Curious - were you a “liberal” because you thought the intentions of the ideology were basically good?
Yes. I was a blind adherent.
I grew up in a family that had been Democratic (in the Chicago area) for generations.
I helped my older brother pass out campaign literature for Eugene McCarthy.
I opposed the war in VietNam because our soldiers were getting killed.
I actually voted twice for Carter.
I voted "socialist worker" when I could, because I thought I was helping poor people.
I had always thought abortion was wrong, but bought my party's argument that it was wrong to push my morals on others.
I thought Democrats (and Liberals) "cared more" about people. I didn't harbor any dislike for Republicans, but figured Liberals were morally superior.
Then my "kind hearted" Liberals savaged Clarence Thomas. I watched as much of the hearing as I could. I was jolted awake when I saw the nastiness and noticed the the skewed media commentary.
I asked myself, "Why do Liberals need to control the news so much if the truth is on their side?"
A party that needs so many MSM lies, in order to prolong its existence, is not worthy of support.