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Say Goodbye to America
American Thinker ^ | November 03, 2008 | Noel Sheppard

Posted on 11/03/2008 6:15:58 AM PST by NCjim

No matter who wins Tuesday America is going to be a different country.

When the sun rises on November 5, regardless of who the president-elect is, a more un-United States than has existed since the Civil War will wake to dispute the results of the disgusting campaign that has mercifully come to an end.

Whoever the losers, they will believe they were cheated, and will point fingers at those they believe responsible. Almost half the nation will view the winner as illegitimate, and will do everything in their power to undermine his authority as long as he's in the White House.

With this animosity will come a new level of hatred between those of differing political persuasions like nothing our country has experienced in the modern era.

Putting it bluntly, and without sounding too much like Rev. Jeremiah "G-d Damn America" Wright, there will be no such thing as Americans anymore.

Instead, there'll be Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, and encounters between the members of these groups will for years nay decades be at best unfriendly, and at worst quite hostile if not downright violent.

Think this an overstatement? Consider first what Wednesday will look like if John McCain pulls off the upset.

To begin with, let's be very clear about one thing: Democrats believe that if they lose an election it's because their opponent cheated. It's never their fault. It's never because they ran a poor campaign. It's never because their opponent ran a better one.

Heck no!

It's always about voter fraud, disenfranchisement, not enough ballots, faulty machinery, hanging chads, negative advertising, intimidation tactics, campaign finance abuses, you name it.

Such is the legacy of Al Sore Loser Gore: regardless of how many news outlets went to Florida in January 2001 and found that if the counting had continued Bush still would have won, the overwhelming majority of Democrats think that election was stolen.

To make clear the level of victimhood and paranoia, here's what author Erica Jong wrote Friday:

I puzzled for a long time about why the Democrats were not publicizing defective voting machines nor discussing the stolen elections of 2000 and 2004...I fear we are going to have a Tuesday bloody Tuesday. Be prepared -- that's the boy scouts' marching song -- as Tom Lehrer wrote.

Honestly, this woman should write a new book called "Fear of Thinking." But I digress, for you probably can't imagine what's going to happen on Wednesday as Democrats in highly-populated, poor districts around the country complain about voting irregularities and disenfranchisement. But Jong can:

If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it's not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets.

Don't dismiss this offhand as the ravings of a lunatic, for lunatics are often right about matters related to lunacy.

To make my point, I offer the now overly-discussed Bradley effect and how it relates to exit polls: How many people as they leave the voting booth Tuesday will lie to pollsters about who they voted for?

Before you answer, try to imagine the pressures many people are going to feel in certain districts around the country to answer "Obama" rather than "McCain" irrespective of the truth. Also consider the possibility that many McCain supporters will just refuse to answer the question thereby skewing the results.

Although Democrat strategist Donna Brazile has talked for months about racism being the elephant in the room this campaign, here's an elephant Donna and her ilk are afraid to address: in some districts in this country, it will be VERY difficult for pollsters to find folks willing to admit they voted for McCain.

With the election as tight as it is, just a few percent of such embarrassed-to-look-like-racists will give the appearance that Obama has won key battleground states.

Here's another elephant: it is almost a metaphysical certitude the exit polls in at least one state will conflict with the actual results thereby opening the door for the perpetually sore losing Democrats to cry foul.

Now that's a big elephant.

Can you imagine the Rodney King-style rioting that might occur as a result, especially when folks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the usual suspects get in front of television cameras blaming Republicans and John McCain for stealing another election, this time from a black man?

They'll be on all the morning shows Wednesday doing what they do best: fomenting hate, and pointing fingers.

Lest we not forget how quickly Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton will be on planes heading to that state (or states!) with their teeming hordes of NAACP and ACLU lawyers.

Can you imagine the chaos?

But that's just the beginning, for the Obama-loving media are also going to feel scorned, and will spend all day Wednesday airing hideously biased segment after hideously biased segment demonstrating to viewers how Republicans prevented people from voting in largely black districts in the state(s) in question. Op-eds and editorials in newspapers across the fruited plain will do the same.

Rest assured if folks aren't mad enough about the election's outcome, you can count on angry press representatives to stoke the fires of discontent until riots start somewhere, for nothing would please sycophants like Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Jack Cafferty more than rioting across the country if McCain wins.

Of course, they'll refer to it as civil disobedience regardless of how uncivil it gets.

And don't expect the Messiah to do anything to quell the hostilities. Being gracious in defeat isn't a Democrat virtue.

Much like Gore and Kerry before him -- readers should recall Kerry not conceding election evening 2004, and, instead waiting for numbers to be verified in Ohio Wednesday where Democrats still believe the election was stolen! -- Obama will likely withhold his concession speech while his lawyers do his bidding.

In fact, they're already preparing for such an eventuality. The Baltimore Sun reported Saturday, "Thousands of lawyers are descending on Florida and Ohio to monitor precincts and spot any irregularities."

You betcha!

On the flipside, although an Obama victory will likely not result in immediate acts of violence, Republicans already feel cheated by this campaign for a number of reasons, and understand full well that they literally have the most to lose in this election; the Messiah, contrary to all his lies on the stump, clearly intends to redistribute wealth, and it sure isn't Republicans that are going to be on the receiving end of the junior senator from Illinois' charity.

But before we get there, let's be perfectly frank: Obama should never have been a presidential candidate in the first place, and, at the very least, should have been quickly discarded by Hillary in either Iowa or New Hampshire.

With the nation involved in two wars, and the economy in trouble, there's no way a freshman senator with so little experience and no significant pieces of legislation under his belt would ever have raised enough money to mount a presidential campaign, and certainly not a successful one.

However, the media gave Obama Messiah-like status the moment he threw his hat into the ring -- thereby making it easy for him to find benefactors! -- and pushed him passed the once-inevitable Hillary. Even worse, they aided and abetted Obama and his minions to dismiss any attacks by the Clinton campaign as racist while diminishing her with sexist and misogynistic barbs disingenuously ignored by a normally feminist press corps.

Once Hillary was tossed aside like so much garbage, media ignored each and every issue that could possibly undermine Obama's ascendancy while savagely attacking Sarah Palin as well as an Ohio plumber that had the unmitigated audacity to actually ask the Messiah a decent question.

Don't even get me started on how the so-called impartial press overlooked every gaffe and misstatement made by Joe Biden while giving the Messiah a pass for going back on his promise to accept public campaign funds instead opting to raise and spend more money on his presidential aspirations than anybody ever believed possible.

As reported October 24:

[A]ccording to advertising figures provided by Campaign Media Analysis Group, CNN's consultant on ad spending, Barack Obama's campaign has spent more money selling its candidate on television than most major brand name companies do selling their products.

The Illinois senator's campaign is projected to have spent $250 million on ads in the last four months - a number that is equivalent to $750 million in a full year. Only AT&T, with a yearly advertising budget of about $1.3 billion, and Verizon, which shells out $950 million a year on ads, spends more than the Democratic presidential nominee.

But most major companies spend far less than Obama, including McDonald's ($588 million), Sprint PCS ($482 million), T-Mobile ($404 million), Target ($388 million), and Wal-Mart ($335 million). [...]

"If Obama wins it is clear that the days of being on public financing are over and anyone thinking of running for president in four years will have to ask themselves one question before jumping in - Can I raise $600 million?" said [CMAG's Evan] Tracey.

Just imagine the kind of press McCain would have gotten if he had refused public financing, and spent the kind of ad dollars Obama has. Americans likely would have been told virtually 24 hours a day, seven days a week that rich Republicans were trying to buy the election.

However, because this is the Messiah, such talk was practically verboten.

Without a doubt, the media playing field this campaign season was as un-level as most Americans have probably ever experienced, or, for that matter ever imagined, and if Obama wins, this is going to leave a bad taste in the mouths of Republicans for many years to come.

Such negative sentiments will quickly be magnified when the Messiah, like Bill Clinton before him, goes back on his campaign promise to cut taxes on 95 percent of Americans, and instead announces -- possibly in less than a month -- that taxes will have to be raised for the majority of wage earners.

What will be the catalyst for this decision? The exploding budget deficit, of course.

After all, the fiscal 2009 budget projects unified revenues (including Social Security and Medicare) of $2.7 trillion, and unified expenditures of $3.1 trillion. However, these numbers assume a 2.2 percent growth in the Gross Domestic Product and 5.6 percent unemployment.

Hello? McFly?

We're currently at 6.1 percent unemployment, which will certainly go much higher in the coming months, likely stopping in the eights if we're lucky. And, as the recession has certainly started, 2.2 percent growth in FY '09 seems highly-doubtful. As such, $2.7 trillion in tax receipts might be a very aggressive forecast.

Maybe more important, $3.1 trillion in projected expenditures doesn't include the $700 billion (and counting!) allocated to bailing out failed financial institutions. This means that for the first time since World War II, America will spend 40 percent more than it collects creating a budget deficit almost guaranteed to be in excess of $1 trillion...and everybody in Washington knows it.

With this in mind, the talk coming from Democrats like House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank that tax cuts may have to be postponed next year due to the recession is a lot of pre-election hooey. These folks want higher taxes, and with the Messiah in command, they're gonna get 'em.

Yet, Obama has promised low income voters who don't currently pay federal taxes that they're going to get checks to offset their property and state taxes...and that's a promise this socialist is gonna keep.

You betcha!

As a result, most Americans, in a slowing economy that's making them fearful for their jobs and their futures, will see their income taxes rise as Obama supporters receive checks largely funded by McCain supporters. And that's likely when things will really begin getting ugly, for the class warfare that Obama-Biden have been playing during this campaign will cease being only figurative.

To paraphrase Guido the Killer Pimp from the film "Risky Business," in a sluggish economy, never, ever mess with a man's livelihood.

But that's what the Messiah is going to do, and as a result a lot of normally non-violent folks who "cling to guns or religion" are going to really be feeling "antipathy to people who aren't like them," just not for the reasons Obama believes.

And therein lies the real tragedy, for November 4, 2008, could have been a shining moment in American history. After all, a black man is running for president, and might actually win. This should have united the country like never before, and come close to ending the racism that has been one of our nation's banes since its inception.

However, because Obama used race to get himself to this point, while also pitting folks of differing incomes against each other for his own political benefit, it seems far more likely that tomorrow will divide our country like it hasn't been in over a century ushering back in hatred that will make Martin Luther King Jr. roll over in his grave.

As a result, Tuesday has all the makings of a day that will live in infamy, for what "The One" has wrought will leave behind an America that resembles nothing like what we've asked in song for years be blessed.

Ironically, it seems the Messiah's reverend will get his wish after all.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
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To: wintertime

Yes and yes

41 posted on 11/03/2008 7:12:34 AM PST by frankiep (Every socialist is a disguised dictator - Ludwig von Mises)
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To: awake-n-angry
GOP RINO's already tossed out the message for political expediency. Getting that back from them is the only thing that will save the GOP.

McCain isn't part of that. He's one of the ones "reaching across the aisle" and kissing Democrat ass. Palin though, she's the future if the GOP wants to REALLY change this Country back to what it is supposed to be.

42 posted on 11/03/2008 7:15:42 AM PST by Dead Corpse (What would a free man do?)
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To: Sender

I have thus far given 11 years of life in the defense of this country and I believe that you are correct. I’m locked and loaded and so are many of my bretheren. I’m afraid that if something does go down that there will be a big split down the military, some will continue to follow orders and fight against their own people, but many of us will go on the side of the people and fight to preserve what this country was and should still be. I’m honestly afraid of what will happen here but I’m also prepared for it. As the old saying goes “Pray for peace but prepare for war.” We’ll see how the lefties take it when “the One” loses.

Semper Fi

43 posted on 11/03/2008 7:19:35 AM PST by jleibyUSMC (America, Love her, Defend her, or Leave her......... Semper fi)
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To: NCjim
This is BS, the americans are the conservatives. Palin is an American, McCain thinks he is an American and he has paid his dues and is entitled to think that. However, he is very liberal and Americans are not liberal. Americans believe in freedom, individual freedom, not collective freedom. They believe in one person, one vote. They believe in free enterprise, they believe in minimal taxes, just enough to get the job of the government done and no more.

They believe in running fair elections, they believe in the Constitution of the USA and they believe in the rule of law and that it should be enforced equally across the board for all people in this country.

Those things and more define an American and conservatives are all those things. Liberals are not. The only reason we will wake up to a vastly different America will be if Bozo wins, he won't. The liberals will scream and cry that they were cheated, but this time, if I read my cards right, we will not have a "compassionate" conservative in the WH and we will fight back and start taking our schools back, our news outlets must have competition, large news outlets as well as the internet so that the stunning bias that exists now will be negated. We must put our country back on a moral path because that is what is missing now.

Most of all we must put a stop to the "PC" and victim classes the liberals have forced upon us.

Saying that both sides are alike is just plain BS, so this writer can take his article and stick it.

44 posted on 11/03/2008 7:20:56 AM PST by calex59 (!)
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To: Licensed-To-Carry

No matter who wins, it’s time to split.

Only if we get an entire coast. And it better be the east coast becasue otherwise we will be fighting a two front war.

45 posted on 11/03/2008 7:31:20 AM PST by Chickensoup ('08 VOTING for the SUPREME COURT that will be BEST for my FAMILY and voting for SARAH PALIN!!!)
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To: hardhead
But would the armed forces fire on Americans simply wishing to secede, and do so on behalf of the corrupt socialist scum who stabbed them in the back in Vietnam and Iraq?

'Hard to imagine the soldiery at Ft. Hood turning on Texans, for example, if they wished to secede.

46 posted on 11/03/2008 7:32:07 AM PST by pierrem15 (Charles Martel: past and future of France)
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To: Owl_Eagle

No you need a coast or you will be fighting a two front war. give them the california side of the world and we take from east of the Rockies to Maine.

47 posted on 11/03/2008 7:33:25 AM PST by Chickensoup ('08 VOTING for the SUPREME COURT that will be BEST for my FAMILY and voting for SARAH PALIN!!!)
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To: pierrem15

But would the armed forces fire on Americans simply wishing to secede, and do so on behalf of the corrupt socialist scum who stabbed them in the back in Vietnam and Iraq?

There was a little war about 150 years ago that proves that our military will fight against our citizens if the purpose is framed correctly.

48 posted on 11/03/2008 7:36:40 AM PST by Chickensoup ('08 VOTING for the SUPREME COURT that will be BEST for my FAMILY and voting for SARAH PALIN!!!)
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To: CodeToad

they attacked her daughter as having the baby and not Sarah.

The Marxists even sneered at 8 year old Piper when she licked her fingers to smooth her baby brother’s hair.

49 posted on 11/03/2008 7:42:54 AM PST by wintertime (Good ideas win! Why? Because people are NOT stupid)
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To: NCjim

I feel like the rift between those who truly understand and believe in Obama’s socialist ideologies and the rest of America is the biggest rift since the Civil War. If we do not win this one, it will become evident as Obama’s regime pushes forth its radical policies one by one. Starting with the Fairness Doctrine, to stifle opposing viewpoints.

50 posted on 11/03/2008 7:44:48 AM PST by beagleone (Stand up and fight. America is worth fighting for. Nothing is inevitable here. We never give up.)
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To: wintertime

Liberals hate children...they are a “burden”, as Obama put it.

51 posted on 11/03/2008 7:45:07 AM PST by CodeToad
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To: albie

Time to move.

I was visiting my family back East for two weeks. Just got back on Thursday. I agree. I saw it too.

I am glad to be back in my solidly red state.

52 posted on 11/03/2008 7:45:14 AM PST by wintertime (Good ideas win! Why? Because people are NOT stupid)
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To: NCjim

Bye Bye Miss American Pie (And Goodbye Don Mclean)

Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, “this’ll be the day that I die.
“this’ll be the day that I die.”

53 posted on 11/03/2008 8:06:44 AM PST by RedMonqey
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To: fso301

It’s true. Take a look at this USA Today county-by-county 2004 election map:

Most US counties (including New York State) are red...overwhelmingly.

54 posted on 11/03/2008 8:07:47 AM PST by quesney
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To: Baynative
majority of our media, the majority of our educators, the majority of our entertainers,



The former KGB spy in the following video called it the "demoralization" stage which he claims takes about 20 years. This is how long it takes to indoctrinate a new generation and infiltrate them into the culture. He claims that "destabilization" comes next and only takes 2 to 5 years to accomplish.

Link to KGB Spy Discussing Demoralization

As of now, our government schools and some private schools, our colleges and universities, the media, the entertainment industry, all of our social agencies (public and private), and even our legislatures are thoroughly infiltrated with Marxists and their indoctrinated Useful Idiots. The demoralization stage is likely complete. Destabilization comes next.

Marxism is our nation's **most** serious threat. Conservatives MUST WAKE UP!!! The Cold War **never** ended. Of all the methods that Marxists use SCHOOLS are the Marxists **most** important weapon. It should be no surprise that Bill Ayers chose to be an professor of education as his profession.

Hopefully, conservatives can stop acting like stupefied frogs in slowly warming hot water and start fighting back. Perhaps we should thoroughly study Sal Alinsky and use their methods against them.

So...If the Marxists can use "demoralization" Conservatives should begin using "RE-moralization by doing the following:

* Immediately set up conservative private voucher foundations. Award school vouchers to schools that have a **conservative** curriculum and teach American and capitalistic values.

* These private voucher foundations could sponsor conservative teachers who are willing to set up homeschool cooperatives, one-room-schools, mini-schools, and tutoring centers. *The conservative private voucher foundations could test the students and certify the teachers and curriculum.

*We MUST break up the government school monopoly on team sports. Sports are the reason many students and parents are attracted to government schools. The private voucher foundations could organized sports leagues.

*Conservatives should give money to colleges **ONLY** with great big strings attached. They should demand conservative studies that educate youth in traditional American values and Western Civilization.

Conservatives should also consider investing in conservative media. Geeze! Look at the success of Fox and it is only half-Marxist! Also with today's technology surely conservatives should look into to building a conservative entertainment industry. Isn't Mel Gibson's movie of Christ an indication that a market exists?

55 posted on 11/03/2008 8:20:08 AM PST by wintertime (Good ideas win! Why? Because people are NOT stupid)
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To: quesney

In the west many of the blue areas are Indian reservations with only a handful of people.

56 posted on 11/03/2008 8:22:17 AM PST by wintertime (Good ideas win! Why? Because people are NOT stupid)
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To: quesney
Most US counties (including New York State) are red...overwhelmingly.

The Founding Fathers were well aware of the social dangers presented by large densly populated areas which is in large part why we have an electoral college and up until the 17th Amendment did not have direct election of the US Senators.

Presently, a candidate for US Senate only has to focus efforts on a few major population centers and can ignore vast swaths of the state. Ted Kennedy and John Kerry win the Boston vote and there is nothing the rest of the voters of Massachusets can do about it.

Without the 17th Amendment, people across an entire state will have more say in who their US Senators are because by casting their votes for State Legistators, they will indirectly cast their votes for US Senate as the Founding Fathers intended. Gone will also be the mountains of cash needed to run for the US Senate. Lobbyists also won't be happy. Liberals especially won't be happy.

57 posted on 11/03/2008 8:23:26 AM PST by fso301
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To: Chickensoup
I just think it will be real hard for the Feds to "frame it" correctly: with no pretence that is about liberty (freeing the slaves) it will appear as what it is, outright tyranny.

Plus the majority of officers and men come from the areas most likely to secede or most likely symapthetic to those who wish to do so.

58 posted on 11/03/2008 8:26:48 AM PST by pierrem15 (Charles Martel: past and future of France)
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To: Dead Corpse

Got to disagree with that. Clinton was a sexual predator and used his power, whether as a Governor or as President to assault women.

It was not harrassment to go after him on that.

And he would have been convicted in the Senate if not for his extensive FBI files he had on some GOP Senators.

59 posted on 11/03/2008 8:27:20 AM PST by Double Tap
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To: wintertime

“Is Walter Williams right?

Is it time to seek peaceful secession?”

Yes... It is...

Win or lose this election, the time has come to separate ourselves from the marxist filth. Once we have separated we can begin the process of reacquiring what was left behind. It will take time to clean out the infestation but with the proper resolve it CAN be done.

60 posted on 11/03/2008 8:36:49 AM PST by myself6 (.)
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