Thanks for the heads up drymans wife.
“Passenger Detained At Orlando Airport Had Bomb Materials In Bag
Behavioral Specialists Lead To Bag With Pipe Bomb Components”
POSTED: 12:54 pm EDT April 1, 2008
UPDATED: 4:10 pm EDT April 1, 2008
“Passenger Questioned At Orlando Airport”
POSTED: 4:01 pm EDT April 1, 2008
UPDATED: 4:06 pm EDT April 1, 2008
ARTICLE SNIPPET: “A Jamaican man who was planning to board an Air Jamaica flight at Orlando International Airport on Tuesday was detained and questioned by federal agents, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
The man, who has not been identified, was found by security to have with him components for pipe bombs and other explosive materials in his luggage, law enforcement officials told the newspaper.
The suspect was scheduled to fly on Air Jamaica Flight 80 to Montego Bay at 2:55 p.m.”
Interesting, thanks very much.