Posted on 09/03/2008 9:37:13 AM PDT by WakeUpAndVote
That smile, OMG.
The elite media have just become a target in this campaign.
They are now part of the Obama ticket.
The Drive By Media has now suffered from return fire.
DU is awful. There might be special earplugs for occasions like this.
Piper holding Trig, licking her hand and smoothing his hair, OMG precious.
Mrs. Clinton just hurled the sofa across the room!
roger that
Sarah is filleting Obama like a fat someone said last night, she is the only candidate that knows how to field dress a moose......and Obama’ is being field dressed....ready for the freezer.
“Piper licking her hand to smooth the babies hair... precious!”
I noticed that, too. I hope that made the network feed (I’m watching Fox’s stream) as it says more about this family than any words possibly could.
[cue John Mellencamp...and screw him if he doesn’t approve...]
I am in LOVE!!!!!
Take that, Peggy Noonan. Sarah isn’t seeking your good opinion.
NEWSFLASH: I’m not going to Washington to seek their [the media’s] good opinion. (I’m going to Washington to serve the people - paraphrased the last part...)
Gosh I love this woman! She makes me so proud to be a lady! :)
“She’s a natural. She’s down to earth and speaks to you like she’s your neighbor.”
Damn right, but the opposition will say it’s all a trick.
The Democrats are going to need a new pair of pants after this one. They cannot fathom why anyone would eat this stuff up - they are in the Lakoff-ian haze where if someone buys conservative politics, they’ve either been lied to or they’re stupid.
INTEGRITY is a 4 letter epithet to the left (dumbocrats).
I didn’t expect to have so many happy tears flowing. There’s no way I’m getting up to get any tissue!! *snort*
Oh, at that age, it's cute
He can get it washed out tomorrow LOL
Palin is hitting a grandslam tonight, mixing timely rebuttals to her opponents with very wise words. This woman has convinced me that she is for real, the socialists out there be damned.
Pwedwxt photo. Perfect concept. She’s jusr delivered her money quote, that’s very like Reagan’s idea. “I’m not going to Washington to seek their approval.”
John / Billybob
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