Karl Rove was wrong on this one point:
Rove: “You’re better than that Alan. Alan please. You are embarrassing yourself.”
Alan Colmes cannot be embarrassed.
Rove missed a golden opportunity to throw into the conversation the incredible number of Communists, Anarchists, Black Racists, Domestic Terrorists, Islamists, Felons and former Fanny Mae rapists on Obama’s staff and among his close associates.....
I wonder if Colmes could have found a justification for that or find the equivalent with John McCain?
he needs to explain to alan that petitioning congress is legal - and when they start on ‘big oil’, he should say “why do you hate big oil? successful companies that provide something we need and employ lots of people - why do you hate success?” then point out that democrats ran fannie mae and has cost the taxpayer $200 billion (so far) - and repeat the names franlkin raines, jim johnson and jamie gorelick until its burned on the voters’ mind more than their ‘failed bush administration’ mantra
without pausing, hit back on their ‘culture of corruption’ by naming cold cash jefferson, barney frank’s chairing the fall of banking (and schumer), harry reid’s land deals, pelosi helping hubby with his land developments, rangel cheating the tax man while writing tax law, difi passing milcom info to her hubby's business partner, etc. then point out that none of these thugs have been punished in any meaningful way - nor were any of the unsuccessful 200+ congressional ‘investigations’ about their actions
sean should have rove on every night
So happy to see this thread on that great put-down!
Colmes always seems to toss out something that sounds intelligent — to throw off whomever he is talking to, but it usually comes out shallow and just a pile of words. Few face him so well as Rove did. It was great to see!!
On a side note, did anyone see Neil Cavuto lay the smackdown on BOR the other night when BOR went on a rant about gas prices. I thought Neil was gonna reach out and punch the man. I was yelling at the TV, "Go Neil!!!"
Saw it last night. Rove was great — he really showed Colmes the door.
Hubby and I watched this, as soon as Alan opened his mouth I laughed and said no way can Alan go toe to toe with Rove. I knew he was going to get smacked...it was good watching though- Alan was trying so hard to get in all the talking points and Rove shot them down so easy.
Saw it last night, it was beautiful!
Funny stuff. I saw it last night and loved it. Colmes is an embarrassment to whatever planet it is he came from.