Don’t be afraid of the Democrats and their fellow Democrats in the news media. They’re all reading from the same script. And they’re all insidious.
Despite all the national attention that has been focused on Sarah Palin, public perceptions of the Alaska Governor have changed little in the last few days. She is still viewed favorably by just over half of all voters. A separate survey found that Obama is number one and Palin number two on the list of candidates people would like to meet.
Many here talk about "trends", but the trend from this Labor Day weekend is that the undecided/independent voter didn't like what they heard about Palin.
Sometimes I am less than impressed by my fellow Freepers who have no math ability.
First, the change in the numbers is not statistically significant. This means that yesterdays numbers could easily be today’s numbers and vice versa.
Second, if there was any change, the change was Dem voters coming home not Republicans or independents leaving. (Hint Read the internal comment)
Third, even if the change were statistically significant, o’Bama gained the votes from the undecideds while McCain may have shaved off a point. These folks are the ones who say yes to the last advertisement they saw.
Finally, the candidate always gets a bounce from the convention and it always takes a few days for it to trickle through because some don’t see or read about it till later.
Therefore, all the hand wringing over Palin, the unwed mom, the vetting process, the hurricane is total and pure fantasy.
Not good. I think McCain was eating into the lead with the experience/celebrity thing. Not sure the renewed focus on change is gonna work out until Sarah gets out there and gets a little positive press going (if thats possible).
It’s just the ebb and flow of battle, folks. Chin up! This is getting downright fun!
Has anyone looked at the demographics of this poll?
These things will happen. Remember this is, by self report, a roughly 2 to 1 conservative to liberal country as per the Battleground poll released last week.
DON’T fret this. Polls bounce around. Gustav/Katrina was THE news after Palin’s pick. Let’s see what happens after the RNC Convention.
The press has jumped the shark.
I kid you not!
From here:
This gem among others:
“Obama advisers and surrogates have also linked Palin to conservative former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan. An Associated Press story from Alaska, dated July 17, 1999, states that Palin, then the mayor of the small town of Wasilla, was wearing a Buchanan button during a Buchanan visit to Alaska.”
I guess that’s it. The race is over.
This whole thing really IS getting comical.