Posted on 02/12/2008 4:31:49 PM PST by Blogger
Did not see a live thread to keep track of how things were going.
Latest results from VA on the Repub side
Mike Huckabee 12,025 47.85% Precincts Reporting: 169 of 2,472 (6.836% reporting)
John McCain 11,379 45.28%
Ron Paul 867 3.45%
Mitt Romney 628 2.49%
Fred D. Thompson 163 0.64%
Rudy Giuliani 65 0.25%
That website NOW SUCKS. In the Webb/Allen race in 06, Virginia had a webpage where you could watch ALL counties on one webpage, with the ability to download to Excel. The website would update every minute or so. You could just see the beautiful fraud taking place in Fairfax and Louden counties. I see that little perk is gone..
Virginia is an open primary. You can go in and vote in either party. An opportunity to vote against Hillary Clinton for President is a hard thing for any good Virginian to pass up. Heck, if I wuz still in VA, I’d think pretty hard about voting in the RAT primary just so I could vote against Hillary. She’s hated in Virginia, and I am talking about deep, dark, hard-hitting hatred.
Unfortunately for McCain, that northern neck is where the ice storm effected afternoon commuters, which will make this race a lot closer than he would like.
Good for us though, as it may make him act more quickly to appease conservatives so they stop voting for Huckabee.
The video is not quite correct in that thread. He is using media delegate counts and it is actually a slight bit easier for Huckabee. Losing Virginia tonight is a back breaker, however. If he is swept tonight, he has to win 69% for a brokered. That will require a greater miracle.
The Republican Establishment has to learn that it cannot treat us the way Democrats treat the black vote.
Look at the dem count by county!
Last Reported: Feb 12 2008 7:52PM EST
Precincts Reporting: 63 of 65 (96.92%)
Barack Obama 12,280 99.90%
Bill Richardson 11 0.08%
Dennis J. Kucinich 1 0.00%
Hillary Clinton 0 0%
Joe Biden 0 0%
John Edwards 0 0
Last Reported: Feb 12 2008 8:09PM EST
Precincts Reporting: 14 of 18 (77.77%)
Barack Obama 160 8.65%
Bill Richardson 1 0.05%
Dennis J. Kucinich 2 0.10%
Hillary Clinton 1,670 90.31%
Joe Biden 2 0.10%
John Edwards 14 0.75%
We are watching two MASTERS of the fix! Arkansas vs. Chicago!
My Republican mom told me she voted for Obama, to stop Clinton. My mom lives in Illinois though, so that wasn’t probably the smartest thing to do. She should have voted for Romney to stop McCain.
Fox called VA for McQueeg?
FOX NEWS calls VA for McCAIN.
Dang it—McCain wins Virginia per FNC
These are the same people who voted in Jim Webb, and that's because they not only don't care for blacks, they also don't care for a guy whose mother was Jewish!
That's the dirty little Democrat secret ~ in the Reagan Revolution, the Ku Klux Klan fell to the Dems.
A strong current is moving in the direction of a third party...Why not? The Republican Party started out as a third party in 1855 when the Whigs bit the dust over the slavery issue. How about an “American National Party” that would agree on a conservative agenda and eject all politicians who differ on the Party Platform?
And with ONLY 49% of the vote counted. How can they do that?
John McCain 106,010 47.41%
Mike Huckabee 98,586 44.09%
62.86% reporting.
CNN now calls it too!
Rove won a couple presidential elections by the skin of his teeth. That’s not grand architecture, that’s just dumb luck.
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