This is the right move for McCain.
He’s wanting to renegotiate from scratch.
Don’t be surprised if McCain comes in and takes the leadership role on the Republican side.
0bama will have to do the same or look small and marginalized.
And if 0bama does try to step in on the Democrat side as McCain has, he will step all over Schumer, Frank, and Dodd, and expose just how out of his league he is.
If the Democrats try to block McCain from getting into the bipartisan leadership meetings, then Mitch McConnell must step aside and the Senate Republicans must immediately install senator McCain as the GOP senate leader.
Wow...brilliant again! Can you imagine the Dem senators letting Obama upstage them?? I can't. They'll always be hovering in the background like puppetmasters.
Wow! Talk about your RAT-fight! Obama trying to push Dingy Harry aside to lead on this...
This is sweet!
How brilliant would that be? Have McCain out front each day, exhibiting all his leadership credentials, thereby forcing Obamason to attempt to do the same. But because I don't think he will be allowed to use a teleprompter in the Senate (don't know, just a guess) he will come off as his usual stumbling self.