Just call him Chuck "Barry"...
1 posted on
06/10/2008 10:41:43 PM PDT by
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To: melt
Most Blacks are voting for Obama because he’s BLACK. They either don’t know or don’t care about his extreme leftism.
54 posted on
06/11/2008 3:06:10 AM PDT by
To: melt
The old Spy Magazine ran a story 20 years ago that said old Chuck suffered from coprophagia. I believe it.
58 posted on
06/11/2008 3:26:28 AM PDT by
("Brethren, leave us go amongst them." Rev. Capt. Samuel Johnston Clayton - Ward Bond- The Searchers)
To: melt
“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.” - Alice Cooper
We still love ya Chuck....just stay outta politics
59 posted on
06/11/2008 3:46:26 AM PDT by
(" an armed society is a polite society" Heinlein "MOLON LABE!" Leonidas of Sparta)
To: melt
Can we get the Edsels to sing “Obama Lama Ding Dong?”
To: melt
I don’t want a chocolate America with nuts on top.
63 posted on
06/11/2008 5:05:51 AM PDT by
(Governments hate armed citizens more than armed criminals)
To: melt
although he has since switched to Abba's "Take a Chance On Me."
How embarrassing.
64 posted on
06/11/2008 5:19:49 AM PDT by
(Average White Conservative)
To: melt
"America has finally come to this point where you can
practice racism against white people, pick a man of color and that not be a drawback," the legendary 81-year-old guitarist said of Barack Obama ...
Edited for truth
I never liked Chuck Berry's muzack.
72 posted on
08/13/2008 4:39:51 AM PDT by
(Waiting for Samson)
To: melt
It sounds like rueters tracked down Chuck to get an anti-McCain story. Chuck wasn’t asked to perform for McCain and declined, Rueters contacted him and made this story. Maybe they should ask ABBA how they feel while they’re at it...
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