To: PhilDragoo; 8mmMauser; Lesforlife; wagglebee; Salvation; BykrBayb; penowa; Sun; nutmeg; maggief; ...
Bambi's not Jesus Christ. I'm sure Rush saw this at
Just words but Obama misuses words constantly! Barack Hussein Obama new merchandise line. Believers line.
Once again, a messianic theme emerges from his campaign. Faith Voters for Obama but believers? He's going too far to reach people of faith and I don't think they'll buy it! Does this prove he thinks people who cling to their faith are STUPID enough to buy these products?
15 posted on
09/16/2008 5:22:57 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: floriduh voter
16 posted on
09/16/2008 5:23:31 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: floriduh voter; tcg
17 posted on
09/16/2008 6:42:34 AM PDT by
(Jezu ufam tobie...Jesus I trust in Thee)
To: floriduh voter; Lesforlife; 8mmMauser; potlatch; devolve; ntnychik; MeekOneGOP; Grampa Dave; ...
18 posted on
09/16/2008 12:31:36 PM PDT by
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