Posted on 09/15/2008 3:55:29 PM PDT by tcg
In 1987, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See issued its important teaching entitled Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation. Among the many questions it answered was: What Respect is due to the human embryo, taking into account his nature and identity? The answer:The human being must be respected - as a person - from the very first instant of his (her) existence.
The prevailing view of human rights entrenched in American judicial precedent and legislation denies the equal protection of the law to the human embryonic person. American law refuses to recognize that human embryos have a right to life and the right to a future. There are a number of differing philosophical arguments offered to promote the lie that rights are conferred by positive civil law rather than by the Natural Law. Most of these arguments reserve the concept of person to those humans who are deemed to be independent and autonomous.
Some try to make a distinction between potential and actual human persons and relegate the child in the womb to the category of being only a potential human person...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
We need to hold McCain accountable for his issues statement and push him further to not experiment with embryonic stem cells at all.
“Stem cell research offers tremendous hope for those suffering from a variety of deadly diseases - hope for both cures and life-extending treatments. However, the compassion to relieve suffering and to cure deadly disease cannot erode moral and ethical principles.
For this reason, John McCain opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes. To that end, Senator McCain voted to ban the practice of “fetal farming,” making it a federal crime for researchers to use cells or fetal tissue from an embryo created for research purposes. Furthermore, he voted to ban attempts to use or obtain human cells gestated in animals. Finally, John McCain strongly opposes human cloning and voted to ban the practice, and any related experimentation, under federal law.
As president, John McCain will strongly support funding for promising research programs, including amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.”
I agree. We must. So, I took Sun’s advice and sent a message to McCain at his website.
While there, I found this:
“Addressing the Moral Concerns of Advanced Technology
Stem cell research offers tremendous hope for those suffering from a variety of deadly diseases - hope for both cures and life-extending treatments. However, the compassion to relieve suffering and to cure deadly disease cannot erode moral and ethical principles.
For this reason, John McCain opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes. To that end, Senator McCain voted to ban the practice of “fetal farming,” making it a federal crime for researchers to use cells or fetal tissue from an embryo created for research purposes. Furthermore, he voted to ban attempts to use or obtain human cells gestated in animals. Finally, John McCain strongly opposes human cloning and voted to ban the practice, and any related experimentation, under federal law.
As president, John McCain will strongly support funding for promising research programs, including amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.
Where federal funds are used for stem cell research, Senator McCain believes clear lines should be drawn that reflect a refusal to sacrifice moral values and ethical principles for the sake of scientific progress, and that any such research should be subject to strict federal guidelines.”
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Authentic freedom? Is that where people get to do whatever they want, or are there regulations and rules they must abide by, in order to have this freedom?
“As president, John McCain will strongly support funding for promising research programs, including amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.”
Wow, thanks so much.
I contacted McCain without going to his website, because I have his contact link in my personal files, so would not have known this.
This is such good news!
Why doesn’t the government just stay out of funding anything in the private sector? Did he say he would STOP funding Planned Parenthood, or the slaughter houses?
When the government funds anything it is ruined because they influence it down the drain. Just look at our public schools!
As Governor Palin said today, “government is the problem, not the solution”.
“As Governor Palin said today, government is the problem, not the solution.”
I agree!
You are welcome! It sure cheered me up to see it.
I’m still on a high from hearing this!
A NATURAL high, of course. :)
Never doubted it.
New video from
Saved cord blood too. No need to create life to destroy it!
Just words but Obama misuses words constantly! Barack Hussein Obama new merchandise line. Believers line.
Once again, a messianic theme emerges from his campaign. Faith Voters for Obama but believers? He's going too far to reach people of faith and I don't think they'll buy it! Does this prove he thinks people who cling to their faith are STUPID enough to buy these products?
“Saved cord blood too. No need to create life to destroy it!”
Absolutely no treatments from embryonic stem cells, but scores of treatments that have helped people from NONembryonic stem cells.
And even IF embryonic stem cells were not pie-in-the sky “promises,” it is wrong to kill one life for the benefit of another.
There is a lot of success with adult stem cells also. Not really any success with embyonic stem cell research, if I remember correctly. Pinging Coleus who had loads of threads on adult stem cells.
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