kind of Web-based news operation has arisen in several cities, forcing the papers to follow the stories they uncover.”  I keep saying that hard news reporting is the Killer App for old media, but they don’t seem to want to do it.
PREDICTING a prolonged recession.

Time to Throw in the Towel?

November 18, 2008 Posted by John at 11:00 AM Over the years, Scott and Paul have lamented the perversely liberal voting habits of American Jews. We Republicans keep hoping that more Jewish voters will see the light, but, as Don Feder notes, it certainly didn't happen in 2008:

Once American Jews discovered that voting Republican was crucial for the survival of the Jewish state, they'd naturally align themselves with the party that actually believes in national security, we were assured.

It never happened.

After this year's election - in which Barack Hussein Obama got 77% of the Jewish vote - we can confidently say it never will. Once again, in 2008, most American Jews voted their religion - liberalism.

Some minorities have a clearer perception of where their interests lie. According to the American Muslim Task Force for Civil Rights and Elections, nearly 90% of Muslims voted for Obama, only 2% for McCain - smart Muslims, dumb Jews.

Part of the problem is that, contrary to popular belief, most American Jews don't really care much about Israel:

The [American Jewish Committee's 2008] survey highlighted another reality. Among American Jews generally, support for Israel is a low priority.

When asked: "Which one issue would you most like to hear the candidates for president discuss during the 2008 presidential campaign," 54% said the economy, 11% picked health care and only 3% chose Israel.

Feder concludes, I trust somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that it's time to give up on trying to persuade secular Jews to vote for Republicans:

The Republican Jewish Coalition should close its doors. Its budget, and anything else the GOP spends on wooing Jewish voters, should be equally divided between building more Orthodox Jewish day schools (thereby encouraging the Orthodox to have more children) and transporting evangelical Christians to the polls on Election Day.

That would do more to help Israel and to assure Jewish survival than the money wasted quadrennially on trying to bring a message of reason to the mega-meshugeneh.

There's much more; read it all.

To comment on this post, go here.

Another OBama interview carefully not discussed during the campaign

Obama’s Other Background In Voter Fraud

November 18th, 2008

Did you know that BHO was the member of the ultra radical Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law?

They are another group that like ACORN/Project Vote and the ACLU, is out to get everybody to vote — even if they don’t have a residence or even citizenship.

A little less than a year ago the Politico dug up a questionnaire (part 1, part 2) that Mr. Obama filled out when he was running for the Illinois Senate:

Liberal views could haunt Obama

By MIKE ALLEN & BEN SMITH | 12/11/07

When Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was seeking state office a dozen years ago, he took unabashedly liberal positions: flatly opposed to capital punishment, in support of a federal single-payer health plan, against any restrictions on abortion, and in support of state laws to ban the manufacture, sale and even possession of handguns.

Filling out a 12-page questionnaire from an Illinois voter group as he sought a state Senate seat in 1996, Obama answered “yes” or “no” — without using the available space to calibrate his views — on some of the most emotional and politically potent issues that a public official can confront.

Do you support … capital punishment?” one question asked.

No,” the 1996 Obama campaign typed, without explaining his answer in the space provided.

Do you support state legislation to … ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?” asked one of the three dozen questions.

Yes,” was Obama’s entire answer…

These answers are of course interesting in their own right.

Though, in typical fashion, Obama has subsequently denied ever giving these answers or even having seen the form. (Even though it is reported that the handwriting on it closely matches his.)

But the Obama campaign also included a “biographical sketch” on the candidate which contains an achievement we have never noticed before:


BARACK OBAMA received his BA in Political Science from Columbia University. He spent five years working as a community organizer, first in Harlem, then in Chicago.

In 1988, OBAMA enrolled in Harvard Law School. There he served as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review and was a member of the Executive Board of the Black Law Students Association. He graduated Magna Cum Laude.

In 1992, OBAMA served as Illinois Executive Director of PROJECT VOTE!, an effort that added over 100,000 newly registered voters.

In 1993, OBAMA was named by Crain’s Chicago Business as one of “40 under 40″ outstanding young leaders in the city of Chicago. He is the recipient of the 1995 Legal Eagle Award from IVI-IPO for his work in bringing Illinois into compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (Motor Voter). His commentaries have been heard on National Public Radio and his memoir Dreams of My Father will be published by Random House in August,1995.

OBAMA works as a civil rights attorney with the firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Galland. He specializes in employment discrimination, fair housing and voting rights litigation. He also lectures at the University of Chicago Law School, where he teaches civil rights law and related subjects.

In addition, OBAMA serves on the boards of several organizations including: the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (Chairman), the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund of Chicago, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law and Public Allies. He is also a member of the Cook County Bar Association.

BARACK OBAMA is married to Michelle Obama and is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ.

We never realized that Mr. Obama had served on the board of the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law and Public Allies, even though we have had occasion to mention the LCCR several times before here.

The LCCR is another vote fraud organization akin to ACORN.

Here is what Discover The Networks says about them:

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

1401 New York Avenue NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005

Phone: 202-662-8600

    * Uses the courts to bypass the electorate and its officials in order to gain what it perceives as desirable and “just” outcomes
    * Supports racial preferences and racially gerrymandered voting districts
    * Opposes Patriot Act and other anti-terrorism security measures

Today LCCR uses the courts to mandate race-based affirmative action preferences in business and academia. Its “major objective” is “to use the skills and resources of the bar to obtain equal opportunity for minorities by addressing factors that contribute to racial justice and economic opportunity.” “Given our nation’s history of racial discrimination, de jure segregation, and the de facto inequities that persist,” LCCR elaborates, “the Lawyers’ Committee’s primary focus is to represent the interest of African Americans in particular, other racial and ethnic minorities, and other victims of discrimination, where doing so can help to secure justice for all racial and ethnic minorities.” …

Here is our recent posting about the LCCR’s successful efforts to allow people who do not even have proof of residence to vote.

From an operation calling itself, via MySpaceTV Videos:

No Home = No Vote

How do you vote when you don’t own a home? From Detroit we hear first hand that it’s not easy, if sometimes just impossible. What’s being done to prevent that this election? We listen in on an ACLU session and find out how people who can get legal help to vote by calling 866-OURVOTE.

866-OURVOTE is the National Campaign For Fair Elections, which is in turn merely a front for the radical Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

So now, thanks to the good offices of the LCCR, ACORN/Project Vote and the ACLU, people around the country (such as in Ohio and Michigan) can vote — even if they have no address.

Alas, looking at Mr. Obama’s resume as of 1996, most of his career up until then was spent trying to enable voter fraud.

Why is that?


The Trillion Dollar Men


An eight year old article from City Journal describes how activist and community organizations, plus banks eager to lend, turned the low cost mortgage scene into what it is today. (Hat tip: Hot Air) How many of us read the City Journal article in 2000 and how many recognized it’s import? As a mental exercise think this: what article you are reading today will you look back on in a decade and say “Wow! What a bummer?”

“To avoid the possibility of a denied or delayed application,” advises the NCRC in its deadpan tone, “lending institutions have an incentive to make formal agreements with community organizations.” By intervening—even just threatening to intervene—in the CRA review process, left-wing nonprofit groups have been able to gain control over eye-popping pools of bank capital, which they in turn parcel out to individual low-income mortgage seekers. A radical group called ACORN Housing has a $760 million commitment from the Bank of New York; the Boston-based Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America has a $3-billion agreement with the Bank of America; a coalition of groups headed by New Jersey Citizen Action has a five-year, $13-billion agreement with First Union Corporation. Similar deals operate in almost every major U.S. city. Observes Tom Callahan, executive director of the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, which has $220 million in bank mortgage money to parcel out, “CRA is the backbone of everything we do.” …

The result of all this activity, argues the CEO of one midsize bank, is that “banks are promising to make loans they would have made anyway, with some extra aggressiveness on risky mortgages thrown in.” Many bankers—and even some CRA advocates—share his view. As one Fed economist puts it, the assertion that CRA was needed to force banks to see profitable lending opportunities is “like saying you need the rooster to tell the sun to come up. It was going to happen anyway.” And indeed, a survey of the lending policies of Chicago-area mortgage companies by a CRA-connected community group, the Woodstock Institute, found “a tendency to lend in a wide variety of neighborhoods”—even though the CRA doesn’t apply to such lenders. …

This policy—”America’s best mortgage program for working people,” NACA calls it—is an experiment with extraordinarily high risks. There is no surer way to destabilize a neighborhood than for its new generation of home buyers to lack the means to pay their mortgages—which is likely to be the case for a significant percentage of those granted a no-down-payment mortgage based on their low-income classification rather than their good credit history.

Hindsight is interesting especially to those who have no regrets, nor any desire to have them.


Many doctors plan to quit or cut back: survey

Iran's Nuclear Timetable (Enough Enriched U-235 to Produce Bomb by April 09)

No sweat- Zero! will just talk 'em out of it...

Rush In a Hurry - Critique Obamaism, Not Obama (11/18/08)

Democrats Attempt Full Precinct Disenfranchisement

Obama pledges state to Palestinian leader "Obama said he will keep working in collaboration with the Israeli government and PA to reach a final solution..."


103 posted on 11/18/2008 3:18:01 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Obama names another Clintonista, Eric Holder as AG. - UPDATED with another nasty tidbit
Holder tied to pardon of financier

Here’s his anti-gun screed about ‘closing the gunshow loophole’, in 1999 as DepAG -


btw -

Part of HR 1022, a major gun ban bill that’s been parked in committee most of the year and which will surely reappear in the 111th Congress in early January - Section 3: Definitions;

(L) A semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General. In making the determination, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a firearm procured for use by the United States military or any Federal law enforcement agency is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, and a firearm shall not be determined to be particularly suitable for sporting purposes solely because the firearm is suitable for use in a sporting event.’. 

All the pieces are clicking into place, like a combination lock.

Newsweek Sees Obama as the New Lincoln...

Besides the fact that Obama voted against funding our troops at war, voted to surrender to the enemy, picked radical anti-American racists as friends, palled around with terrorists, is a Far Left liberal Democrat while Lincoln was a Republican...
Besides all that... Obama and Lincoln do kinda sorta resemble eachother.

Newsweek thinks so.

Related... Victor Davis Hanson notes that there is now no journalism as we knew it in America. It died during the campaign.
HOW OBAMA GOT ELECTED: Thanks to our press for a job well-done.  “It’s worth noting that the Obama voters in Zogby’s sample were 97 percent high school graduates and–rather shockingly–55 percent college graduates. It’s almost enough to make you wonder about the future of democracy.”

How Credit Works

The present financial crisis boils down to one fundamental issue - the credit crunch, now gone worldwide. The short explanation of how we got here, is that credit is an easy system to understand and use, yet one where plans are far too often short-sighted. One entity provides a good or service to another, and in lieu of immediate payment terms are set up for delayed payment, usually in a set of payments and with a charge for the credit being extended. The amount of credit charges is usually determined through negotiation and careful attention to necessary goals. For example, the reason almost no one really gives 0% interest rates on credit, is because over time that would unfairly benefit the buyer. Let's say someone buys a car and gets a deal to pay $25,000 over five years with no interest. If the buyer pays an average of $5,000 a year with no interest, then most of the money for the purchase stays in the buyer's hands for years, and he gets the use and profit from it. If the seller had received the entire $25,000 at the time of the sale, there is a clear profit compared to receiving the same money but later, so financing or credit terms are designed to make up the money that the seller loses by not demanding full payment up front (not to mention the money lost when someone buys on credit then defaults). It's all about risk management, accepting the possibility of bad things happening in order to increase the profits from a venture. The credit system works because of two fundamental forces - the buyer is willing to pay more over time for something, in order to be able to make payments instead of paying for it all at once, and the seller is willing to take payments over time and risk a certain amount of default in order to increase overall profitability. That simple rule applies to all credit conditions.

So what went wrong? Greed on both ends, actually. Buyers bought homes they could not afford, while sellers built high-risk ventures into mainstream investment packages, on the theory that diversifying the investments would keep the high-yield aspects while some how mitigating the risk exposure. To make matters worse, high-risk mortgage investments became politically favored in order to offer not just home ownership to low-income families, but also offer high-end properties to people who could not possibly afford them, on the expectation of best-case scenarios, or in a phrase, the absurd belief that nothing but good things will happen in the foreseeable future. ARM loans, balloon-payment mortgages, and interest-only loans came into being in recent years, all of them extremely high in risk by their nature. The culture of saving up for what you want most had long ago been abandoned for the 'buy now, pay later' mantra, which itself had been set aside in favor of the even more basic 'Gimme' culture. I mention this for several reasons. First, you have to understand that in a culture catering to increasing levels of personal greed, expectations of responsible behavior become less and less practical. A generation used to getting whatever it wants in toys and social norms, has now taken control of an economy and government wherein it believes that someone else can be made to pay for whatever these people want. Second, political duty has devolved from stewardship of the nation's welfare and a duty to those who abide by the rules of order and commonwealth, to a state where any promise necessary to retain office will be made (like 'lowering' taxes for 95% of Americans, including those who pay no taxes at all). And third, for the past generation those who work hard and save have been the target of many unscrupulous criminals and congressmen, who see the needs of the lazy as far greater than those of the industrious, since the ratio of honest workers to lazy bums appears to have reached the order of about 1 to 6.

- continued -

Continue reading "How Credit Works" »

Boston Legal: 55 Million McCain/Palin Supporters 'Idiots'

Religious Groups Want Obama to OK Tax-Funded Abortion

If the Democrats win the coming up election it won’t take 10 years, my FRiend. At the most, two.

Yep- two years, to the ruination of a once-great nation.

I wish I had an answer... people really do get the kind of government they want, and deserve- look at most big cities-- but the problem with that is, the rest of us don't deserve it.

Gun Control isn't about GUNS

no nonsense support of the right to keep and bear arms

It's about CONTROL




Welcome, to the New 0-Merica...


Is Obama the Hannah Montana Candidate?

8,906 posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Obama's Jihad: Jakarta to the Whitehouse (disturbing book title change)

How many Americans know that when Obama had his bloviating screed "The Audacity of Hope" was translated into Indonesian - the title went from "The Audacity of Hope" to "Jihad: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse". The man is dishonest about his Islamic leanings. Check this our from An American expat Living in Indonesia:


Jihad: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse

Read it all .......most disturbing.

August 17, 2008

Ayers Unrepentant for Radical Group's Violence in 1960s, 1970 (2004 Fox Interview Unearthed)

Look for the large heading:

"About the Weather Underground-related police killing mentioned in the new anti-Obama video" (see bottom portion of page)

And if you haven't seen the video yet, here it is:

Do you "Know Enough" about Barack Obama?

Another Radical Obama Association? [MUST READ]  August 27, 2008

You can Kiss this goodbye..."change," ya know...

Can Mall Be Filled For an Inauguration? 4 Million May Try It... 
 America's new Overlords

will be on their best behavior-- like the "Million Man March."

The, err, "fun" will commence later...

Rumor? Or SHTF?



posted on 18/11/2008 @ 13:24 single this post
"quote"REPLY TO:

for original
more info
National Troop Mobilization.....Holy Crap

Letters going out this week calling up retired commissioned and non
commissioned Officers, every single one.
Letters being prepared for ALL retired Warrant Officers and
Seargents, called back to active duty to be mailed next week.
First General Mobilization since 1941.....

Please listen to the discussion and commentators show which aired Mon
Nov 17, with guest John Moore, click on 2nd hour (MP3)

Full Page ad in Washington Times on Obama birth cert ( see link)

This information has my head spinning. It is from Timebomb2000:


Obama seeks immediate action to curb emissions

104 posted on 11/19/2008 7:49:44 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Who is Rahm Emanuel?

Rahm Emanuel on the Opportunities of Crisis

Just look at this pompous ass sitting there declaring how he's going to intervene in our lives for our own good. Emanuel's ominous proclaimations bode ill for freedom and well for everyone of Zero's draconian measures to be rammed through Congress.


Eric Holder, Obama's Crooked Pick for Attorney General - Terrorist and Crime

Obama community labor You read that correctly. Obama apparently wants to institute forced community service for students from middle school to college.

Lawsuits Proliferate Demanding Proof of Obama's Natural-Born Citizenship before..

Obama Hears a Giant Sucking Sound

How did Obama get elected? Find out here...

a little tidbit from another forum on how some of these people actually think:

This is quoted:
What you have to say is not relevant anymore - you are now a minority. You can bark but you cannot bite. You have no say in the executive branch and you will be outvoted in the legislature. You should stay in the background, pay your taxes and watch this country return to its former glory.
End Quote

Holy cow! I respect people’s opinions - these people are really scary! I bet he signs up for BO’s Security Force.

Confirming Fears (Gullible masses....hope? change?....)

State of the Black World New Orleans (Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Karenga,Wright..

The Never-Ending Bailout and the End of American Economic Dominance

Quote: Money for Nothin’ and Your Chicks for Free

Saturday, June 16th, 2007 at 5:49 PM

“That ain’t workin thats the way you do it. Get your money for nothin get your chicks for free”- Dire Straits lyrics

I continue to be outraged by the whole Milky Way and credit agencies scam. At risk of sounding like a broken record, a poster at Prudent Bear spotted this.

A friend of mine works as a Portfolio Manager for a $2.2b CDO pool of subprime loans. I spoke to him today for an hour. Asked how he is doing, he says “nothing”. I ask what do you mean nothing, I hear all these stories about CDO’s and losses (Bear Stearns for example), he shrugs and says nothing will happen until the Rating agencies do something. Asked about losses, he says they are there but he doesn’t have to mark to market his portfolio until someone discovers it, or the Rating agencies force his hand. So his plan is to lie low and collect the management fees and pretend as if there are no losses. Asked about management fees, he laughs and says it’s a low 50 bips. On $2.2b, that’s a cool $10m yearly which he and his four colleagues have to split up at the end of the year. He says he has the best job in the world and says there is really no work to do every day. Shocked Just wait and hope that the rating agencies don’t downgrade his CDO pool and voila, at the end of the year, he and his partners can split the $10m spoils (minus the expenses for one Park Avenue office, and a secretary). I am amazed that no body (regulators, investors, the public) hasn’t beseeched the Rating agencies to review all the Subprime CDO’s by now given the headlines and the incredible losses hidden there. This is a SCAM and somebody needs to stop it.”

Wiley Coyote deal making and risk taking:

The fees for arranging loans are as alluring for the commercial banks as they were for subprime lenders. “It’s like crack cocaine for them,” says the unnamed private equity partner. In LBO deals, “the banks don’t care any more about the [quality of] credit. As long as they can sell it all, they’re fine.

Why do bond investors put up with this? “They don’t really have much choice…..if you’re managing a high-yield bond fund, there’s really not an option of going to 25 per cent cash. So you have to invest in the best deals that you can find. And because there’s so much money out there, the issuers can say, ‘You want to argue about covenants? The deal’s oversubscribed 3 to 1. See you on the next one”…..

If that strategy explodes in their faces because they end up holding some worthless junk debt, so be it. For as long as it lasts, it’s an easy route to profits. Hedge funds get into trouble and are forced to close shop all the time, but no one ever asks them to return their fees. “Why would you not just take the highest possible risk with other people’s money? If there’s literally no downside, it’s the rational thing for you to do…

Meanwhile there are reports that a Bear Stearn hedge fund involved in $400 million in subprime mortgages has been seized and will be liquidated next week by Merill Lynch. Apparently some Milky Way entity is on hand to pay near full value on these too?

Concerned that an internal hedge fund at Bear Stearns Cos. wouldn’t be able to meet a margin call, Merrill Lynch & Co., one of the fund’s biggest lenders, seized $400 million of its assets and is preparing to auction them off. The auction, in the coming week, could trigger the fund’s dissolution — the second blowup in recent months of a hedge fund that made dicey bets on the market for risky home loans, known as subprime mortgages.

The recent shift in rates represents the worst of both worlds for new fixed mortgage debtors and for low risk conservative savers. The difference in the mortgage payment between rates of 6.00 percent and 6.75 percent rate on a $400,000 loan is an extra $210 a month. Rates paid on short term Treasuries have dropped from the 5.1-5.2% area to 4.7% representing a 10% drop in income. The beneficiary, so it seems, are financial institutions who can now work with wider lending spreads. The glass half empty aspect of this is that consumer ability to service debt is diminished, and the housing market takes a hit at a crucial time.

A spike in residential mortgage rates is sending shock waves through a housing market that is already struggling both locally and nationwide, causing some buyers to drop out of deals and dashing hopes that the market is on the verge of recovery.


“It’s going to be tough,” said Adam Stein, president of the Washington Association of Mortgage Brokers in Seattle. “I talk to people every day looking to get the fixed rate. You give them the current rate and they say, ‘That doesn’t do anything for me.”‘

So far the biggest pain in the housing market has been in subprime and poorer Brazil American markets. Given the corruption of the rating agencies, there seems to be virtually no future discounting taking place at all about emerging trouble. One area where this lurks is with negative am mortgages. These are especially toxic when they hit a trigger of 110% and 115% of initial principal, because they then revert to regular amortization. So far the Bully class that uses these toxic mortgages has escaped their wrath. But now we are seeing signs that these conversions may be underway. Canary in the mine shaft Downey Financial, huge in neg ams and in California, is now seeing a steady pickup in non performing mortgages.

Jan: 0.78% Feb: 0.88 March: 0.94 April: 1.04 May: 1.30

Trouble is also spreading to the commercial real estate market, which has undergone a meltdown in the CMBS.

It’s going to bring the price of real estate down,” says Gary Mozer, principal with George Smith Partners, a Los Angeles-based commercial real-estate finance firm. The “meltdown” in the CMBS market, as Mr. Mozer calls it, has caused a “sea change” in the amount that real-estate investors can borrow. “People can’t pay as much for property because they can’t get as much positive leverage,” he says. Mr. Mozer estimates borrowers can get 20% to 30% less than they could have eight weeks ago. “I’ve had lenders walk away from the table,” he says. “I have an institutional client, one of the largest REITs, that was at the table with a lender for a $230 million deal. The lender walked away and gave back the deposit, saying if they closed, they would lose $20 million.

Pioneer Behind Grass-Roots Conservative Web Site Gets Ready to Do Battle Again (Free Republic)

Bush's Legacy: European Socialism

105 posted on 11/19/2008 1:27:21 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

We Have Become A Nation Of Thieves

Shocker: Obama?s Attorney General Pick Is A Gun-Grabber

1990 at Harvard Law School -- Barack Obama says he benefited from affirmative action

Letter: Obama can expect same treatment Bush received (Reap What You Sow Liberals)



Israeli Air Force 'Ready for Iran's Nuclear Sites'

Iran Said to Have Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon

Sliding prices for US shoppers trigger new fear that West stands on brink of deflation

Japan's Nikkei 225 leads rout in world stock markets

How Obama Got Elected (America, the Stupid! Watch this video - Sickening!)

Feel the "tolerance & inclusiveness" of the Left!
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2008 15:56

Nine out of ten members of the laughingly misnamed "watchdog press," as well as 9 out of 10 members of its mirror image- the "entertainment industry" lean so far Left they fall over...

Want proof?

From my file "89% Voted"( for Clinton...)--

Bill Clinton Running For A Third Term (Oh, Bill! Stepped in it again.)

8,285 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2008

Staggering bigotry of Kathleen Parker - UPDATED

After reading this execrable bit of bigotry and preening martyrdom by Kathleen Parker - who apparently has discovered that the magic formula for “instant media love” is “going maverick on your own tribe,” - I am considering adding her to my list of Media Whores and Sad She-Clowns who - in excessive spurts of spirit brought on by sudden media praise - cross lines and go way too far.

Parker, who had her right-wing, “Christianist” Conservative moments until she found her Smart-Kid-Inclusion sword while participating in the Great Big Piling-On of Palin ‘08, is now running free on a ragged field, inviting attention by waving the blade a bit recklessly.

As Republicans sort out the reasons for their defeat, they likely will overlook or dismiss the gorilla in the pulpit.

Three little letters, great big problem: G-O-D.

I’m bathing in holy water as I type.

To be more specific, the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP is what ails the erstwhile conservative party and will continue to afflict and marginalize its constituents if reckoning doesn’t soon cometh.

Oh, no! Poor Parker has to bathe in Holy Water, to ward off the evil thoughts being projected her way by the Christians. Later she talks about having her “last cigarette,” because obviously, the Religious Right - all of whom look and act exactly like Carrie White’s mother - will destroy her for speaking out against what she perceives as the unhealthy dominance of religious expression within the GOP.

Parker may actually be making a point worth considering when she argues that the Religious Right is a bit louder than it (or any distinct interest) should be in a political party - and that their exuberance may be off-putting to secularists and those who practice a quieter sort of worship - but she discredits herself, and her argument, in the way she makes it, which is by calling such people gorillas and lowbrows:

Which is to say, the GOP has surrendered its high ground to its lowest brows.

Aw, all the folks who consider themselves intellectuals (or who wish the victorious-left would) are so put off by the commoners filling the ranks of the right! Those “oogedy-boogedy” Evangelicals.

As a Catholic, I can’t say I am always comfortable with Evangelical expressions of faith, but I certainly think they’re entitled to them, if it’s what they like. Parker seems to disagree on that point, and she does it the ugliest of ways. I’ll put her and this column right up there with Tina Brown’s infamously prejudiced Reverence Gone Up In Smoke, written upon the election of Pope Benedict XVI, which Brown decried in a streaming bit of bile that brought up old, bitter chunks of leftover Election ‘04:

…Oh no! Cardinal Ratzinger! His very name was ominous, a cross between Ratso Rizzo and William Zanzinger. His election was like the sharp rap of a ruler across the knuckles by a punitive nun. It was as if you expected Barack Obama and got Bob Dole. The more that cardinals and Vatican watchers lined up on “Larry King Live” to say what a friendly, conciliatory guy he really is (the most appealing detail that emerged the next day was that he looked “a little forlorn” as he entered the Room of Tears to change into his papal vestments), the more he seemed to emerge as a 19th-century throwback, stridently opposed to liberalism, doubt, internal argument within the church. And the Bavarian background doesn’t help. As one of Larry’s callers who identified himself as an amateur historian of the Holocaust put it, “Couldn’t we have let this generation of Germans pass into history?”

Like Parker, Brown too
- convinced of her own brilliance because, after all, she eats with the cool kids - bemoaned the lack of rigorous intellectualism in the church, neglecting Benedict’s own impressive intellectual pedigree or the scores of challenging and brilliant publications put for by the book-loving professor turned pontiff:

Secularists, humanists and quiet worshipers of an unpoliticized God have felt beleaguered, frustrated and unfairly disrespected. There’s no energy on the non-zealot side of the cultural debate. There’s no Voltaire, no Clarence Darrow, not even a Lenny Bruce to balance the stifling, censorious religiosity — not even a Bill Clinton or a Jimmy Carter to show that religion doesn’t have to resemble some Tom DeLay combination of contempt and pious hypocrisy.

Yeahhhh…until the Christians start acting like the secularists, who know everything, and the church stops teaching ideals and encouraging us to strive for them, they’re all hypocrites and ignoramuses.

Brown’s column invited what I now admit
was an equally bilious response from me, which some liked and some thought a little too relentless. But I am not inclined just now to fisk Parker’s posing piece. As I read it I got an image of her at her desk, reading her prose with a crisp and fake midlantic accent recalling Katharine Hepburne, but with fluttering eyelashes, and that image sort of speaks for itself.

I’m not the only one who found Parker a bit bigoted, here. Jonah Goldberg handily hands Parker her set-down:

I don’t know what’s more grating, the quasi-bigotry that has you calling religious Christians low brows, gorillas and oogedy-boogedy types or the bravery-on-the-cheap as you salute — in that winsome way — your own courage for saying what (according to you) needs to be said. Please stop bragging about how courageous you are for weathering a storm of nasty email you invite on yourself by dancing to a liberal tune. You aren’t special for getting nasty email, from the right or the left. You aren’t a martyr smoking your last cigarette. You’re just another columnist, talented and charming to be sure, but just another columnist. You are not Joan of the Op-Ed Page. Perhaps the typical Washington Post reader (or editor) doesn’t understand that. But you should, and most conservatives familiar with these issues can see through what you’re doing.

Kathleen Parker aspires to be Dorothy Parker, soaring with ease amongst the tricky-to-catch trapezes of acerbic wit and genuine insight. She is a talented and smart writer, but all she can manage in this piece is a Brownian and ungraceful splat into the crowd, which seems both horrified or amused, but sadly not amazed.

UPDATE: I’ve had a few emails from people who thought I was a little harsh on Parker. If I am cruel, it is only to be kind. I would hate to see Parker deluded into thinking she has actually won the respect of the press because she has become “one of the good ones…”

You remember, Archie Bunker right? He was the bigot who hated blacks and if he was talking about his African American co-worker, whose name escapes me, he would say the man was, “you know, one of the good ones…”

When Kathleen Parker, famously joined the “Palin Pile-On” she went - in the estimation of the press and some others - from “Who’s Kathleen Parker,” to “the intelligent and brave Kathleen Parker…you know, one of the good ones…” who would dare to dissent with the always-wrong right. Her column today, gleefully moving from reasoned argument to unreasonable and ugly caricature, reads like Sally Field playing to a desired audience and saying, “you like me! You really like me!”

John McCain was “one of the good ones” too, for a while. The press liked him! They really liked him!…until he ran for president…at which time he was nothing but a bad old, stupid, mean-spirited, enfeebled, out-of-touch and possibly evil conservative, again. Parker should take note, that’s all I’m sayin’!

Meanwhile, The Doc is In wonders about the sharp divide between Christianity and Socialism. I’ve pondered that myself from time to time.

Patterico: Between Parker’s martyrdom and Barack Obama’s “Being the President (Elect) Is a Lonely Job” schtick, we’re surrounded by selfless, courageous people, aren’t we? It’s a very special time.

Ace calls Parker cutesy. Now that’s harsh!

Allahpundit has more

Brutally Honest tracked back with Kathleen Parker: A media whore and sad she-clown?...
What I’m reading instead of working… : Pursuing Holiness pinged back with What I’m reading instead of working… : Pursuing Holiness
Sister Toldjah tracked back with Quote of the day...
Kathleen Parker, Live from the Crazy Train | The Sundries Shack pinged back with Kathleen Parker, Live from the Crazy Train | The Sundries Shack
Below The Beltway pinged back with Kathleen Parker: More Right Than Wrong




Democratic Fundraiser Norman Hsu Sentenced to 3 Years

106 posted on 11/20/2008 2:00:42 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Holy Buckets. SCOTUS Will Hear Obama Citizenship Case.


Obama's AG Choice was Key Figure in Clinton Terrorist Clemency Controversy

The FALN release was not the only egregious “terrorist release” act during the Clinton administration. Remeber this one:


Inhofe: Paulson Used Scare Tactics to Force Bailout Legislation

107 posted on 11/20/2008 4:39:09 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: backhoe


108 posted on 11/20/2008 8:55:33 AM PST by petercooper (1/20/13 - Change I can believe in.)
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To: petercooper

Bump’s appreciated, petercooper.

109 posted on 11/20/2008 12:09:26 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Media Only Just Notices Obama Has Thin Resume?

Interestingly, Dan Morain of the L.A. Times had discovered back in April that Barack Obama has a pretty thin resume prior to being elevated to the presidency. Between 1993 and '96, Obama, the much-ballyhooed "Constitutional scholar," had only an unusually low 3,723 billable hours of legal work accrued over a four-year stint with his law firm employer Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Gallard. Further, he seems to have worked on but few cases and made little impact commensurate with his reputation. Yet, just this month the Orlando Sentinel decides to re-print the Morain piece. The question I have, of course, is why is the Orlando Sentinel only NOW interested that Obama was "involved in relatively few cases before entering politics"? Where was this investigating before the election?

Unions sure organizing bill will pass

The Japanese car companies will move to Right to Work states. Oklahoma passed ours several years ago — GM closed the plant and the union said it was because of Right to Work but the bottom line was that the GM union would strike at the drop of a hat and production was much lower then the GM plant that stayed open in TX in another Right to Work state.

Click here for the map of Right to Work states:

The Obama Health Plan Emerges

After a Few Shots, Obama Felt Up for Grabs

Everything Barack Obama touches turns to gold -- including a bar-room pool table the president-elect played on last May.

Starting price -- $500,000. Some of the proceeds will go to charity.

More jive turkey crap.

What's Really Killing Detroit ( 5 Parts/Good Read )

Hungry in Zimbabwe: `If you rest, you starve'  Coming to O-merica?

We the People of the United States of America

The game's afoot, Watson!( SCOTUS Process Obama Proof of Birth)

My understanding is that if a candidate is disqualified, congress chooses. That may not be correct but the Constitution says that they can be disqualified after they become "President-Elect", that means after the Electoral College vote..

U.S. Electoral College

January 8, 2009 * Counting Electoral Votes in Congress Public Law 110-430 changed the date of the electoral vote in Congress in 2009 from January 6 to January 8. This date change is effective only for the 2008 presidential election. The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (Congress may pass a law to change the date). The President of the Senate is the presiding officer. If a Senator and a House member jointly submit an objection, each House would retire to its chamber to consider it. The President and Vice President must achieve a majority of electoral votes (270) to be elected. In the absence of a majority, the House selects the President, and the Senate selects the Vice President. If a State submits conflicting sets of electoral votes to Congress, the two Houses acting concurrently may accept or reject the votes. If they do not concur, the votes of the electors certified by the Governor of the State would be counted in Congress.

Obama's Nation has begun. Join the resistance.

110 posted on 11/20/2008 12:32:30 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Lobbyists, Clinton confidantes leading Obama health care transition team

Embarrassing Video For Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder

 31 of 47 Obama Appointments are Clinton Retreads
 GOP congressman: "It is not your money"
Like many who voted for the man twice, I went through stages of lukewarm support, enthusiast support, and finally “just wish he'd go away,” but...

Big “but.”

But I think shortly most of us will wish he were still in office, due to the imminent Obama Thugocracy”...

Embarrassing Video For Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder


The Green Tree has Red Roots: The Sustainability Scam on Campus

Analysis: American Jews Vote their Religion: Liberalism

Hillary and Bill Clinton drama begins to tarnish Barack Obama's takeover

111 posted on 11/20/2008 3:15:54 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All
 Nightmare read from Dow Theory Analysis SAC

LaLaLaLaLa Everything's Wonderful

This FAZ article (in German) covers the new IFO projections. In this case, a graph overcomes the language barrier:

This is the world economic conditions barometer, rather than just those in Germany.

We're still in the first half of this, too. That line is going to sag further. Just for Europe:

Putin is the latest into the "whatever it takes" camp:
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed tax cuts, defense of the ruble and ``everything'' needed to prevent the kind of financial crises that shook the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Among the measures unveiled by Putin today to counter the effects of the global economic crunch are corporate tax cuts, higher welfare payments and increased government spending.
Russia's foreign reserves are supposed to have dropped about 20% already.

China has been facing higher unemployment in their manufacturing centers for a while. China's official unemployment has not changed, but China's official unemployment has nothing to do with real unemployment. The official unemployment rate is just the people who have residency permits for the area in which they are unemployed, and most of the unemployed workers don't have residency permits for the urban areas; thus they are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

Lenders in the Gulf area are beginning to show the strain. Amlak suspended mortgage loans yesterday! There are talks of a merger:
Amlak is in talks with Tamweel PJSC, the second-largest mortgage provider, to merge operations as they seek access to retail deposits. Tamweel dropped 5.7 percent to 99 fils, bringing the decline this year to 86 percent.

``Even with Tamweel, there are rumors in the market that they have bought some big apartments that they are not able to sell,'' Dwaikat said.

Amlak and Tamweel's ``business plans are not sustainable and have to be changed,'' Nasser bin Hassan Al Shaikh, Amlak's chairman, said at a bankers' lunch yesterday. ``These companies need to have access to retail deposits. They don't have to become banks but something similar to the savings and loans model in other countries.''
Sound familiar?

According to the Canadian Real Estate Association, the average Canadian home price has fallen almost 10%, but if you look at the weighted average, the drop is only 5%. So the price drops are really concentrated in the previous "hot" zones. These are not the sort of correlations that one likes to see.

Overnight the Swiss National Bank cut its 3 month Libor target to 1%. That's the third cut since the beginning of October. ECB is going to go down at least 50 basis points before the end of the year. It ought to be more like 200 bps, but I don't think Trichet has quite figured it out yet.

British Land cut its valuation on its Canary Wharf share by 40%. This should be interesting for other firms who also hold stakes.

The leading edge of of the financial wave is now in central Asia. Turkey cut its rate in a surprise move even as it seeks another IMF loan, and places like Kazakhstan are waking up to find their concrete economies softening by the minute. Picture melting banks. The diffusion effect across other central Asian economies from Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan is very real.

There is another wave of pain in store for a bunch of European banks who have lent heavily to eastern European and other emerging markets. This is their subprime, and it's going to be very, very large. Austrian banks are going to take a fearful whack. US banks have relatively little exposure here.


For Those Who Said He Wouldn't

Update: And Henry Waxman gets control of the Energy Committee, ousting Dingell who realized that the economy can't survive high energy prices. The perfect political and economic storm is forecast to hit January, 2009. End update.

The governors had their climate change conference, and Obama made an appearance yesterday. The
NY Times has the story:
Speaking by video to a climate conference in Los Angeles, Mr. Obama repeated his campaign vow to reduce climate-altering carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent by 2050, and invest $150 billion in new energy-saving technologies.
Some industry leaders and members of Congress have suggested that Mr. Obama’s climate proposal would impose too great a cost on an already-stressed economy — having the same effects as a tax on coal, oil and natural gas — and should await the end of the current downturn. A bill similar to Mr. Obama’s plan failed to clear the Senate earlier this year, largely because of concerns about its impact on the economy.

Mr. Obama rejected that view, saying that his plan would reduce oil imports, create jobs in energy conservation and renewable sources of energy, and reverse the warming of the atmosphere.
So there you have it. San Francisco Chronicle:
...President-elect Barack Obama promised Tuesday to set stringent limits on greenhouse gases, saying the need is too urgent for delay.
He repeated his campaign promise to create a system that limits carbon dioxide emissions and forces companies to pay for the right to emit the gas. Using the money collected from that system, Obama plans to invest $15 billion each year in alternative energy. That investment - in solar, wind and nuclear power, as well as advanced coal technology - will create jobs at a time of economic turmoil, he said.

"It will ... help us transform our industries and steer our country out of this economic crisis by generating 5 million new green jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced," Obama said.
Economically speaking, this is total lunacy. But he believes. Nor does he need Congress to act, since the EPA is already dealing with petitions to regulate CO2 as a pollutant. He simply does what he said he would do before the election, which is to regulate CO2 as a HAP. Even farms would have to go through permitting, as would large stores, etc.

Last week
an EPA appeals board dumped another coal plant, and said the EPA should develop national rules for CO2 emissions. That ruling is widely believed to have placed about one hundred coal plants in jeopardy, at a time when the US is rapidly running out of electricity. Plants in Utah, New Mexico, Kansas and Georgia have all recently been stopped by legal action.

That leaves the US with no new drilling, no new nuclear plants, no new hydro plants and no new coal plants. In short, it leaves us with no real substantial new energy sources except perhaps plants that burn natural gas. Wind and solar will not do it, nor will biodiesel. Utility prices for electricity are expected to keep rising next year. As
Grist proudly reported earlier this month:
Of the 151 coal plants on the drawing boards as of the May 2007 report by the Energy Department, 82 have now been abandoned, blocked, or placed on hold.
For your amusement, a Vermont editorial rails against the threat of carbon regulation and is sure that Obama will save us from Bush. Really!!

Funny comments (and some well-informed ones) at this
WSJ blog post on the coal plant ruling.

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) is the body that has authority over the grid. In 2006, it got statutory basis. NERC just published a report detailing its concerns about climate-related energy policy implications for reliability. That's a short little thing - the real meat is in the 300 pager Long Term Response (10 years) here, which was released in October. As you read through that, it's important to understand that "demand response" programs involve turning off power to users. Users enroll in the program in exchange for lower rates or promised payments when the lights go off. As the report explains on page 20:
Further, demand response also has an important role to play as more variable resources (such as wind) are added to the system. Variable resources, for example wind generation, often need a “dance partner” which can provide operational flexibility to maintain reliability during resource down-ramps that can be associated with them. Demand response can provide all or a portion of the flexibility required for this integration.

As demand response is relied upon more heavily to meet firm demand in these capacities, however, more coordination between demand response programs, system operators, and system planners is needed to fully assess the resource’s availability, characteristics, and constraints. For example, as dispatchable demand response programs are increasingly used as non-emergency resources, the probability and frequency of their dispatch will also likely increase. Voluntary participation in these programs may decline as a result of this higher usage, causing the program to suffer “response fatigue.” If this occurs, system reliability could be affected as other resources may not be built or available in time to provide the ancillary services or energy required. In many cases, dispatchable demand response resources have not yet been tested to meet system reliability requirements at these potentially higher dispatch frequencies.
When they start turning off your lights all the time, you're not going to be so pleased.

The bottom line is that in 2006, about 20% of the US electricity supply came from natural gas, and about 50% from coal. There are natural gas pipeline constraints in some areas - if more is used relative to coal in the west, one would probably need to build more pipelines and storage. The west is still heavily dependent on hydropower, and a drought would produce major supply problems. The "renewable resources" place heavy demands on the grid and more high capacity, long lines need to be built. However, then you get into other balancing issues.


112 posted on 11/20/2008 3:54:59 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Read carefully:
Holy Buckets. SCOTUS Will Hear Obama Citizenship Case. 
I have done a LOT of research into this recently:

The ONLY mention in U.S. Law is that electoral votes may be objected to when the votes are counted (United States Code, Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 15).

This is provided for in the U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:

“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.”

Every objection MUST be made in writing AND signed by AT LEAST 1 Senator AND 1 Representative.

The House and the Senate then adjourn to make a decision. Ther is NO mention on the rules for how the decision is made - but it is probably a vote.

Then, they come back and continue the electoral vote count.


NO WHERE in the U.S. Constitution is this method of procedure mandated. It is a law that Congress enacted.

IF the House and the Senate vote the objection on party lines, despite clear and convincing evidence that a candidate is not qualified, there is NOTHING to prevent them from doing so.

This has NEVER been tested as to constitutionality. SCOTUS MIGHT declare this process unconstitutional under the equal protection provisions of the 14th Amendment.

Therefore, SCOTUS would be the logical body to examine and
verify a candidate’s eligibility.

IMO, here are the most likely scenarios:

1. Pre-Electoral College
2. Post-Electoral College, Pre-Inauguration
3. Post-Inauguration

Per the Constitution, each Elector is technically able to cast a vote for anyone they want.

However, under the current system, 24 states have “faithless elector” laws that punish electors for NOT voting for whom they have pledged and SCOTUS has ruled these laws to be legal ... at least on the first ballot.

IMPORTANT POINT: There are 538 + 538 = 1076 possible electors (counting ONLY DEM and GOP in this exercise - there are actually many more).

Obama currently leads something like 350-188. However, if anyone’s electors are DQ’d, they are replaced with the runner-up’s electors.

1. Presumbaly, if SCOTUS DQ’d Obama prior to the Electoral College, his slate of electors would be DQ’d and replaced with the slate of the runner-up (McCain). McCain would be POTUS. (Constitution - Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 3).

SCOTUS would then have to rule if Biden’s electors (the same ones that were DQ’d for Obama) were qualified. They MIGHT do that. If so, Biden would LIKELY be VP. This MIGHT play out since POTUS and VP are voted separately and Biden is qualified to hold office (Constitution - 12th Amendment).

If not, Biden’s electors would be DQ’d (like Obama’s), his slate of electors would be DQ’d and replaced with the slate of the runner-up (Palin). Palin would be VP.

Or, SCOTUS could order a new election.

2. Presumably, if Obama was DQ’d AFTER the Electoral College, Biden would become POTUS-Elect and remain so until a qualifed POTUS could be chosen. If Jan. 20th came and went. Biden would be POTUS - at least for a while. (Constitution - 20th Amendment).

If SCOTUS ruled that the election was null and void, based upon a perpetration of a fraud, scenario #1 (above) would likely come into play.

Or a new election could be ordered.

3. If Obama was sworn in, and then DQ’d, Biden would become POTUS, at least for a while. He would then install his own VP, with Senate confirmation, of course. (Constitution - 25th Amendment).

However, if SCOTUS ruled the election null and void, scenario #1 COULD come into play again.

Or a new election could be ordered.

AND, lets NOT forget Hillary ... She MIGHT be able to get a new election ordered at any time in this process - claiming that her 14th Amendment rights were violated on the basis of fraud. She WOULD have been the DEM nominee, if not for Obama. However, I don’t think this bucket holds water.

136 posted on Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:25:44 PM by Lmo56

113 posted on 11/20/2008 4:04:36 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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As Deputy Attorney General, Holder was a strong supporter of restrictive gun control. He advocated federal licensing of handgun owners, a three day waiting period on handgun sales, rationing handgun sales to no more than one per month, banning possession of handguns and so-called “assault weapons” (cosmetically incorrect guns) by anyone under age of 21, a gun show restriction bill that would have given the federal government the power to shut down all gun shows, national gun registration, and mandatory prison sentences for trivial offenses (e.g., giving your son an heirloom handgun for Christmas, if he were two weeks shy of his 21st birthday). He also promoted the factoid that “Every day that goes by, about 12, 13 more children in this country die from gun violence”–a statistic is true only if one counts 18-year-old gangsters who shoot each other as “children.” . . .

older played a key role in the gunpoint, night-time kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez. The pretext for the paramilitary invasion of the six-year-old’s home was that someone in his family might have been licensed to carry a handgun under Florida law. Although a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo showed a federal agent dressed like a soldier and pointing a machine gun at the man who was holding the terrified child, Holder claimed that Gonzalez “was not taken at the point of a gun” and that the federal agents whom Holder had sent to capture Gonzalez had acted “very sensitively.” If Mr. Holder believes that breaking down a door with a battering ram, pointing guns at children (not just Elian), and yelling “Get down, get down, we’ll shoot” is example of acting “very sensitively,” his judgment about the responsible use of firearms is not as acute as would be desirable for a cabinet officer who would be in charge of thousands and thousands of armed federal agents, many of them paramilitary agents with machine guns.

Ouch. Read the whole thing.

MORE ON Eric Holder, fierce drug warrior.  Oh, goody.  You’d think that the Obama election would at least bring some relief on this subject, but noooo. . . .

Also, here’s Larry Tribe’s criticism of the Elian Gonzalez seizure.

ON STOPPING  SCHOOLGROUND KILLERS.  ”The other statistic that emerged from a study of active killers is that they almost exclusively seek out ‘gun free’ zones for their attacks. . . .  As soon as they’re confronted by any armed resistance, the shooters typically turn the gun on themselves.”  You don’t say.

HEH: Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet.  ”Antiwar groups and other liberal activists are increasingly concerned at signs that Barack Obama’s national security team will be dominated by appointees who favored the Iraq invasion and hold hawkish views on other important foreign policy issues.”

UPDATE: Useful idiots discovering they’re no longer useful.

It Is Over The USA Begging The Arabs For Funds

114 posted on 11/21/2008 1:12:10 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Jonah Goldberg: Honestly, Another Abe? (Comparing Obama to FDR and Lincoln)

The Clintons' Terror Pardons ( Eric Holder : a driving force ? )

a Pro-Life Nughtmare: Daschle Appointed as the new Secretary of Health And Human Services

Obama Advisers To Public: Temper Expectations [BOHICA, America]

He's pulling a "Clinton," people!

Obama's Useful Idiots Discovering They're No Longer Useful


OBAMA'S CABINET - What's so special about a team of rivals?


Was Leo Donofrio's case fast tracked at SCOTUS today?!? Emergency review like Bush V. Gore?

Supremes to review citizenship arguments-Case challenging candidacy set for 'conference' of justices

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder(video)

Poll: GOP image goes from bad to worse

More on where the GOP went wrong

Use of nuclear weapons more likely in future: US intelligence

The Fat Lady Hums The problem with kicking the can down the road is that sometimes you run out of road. The West has been fiddling while Iran pursues a nuclear weapon. Now comes word that we can stop counting centrifuges and whistling past the graveyard. Iran has enough material to build a bomb.

115 posted on 11/21/2008 2:24:35 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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National Intel Report/Sun Is Setting On US
 It's too far back in my "stack O stuff" to locate easily, but this bird:

bears an uncanny resemblance to that bird pin Hillary, Maddy Albright, and a pile of Clinton camp followers wore when they were in power.

Remember that?

Her Cross to Bear (Hillary's new jewelry)

This lapel pin confirms our contention that Bill and Hillary are practicing Illuminist Witches

Change you BETTER believe in.

116 posted on 11/21/2008 3:33:12 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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The Only Way for Republicans to Win
 I certainly welcome your thoughts and opinions- for myself, I have no idea what's next.

I suspect ( and greatly fear ) that America is on the verge of becoming a "true democracy"-- i.e., mob rule, where it does not matter what case law is, those who voted Obama in to office will raise such a stink that he will be elevated to office, regardless.

Appeals court guts strict D.C. handgun law ( Eric Holder mentioned )

Al Qaeda: Jihad Won’t Stop with Obama in the White House

I’m going to go join the pirates now guys. It’s been nice.

I am just tired of all this mess and I need to be around stand up people that shoot straight and tell it like it is.

So Sorry, Ben Get-Together Aims to Send Message to Obama (You Owe Us!)

Obama Is Still Pushing Green Snake Oil (on climate change)

Dow Down 22 Percent Since Election Day (Gasp! It's Obama's Fault)


The stock market was down another 400 points or so yesterday. People are wondering where in the world this will end. Retirement funds are being devastated. People are losing jobs. The picture certainly isn't rosy right now, and nobody can really explain why. The media, on the other hand, is certain that there is one recent event that is having no effect whatsoever on this economic slide; and that would be the election of Barack Obama.

OK ... why don't you try to put on an investor hat for a moment here. Let's say you're considering getting back in the stock market. You know that some stocks out there are at historic lows, and they're bound to bounce back ... right? So why don't you just take some money out of your savings or out from under your mattress and plow it back into the market?

Let's see if we can find any reasons why you might hesitate.

We have a president-elect who ...

... has promised to raise capital gains taxes, perhaps even double them. So this guy is just waiting for you to jump into the stock market and make some money so he can seize a huge portion of it. Why jump now? Obama has been asked if he plans to go forward with his capital gains tax increase, but he's not saying. Just hold off on your investments for a while until he tips his hand. If he goes the tax increase route you might want to consider trying to move your money offshore to grow until he's out of the picture.

... has promised to sign the so-called "Card Check" bill. Now again, you're smarter than the average voter, and you realize that this unionization-through-intimidation idea is going to have an adverse affect on American business. As soon as the bill is signed union thugs (organizers) will start their petition drives at thousands of businesses across the nation. Large businesses and small businesses. America's largest employer, Wal-Mart, will be one of the first targets. You don't know how far this will spread, but you do know that every business that is unionized will be a poor investment for you. So you wait .. you wait to see what is going to happen with card check.

... has promised to raise income taxes on the largest jobs producing segment of our economy, small businesses. During the campaign you heard him say that he would not raise taxes on 95% of small businesses, but you know that most of the jobs rest with the remaining 5%, and that's where most of the new jobs would be created. The ignorant voters bought his 95% line, but you're not that stupid. You saw through his rhetoric. So, again, why jump into the market now? Wait until we see what Obama is going to do with these tax increases on America's jobs-producing machine.

... has promised more business regulation. Obama is no fan of free enterprise. He loves government. Obama believes America is great because of government. You really think you need to wait before you make your investment moves until you see just what regulatory punishment Obama has in mind for the free market.

So .. think about it. We've only scratched the surface here. We could also talk about expanding the family leave act and many other little federal anti-business goodies. Invest now? Why?
You don't make the poor people rich by making the rich people poor. We've seen what happens when you give away money with Katrina...

The killer frost for global warming

Lies In The Wind


117 posted on 11/21/2008 8:58:31 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Victor Davis Hanson: What Went Wrong? Well, it wasn’t conservatism.


President-elect Barack Obama’s supporters have dropped much of the “messiah” talk.

No more talk of him being The One (Oprah), or a Jedi Knight (George Lucas), or a “Lightworker” (the San Francisco Chronicle), or a “quantum leap in American consciousness” (Deepak Chopra). Instead we have more humble and circumspect conversation about the man. Now he’s merely Abraham Lincoln and FDR and Martin Luther King, combined.

It’s a step down from divine redeemer, but you have to start somewhere.


MEET THE NEW BOSS, YADA, YADA: Obama to delay repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’. I’m guessing that this bodes poorly for a repeal of the Defense Of Marriage Act, too.

UPDATE: Brian Doherty: “Still, his apparent unwillingness to be bold on something he considers a matter of both justice and wise policy–and that he has clear political support on–should be disconcerting to his fans.”

And Gay Patriot is not amused.

EYEBLAST TV: Eric Holder calling for “reasonable restrictions” on Internet speech.

DRUG POLICY REFORM GROUPS weigh in on Eric Holder.


"Funny how Dems elected a guy to chair Energy and Commerce who opposes both."

"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted." - Barack Obama

Meet Rep.Henry Waxman of Beverly Hills

Posted by Kate at 10:28 AM | Comments (17)

Democracy Versus Republic

These succinct definitions of what is Democracy and what is a Republic was produced by the US Army in 1928,  These definitions have been quietly withdrawn since, soon after.


A government of the masses.

Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression.

Results in mobocracy. 

Attitude toward property is comunistic-negating property rights.

Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate. whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.

Results in demagogism license, agitation, discontent, anarchy. 

Democracy is the "direct" rule of the people and has been repeatedly tried without success.

A certain Professor Alexander Fraser Tytler, nearly two centuries ago, had this to say about Democracy: " A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of public treasury.  From that moment on the  majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a Dictatorship."

A democracy is majority rule and is destructive of liberty because there is no law to prevent the majority from trampling on individual rights. Whatever the majority says goes! A lynch mob is an example of pure democracy in action. There is only one dissenting vote, and that is cast by the person at the end of the rope.


Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them.

Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure.

Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences.

A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass.

Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.

Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world.

A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of:

  1. an executive and

  2. a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create

  3. a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their governmental acts and to recognize

  4. certain inherent individual rights.

Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into autocracy. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting into democracy.

Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They "made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a republic."

A republic is a government of law under a Constitution. The Constitution holds the government in check and prevents the majority (acting through their government) from violating the rights of the individual. Under this system of government a lynch mob is illegal. The suspected criminal cannot be denied his right to a fair trial even if a majority of the citizenry demands otherwise.

Difference between Democracy and Republic, in brief:

government by the people; especially : rule of the majority.

b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences

 a: a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president  : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government.

b: a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.


Democracy and Republic are often taken as one of the same thing, but there is a fundamental difference.  Whilst in both cases the government is elected by the people, in Democracy the majority rules according to their whims, whilst in the Republic the Government rule according to law.  This law is framed in the Constitution to limit the power of Government and ensuring some rights and protection to Minorities and individuals.


The difference between Republic and Righteous Republic is that in the Republic the Government rules according to the law set up by men, in the Righteous Republic the law is the Law of God.  Only in the Righteous Republic it can truly be said "One nation under God" for it is governed under commandments of the only One True God and there is no pluralism of religions.


Suddenly Al Sharpton Is Outraged With the Term "House Negro" (Video)

The Pet Rock Presidency? ( speaking of the incoming Obama Presidency)

Runaway Taxpayers (Like Yours Truly, Those Who Can Will Leave California Alert)

Mike In The Morning Calls The Kenyan Embassy {Statue Erected to Honor Obama's Kenyan Birth}

From the Berg case


It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya

SCOTUS and the Presidential election

Justice Thomas distributes Obama case for conference [Excellent reporting on the Denofrio case!]

Listen to our calls to the Kenyan Embassy About Barack Obama! (Ambassador: Obama born in Kenya)

Kenyan Ambassador Confirms Obama Born in Kenya. His birth place has become a national shrine

The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.

Listen to the recording here

118 posted on 11/21/2008 12:08:58 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Good Grief! Obama is surrounded by all Clintons. Shocked

Is there anyone who isn't a former Clintonista?

So much for CHANGE. I actually feel a little sorry for Obama supporters.
They thought they were voting for Barack.
Not Bill and Hillary.

Ok enough of that pity crap. You silly Obama voters.


Clinton v.3

On crystal meth, and anabolic steroids...

Obama’s Birth Certificate Challengers Keep Going

It would seem that the only *stupid ones* around here are the stupid Americans who think Obama is a natural-born citizen... LOL...

See the program at —

It’s 12 minutes and 30 seconds into the interview with the Kenyan Ambassador.


repub v democ.wps

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Republic Versus Democracy. by Colonel Hall CSA. REPUBLIC vs. DEMOCRACY. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of ...

119 posted on 11/21/2008 1:10:40 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Hillary and the Black Panthers: The Real Story

The story is no hoax, though. Its basic elements can be found in respected Hillary biographies and exposes such as Barbara Olson's "Hell to Pay," David Brock's "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham," Joyce Milton's "The First Partner" and Carl Limbacher's "Hillary's Scheme."

Eric Holder on firearms policy

The Obama File -- Latest News

Obama's state secret: His birth certificate!

The Usurper in Chief...
The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.

Listen to the recording here

The quote is around 12:35, so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, you can jump ahead.

The transcript reads:

Radio Jockey: President elect Obama's birth place over in Kenya -- is that going to be a national spot where he was born

Ambassador: its already an attraction. his paternal grandmother is still alive

Radio Jockey: his birth place...they'll put up a marker there

Ambassdor: its already well known.

Freedom is Only for Those Who Have the Guts to Defend It!(What Our Future Could be?)

For the first time in my 57 years I am afraid of my government and my grand children’s future freedom..........

Amen. Nothing feels quite right, does it? We're worried sick about the economy and worried even sicker about what the left has up their sleeve to change the fundamental freedoms we only assume we have. Those of us who know enough to be scared are also too old to adequately defend these freedoms. I can only hope that the young, brave souls from the military understand what we are facing.

The Great Bush ‘Deregulation’ Myth

120 posted on 11/21/2008 3:33:13 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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