He Started his First campaign in Ayres HOUSE for chrissakes.
A house owned by a member of THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST PARTY.
Yet NO ONE in the media will dare say this openly, until now. Methinks somebody tipped off the NYTimes this was coming yesterday, hence the story this morning.
I know, I know. It was my little joke.
Apparently very little, indeed.
Sarah — on a Mission from God !!
I never heard this before, but wouldn't doubt it for a second. Ayers does have close ties to the RCP. Do you know who the member is? Do you have a source you can link to?
I am so pissed off I feel like sending your post to every email address I can find at the NYT office until someone there shows the moxy and ccourage to suggest a more HONEST STORY on this...OBAMA is a VERY BAD SEED.