Posted on 06/05/2008 6:25:12 PM PDT by jveritas
In this election we have very a clear choice to make.
A choice between Victory against Islamic Terrorism or surrender to our terrorist enemy.
A choice between free market capitalist economy or socialism.
A choice between constructionist judges or liberal judges who legislate from the bench.
A choice between Life for the unborn or abortion on demand going wild.
A choice between lower taxes or higher taxes.
A choice between small government or big government.
A choice between John McCain or Barack Obama.
Let us choose John McCain. A Patriot, a war hero, and would be an excellent President.
God Bless America and our brave troops.
See #370. I’d say you are in John F’ns camp. Name calling is so ‘Rat - like. Not going to help McLame’s cause t’all.
Happy to be back :)
“He voted AGAINST barring terrorists from US.”
McCain voted for S.3930, which specifically denies the terrorists access to our courts. It was Obama that opposed this.
He said he will finish the resolve in Iraq. Anything there?
hes the least harmful of two crappy choices (like Id rather have measles than AIDS), but theres a LOT wrong with him.
You hit it on the head my friend. Thats it in a nutshell and I see no other point to make.
2 crappy choices and one is OBVIOUSLY worse than the other .There really is no where else to go on this one. If you stay home election day you are helping Obama win. It;s pretty cut and dry.
>> WhinoCons are just as bad as RINOS. RINOs give up the Conservative principles of limited government. WhinoCons give up the Conservative principle of Individualistic Optimism. Both are dangerous.
Interesting and thought-provoking point.
Adding more detail to my previous post, the American Conservative Union and McCain were on the same side for these votes;
The American Conservative Union and McCain were on opposite sides for these votes;
7. Stem Cell Research
9. Immigration OverhaulCloture
The other 15 votes, McCain was absent.
Never. Never. Never.
I assume you are unable to defend the logic of allowing an Obama presidency. Why else would you be running around attaching false motives to respected freepers?
... but McCain is better than B’roke. It’s all in the (R) after his name. </sarcasm>
Obama is a solid Marxist and everyone knows it . He also has the majority of the morons that live in the USA thinking he is THE ANSWER. If he becomes president ( and I think he will especially aster reading the insane post here ) he will easily pass every wacko ,liberal bill that is out there. He hasn’t a clue about international politics. Yep , Mc Cain sucks for sure but it’s the lesser of 2 evils and only a sadist would choose the BIGGER evil .Just common sense .
If your neighbor woke up every morning, walked over to your house, climbed up on your car and pinched off a fresh one, then when you complained, kicked you in the crotch and molested your wife, then lied straight to your face and said that he has “heard you” and that he is “one of you,” how would you feel about him? Would you give him a job? Would you EVER trust him? If so, you are part of the problem.
Words. He has already contradicted some of what he promised early in the campaign. Why would I believe words over actions? If I did that, I’d have supported Romney in the primary. He talked a better game than McCain with a similarly dismal record.
really poor analogy .
Give up what? Our conservative forum?
>you have already made up your minds. I will vote Republican.
Have fun with that.
Meanwhile we will discuss Conservative issues here on the Free Republic - Not the Free republican.
Every election is framed as the end of the world as we know it if we don’t elect a GOP candidate.
Sorry. All that does is allow the GOP to manipulate voters into voting for POS candidates.
McCain as a man is unfit for President. It isn’t about his positions, it is about him. But even his positions put him against the Constitution.
Let’s forget for a moment that he holds you in contempt. Yet he expects you to vote for him. And you will, even though he holds you in contempt.
And that is why I cannot align with GOP voters who just simply have no self respect anymore.
Sorry I am voting for Bob Barr.
Ok , lets try this one. Anyone here really believe the country will be worse off with Mc Cain as president that we would be with Obama as president ? ( by the way , these are the ONLY 2 choices )
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