Posted on 10/29/2008 2:12:34 PM PDT by libertarian9
Several yars ago a good friend of mine and I were talking about the election at the time, I think Gore/Bush. He objected to Rush Limbaugh and talk radio and I asked him innocently and a little bit mischieviously “Would you make it illegal to speak on conservative beliefs?”
He paused. He paused for Pete’s sake! And then said no. He lied to me and I haven’t spoken to him since.
He is a socialist with all the fascist trimmings.
I lost a friend of 14 years (he is black, I am white) when he said (3 months ago) that “America deserved the Twin Towers to be hit”. I said “do you mean that those 3,000 people deserved to die?” and he said “Yes!”, and went into a rant about how horrible America is. I could not believe my ears!
I have refused to speak to him sense.
a friend will respect your views and beliefs
did this person, nope
so therefore??????????????????????????????????????
Every liberal wants to impose their view, get in your face, never listens AT ALL.
I have found them the most intolerant lot I have ever met in my life.Have a different view then that is it for them.
They sort of remind me of a spoilt child
My wife is from MA but I got her out of that state.
we went back to visit her mother and decided to go out for a few drinks.
Anyway we bumper into a friend of hers, supposed friend I MIGHT ADD.
Anyway coming out that night from the bar this woman see’s my wife’s bumper sticker saying marriage =man and a woman
this woman said that she was bigoted , how could she have this sticker, OMG about 20 times
Needless to say the politics comes up and my wife realised just how radical this woman was with a few drinks in her when discussing politics.
Was funny though looking at this woman’s face when my wife said that tolerance goes both ways and that those who shout tolerance are the most intolerant.
It's a good vanity.
I think I still remember the tune of the Soviet National Anthem (not the words, though), so my transition to the New Shining Future oughta be a painless piece of cake!
I want opportunity for my Boys in a Free Country
Your friend has misplaced his loyalty......
Welcome home to Free Republic.......
I have Democrat friends who are terrified of an Obama presidency.
I haven’t lost any friends over this election but a couple of years ago a long time friend started sending me political stuff I disagreed with. Rather than argue with her about it, I asked her to please stop. She didn’t so I asked her again. She got really angry with me and ended our friendship. Sad, but then again, what kind of person does that?
There are times when you’ll have friends and family who disagree politically. When you do, there isn’t much you can do about it. Be cordial, answer questions when they are asked, and remain friends.
Better to have them know a person they respect who is a Conservative, than a person they loathe who is one.
You are not obligated to evangelize them. Be their friend. I have had this problem with a family member. I had to back off. So what I did was start looking for openings.
When they complained about how much the government took out of their check, I agreed. I said something like, “I don’t like redistribution of wealth either.”
If they talk about some leftist thing that is forced on their kid at school, agree. Say something like, “I think parents should be the gatekeepers concerning what their children are exposed to.”
If they voice disagreement about socialist polices, agree. Tell them you don’t like Marxism either.
If they respond by asking what you mean by that, just explain as best you can what sound policy is. You don’t have to tell them it’s Conservative/Republican policy. They’ll know.
Small steps.
My family member doesn’t know it, but they have expressed some very sound Conservative concepts this election cycle. When they did, I agreed and reinforced the points that are core to Conservatism, without ever mentioning Conservatism, Republicans, or the right.
Where is that old FreeRepublic when vanities were frowned upon?
Look at the hits we gave the vanity too - it was a topic we all have experienced in some way or another.
Glad to air out things like that here - too many hurt feelings in this election - I find this place a refuge where I can relax and enjoy what people write and think.
Me too. But glad the tru colors came out.
Youre not alone. My own sister called me a Jackboot. I’ve filed her under moonbat who I rarely speak to anymore.
Consider yourself fortunate. A friend does not make demands on a friendship.
This false messiah, Obama, while pretending to unite, he is really attempting to divide and cause a race and class war. The more “civil unrest” that he can cause, the more violence that may result and the more power he can seize. Our adult child is a liberal. I don’t know whether or not he is drinking the Obama Kool-Aid, but it appears so. He does not discuss politics with us, and I think he regards us as just unsophisticated, not very well educated yokels. Anything we have sent him on Obama, he refutes it with some retraction or something.
I am SO sick of this common jerk, Obama, and the strange hold he has taken on a lot of people. He is a Marxist and dangerous, and I pray that a lot of people wake up and smell the coffee before the election.
Blogger..You got it!
From now on all my friends are gonna be strangers. I’m all through ever trusting anyone. The only thing I can count on now is my fingers. I was a fool believing in you and now you are gone.
Never, I don’t associate with or do work for anyone that is one bit short of die hard conservative and tell the others to go to hell!
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