To: JustAmy; Jim Robinson; Syncro; 230FMJ; 50mm; 69ConvertibleFirebird; AFA-Michigan; Abathar; ...
VERY URGENT Prayer Request for JIM ROBINSON! Please read JustAmy's update at post #930 and Syncro's at #990. Jim needs our prayers now more than ever.
Thanks and God Bless
1,023 posted on
05/14/2008 4:50:37 AM PDT by
("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
To: wagglebee
Prayers for the entire Robinson family.
1,024 posted on
05/14/2008 4:54:40 AM PDT by
To: wagglebee
To: wagglebee
Praying hard for Jim and his family and that whatever action is taken restores him to better health.
To: wagglebee; Jim Robinson
Continuing prayers for Jim.
Thanks for the ping, wagglebee.
1,031 posted on
05/14/2008 5:32:37 AM PDT by
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: wagglebee; Jim Robinson
Praying for Jim and Family
1,032 posted on
05/14/2008 5:42:45 AM PDT by
(The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed *NRA*JPFO*SAF*GOA*SAS*RWVA)
To: wagglebee
Prayers up for Jim and his family. For his doctors as well.
1,052 posted on
05/14/2008 7:39:41 AM PDT by
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