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| 09.03.08
| WakeUpAndVote
Posted on 09/03/2008 9:37:13 AM PDT by WakeUpAndVote
This just may be a Viking Kitty thread as well. The fur will be flying tonight and we are due for some trollage.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008rncconvention; mccain; palin; republicans; rncconvention
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To: Alas Babylon!
nina was being catty.........sarah was awesome and she had to find something, anything to bring up a negative.....glad to see britt slam her down with it.
posted on
09/03/2008 8:28:04 PM PDT
To: Kellykoop
Blitzer says “Maybe a Grand Slam”
I say no maybe about it. She rocked!!!!
To: Tennessee Nana
Comment #3,144 Removed by Moderator
To: Tennessee Nana
To: Mmogamer
“Of course, the speech was written for her...”
What about ALL of the ‘Messiah’s’ speeches?
To: sneakers
posted on
09/03/2008 8:28:25 PM PDT
(Liberty is the answer to the human condition.)
To: sandyeggo
Not a teleprompter per se, but she was reading at least from a screen - CNN was kind enough to focus on that a few times.
But the fact that many thought she wasn’t is a good sign!
[CAVEAT - CNN is the only channel carrying the convention in my area that was broadcast in HD - which is the only reason I had the Clinton News Network on in my home]
posted on
09/03/2008 8:28:25 PM PDT
("Frognostication": The science of predicting the exact date and time that France will surrender.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Can't wait to see Biden mumble after Palin is done with him. I think she's going to field dress him like a moose.
posted on
09/03/2008 8:28:31 PM PDT
("To become Red is to become dead --- gradually." Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
To: BunnySlippers
Uber-ass is just jealous that Sara looks better in a skirt than HE does!
posted on
09/03/2008 8:28:31 PM PDT
Mr. Jazzy
(The United States Marines. The finest and most feared fighting force in the history of mankind.)
To: All
Tomorrow the left will go completely ape sh-t because they, like us, have seen the future of the Republican party. They know they’ll lose this election and Palin the Juggernaught will be a force they will have to deal with for many years to come.
To: mnehrling
I am in total agreement.
I abhor McCain but I love this woman!
To: retrokitten
On Fox Chris Wallace said, “A star is born.” He then interviewed Karl Rove who said she accomplished the three things she had to do: 1) show her executive experience; 2) Show she was knowledgeable about energy; 3) attack Obama. His only criticism of the speech was, “It started a little slow.”
Probably because of the standing ovations.
posted on
09/03/2008 8:29:03 PM PDT
(For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not die)
To: Tax-chick
Andrea Mitchell taking to Rudy. Rudy saying very gushing about Sarah.
Rudy saying Obama demeaned with “bitter” comments.
Rudy says Sarah speaking to women AND MEN. Very effective executive. Says John McCain can fill in on foreign affairs.
Andrea asks if Rudy was embarrassed about going after Obama. Says it was 1/2 Obama but also 1/2 Hillary.
To: Mrs. Plutarch
To: BunnySlippers
Biden taking off the gloves will be the equivalent of his putting his foot in his mouth. OK by me.
posted on
09/03/2008 8:29:22 PM PDT
(Pedicaris alive or Raisuli dead)
To: Zechariah_8_13
CNN is trying to dismiss it as “just a speech”.
(pantsuits are OUT for fashion ladies)
posted on
09/03/2008 8:29:24 PM PDT
(VOTE! and
To: capydick
Much thanks to all who are reporting on the various network feedback.
To: Mr. Binnacle
Andrea Mitchell is drunk (or just really stupid)
posted on
09/03/2008 8:29:38 PM PDT
Mr. Binnacle
(Sarah Palin is Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan in a sports bra!)
To: mad_as_he$$
Andrea Mitchell didn’t look happy.
posted on
09/03/2008 8:29:45 PM PDT
racing fan
(This isn't the state of California, it's a state of insanity. (from the movie 1941))
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