1 posted on
10/28/2008 10:59:21 AM PDT by
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To: rvoitier
And people say that Obama isn’t a socialist...
2 posted on
10/28/2008 11:00:39 AM PDT by
(Let the sound of intercession meet Your ears......)
To: rvoitier
Sometimes it feels like we are witnessing a combination of Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1933. What in the hell is wrong with these people?
3 posted on
10/28/2008 11:01:34 AM PDT by
(Every socialist is a disguised dictator - Ludwig von Mises)
To: rvoitier
Marcy should beware. There is a certain plumber who is quite interested in taking her job...
4 posted on
10/28/2008 11:02:12 AM PDT by
Loyolas Mattman
("Oh, God Love Ya'...Stand Up for Chuck!!!" - Joe Biden)
To: rvoitier
Looks like communism to me. I’ll go to war before they do that to this country.
5 posted on
10/28/2008 11:02:24 AM PDT by
(This country was not founded with the battle cry "Give me liberty or give me a government check!")
To: rvoitier
To: rvoitier
7 posted on
10/28/2008 11:03:02 AM PDT by
(Somewhere in Illinois, a community is missing its organizer.)
To: rvoitier
That's a lot of press for a simple campaign stop.
Joe the Plumber is talking about running against Marcie Kaptur for the House. It would make a great contest.
8 posted on
10/28/2008 11:03:26 AM PDT by
To: rvoitier
U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) whipped the crowd up before Mr. Obama took the stage yesterday telling them that America needed a Second Bill of Rights guaranteeing all Americans a job, health care, homes, an education, and a fair playing field for business and farmers. We really need Joe the Plumber to run against this airhead in 2010.
9 posted on
10/28/2008 11:03:37 AM PDT by
(Honk to indict the MSM for treason.)
To: rvoitier
The Bill of Rights is an enumeration of
some of the limitations on the powers of the federal government -- and on the states, by extension of the 14th Amendment.
Jobs, homes, health care, education, etc. are entitlements, not rights. The best way to distinguish between rights and entitlements: if you must take something away from someone else in order to have it, it's not a right.
10 posted on
10/28/2008 11:03:53 AM PDT by
(The only remedy for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.)
To: rvoitier
We do need a Constitutional convention. But not to put in the kind of stuff this clown is talking about.
11 posted on
10/28/2008 11:04:20 AM PDT by
(George Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not a suggestion)
To: Pride in the USA; Stillwaters
A new Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right to steal
12 posted on
10/28/2008 11:04:49 AM PDT by
(Ich bin ein plumber)
To: rvoitier
Will they repeal the 13th amendment to force people like me to fulfill these new "rights", or is the 16th amendment still sufficient?
13 posted on
10/28/2008 11:06:20 AM PDT by
(Obama: Spread the Wealth = Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs)
To: rvoitier
So, Joe the Plumber will be running against her in ‘10, that is, if they even have elections in ‘10 after the “political left”, in complete power, changes everything.
14 posted on
10/28/2008 11:09:31 AM PDT by
(Vote for conservatives AT ALL POLITICAL LEVELS! Encourage all others to do the same on November 4!)
To: rvoitier
This is unbelievable. The Bill of Rights was enacted to protect individuals from government encroachment. This proposed bill of right will erode individual liberty, not protect it. Government will take from some and provide to others.
A right to healthcare? Who has a right to someone else's services to be paid for by someone else? This is unreal.
The problem is that because public education has sunk so low and is dominated by liberal pedagogy, America's citizens do not understand what the hell is going on, what monumental change this is.
(higher education too for that matter when you consider how poorly the Ivy leagues’ and other schools’ students test on basic US gov’t principles)
15 posted on
10/28/2008 11:10:21 AM PDT by
To: rvoitier
Next, we will be told that the Gov’t needs to offer another altar that we can go to pay our sacrifices.
19 posted on
10/28/2008 11:15:51 AM PDT by
(USA is a sovereign nation)
To: rvoitier
Just like the laws of Hitler and Stalin. They are ready to take over and place us under the dictatorship of the anti-American left wing pig faced Nazi Democrats.
21 posted on
10/28/2008 11:18:42 AM PDT by
(The Greatest Threat to our Security is the Royal 100 Club)
To: rvoitier
1) You have the right to remain silent.
2) You have the right to give up all you own.
3) You have the right to the one bullet we place through your skull.
4) Shut up. Sit down. Be dead.
23 posted on
10/28/2008 11:21:08 AM PDT by
(Secondhand Aztlan Smoke causes drug addiction obesity in global warming cancer immigrant terrorists.)
To: rvoitier
Who is John Galt?
< / rhetorical>
26 posted on
10/28/2008 11:29:35 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(Bushonomics: Privatize Gains, Socialize Losses......."PAULSON'S THEFT")
To: rvoitier
Dementia can be very, very cruel.
29 posted on
10/28/2008 11:43:53 AM PDT by
(Barack Hussein Obama attended a muslim school, has a muslim name and a muslim father. Refute it.)
To: rvoitier
Here, let me play “average democrat” in response to this:
“Yes, all of that sounds GREAT! That’s why I support these guys!... what? Socialism?.... No, I don’t support socialism! That’s what they had in the Soviet Union - that’s not what they’re talking about doing.”
32 posted on
10/28/2008 11:46:34 AM PDT by
(0bama supporters: What's the attraction? The Marxism or the Infanticide?)
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