What do you do when criminals start screaming “Police!” in order to gain entry without being shot? While I sympathize with the police doing their work, how are ordinary citizens allowed to protect themselves in the sanctity of their homes?
That already started a few years back.
It just happened here in Colorado a couple of weeks back.
The criminals got in by yelling “Police”.
What I haven’t seen is the other couple of incidents in the news (other than hearing about it on the radio) where some bad guys were SHOT by the owners doing similar things.
That doesn’t seem to make the news for some reason.
Keep shooting until the police eventually learn that the tactic and concomitant budgetary increases are not worth the costs in manpower and lawsuits.
Yes! The police have a job to do, but SO DO I!!!
As the man of the house it's MY responsibility to protect my family. You can knock on the door, show a legal warrant and have free reign inside my house or remove anyone you have a warrant for. You can also show up in the middle of the night, crash through my door, and shoot it out with me. There really are no other options.